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How to Cast Love Spells

How to Cast Love Spells

When you want to find out answers to relational or spiritual questions, you need to know that your surroundings do not always help you. You have to focus on your present life so that you can work out what you do on a day to day basis and learn to get deeper into your psychic giftings when you want to understand your future better.

If you are a psychic or an astrologer, you might work with people to help them find their existence in different planes, or you might do spell casting that helps with energies that cannot be seen. These energies might come from your subconscious thoughts or from vibrations that come from within them. These things are powerful and there is also the chance of speaking to a spirit or a ghost by learning to focus on their energies.

When you change your thought and you focus on your intentions, it can change from energy to spell casting and can help you direct your energy to your intentions such as heart intentions, allowing you to make a positive connection.

Love spells are not about controlling someone, and you need to understand that love spells are not easy and sometimes they call for ingredients that are not simple to get. Some are easy and can be done with just a candle, but you need to learn to communicate with the spirit world with words, songs and sometimes even dancing.

In some spells, when the candle burns completely, the spell is cast. There are books online that you can use to know which spells to cast and what your soul needs in order to cast a spell and what rules you should follow.


One of the most important things that you need to understand when you cast a spell is that if you do not believe it will work, it will not. You have to believe in the spell, and you have to change your ideas form negative to positive. Negative thoughts do not allow spells to work. If you are not able to believe in the spell you cast, you will waste your time trying to do it.


Expectations can be hard because they are important, but they can also cause you to have a thought or expectation that is unreasonable. You will not be able to cast a spell to make a celebrity fall in love with you nor will you be able to connect with someone that you are not already connected with.

The more inviting your love and your connection are with the person you want to cast the spell on, the better it will work.

Remember, a person can be not available to you in this lifetime, but they might be able to be with you in a different realm. They have to be emotionally and spiritually open to you in order for the spell to work.

Whatever your affection is in this world, does not mean that they can connect with you in the spirit world.


Make sure that you research connections and that you are understanding that there is a large practice in the universe. Use divination practices to find the best way to manifest what you want to do.

Figure out what correspondences best fit what you want such as moon cycles and explore them. Look at new moons if you want to start something and full moons for finding out the truth of things.

Days of the week can also help along with colors, leaves, crystals and other divination tools. You can help increase the power of your spells.

Be Specific

You have to learn to be specific when casting a spell. You do not want to be vague and you need to make sure that your energy is not generalized.

If you want your partner to fall in love with you, you need to focus on them and make sure that you use their name. You can also do an attraction spell to bring in new love and get rid of blockages in your life.

Do you want to have sex or a long-term relationship? You can use spells as long as you are specific with them.

Be Present

When you cast your spell, you will have a lot of energy and this can help you to project your vibrations. You will have stronger senses and you will be able to change your movements and your environment by changing the sounds or the time of day that you do the spell.

You are not going to be able to stay in an energized state at all times but once your spell is cast, you will be able to return to that space. Some spells will work overnight while others have to take time.

If a spell takes longer, you have to always be alert and things do not happen by chance when you cast a spell. Pay attention to what is going on around you and how the clues affect your relationship.


Always be aware but do not obsess over the spell. You need to know that your spell will reach where it is supposed to be, but it will not always happen fast.

You have to use your energy to get over obstacles and let the universe have time to make things work. Trust your intuition and do not obsess over what will happen. If you do this, the energies will bring you fear and cause you to have doubt.

Law of Three-Fold Return

The Law of Three-Fold return says that whatever you release into the world will come back to your three times.

Depending on what spell you use, this can happen and increase the spell. This needs to be a good outcome for you and for the person that you are casting the spell on.

Some of the best spells are followed by kindness and compassion and they bring happiness to your life and not pain and stress.

Love Spells

Love Spells

Whether you are looking for a new lover, a boost to your relationship, or to heal your broken heart, a bit of magic can go a long way. This is what love spells are made for and just what you need. Throughout history, those such as witches, goddesses. warlocks, and fairies have used love spells to bring affection or cast away someone’s attention. Through the generation, this knowledge has been passed down and shared. If you have been on the fence about witchcraft, feeling it taboo or even dangerous, then these love spells can remove the stereotype.

Love Spell Defined

A love spell is a magical formula that is intended to trigger an effect on people or an object after it is sang, spoken or chanted. This does not have to be a big production, but is typically quiet and laid back. It is a method of aligning personal energy vibration with desires. When you ask for guidance from higher spirits with sincerity, you are tuning vibration to exterior forces and asking their will come to pass. You are causing yourself to be a medium between two worlds as a way to resolve issues.

When you are struggling with your love life, a love spell can work miracles. This can effect things like:

  • Getting back your ex
  • Attracting new partners
  • Making someone love you
  • Freeing yourself from an old relationship
  • Strengthening what you have
  • Move your relationship toward marriage

On the other hand, a poor love spell will show no results. Below you will find five actual, working love spells and explain what you will need to consider before starting.

What It is Not

A spell is not just some random utterance of words without intention. If you intentionally perform a spell when fully sober and with the understanding of the depths of your actions, then a spell has been cast. There is no need to worry if you have said something while drunk, even with intention. Spells only count if you are able to be accountable and are aware of your senses.

Make sure to consider your intentions as good and genuine before spell casting because you are trying to change events in the universe. Be clear about your goal and know the consequences of what you desire. If you would not ethically or spiritually want someone doing the same to you, then let it go. Remember, using black magic will come back three times worse on you.

According to the law of attraction, the more energies ripple across to do your bidding in the universe. The same is true for spells in that if you do not believe, they will not work. However, expectations should be realistic. Casting a spell for someone to totally change their feelings will not work, but asking for more abundance and love can be beneficial.

A spell can be cast at any time, but some times are a bit better than others. As an example, a full moon is always a perfect time to spell cast, but to end a relationship, cast during a waning moon. For new love, try a waxing moon.

Love Spells

Before you start a love spell of any kind, make sure you have guarded against negative energies and cleansed the space to make it protected. One simple way is a salt circle around yourself as you chant “I consecrate this place for the Goddess within and without with only good and love remaining, the rest are cast out.” Other cleansing options work just as well, so find what works for you.

Spell for Attraction

If looking for love and attraction in your life then gather the following: a piece of paper, a pen with red ink, and a small red candle.

  • Light the candle while focusing on the smoke that rises
  • On the paper, write down what you deeply want in your romantic life
  • Dip the pen in the melting wax and let it drip on the paper.
  • Bind the spell by calling upon Venus

Spell for a New Romance

If looking for a new romance, gather the following: photograph of the desired lover, rosewood incense, blue and red candles.

  • Wait for a Monday, preferably at the beginning of a lunar cycle
  • Light both candles: blue for luck, red for love
  • Burn rosewood incense for your senses to be prepared
  • Facing the photograph, kneel in front of it and say ”I seek affection from you by the star’s guidance”
  • Meditate for at least fifteen minutes in the same position, focused on that goal alone

Rose Petals

This is a simple spell with two ingredients, rose petals and moving water (stream, ocean, or sink).

  • Visualize the person who possesses all the qualities of the perfect partner
  • Take the rose petals and toss them into the moving water while saying “As the rose moves, so true love will come”
  • Repeat twice while visualizing, but make sure the rose petals are flowing toward you to symbolize coming love

Spell to Bring Back a Lover

If you are looking to bring back your ex, gather the following: a fresh lemon, small piece of pink paper, and a length of red ribbon or yarn.

  • On the paper, write your name and your ex’s name
  • Cut the lemon in half
  • Fold the paper so the names are touching and place it between the two lemon halves (sandwich style)
  • Wrap the red yarn or ribbon around the lemon to keep it together
  • While all of this is happening, focus on how happy you will be when you are back together
  • Place the lemon in the back of the freezer for a month

Spells for Heart Love

For this spell there are no ingredients needed. Draw a heart shape with your hand while visualizing the perfect love and relationship as you chant “bring my desired love, thanks be for hearing me”. Perform this any time, but it is extra powerful during the full moon.

After the Spell

After the spell has been cast, be patient and trust that things are in motion. It may take awhile before reality catches up as your intention has to find the best route. If you obsess, you are putting negative energy out and this can negatively affect the manifestation. Believe in yourself and then let go to allow the universe to work.

To protect yourself from unwanted love spells, increase awareness of your vibes. Intentions and deeds matter to spell success. Continue to spell cast and avoid black magic and you have no need to worry. The same is true for others, spells will be ineffective if cast with less than pure intentions.

Using Magic for Direction

Using Magic for Direction

Knowing what you love to do is important and some people have clear direction when they are born, and they know where to move forward and what exactly to do. With other people, most people, finding direction in your life can be confusing and many do not know what they really want. Everyone has hobbies and are interested in things but just because you enjoy something doesn’t mean that it is going to give you direction.

Some believe in fate while others do not believe that fate guides the way and they believe that everyone makes their own destiny and they fulfill their lives not by feelings but by magic to figuring out where their real path in life is.

There are many different assessments and personality tests that you can take for free to help you know and discover what you love. When you find this truth, you might find that there is a path that you have never even looked at. Maybe you loved something as a child, but you never went for it or maybe you were put down for it.

There is a chance that you felt pressured to go in a certain degree, but it wasn’t really for you. The great news is that even if you have not really found your purpose yet, you still have time. You can still change and find what you are seeking in life.


Trusting your inner gut feeling is a skill and there will always be people in your world that are giving their opinions and that are pressuring you about what you should and shouldn’t do. When you are young, you are faced with many obstacles and it is when you begin to learn how to gain confidence while others learn during this time to hide their inner voice because of others. If you want to know what the best path is in your life, you have to know and realize who you are, know what makes you happy and learn to listen to what your intuition is telling you.

When you have to face a choice, you have to look for an answer and know that you can trust what your gut is telling you. You must understand that intuition is not always loud. It can start with a small feeling or sensation in your mind or body, an image or an impulse to do something different. You have to learn how to understand your intuition and how it shows in your life. It will feel different than just a thought.

Begin to practice your intuition and learning how it manifests in you such as with dreams, during a reading or some other kind of work.

Sometimes, witches are tuned in more and it doesn’t mean that they don’t have to learn to trust, it just means that they have to listen and put their thoughts aside. For example, if you get a sudden thought that you left the stove on, then another thought comes in your mind, it can cause you to ignore your intuition.

We have learned to ignore our feelings and not to listen to ourselves. This is not about what you are really doing, it is about respecting and trusting yourself and believing in your intuition. Even if you are wrong, you should give it credit and listen to it.

Maybe you are driving down the road and you get a bad vibe from a stranger. Stay away from them and learn to listen. These are small things in your life that will not really affect you so much in the future, but it is about listening in the moment and figuring out what your intuition feels like inside of you.

When you learn to listen to your intuition, it will grow stronger and you can learn to count on it. Use crystals such as pearl and moonstone to help you increase your intuition and listen more to your inner being.

Intuition Boosters

Here is a spell that you can use to help increase your intuition.


  • Silver
  • Pearl
  • Moonstone
  • Quartz
  • Lemongrass oil
  • Honeysuckle
  • Rosemary
  • Purple or blue candle.

Clean the area around you and get in a comfortable position. Let your candle sit on a table and put honeysuckle and oil on it and put it in front of you. Light the candle and take the pearl or the moonstone and the quartz and put it on your lap. Put the silver between you and the candle and close your eyes, stay calm and recite this spell:

“Help me find wisdom, to find pearls when there is sand. Give me truth and I have my stones in my hand. Let me know when there is chaos, let the silver glow and when I need guidance, I will forever know.”


Learning to believe in yourself and your intuition will help you find your real purpose. You can clean your area and burn a white candle, some incense and listen to some soft music. Burn some basil and think about the things that you really loved when you were young.

Think about times in your life where you were happy and see what common things played a role. Think about your morals and your ideas now and what you want to do to make the world better. Do you love helping people? What about being successful? What would you love to be doing the most? What makes you happy? What do you love about who you are? What is easy for you to do? What can you do without it feeling like work?

Take time not to just look at your failures or successes but figure out what you have learned from yourself because of the choices you made in your life. Think about as many aspects of your life that you can and figure out what you might be missing.

Use your intuition to answer questions and be truthful with yourself. Your answers are not good or bad, but you need to figure them out. What made you the happiest that you were when you were young? Did you love being outside or did you love working with your hands? What do you value now?

It isn’t easy to always process this stuff so do not be upset or frustrated. Take time to let the ideas flow and to help you on the path of your new life. Keep practicing and do not rush yourself. Take time to think of things on your own and listen to what your intuition says.

Make choices based on what you are feeling and what makes you happy. Choose to do something that you love and not just because something feels right. Teach yourself to listen and listen to what your subconscious is telling you. Stop putting your happiness second and pick a path that makes you happy instead of fearful or worried.

Fulfilled Life

When you learn to trust yourself, you will find what you want, and you will be successful in reaching it. The more you understand yourself, the better your chances are of attaining what you want in your life. You can take small steps, and these can never be wrong for you.

Take time to change your plans and remember that it is okay to change your mind and to pick something else. Figure out what you love and what you don’t and go with it.

There is no real way to achieve your goals, but you can find that what you believe will help you to get ahead. Do not look so far ahead that you become frustrated but take one step at a time to move forward. Be neutral in some things and learn to celebrate the things that you achieve, even if it is small. Change what you think of success.

When you explore a happier life, you will have to take a step forward but if things do not work out, don’t just ignore it, find a different way to reach it or reach out for help. Allow your successes and failures to be in perspective and then try again tomorrow.

One thing you can do is to find magic when there is no magic. People such as life coaches and therapists talk about affirming yourself and visualizing things. This is something that also happens in witchcraft and has magical origins. It is refreshing to hear others talk about it. When you figure out your goals, your intentions might change, and this is okay. What is the important thing is that you stay focused and you allow things to work around your intentions?

Use a quartz and program it with your intentions and when you feel that you are no longer motivated, let the crystal work for you to keep you moving forward. Take time each week to reflect on what you have accomplished and how your life changed for the better.

Think of your intentions and your goals and tell them to yourself each morning when you wake up. Give your intentions power and instead of wasting time on something that makes you happy and that you do not enjoy, wake up each day with a purpose and find something that brings you joy.

Consequences of Love Spells for Your Relationship

Consequences of Love Spells for Your Relationship


Whether you are practicing black or white magic when it comes to love spells, they can each have different influences and power over another person. The more powerful the actual spell, the more powerful the results will also be. Intention also has a great effect. If you cast any type of love spell knowing that there will likely be a negative effect, then the results will also be negative. This is also true if you imagine or outright know that the spell you are casting is not meant for a positive result.

Do Love Spells Affect Karma, Energy, and Bad Affects?

Loves spells do not affect karma, energy, or create bad affects as long as they are cast in the proper manner. There are no negative effects in using magic for love if the spell caster is experienced in the area. In fact, many relationships have been created or come back together with the help of a bit of love magic. As long as it is undertaken with the right intentions, there is no need for concern when it comes to incurring bad karma from a love spell. Spells can be used to end one relationship to clear a path for your own successfully, but only if the current relationship is not “true love’ and the couple not meant for one another. In this instance, it is not wrong to end a negative relationship that was never meant to be in the first place.

Most people who cast love spells and are considered reputable, will cast a break-up spell, but only in the way describe above. They will not interfere with a relationship if it is between soulmates, only if it is not meant to be. If someone wants a break-up spell for a happy couple that seemingly belong together and love each other, with no reason not to assume they are happy and committed this will likely not be an option. Breaking up a couple for purely selfish reasons alone can bring on bad karma. In addition, if someone wants a relationship ended simply out of jealousy or because they want to be with one member of the otherwise happy relationship, this is considered negative and will bring on negative consequences. This can cause bad karma for both the caster and the one requesting the spell. The most common time this is requested is when a person wants back with their ex, but the ex has become involved with a new love.

Further Consequences

Many will want to know ahead of time if love spells can come with different consequences after they have been cast. A proper love spell will invite romantic love into your life as the intent is focused on attracting energy to you, not a specific person. If the one you are attracted to is an energetic match, then the universe will sequence the events appropriately so that they may see the romantic light around you. This will lead them to o whatever task you desire in the love category. This may include breaking up, coming back, or other relationship related reasons.

Love Spells and Chants to Make Someone Miss You

Love Spells and Chants to Make Someone Miss You

If you miss someone such as a lover or an ex-partner, then you need to know that there are love spells that can make them miss you.  There are also chants that can be used to make them think about you.

Someone that has strong intuition can make the love world go around and when everyone has feelings about someone, they are just direct or indirect.  There are people that love and are not loved back and there are those that love and never get noticed at all.  Some people get rejected while others decide to be alone because they are afraid of being hurt.  Some will think that their loved ones don’t even miss them but that isn’t real.

We all want someone to love and miss us and even if the feeling is not mutual, there are ways that can reverse this situation.  There are ways you can change the situation, but you have to have faith in the supernatural.  Some people have this, and others do not and with there being so much technology and machines that are available, many people forget that they need to rely on the spiritual world in order to get help.  There is a force of nature that exists and that is why love spells can make things better.

Some love spells will require you to have some ingredients like candles, water, spells and other things while some of them do not need anything.  Of course, you don’t want to end up turning into a bunny and so when you go to cast spells you need to make sure that you know how to do it.  There are many people that can teach you to chant and to do love spells and you just have to find the right person to do that for you.


The easiest way to do a love spell is to chant.  Not all love spells require chanting but some of them do and they send vibrations into the universe.  This is all you need for some love spells and all you have to do is to clear your mind and make sure that you put emotions into it.  You want someone to love you and miss you, so you have to make sure that you are full of love and not hate when you do this.

Chanting is something special and if you have negative emotions then you will not be able to cat a love spell.  Learn to channel positive vibrations into the universe and to have positive emotions.  Clear your mind from any negative thoughts and think about how special the person is to you and how much they make you love them.  When you feel that your infatuation is at the biggest part, chant and let the spell work.  Do a simple chant and just say “call me” and send it into the universe.

Candle and Chant

Candles and chants go hand in hand and are important for most love spells.  People have been doing these easy love spells for ages and they are used to match you with someone you love.  Get rid of your negative feelings and make sure you have positive feelings of love.  Use a needle and write your loved on one the candle before lighting it or chanting.  Light the candle and wait for it to burn completely up and then put the needle through the wick while thinking about the person you want to miss you.

Chant his or her name and believe in what you are doing.  Think of that special loved on and think of them calling you while you carry out the spell.  Make sure you have the ingredients before you begin the love spell so you can be ready to make it work.

Water Spell

If you think love spells are hard, they are not.  You can use things that are already in your home and it is a good idea for you to cast your spell in private.  You want to make sure that you do not have issues with your spells and many people are against these things.  Make sure you do a simple love spell and all you will need for this one is salt and water.

You also need to have a positive mind and emotions.  Put the ingredients in front of you and sprinkle salt in the glass of water and then chant that you miss that person and they will call you.  You must believe in what you are saying, and you must channel positive energy.  Chant thee times and then drink the salt water.  If you do it right, your love will contact you sooner or later.

Imagination Spell

When you’re missing someone, you want them to miss you as well.  Imagine them missing you and have a positive mindset.  Make the spell longer by chanting and completing the ritual.  Use a piece of red paper and a needle and happy vibes to make this one work.

This is simple because you will not be able to send wrong vibes to the universe and your actions must be kind.  You need to make sure that you truly love this person, so you don’t end up with a frog.

Write their name down on the paper twice and circle their name.  Take the needle in the middle of the circle and think about how much love you have for them.  Chant their name and this will make the spell stronger.  Be careful with your intentions and make sure you have no negative in your feelings.  Doing this out of love will call them to you.

Cinnamon Spell

This spell is not for someone who does not like to wake up early.  The early bird spell makes you leave your phone alone for at least a day.  You need your phone and some cinnamon to make this work.  There is no chanting here so if you can get up early and you can give up your phone then this can be easy for you to do.  When your batter is fully charged, find a table and put your phone down and sprinkle cinnamon around it.  Promise that you will not touch your phone but instead think about your love and about them contacting you.  Remember you have to have a positive mind for this to work.

Love Messages

If you love chanting, then this spell is perfect for you.  All you need is a piece of paper and red ink.  You must know something about your chakras which is the energy around your body.  This represents passion and love.  Make sure that you chant positively and that you have authority in your chant.  Call them to miss you and write a short love letter to them.  Make sure your feelings match what you are writing.

Do this before you chant and then ask the universe to send your love spell to them and that it will work.  Finish the chant by saying, “so it is,” and repeat it until you fall asleep.  Be patient and use the right words with a positive mind.  Make sure you have a good attitude.

Bay Leaf Spell

Use a bay leaf and chanting to connect with your chakras in the universe.  Make sure that you speed things up by using a charm.  When you do this correctly it will mean that you mean each word that you say.  If you don’t mean it then it will not happen.  Make sure you think of the words before you say them and include the bay leaf by your table.

You don’t have to have a candle but put the bay leaf and the phone on a table and chant the love spell.  Find your third eye chakra in your forehead and put the paper with your loves name on it while you chant.  Close your eyes and put the bay leaf on the paper and put it on your head too.  Ask the universe to make your love miss you.  Do this and you should see results in a few hours.

Ex Spell

If you want your ex to miss you there are chances that your ex does not want to miss you.  You can still do a spell to try to bring them back to you.   You need to do this spell on Thursday because that is when love flows the strongest.  Put a picture of your love and a piece of paper and write down their name.

Make sure this is not for someone else and that you are doing it only for you.  You have to make sure your thoughts meet your desires.  Do this with chanting and send out good vibes to them.  This can work without having a positive mindset and the chanting will kick start your love.  Light a candle and place the photo of your love in front of it.  Write down their name and chant.  Ask the universe to make them miss you and call you.  Channel your thoughts so that you will see the spell take place.

Call Me Spell

This spell is easy, and you can make it stronger by using a candle.  If you have fought with your love and you need to clear this up, this is the perfect spell for you.  The chant can be simple, and you can memorize it.  Use the queen of hearts tarot card when you chant because it represents love and relationships.  Once you gather these things, you can chant and think of the person you miss.  Ask the universe to protect you both from getting hurt feelings.

Lunar Spell

Use the full moon and understand that this is powerful.  This is the only ingredient that you will need.  Wait for the full moon and chant while you think about the person you like.  Do this on Thursday if you can because it is the day of love.

Chant and believe everything that you are saying to the moon.  They may call you sooner than you think.


If you think that loves spells are in vain then they will not work for you.  You have to choose to believe them if you want them to work.  If you don’t believe in yourself then the spell will not be effective, and you are wasting your time.

Remember to get all of the ingredients together before you do the spell and then proceed with doing the spell.  Doing this can save you time.  Remember, you might need a candle, water, cinnamon or other things.  Love chants are specific in spell casting.

There is no way that you can say the wrong words and that the spell can make you a master and if you don’t make mistakes then you should be able to make the spell work.  You can always ask a psychic for guidance if you need to have help making the spell work for you.

Attracting Your Soulmate

Attracting Your Soulmate

Some people feel that it is hard and takes too much work to find their soulmate.  They will go through life and do whatever it takes to find a partner.  They will go on dating sites, date many people, try to meet up with people and go through different ways to find out if they have found the one.

You have a soulmate that is part of you, and you will meet them.

Here are some ways to attract them into your life:


When you are full of happiness, you will attract people.  We tend to go to people that laugh and have fun.  This brings up the vibrations and will attract who you want.  No one wants to be in a relationship that is unhealthy.  Find someone fantastic by being happy.


One of the worst things is to be dishonest with your partner.  If you want to be with someone, be honest.  You cannot find your soulmate if you are not truthful and honest with who you are.  Do not lie and find someone that you don’t want to live without.


When your soulmate is coming, you cannot be with someone else.  You have to have an empty place for them to feel.  You don’t have to be alone forever, but the universe cannot bring your soulmate if you are with someone you know you aren’t meant to be with.  Let them go.


Use your mind to imagine what kind of partner you want.  This can attract your soulmate and help bring them to you.  Make sure you are clear with your intentions.  Write them down and be clear on what you want in your life.

Past Hurts

Make sure that you are getting rid of your past hurts.  You cannot get into a new relationship when you have old wounds.  You cannot feel love if you are unforgiving or hung up on someone else.  Get rid of your regrets and your unforgiveness and be happy in your life.  Attract who you want to be with and be that person too.


Learn to have fun.  Find a hobby, take an exercise class.  Do something that makes you happy and not lonely.  Learn to entertain yourself and be creative.


You have to forgive yourself of the times you have messed up.  This will set you free and will help you to let go of past hurts.  Forgiving makes room for love.

Make Room

You have to make room for your soulmate.  Clear out places in your bedroom for their clothes and prepare your house for them to come.  Get rid of things that are physically and mentally holding back your soulmate.  Open up a room for someone else and wait for them.


Your relationships are never going to be the same and you have to let go of the idea that they will be.  Expectations in love can end up being hurtful and controlling.  You cannot have perfection, no one is perfect.  You have to attract who you are and when you are more loving, you will attract that.  You don’t be disappointed if you don’t have expectations.

Gut Feeling

Listen to your gut feeling and know when it is telling you to do something.  Your intuition is your highest good and will lead you the right way.  When you meet someone, listen to what your gut is telling you and see if they are the right person for you.


Love is hopefulness and grace.  When you love someone then you will respect them.  If they love you they will respect you.  You cannot love someone and lust for someone else and vice versa.  You have to settle for what you deserve, and you have to learn to be appreciated.  You deserve to be accepted by someone and this will start with how you see yourself.

3 Quick and Effective Love Spells You Can Cast Without Ingredients

Effective Love Spells

When you are drawn to a person it can be painful when it seems like they are slow to warm to your advances.  You might feel so lost that you want to investigate using a love spell to win your intended.  There are a variety of love spells and as such you must be clear with your motivations and intentions.  Magick is most effective when it pure of heart and free of any manipulative behaviors.  However, if you are looking to improve the flow of love in your life, spells are a great way to hasten this blessing to you.

You can promote love around you without the use of ingredients!  If you are new to magick then chants are a great place to start.

Here are three type of chants you can do today in your home:

  1. Use Imagination Love Magick to Attract a Particular Individual

This is a simple spell that be done by any person at any age.  Use this spell if you are looking to increase attention from a special someone and can finally get out the Friend Zone.  Begin by focusing on a picture of the person.  It can either be in the form of a photo or an image conjured in your mind.  Make sure you see the face clearly and you sustain focus.  Manifest this picture of your intended like it’s their actual self.  Place this picture in a place of prominence so you can revisit it later.  Give it tokens of appreciate in the form of gifts the person most enjoys.

See the picture immediately upon waking and immediately before falling asleep.  Greet this picture with the same tone and sincerity you would with their physical body.  Call your love’s name and chant the following: “My beloved, you live close to me as you do in my life, come and bless me with a hug and kiss, for I will treasure you always, showering you with gifts.  Come to me, come now and let us love.”  Repeat this spell again during the next two waxing moon for considerable benefits.  During this time ensure no negative thoughts distract you from your focus.

  1. Visualization Magick

This is a speedy spell that can produce results within 24 hours!  Begin by finding a quiet peace to focus your mind on your beloved.  Allow a clear and detailed picture of them to form in your mind.  When you see them, tell them about their importance in your life and how you value your time together.  Precisely state that you love them and desire to be in a romantic union with them.  Don’t along any negative or doubting feelings to linger in your mind.  Let your ideal relationship together unfurl and be as detail as you can.  End with gratitude and a sincere prayer to enjoy a long-lasting love together.

  1. Heart Chant

This spell is ideal when time is of the essence!  However, it is advised you do this frequently to maximize your power and options!  Begin by drawing the shape of a heart on a piece of paper or something you can keep close to you.  Stare deeply at the heart and allow your ideal relationship to manifest in your mind.  Chant the follow either in your mind or out loud: “Bring me my love.”  End with sincere gratitude for being heard and allowing your love to find you.  It is especially help to do this Heart Chant on a Friday night during the full moon.


Love spells can be simple and done with ingredients.  However, magick must never seek to manipulate a person and the caster must maintain pure intentions.  Love spells require heart and positive thinking.  Any negativity, doubt or distraction will only delay a successful outcome or produce drastic unintended outcomes!  If you are looking for easy spells to facilitate you finding true love, perform one of the spells listed above.  Discover how powerful magick truly can be and enjoy the blessing of more reciprocal love in your life.

Effective Love Spells

Effective Love Spells

Love spells are different than other spells because they do not use black magic.  With love spells, you use white magic so that you can keep harm away.  Magic spells can destroy people while white magic and love spells makes people stronger and to fall in love.  Love spells are all about attracting and seducing someone that you love.

Love Spells

Love spells are cast by women usually because women are protective, and they want to have strong relationships.  They will do whatever they can to save their relationships and they will only use a love spell if it is a last option.  Some people will use a love spell to make their relationship stronger.

When you cast a love spell, you will need to have guidance and will want to do research.  You need to consider what kind of spell to cast and who to talk to.  When you choose not to do this, it can end bad and have bad consequences.  It can even cause you to have embarrassment and a worse relationship than before.

Effectiveness of a Love Spell

Regardless of how effective a love spell is having nothing to do with what happens when you cast a spell.  Some people use the love spells and cast them, and nothing happens while others use them, and they end up positive.  Some people find that their relationships work out better and sometime people will use them to solve issues or to make their relationships stronger.  Even if the spell doesn’t work, they will try harder in the relationship and make it stronger.

No one is really sure if the relationship will get better with a love spell, but we know that many men and women use them on their partners or their want to be partners.

What happens after the casting is how we know if it works or not.  Black magic is real and love spells are white magic.  How come a black magic spell will work but a white magic or a love spell might not work?  Some believe that its because love spells are not with pure intentions.

There are a lot of reasons that a love spell is used and some of these include having issues in the relationship that need to be solved, wanting someone to be closer to you, wanting the sex to be better or wanting someone to fall in love with you.

Why a Love Spell?

Some people use love spells because they have a hard time understanding their partner.  They are unable to make good decisions and they are not able to communicate effectively.  They have a hard time understanding what the other person is saying.

Some people, mostly women, want to enhance the relationship with their partner and they want to try different things.  They will try to cast a love spell so that their relationship will improve and there will be a closeness that they didn’t have.  Love spells use white magic and this kind of magic is nothing but good.  The other person will begin to agree upon the relationship, and it will get healthier.


There are many men and women who want to have more attention from their partner.  They want their partner to be less busy and they want to spend more quality time with them.  They sometimes have little time for their partner because of lack of care and lack of attention.

When you cast a love spell, you need to spend time with your partner.  No matter who your partner is, your partner will make a way for you after a love spell is cast.  If you spend more time with them, you will have stronger love and you will have your partner fall in love with you again.


Some people separate from their relationships because the sex life is not very good.  It is hard to get close to someone if the sex is not good and when someone turns from their partner, it can be because they are not satisfied.  Sex is important to keep someone falling in love with you and sometimes we do not please our partner physically.

The best way to have a better sex life is to learn to love each other’s body.  Cast a love spell so that you can seduce them and make your sex life better.  You can take your sex life and make it excite instead of boring.  A good sex life will make your partner want you and will desire you.  Tempting your partner by doing a love spell can increase your sexual desire.

Being Together

When couples separate or divorce, sometimes it happens because you cannot get along.  When this happens, it can cause you to be sad and to feel like you cannot live your life without your partner.  Use a love spell to get your love life to spice up so you can meet someone new.

When couples separate, they can use a love spell to get back together.  A love spell can form the connection and make it stronger.  When two souls are together and make each other happy, the love spell can increase these things and can make the other person fall in love with you.


No one knows for sure if a love spell really works but everyone can try to make anther person to stay.  When you use love spells, it can make your love stronger and can make you feel more affectionate towards your partner.  There is no harm in casting a love spell because it uses white magic.  If this love spell works, good, if not, move to someone else and be happy.

What is a Modern Witch?

What is a Modern Witch?

What is a Modern Witch?The word witch has been known to have a negative connotation in life.  It comes from the terms wicca or wice which means a male or female witch.  There is a negative idea associated with people that are considered witches or those that practice witchcraft.  What does it really mean when someone is a witch?

What is a Witch?

A witch is someone that practices doing magic spells or using magic for rituals.  This is someone that is connected to their spiritual guides or someone that is a psychic.  This person can be a medium, someone that does Tarot readings or someone that worships pagan gods.

A person that worships pagan gods is considered to follow the true traditions of being a witch.  This was thought to be satanic worshipping or to be part of the devils works.  Witchcraft today includes using candles, meditation, using incense to cleanse areas, using sage, crystals, interpretation of dreams, yoga, and other rituals that have been associated with the pagan worship.

Many believe that witchcraft is just having powers to work with the universe and to attract things that a person wants in their life.  Some believe that using witchcraft is just part of using what the Earth has given them to fulfill their spiritual desires.

Knowing a Witch

It is not easy to spot a witch like it was in the early times because it is different than it used to be.  Now, most people who are witches will say that they are witches because they are proud of what they can do and what practices they do.  No one really just labels people as a witch based on their appearance or what they do.  Even if they claim to be one, not everyone will say, “There’s a witch.”

In the late 1600’s, being a witch was a time when they were based on superstition.  This was a dangerous time for women because even if a woman had a strong personality, she could be labeled as a witch.  If she had a lot of land or a lot of things, then the town would believe her to be a witch.  If she was widowed and her husband died of a strange sickness or disease, she would be labeled as being a witch.

Being a witch during those times was dangerous and the community would try to9 prove if she was a witch or not based on what she did.  They would test her by giving a dog a witch cake which was a cake made out of flour and baked with urine.  If the witch acted like the dog, they would decide that she was a witch and was part of the devil’s work.

The community would use different strategies to find witches in the community such as:

  • Seeing if the “witch” weighed the same as a stack of bibles.
  • Seeing how many animals that they had.
  • Making them know specific prayers by heart.
  • Seeing how many times they have been married, divorced or widowed.
  • Seeing if they had strange dreams.
  • If they talked to themselves.
  • Birthmarks
  • Scars
  • Extra nipples
  • Scars that didn’t bleed when poked.

Changes for the Witch

Witchcraft is no longer feared and there are not witch hunts that take place.  Witches are seen as popular now and you can see shops and different areas that sell witchcraft tools such as Tarot cards or crystal balls.  Witches have a life on social media and have come to the surface.

With witches no longer being feared, they are now considered trendy and the movement is spreading around the world.  People know that there are energies in the world and that witches need a place in society.

Some women are chastised for being outspoken but now, some of the greatest leaders are women that are strong willed.  In the 1600, these women would be considered witches and would be killed.

Witchcraft can be considered a necessary thing for our society and it shows that women who struggle to be who they are not able to have a voice.  There is much more to a witch than casting spells and holding crystals and it is a spiritual standpoint that some women are making.

When Love Spells Don’t Work

When Love Spells Don’t Work

When Love Spells Don’t WorkWhen someone casts spells, they always want to know if love spells work.  No one wants to cast a spell and never see the spell work.  There are spells that can work and do work and others that do not work and will backfire.

If you are interested in casting spells, you have to know that each person that has tried t cast a magic spell has not seen those spells come to life but sometimes they have.  Sometimes, a spell caster will be afraid to do a spell because they are afraid that it will not work.

Why Spells Don’t Work

People might not be able to cast spells because they don’t know how.  If this happens, the spell might not work and a person that is not used to doing spells might see this fail and be upset.

If the spell or the magic is not common, a person that does not know how to do the spell might not be good at doing it and the spell might fail.  Sometimes, energies will not line up.

If a person chooses a love spell, there is a chance that the spell will not work because they need you to be involved and maybe you aren’t.  Also, if the right person is targeted, chances are that the relationship will equal friendship instead of love.  If the wrong person is targeted, the spell might make them want to be in love with you.

What Happens Next?

When a spell doesn’t work, it might be because the spell caster is not experienced and will not have magic that will work for them. This could cause the spell to mess up or not work.

The opposite could also happen such as the love spell might make the person, they are targeting hate the spell caster.  The love spell can backfire and cause the love that was meant to be to be hate instead.  There are problems if the spell backfires and this could cause you or them to be vulnerable and to never find the person that they want to be with.

When a spell does not work, this can hurt things because it can cause the opposite reaction to the spell and cause the person that is casting the spell to be hurt.  This happens because the energies become too strong to the point where they could be dangerous.

Even if a spell seems that there is no harm, if it is not for those that it was meant for then the spell caster can become upset, sick or even emotionally in bondage.

Preventing Mess Up

The best way to cast a love spell is to get rid of all negative energy.  Getting rid of negative energy can allow positive energy to take place.  People can then have the option to find each other.

A spell caster needs to protect themselves and needs to make sure that they have strong feelings when they try to cast a spell.  They need to make sure that the spell caster knows what he is doing, and they need to make sure that their feelings are right.

Casting a spell can be dangerous and can cause harm and there should never be a spell that is cast for the wrong reasons.  If a person does not have a pure heart, then it can cause them to miss their chance at love and can cause them to miss out on a good life.