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No Need for Love Spells

No Need for Love Spells

When you find yourself unhappy with being single, it can be a problem. It is especially a problem when you are the one that does not want you. Some may turn to love spells to bring their desired one to them. Many bookstores have whole sections devoted to metaphysical practices to help make that special someone your own. It can be easy to believe that all it takes is the recitation of some words, a few crystals, incenses, oils, and herbs and someone you desire will be fully yours for all of eternity. Still, before you embrace this plan wholeheartedly and rush out to buy all the supplies, there are some things to keep in mind.

The first thing to consider is what has kept the two of you apart. If the intended is already taken, likes being single, or in a happy relationship or maybe just not interested, it can be tough to accept, but a future may just not be in the cards for the two of you. Things become more complicated because of what we have been taught about love through movies, novels, and shows that create dramatic and fictional themes about star crossed lovers who face a cruel world keeping them apart. While these are good for entertainment, they create an unrealistic expectation in the lonesome viewers mind and heart. At other times, we are taught love must be painful and we must be devoted to one person for a lifetime, regardless of whether they are reciprocating the feelings. We are taught love is to be selfless and we are only to give, expecting nothing in return. Some are taught love is forever, despite the nature of it and if we truly love someone, we must be with them as long as we are alive. All these myths do is create disappointment and pain, leaving us focused on all the wrong things.

We need to realize that is someone wants to be in a relationship, they will make it happen. There is no mystical force to keep lovers apart. This means there is no need for magic to unlock what is meant to be. True love is not a struggle to bring it to fruition and while devotion is admirable, if directed to the wrong person, it is pointless. So, while we should not give up on love in and of itself, we do need to stop seeking validation from those who are not interested in a relationship. You do not need to stop searching for love and you can use some magic, but no love spells needed.

If you have a deep love for someone who does not share the feeling and you are struggling to move on, your local metaphysical shop can be of help. A simple, and cost efficient, candle or oil known as “forget him” or “forget her” can help you let go of the feelings. No special work or words are necessary unless you just want to say something. The candle has a prayer written on it and is designed to be burned for a specific amount of time. If it is left to burn until it is gone, do so in a safe space. It still shows effectiveness if burned for a time, extinguished, and relit as needed. For the oil, add a dab to yourself as you would perfume and tell yourself to move on, heart intact, forgetting the individual. This can be done as needed to help change yourself, not someone else.

Visualization exercises can also break the heartstrings that bind you together. Close your eyes and visualize a single strand that connects your heart to the other person. Feel the strength of the connection and honor the love, then take a deep breath and snap the strand with your hand. Cast it away as you walk away, visualizing it dissolving into nothing. This can also be done by visualizing roots that you dig up and lay aside. This will leave you feeling whole. Some may prefer asking for divine help through a guide. One deity open to helping in this way is the Norse goddess Freyja. Gather some form of amber and offer it to her by casting it in a field, burying it, or burning it. Ask Freyja for help and signs to point you to true love, then have faith it will be done. One other form of magic is to reach out to those more lonely than yourself. Give your time to someone who is alone to open yourself up to love. Whether you become a Big Brother or Big Sister, adopt an animal, or join a group to support a cause this is magic in itself.

Above all, commit to love magic for yourself. Understand you are deserving of love and capable of finding it. If someone is not interested in you, it is their loss and there are others who will appreciate you. Get out and enjoy life and before long, love will find you.

Should I Use a Love Spell

Love Spell

Love spells are effective when you convert your sincere affection into magical power.  Love is a team sport that requires both parties’ freewill and hard work.  In order to produce a successful outcome, it is important that you ensure the following points below:

  • Have pure love for your significant other
  • Be grateful for their love
  • Be willing to spice up your relationship as need
  • Frequently show how much you care about them
  • Be thoughtful
  • Be respectful and supportive
  • Frequently help your partner with daily chores
  • Do you best in all facets of the relationship
  • Put effort into looking good for you both
  • Treasure your relationship and never forget how fragile it can be at times

You risk breaking a love spell if you act in any of the following ways:

  • Selfish and extremely stubborn
  • Act unfaithfully or jealous
  • Frequently blame them for your issues and missteps
  • Constantly criticize and/or humiliate them
  • Give up on working on your self-growth
  • Ghost them

When habitually act in toxic patterns, even the most powerful spell with come undone in under a month!  Your intended my still be attracted to you and respond favorably to your kind words or deeds, but this won’t be true love.  Even if you try to fix your wrongs, it will be too late and the relationship will continue to erode until one day you part for good.

Therefore, it is essential people only use love spells when they can accept full responsibility for their actions, their loved ones, and fight for a lasting love.  Sure, some greedy false psychic can claim they can help you fall in love with anyone without putting in hard work.  But this is similar to undertaking a spiritual kidnapping.  You may “have” this person in your life, but it is by force rather than true interest.  How long do you think this person would stay with you if giving back the power of freewill?  Inevitably if they don’t want to be a part of your life, they will find a way to leave it!  The Higher Powers in the spiritual realm are taking notice of your selfishness and will find a way to punish you accordingly, most likely resulting in you losing everything you hold dear and winding up alone and miserable.

It is important to always keep in mind that any black magic spell will fade much faster than any white magic ritual.  Moreover, white magic is considered safe, as supposed to black magic which can endanger both target and practitioner.  Also, those conducting black magic won’t warn their clients about the rituals’ risks for fear of losing money or power.  If you are ensuring your love spell involves white magic, it is helpful to renew your spell every few years and to use protective charms like amulets and talismans to ensure the health of the relationship for decades to come.  You can have love in your life with your true love as long as pure love resides in both your hearts, as this enduring love is the driving presence in any love spell.

Ways to Release Karma from a Past Life

Ways to Release Karma from a Past Life

Past life karma can be impeding your ability to enjoy this life.  Karma is the result of actions made in previous lifetimes.  Each action has a consequence, which can be carried over from one life to the next.  Much of our present reality has been shaped by our past lives.  Unfinished business is carried over until you learn vital lessons for your spiritual growth.  To begin releasing bad karma, here are three techniques you can use today for soul freedom.

Identify major hurdles

You may feel like you have stalled out in your career.  Perhaps you are struggling with poverty or illness.  Not matter what is impeding you in life, understanding how to identify your past life karma will help you tackle the challenge head on, and begin healing past live wounds.

Problems typically appears as stagnation, chaos, or toxic interpersonal relationships.  Use a past life karma calculator to gain insight on lingering energies stifling your present life.  You could opt for a past life regression to help pinpoint what is specifically blocking your from releasing your karmic burden.  Be honest with yourself as you explore, including accepting your weakness, shortcomings and shadow traits.  This is key to begin untangling the karmic knots.

Eliminate toxins

You must identify the root of your negative energy to seal off those portals and prevent the negative vibrations causing you pain or discomfort.  This can include remove negative activities or people which dull your energy field.  Don’t feel guilty for prioritizing yourself.

Forgive easily

Forgiveness is a freeing gift that you give to yourself and anyone with whom you’re making amends.  It means you are detaching yourself from any concept of ill-will.  This catharsis will bolster your positive vibrations that will make it near impossible to sustain and past life karma.

Not all karma is negative, nor does karma serve to teach you a lesson.  Rather, it’s an opportunity for self-growth and self-improvement.  Balance karma allows us to fulfill our soul’s journey and improve the lives of all living beings on a higher scale.

The Risks of Manifesting a Specific Person in Your Life

The Risks of Manifesting a Specific Person in Your Life

You may have been eying a particular person in your life for some time and you wish you could find a way of making them become enamored with you.  Although, it sounds like a movie, there are many risks involved with manifesting this person to be your next great love or dearest friend.  It doesn’t matter if you already know this person or have merely glimpsed them from across a café.  The risks will still be there; however, it may be a bit lower if you know them because you may already have an idea if they would be open to this manifestation of your dream.

Reasons to avoid manifestation

The biggest concern is that you can never truly know ahead of time if this person will be a good influence in your life.  Regardless if you know them personally, or if they are currently a stranger to you, you only know a portion of this person’s personality and motivators.  Someone can be incredibly polite socially, but could carry toxic baggage that would make having an intimate relationship with them near impossible.

  • People need free will: There are many people who subscribe to the Law of Attraction in spirituality that will say manifesting a person in your life is a direct violation of their free will. Other facets in the spiritual community may claim that manifestation will only attract the version of them that desires to be with you as well.  Therefore, you may want this person as your lover, and they don’t have romantic feelings towards you, in this case they will come into your life, but will only stay in the friend zone.
  • Lack of harmony: You can never be sure if a person you attract into your life will be a good fit for your lifestyle.  With manifestation you may get along fabulously, or you may endure an endless series of fighting.  In extreme cases you may end up with toxic relationship that you could struggle to end.


Manifestation a particular individual is risky, but it should stop you from pursuing your ideal relationship.  Instead of focus on “them,” manifest the “it.”

  • Identify desirable traits: Focus on what makes a person a good fit for you and your lifestyle rather than coveting a particular individual.  Write a list about what aspects you want in a friend or lover and then prioritize these traits.  When the “right” person enters your life, you will know they are healthy for you because they embody the skills, goals, and personalities that you are attracted to.
  • Love yourself: Maybe you are fixated on external love because you haven’t connected enough with what makes you so awesome.  Self-love is a complex, but worthy pursuit.  Only when you can love yourself can you fully love another person.  You will know what makes a person healthy or toxic to your life and will save you from heartache.  Only let people into your life that reflects the love you have towards yourself and the world.  Prioritize spending time with yourself and your self-care routine.  Whatever you are looking for in a lover or friend show that to yourself first.  When you embody this self-love, you’ll attract others into your life that can reciprocates this respect and affection.

Using Candles to Attract Love

Using Candles to Attract Love

People are always searching for love and for the gifts that they have in the psychic world. People want to understand how they can understand energy and how they can connect with other people and places.

There are different spiritual mentors that can help people to reach who they are, and they can figure out what they want in their life instead of feeling like they have to compete in order to live their best life.

Sometimes a spiritual counselor will give people what is called candle rituals to complete. These things can happen in person or on an online session.

There are different roles that people have and there is different spiritual work that is practices. Some people do this so that they can do healing traditions or so that they can work to meditate and to know what the universe wants.

There are different religions, and these are based on the decisions that you make in your life. There are some African magical traditions where people use the earth and materials from the earth, including items that you can find right in your home that will help you to connect to the spirit world.

These things can become part of your life and it is sometimes called Hoodoo. This is a practice that people used when they were slaves and where they had to figure out practices in order to make their life better.

This is something that is often passed down from generation to generation and is part of the “Blackfoot” ancestry. They used these practices to heal other and to reach their spiritual being.

When you look at things from a spiritual point of view, you want to be smarter in your body and you want to have stronger powers such as intuition. You need emotional support, and you need to learn new things so that you can be more accurate in what you want.

What is candle work? Candle work is a magical practice where you can light it and use the fire to get rid of things or to bring things into your life. The fire can help you to get rid of things that are negative. It is part of your moon and sun signs and the elements of fire and water are often easy to connect to.

The rituals can be done around the fire but if you use a candle, this can be personal for you. It can help you to reach your spiritual world and to do rituals that help you to know what you want to do and to be who you want to be.

Candle work and bath work can be intimate, and it can be a ritual that works for your own energy. This is not wild energy, and the candle will not work by itself, but it is about your energy. IT comes from whatever intentions that you have and what kind of relationship you have with yourself.

Using Candles to Attract Love

Here are some materials that you need to do a candle ritual for love:

  • Lighter
  • Seven-day candle that is white
  • Rose petals or Honey
  • Water in a bowl
  • Paper and pen or pencil

What to Do

  • Do what you have to do so that your body is happy and feeling good. You can dance, laugh, or do what makes you feel good.
  • Write down what you intend on asking for and what you want out of love. Trust yourself to write the right things down. Fold the paper into squares and put it under the candle. You can even kiss the paper so that you can feel your intentions.
  • Think about the intentions that you have and put the rose petals on top of the candle. Do not let it get burned.
  • Talk to the candle and tell the candle your intentions. You can even put oil on the candle and rub it.
  • Sit by the candle and put it in a place where you will not mess with it and where it can stay burning.

After the Ritual

Let the candle burn out on its own. If you have to blow it out during the day or when you are gone, it is okay, just light it back when you get home.

Get rid of the candle once it burns out on its own. You can throw it in the garbage but thank the candle before you do that.

Leave your intentions there and make sure that your home has good energy. Any energy changes that you have should be written down in your journal.

Symptoms of a Love Spell

Love Spell

Love spells are one of the most powerful magical interventions and they are highly popular. It is important that you know the mental and physical symptoms of a love spell in case you happen to be under one. Most people under a love spell will feel a strong desire to see someone they had previously walked away from or were never close to and feel a great need to go search for this person, see nd talk to them, and touch or hold onto that person after they were located. These may be signs of a love spell, but they are also the feelings someone truly in love has with a natural love. This is in part because a love spell creates the perfect conditions for love to blossom with the only difference being the level of “need” to be with the person. This is known as red magic.

Black magic also has love spells, but those who resort to black magic for love do so without creating a permanent bond. The love bond will expire within a few weeks, sometimes a couple of months, after being cast. The overall process is quite different. Black magic love spells impose a bond on the target and “obliges” them to have certain passions, feelings, and motives with a high price. The biggest issue is that black magic produces negativity for the one ordering it and this can have dire consequences. The stakes are high with black magic.

When a love spell has been cast, you may not notice any changes, but others will notice and comment on how different you are compared to before. Below, we have shared several symptoms that may indicate you are being affected by a love spell.

  • Desire to be Together – When you are truly in love you want to be with that person, but when under the influence of a love spell, you will have a deep need and will not be calm until that need to be near is met. You may feel totally devastated if you are not close to the person.
  • Pessimism – A man under a love spell will have a mood change overnight. He may normally be a relaxed. laid back type of person who is suddenly nervous, restless, and ending up exhausted. Everything will irritate him and he will want limited communication with everyone until the “love” comes back into his life.
  • Depression – Those under a love spell will feel that life is meaningless when not with the other person. They may start to see life as boring and tasteless, mundane.
  • Work Problems – Someone who is normally highly creative and loves learning, work, and discovery may suddenly lose that passion as a sign. This can lead to being fired or experiencing a decrease in salary because they simply cannot concentrate.
  • Fatigue – People under a spell tend to feel tired and fatigued without reason. This is due to not being able to sleep unless the one the spell is for is with them. When they do sleep, there may be nightmares or a feeling of being watched or haunted.
  • Health Issues – Health issues, like addictions, may arise. Those feeling stressed often turn to drugs or alcohol and being under a spell is stressful.
  • Controlled – The person under a spell is being controlled by the one ordering the spell. The spell holder’s word becomes priority and law.

Nothing can be said with full certainty in this life, so these signs are not definitive, but point in a specific direction. Love is not supposed to be frustrating but a spell causes it to be. True love will bring balance and happiness through real connection.

Questions to Ask Yourself

If you think you may be under a love spell, ask yourself the following.

  • Do I feel uncomfortable or weird lately?
  • Have I suddenly started thinking about a past romantic relationship?
  • Am I more fatigued than normal?
  • Do I feel like I should reconnect with an ex?
  • Am I having odd, unexplainable dreams more nights than not?
  • Is there one recurring person in these dreams/nightmares?
  • Am I more anxious than normal?
  • Am I thinking about an ex all the time?
  • Am I suddenly meeting with someone more often, even if unintentionally?
  • Am I suddenly feeling sexually attracted to those I was not attracted to before?
  • Am I in general discomfort with muscles aches without reason?

If you can answer yes to the majority of these questions, then you may be under a love spell. This should never be ignored. Love spells are meant to lure a lover. Powerful love spells can activate coercive action in the receiver, though the intention is not to damage. Still, an unnatural bond can be created. Be careful and work with a professional if you need a love spell or feel you are under one.

Two Simple Love Spells to Increase Love in Your Life

Love Spells

Love spells are the art of drawing more love into your life. Love spells act to enhance romantic feelings that are already present in an existing relationship. They can’t force somebody to start loving you or to fall in love with you.

If you already share mutual feelings of affection with somebody, a love spell can help intensify the love energy between you, acting as a magnetic force to draw you closer. Simple love spells alert the universe that your heart is definitely open.

To be clear: Love spells don’t intend to trick somebody into falling in love with you. Instead, they ask the universe for help in bringing you closer to somebody that you’ve been happy to receive, and that somebody was happy to come to you. Spells generally consist of three easy steps: create an intention, employ a ritual to invoke the intention, and convert the intention into action.

Fridays are ruled by Venus, the goddess of love, so Fridays are optimal for casting love spells. To enhance your spell’s potency, cast it during the waxing crescent phase of the moon when the creative lunar energy will increase positivity in your life. Here are two uncomplicated love spells you can try out, using common elements you probably already have around.

  1. The Rose Love Spell

For the rose spell, you’ll need a rose and a source of moving water. If you’re lucky enough to be near a stream, a river, or an ocean, you’re all set to conduct the spell outdoors. If not, or if the weather does not permit outdoor activities, your kitchen sink or bathtub faucet will work just as well.

To conduct the spell, visualize your romantic partner. Pluck the rose petals and toss them into the water so the water brings the petals back toward you. As you toss the petals, say, “As water moves the rose back to me, bring forth the love that’s meant to be.” Continue visualizing your partner as you repeat the ritual and incantation.

  1. The Ribbon Love Spell

For the ribbon spell, you’ll need a red or pink ribbon and two items that are obviously a pair, such as a set of bookends, salt and pepper shakers, or your favorite shoes.

To conduct the spell, designate one item to represent you, and the other to represent your intended partner. Set the items a distance apart. Drape the ribbon around them and tie a knot or bow, leaving the items a distance apart.

Each morning, untie the knot or bow, move the items a bit closer together, and retie the knot or bow. Repeat this morning ritual each day until the items touch each other. Retie the knot or bow and leave them together for seven days. By the end of that week, you will have drawn closer together, because you’ve made your request clear, and the universe is certainly listening!

How Beneficial Love Spells are and How They Work

Beneficial Love Spells

People often believe that if they cast spells, they can make things change in their life and their future. A love spell is used by people so that they can attract new love or get someone in their life to love them that they have a crush on.

This is a different kind of spell that doesn’t come from black magic and is a spell that doesn’t affect people in a negative way.

Love Spells

Love spells are intentions that people make to the universe. They make these intentions, and they repeat things so that they can make someone fall in love with them.

People can make the spells stronger by the way that they recite them and the things that they use while doing the love spell. This kind of spell is meant to bring love and romance into your life.

If you are new to spell making, you need to always have someone that knows what they are doing to help you cast spells. If you don’t have someone to help you, make sure that you research your ideas very carefully.

You might need to talk to an expert when you are using spells because if you use them wrong or you cast them with bad intentions, it can be bad things that you have to pay back in your life.

Goals of Spells

The most important thing about casting a spell is figuring out what your intentions are. You should always have clear intentions and you should always make sure that your thoughts are pure. When you do this, the spell will work easier and faster.

Doing a love spell is telling the universe that you want to have love in your life and that you are ready to handle whatever love has for you. This means that you are ready, and you know it in your heart.

The way that the love comes to you is dependent upon the plan. If you are casting a love spell on someone that you have a crush on or if you want your friend to fall in love with you, this could happen.

One thing is that you should never focus on this certain person, but you should allow the love spell to make the intentions for you. It should tell the universe that you are ready for love and you should be open to falling in love with someone not on your mind.

How Love Spells Work

When your intentions become a reality for you, this means that you have cast a love spell. This does not always work for someone that you have a specific crush on you and chances are that if the person doesn’t already have mutual feelings, they may not.

On the other hand, the point of the love spell is to create energies that will attract people to you and so keep in mind what you want in love and what you are attracting to your life.

People often do love spells, but some people do not believe in them. They believe that if someone is that desperate for love that doing a love spell can be dangerous and hurtful to others.

Love spells use white magic, and they are linked to finding romance. The spell tells the universe that you have intentions of falling in love and you should never be obsessed with this person.

Love spells will not work if you just sit around thinking about how you would like to find love, but you have to put yourself out in the universe and emotionally invest in others.


Love is something that we all want, and we all think it will make us happy. We have a desire to connect with other people.

When you do a love spell, you can bring positivity to your life. You can use your intentions and things such as scented candles or other things to help set your intentions. Doing this can help you to find happiness and help you to do spells that are positive.

You cannot force someone to love you and a love spell is just a way to attract love to your intention. Do not ever try to force someone to love you because this can harm you in the end.

Making Someone Love You with a Magic Spell

Love You with a Magic Spell

Sorcerers often receive questions about magic spells to make someone fall in love. This is typically referring to someone who is married, but they are still in love with them. People are ashamed to talk about their affair because it is wrong and unfair to their spouse. Trained spellcasters are there as counselors for their clients. They make sure whatever is said stays within the lab forever. This means you should never be afraid to share the entire truth with a spellcaster. As a trained magical professional, all personal data remains confidential. Many people will ask if a love triangle can be untangled and if there is a right way to do so. This is important because most people will choose what is right over what makes them happy. So, they think having a love affair means betrayal of the spouse. They truly believe that falling in love with someone after they are married should be avoided because it is unacceptable. Only your heart knows the real answer. If the voice in your head is louder than the heart, then consider consulting a sorcerer.

Most likely you will receive a tarot reading that can answer questions like:

  • What will the children do if I leave?
  • How will my friends handle the news?
  • What will my parents think?
  • Will my spouse find out I’m cheating?
  • What happens if my spouse does find out?
  • How long will the love between myself and my lover last?
  • Will a spell help my spouse take me back if I leave?

The tarot will enlighten you about your future. It can tell you what will happen based on your choices and make the final decision easier.

Some people do not want a choice, instead leaving things as they are at this moment. This is why they contact sorcerers to help them keep the love triangle a secret. So many are afraid that their friends, family, or colleagues will find out about the affair, but most are terrified of their spouses finding out. Still, the right love spell to make someone miss you and make your spouse love-blind. The spouse will not see what is obvious to others and believe every word you say. In other words, it will be easy to keep them in the dark. If he does start to suspect, then show him some love and his attentions will be drawn away from the unfaithfulness. Some ask the sorcerer for help to stay one-on-one with the lover and make sure a spouse does not become a bother. This is difficult because it requires several spells to cover the following:

  • The spouse leaving
  • Seeing your lover without anyone knowing
  • Keeping a spouse on the backburner
  • Make your lover fall out of love with you so your spouse can be in love with you
  • Starting over with your spouse
  • Keeping a spouse from jealousy and accusations
  • Hiding the truth

This will be hard on you because there are dozens of rules and guidelines to follow based on the spell casted. If these are broken, the magic is broken as well. It can be easy to make a mistake. Spells can do most anything except make someone love you forever, so choose carefully.

Understanding the Root Chakra or the Muladhara

Root Chakra or the Muladhara

There are seven main chakras in our bodies, and they go from the top of our head to the bottom of our feet. The chakras are the energy center of our bodies.

The first three chakras are from the bottom of the spine and they have to do with the first chakra and the root chakra which is also called the Muladhara.

The word Muladhara is a Sanskrit word that means root chakra. This is the beginning of the chakra system and is where the energy comes and where your life force and your energy sit. The spine is found at the bottom of the root chakra and it goes up to the head or the crown chakra. The organs are part of this.

The root chakra is something that comes to people after they are born, and it allows people to know that they are born to belong on the earth, and it gives them the ability to think and to use their intuition.

The root chakra is the most influential chakra of them all and this is where you get the idea of staying and fighting or running or the fight or flight syndrome. This is also the place where you learn to survive, and you learn to use the instincts of an animal to survive.

The way that we survive, and our sense of smell and taste are part of the root chakra. This is located in the mouth and the nose but when you are a baby, you learn right away to root for food with your mother. As you get older, you will begin to be able to find food and survive and know that the world is inside of you.

When you think of Erik Erickson and the way that he talked about development, you know that you need certain things to even survive such as shelter, food, water, etc. The world is a place where you begin to either trust other and yourself or you begin to mistrust others. Trust is one of the needs that need to be met to help you to feel secure.

If you have an unbalanced root chakra, chances are that you do not feel safe and that you have no security in your life.

The root chakra is the place where you feel secure and where your basic needs and emotional need are met. They are connected to the point where you know that you have to have these things in order to really survive and be happy.

The root chakra is part of your physical body and it includes things such as:

  • Bones
  • Muscles
  • Skeletal system
  • Arteries
  • Kidneys
  • Adrenal Glands
  • Colon
  • Blood
  • Oxygen
  • Tissues

The root chakra allows you to use your energy to do things to make your body healthy such as to sleep and make babies. When you are motivated to have a good life, you will work on who you are, and you will see that your self-esteem and your individual choices help you to find your belonging.

The root chakra has energies that can help you feel that you fit in on the earth. The energies help you to have a life journey and when the chakra is blocked, it can cause you to feel that you are not worthy, that you are insecure and that you are not able to fit in anywhere.

The root chakra has to be balanced and if it isn’t, you will not have the energy that you need. You might find that you are angry or sad or that you have chronic low feelings and low self-esteem. This can block your mental abilities and make you feel that you are worthless.

When your root chakra is strong, you have love, compassion, excitement and you want to share your life with others.

If you have past trauma in your life, you have to learn to find a way to heal. There are things you can work on such as Reiki, tai chi, chi, meditation, yoga and more to get rid of negative thoughts and feelings. This can help you to have courage to live and to get rid of anything that is blocking you.

When you need to survive in your life, you will see that you have a conscious ability to help you to be responsible and help you to work through hard things in your life.

Even when there are things such as natural disasters or events that might threaten your livelihood, and when karma comes from your past life that is ready to be paid back, you will see that your energy center or your root chakra can help you with this.

The root chakra is associated with the red color and it helps you to survive and helps you to focus on your life. Planting a seed mantra can help you to reach your spiritual enlightenment and help you to get rid of blockages that keep your energy from reaching your whole being.

Healing can come to you and you can get rid of things in your life that are holding you back. You can be healed of past pain and experiences that were traumatic for you.

No matter how long you have had problems in your life, by ignoring them, you become ignorant and you do not get the healing that you need. When you learn to work on yourself and make sure that your chakra system is strong, you will see that you can develop and work through lessons that are hard.

Root Chakra

All of your chakras are important to your body and when one is unbalanced, it can cause your other chakras not to work as well. This can cause you to miss out on growth and change that you need.

Growth and Security

You will not be able to grow if you do not have security in your life. Here are some things that you need to know:

  • Muladhara is the root chakra and a Sanskrit word.
  • The root chakra is found at the first three vertebrae of the spine.
  • It has to do with the color red.
  • This is formed when you are developing in the womb until the age of 1 year old.
  • If you have fear and eating problems, the root chakra can be blocked.
  • Helps with the adrenal gland, bladder, large intestine, arteries, heart, legs, teeth, feet and colon.
  • You can see blockage if you have depression, trust issues, lack of energy.
  • Works with the earth element.
  • Use the mantra: LAM to make the chakra stronger.

Balancing the Root Chakra

There are some things that you can use to balance the root chakra such as using physical exercise, eating things that are red such as strawberries and cherries and using stones such as black tourmaline, red jasper, garnet, bloodstone and more.

Here are some other ways you can balance your root chakra:

  • Yoga such as the Asana pose, Knee to chest pose, lotus flexion, mountain pose, corpse pose, Warrior pose, squatting pose.
  • Take a sound bath.
  • Use sound frequency.
  • Vibrational sounds.
  • Meditating
  • Using interpersonal and psychodynamic modalities
  • Reiki healing
  • Essential oils such as clover, ginger, myrrh, rosewood and more.

Another thing that you can do to balance your root chakra is to say positive mantras such as:

  • I am worthy.
  • My life is centered.
  • I have values and I believe in the truth.
  • I have no fear.
  • I trust who I am and what I can do.
  • I love who I am.
  • I have all the possibilities in life that I can get.
  • I have whatever I need.
  • I work with myself to be better and I work out and eat healthy foods.
  • My body is a place where I always feel that I am home.