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Get anyone to fall in love with you with these 10 strong voodoo love spells

voodoo love spells

voodoo love spellsFinding true love is not easy. There is always someone you have a crush on, with or without their knowledge. And we know that love can make us do crazy things. You can always try a voodoo spell to get someone to love you. They are usually used to clear obstacles from your love path. Voodoo spells are cast by people with the power of LOA. During the spell casting, they open themselves to the power of LOA, which in turn assists them to get in connection with the spirits and channel their powers to cast a spell.

An object belonging to the person involved is also a requirement, and it has to be personal. However, most of the time hair sample is used. The effect of the spell come sin form of an amulet or portion that is issued to the person being bewitched, however, at times it works without if the spell is strong enough.

You should always ensure that the spell does not bring about negative effects on an individual. Some of these symptoms could be irreversible. With voodoo love spells, they should take effect immediately. Make yourself aware of the involved risks and below you will find some that you can actually try out.

  1. Spell by use of the name as your number

It requires one to know the first and last name, and exactly the number of letters they are made of.  These are your lucky numbers and you will need to engrave these numbers on the inner side of each underwear you own. This lucky number will enable you to draw and be in control of his energy. However, don’t tattoo the number on yourself as this would create a permanent bond and the consequences might not be so good.

  1. Spell by use of anointing voodoo oil

You can actually use normal cooking oil. Pour some in a cup, and drop one of your eyelashes in it and let it stay overnight. Next day you have to make him stick his index finger in the oil, and of course come up with an excuse like, am just trying to test your pulse. After that take his hand and place the same finger on your lips, applying the oil as you would do your lipstick. Then kiss him with both your lips locked.  This will make him kiss you more and treat you as his soulmate.

  1. Voodoo spell by candle wax

Script his name on the left half of a paper, four times as four is considered a power number in voodoo spells. Then you have to write your name five times on the other half. After that, you have to light a purple candle and ensure that four drops of wax fall on the paper with his name. fold the paper so that your names can touch and the wax will hold them together.  Purple represents red and blue colors in voodoo spells

Red is for the blood of humans bound together with the sky, which is blue. Place the paper in a disposable container, add water to cover up the paper then light a red candle on top of the paper. As the wax is melted and drips into the water, so will he be melting into your arms

  1. Using a voodoo doll

Considered one of the most powerful of all these spells. The doll should include his hair and clothes during construction. Look for clothes that have not been washed and glue his hair on the doll.

This doll works magic. It will have him under control and prevent him from having contact with someone else. If you can acquire a small lint from his belly button, this will make your spell even stronger. Whenever a woman feels like she needs her man, she can use this doll and pin it next to her pillow.

Exchange words with the doll as you go to bed and your man will get the message irrespective of the distance.

  1. The peacock lover spell

Another powerful one and is guaranteed to deliver true love to you.

You have tow rite the name of your loved one 13 times on paper, of any color. You will require a peacock feather for this one. Place the paper and the feather under your pillow and for 3 nights you have to mention the name of your loved one 13 times and on the fourth day, shower at night with proper oils.

During the shower focus on your strongest desires. After, you can remove the paper and feather and hide them. Then you have to ensure your loved one finds the feather. And if the spell required a touch to ensure the individual you’re bewitching is the first to touch the feather.

  1. Love spell voodoo

Very easy and popular and has immediate results. You will require a red rose and write the name of your crush on the petals. Then dip the petals in rose water and then throw them outside the house of your crush.

  1. Love spells from Haiti

You will require the victim’s hair. Place them in a plastic bag, face north and create a visual representation on the victim in your mind. Ensure the plastic bag is airtight and with the paper inside, throw it into a waterbody as you think about the victim. This takes about forty days for results to start showing.

  1. Love spells for bringing back the love that you lost

This is not for beginners in spells. It can, however, be used to bring back lost lovers.

Ignite a white candle and request Loa Erzulie for assistance with the love spell. Staring at the flame, ask Loa Erzulie to eradicate the negative energy between the two of you. Ignite a red candle and place it next to the white one

Use fruits, perfumes as offerings. Place them on a plate. Then pick the two voodoo dolls representing each one of you and place them as they face each other. Then request Erzulie to make your crush love you stronger.

As all these go on, bring the dolls together until their faces touch. Then use a red ribbon to bind the dolls together. Burry the dolls somewhere and forget about eh spells. Store away the candles and never use them then place a crystal below your bed.

  1. Try the Pombra Gira Spell

A very powerful one from Brazil. Light a candle and place offerings next to it like champagne or chocolates. You then need to dive into meditation as you imagine how you want someone to love you. Just remember it’s not reversible and results are almost instant.

  1. Fall in love spell form Egypt

The requirements are pink and red candles. Light hem them then on a piece of paper, indicate the name of your crush. Use gauze to tie the paper and add a drop of wax from each candle. Meditate and picture the other individual falling in love with you. Then you will hide or get rid of the candles when your wish finally comes true. This one ensures the almost immediate outcome.

Voodoo love spells are quite common nowadays and becoming a solution to many and their problems. When not used correctly they do have negative effects. Understand your spells correctly and consult professionals if need be. Ensure these spells do not cause any harm.

Love Spells: White Magic

Love Spells: White Magic

Love Spells: White MagicWhite magic love spells are pure and able to be cast with good intentions. This can bring back a lost love or attract someone desirable. The goal is to send out positive energies with a positive outcome. White magic can work is not ill intentions or thoughts are included.

How It Works

The transfer of positive energy to create strong vibrations through prayer, chanting, and meditation can transform a broken love into something powerful. Every human has an inherent energy source that may lie dormant, but will never fully disappear. These energies come forward when spell casting. The only thing needed is a passion to cast a love spell that will be potent and that can arouse a lover’s passions.

White magic love spells work on inner beliefs and wishes to bring about positive change. Sometimes the rituals need simple tools like candles, herbs, flowers, and the like. These mediums allow for the release of power into the universe. These positive energies will soon become reality so it is important to have focused desires with love spells. The tools simply help generate more energy to create the change you desire.


Concentration, projection, and visualization are all necessary powers for casting white love magic spells. You will also need to learn to communicate with your inner self because the energy is bound for a particular cause during a certain time period, without harm. When in love, adoration and affection prevail over evil so white magic is possible for a love spell.

A spell casters service may be advisable when first beginning so you can learn how to effectively deal with problems and create a course of action. The results of a love spell may not be what you expect, so be prepared for what comes.

White Magic Benefits

Black magic is meant to cause harm and destruction and is sadly associated with magic in general, but white magic is about all things good and positive. White magic love spells do not carry negative energy, but do have the power to transform your love life in unimaginable ways. Most of the power comes from within.

White magic does not look for submission, but requests acceptance through divinity, not from the supernatural beings, but rather what is present in nature. There are no sacrifices in white magic love spells, but they do involve spiritual forces to be called upon for guidance and strength. White magic is focused on things like bringing back love, healing the sick, or bringing on good fortune. Black magic co-exists with white and though it is much more known, white magic holds its own.

Make Someone Fall in Love

If your dream is to win over someone you love, even when they do not feel the same, it can be painful. At times, the love is reciprocated, but hidden under false layers and misunderstandings. Spells can help break through the falsehoods so that whoever you cast it on will be amazed by you and fascinated in every way.

This white magic love spell is created in such a way that it can make someone fall in love in unexpected ways that are beyond what they ever imagined. It can be cast on someone you have just met or a long time crush, it is for anyone. It creates a loving, warm relationship based on unconditional love. So the spell must be used with caution because you want to make sure it is true love and not just someone you will outgrow.

Spell Items

Pencil and parchment paper

Cinnamon oil

Wooden matches

Toothpicks (wooden)

A pink and separate red candle to inscribe

How to Cast

Begin by casting your circle and cleansing the candles prior to anointing them with cinnamon oil. Carve your name in the red candle, but your lovers in the pink. Light the red candle with a wooden match and then use the candle to light the pink one. For 30 minutes, focus on the candles burning as you visualize your situation and your wish for love from the person. Draw two hearts on the parchment paper and fill one with your name and the other with his/her name. Next, take the red candle and drip wax on the hearts while staying focused on your love and what you will give. Once the hearts are covered, blow out the red candle.

Repeat the wax and blowing out the candle with the pink. Do this for seven days with the same parchment and new hearts each session. On the 7th day, let the candles burn out on their own. Hide the paper somewhere no one will ever find it.

Easy Love Spell

Love is in the air and the love you want is available to you. Draw the love you want with this white magic spell, even if you are not feeling confident.

What You Need

Candle (pink or red)


Olive oil (organic only)


Place the candles on the table and rub them with olive oil down then back up. Infuse the candle with positive thoughts and imagine the love you want in return for what you are sending out. Using a needle, inscribe “I want a pure, divine love, harm not a wind’s whisper” on the candle with a needle. Light the candle and let it burn out as the spell will activate as soon as the candle burns out.

Angels of Light – Love Spell

Love gives you the ability to conquer all and this spell will connect you to a person who will be supportive. This will help you find the one true love that is perfect just for you, only for you.

What You Need

Lighter (white or red)

4 crimson candles

2 inches of red velvet ribbon

2 ceramic angels

How to Cast

Put the angels on the table facing you with the four candles around them. Place the ribbon by their feet. Light the candles in a clockwise manner and chant the following:

I call upon thee angels to heal my spirit and heart as they cry out for love. Send me that love with haste, delivering them to my arms

Let the candles burn down as once they are extinguished, the spell is activated.

Regaining a Lovers Interest

This specific spell is designed to have immediate effects on your relationship. You will see each other in a new and exciting way as the love that you have grows and blossoms again. You will connect on a deeper level so be prepared, but even the greatest love stories need help now and again.

Needed Items


Red Yarn

Small coin and envelope


How to Cast

Clearly write the name of the person you want back on the inside of the envelope. Hold the coin and rosemary in a fist, very tightly. Repeat the person’s name 4 times, once in each direction. Use the compass for accuracy. Always start at the north and then move to east, south, and west before facing north again. Place the coin in the envelope, seal it and kiss the seal. Roll up the envelope and tie it tightly with the yarn. Take the envelope to your favorite place (prepared ahead of time). Take the rosemary outside and grind it in your hand and release it to the wind. As you finish, recite “come back to me” 17 times. It will not take long for your lovers to return.

Power of White Magic Spells for Love

When white magic spells are done in a true positive spirit, they can do great things. One of which is to help you find true love, return lost love or remove relationship problems. Love spells do not make someone fall in love, but harness the natural forces to help you win love that you want and have been waiting for in live.

White magic is considered intelligent magic that makes choices for us to keep us on the right path. The love spells may not result in what you want, but will provide what you need. The spirits can see what we cannot, so they will steer you from anything bad.

Important Intentions

Beware of white magic spells for love because it may not bring what you think you want, but you will get something better and appropriate. You may be pleasantly surprised. These spells are not tricks, but enhance the feelings of love in another. If the love is not genuine then the spell will not work.

White magic makes the world go around, even though black magic is promoted as more powerful. White magic has power beyond mortal’s comprehension, so it must be respected for its goodness.

Reigniting the Flame: How to Reunite (Happily) With A Former Love

Reigniting the Flame: How to Reunite (Happily) With A Former Love

Reigniting the Flame: How to Reunite (Happily) With A Former LoveAre you finding yourself thinking about you ex and wishing you had a second chance at happiness?  Perhaps you feel if only you could have changed a certain toxic behavior your relationship could flourish.  Begin by examining both the good and the bad in your romantic history together.  By understanding how your relationship soured you can understand the benefits or risks of trying to reunite.  You can also recognize if certain values or goals have shifted within you since you both parted ways.  Pay special attention to recurring toxic behaviors out of your control like addiction, and polarizing values (i.e. religion, desire for children or politics).  The universe often sends us clear signs like a traffic light: Red, Yellow or Green; be willing to accept those signs to avoid further hurt.

Many issues in relationships are fixable.  Frequently partners can struggle with communication.  During your soul-searching you may find you held unrealistic expectations of your partner or carried baggage unrelated to them.  In these cases, you may be able to heal with the help of a therapist or trusted confidante, and find ways to alter negative behaviors.  You can build upon this healing to discover new ways to share your feelings with your ex and help create safe space for them to comfortably share their feelings.  This can be the biggest step to finding your way back to one another.

Religions are often centered around the concept of love and how it guides our lives.  Hinduism, teaches us Dharma and its principles are akin to the Christian Bible’s ten commandments.  Both teach us ideal behaviors for their faith. The Dharma’s highest tenant is that unconditional love must come before any other action.  Unconditional means no demands must be place on the love one feels for the something or someone.  It requires a pure heart, the openness of spirit to receives its gifts and willingness to the object of your love the freedom to be it/their true self.

If you still feel called to reunite with your lost love you may feel that you require the aid of Love Magic.  Magic should be used responsibly and only as a last resort.  Ask yourself if the magic could be destructive or harmful to yourself or your love.  You must safeguard inner freedom for both parties or dire consequences could arise.  You need to ensure any love that could result from this reunion is pure of heart and not manufactured or manipulated.  The highest vibrations of love and joy occur when one rids themselves of the idea of “want” and “I must.” By speaking a “want” to strongly a spirit can find themselves constantly seeking, while “I musts” create a pattern of toxic dissatisfaction and unrealistic ideals.  Both terms create and maintain blocks from your spirit obtaining beneficial opportunities and lessons.  To truly grow and thrive, encourage a steady energy flow.  If one is not careful with their use of magic, then you could be creating blocks and potential trouble for yourself or your love.

Instead of magic, one should focus their quest for love anew with feeling whole within themselves.  Like RuPaul says “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love someone else.”  Discover what you enjoy most about yourself and find ways of maintain your health.  When you are happy and at peace, it radiates out and attracts opportunities to your life.  By cultivating inner happiness, you can begin to strengthen your relationship with yourself and all you hold dear.  Hold important conversations with yourself and the divine.  Build upon these conversations to teach yourself skills to better communicate with others, especially a romantic partner.  This will promote a harmonious relationship and allow you both to experience joy and fulfillment.  Misunderstandings happen and triggers can be pressed.  But an easy exchange of words and ultimately thoughts, help smooth the rough patches and prevents unhealthy expectations, fights and hurt feelings.  In a healthy and happy relationship both partners should feel free to be their authentic self without fear of expectations, demands, or worse, ultimatums.  This includes freedom from self-imposed barriers to personal satisfaction.  By ensuring your own happiness and contentment with life you help maintained free-flowing love energy.  You will feel confident in your self-worth and avoid becoming co-dependent in any relationship.

If you are struggling to be at peace with yourself it can feel like an insurmountable task.  It is possible to influence your perspective on feelings.  A feeling is a fleeting and you can choose your reaction.  The Divine’s biggest goal for us is to love and be gentle with ourselves.  How kindly are you treating yourself?  Meet yourself and your feelings with compassion and curiosity.  As you understand your feelings and reactions better you can make more concerted efforts to create future actions more loving.  Accept yourself, warts and all.  If this too seems overwhelming, strive to accept smaller chunks.  Before you know it, the larger pieces won’t seem so daunting.  Eventually you need to address the fears of being alone or losing a loved one.  The goal is to know that you are good enough on your own and a partner only magnifies your joy, not creates it.  A parting is only a change of personal needs and allows you both to find a love that better amplifies these revised values or goals.

“But I still want my ex back!”  Begin by setting that intention and undertake the process with pure intention in your heart.  Recall hurdles you encountered and what you personally are willing to do to avoid repeated behaviors.  Be willing to be honest and vulnerable with yourself.  Next. think about the things that brought you together and activities that help you feel more bonded to each other.  If you both enjoyed playing a sport, begin to get more involved with an organized league or pick-up games with your (ideally shared) friends.  Continue to build your inner world and grow your personal interests so you can have more substantive conversations if you should happen to run into each other.

When you feel ready facilitate a meeting in a casual setting.  During the meeting focus on them and new happenings in their life.  Ask open ended questions or offer conversation points that encourage light-hearted dialogue.  If your ex is responsive and engaged, focus on rebuilding a friendship first.  Allow time to pass so you can both understand your current priorities.  Trying journaling your thoughts and experiences so you can continue to grow and maintain healthy intentions.  Continue to develop beneficial communication patterns and enjoy having conversations with them on various topics.  Strive to be balanced in talking and active listening.  By having a true interest in what one is sharing you strengthen a bond and a likelihood for romance.  Be willing to compromise and learn from them.  Avoid creating a romance if compromises are not occurring on both sides.  The goal for any lasting and happy relationship is for both partners to feel free in spirit, valued and joyful.

Easy and Successful Love Spells to Get Your Ex-Boyfriend Back

Easy and Successful Love Spells to Get Your Ex-Boyfriend Back

Easy and Successful Love Spells to Get Your Ex-Boyfriend BackHave you ever missed your ex-boyfriend so much such that you would do anything to have him back? How about you cast a love spell on him? Have a look at these magic love spells.

A spell is a belief and a ritual performed to achieve the desired result. They come in different types and there are several ways of achieving them. Several individuals are heartbroken and they find it a bit difficult to move on. When you’re heartbroken you shouldn’t be worried since there are many ways to win the person back. Many individuals will advise you, but It’s you to choose at the end of the day. We will discuss love spells as a way of winning your ex back.

Are you able to win your ex-boyfriend back through a love spell?

Several individuals usually question whether the spells work since they are all about magic. You first need to know that anybody can cast a spell. Nevertheless, for the spell to have a meaning, a special mastery of specific words is needed. The art of casting spells has been mastered by several people such that they even do it for business. I can only advise you to take these spells seriously.

Below are spells you can use to get your ex-boyfriend back:

The Linkage Spell

This is one of the simplest spells you can cast to get back your ex-boyfriend. You have to possess one of the belongings of your ex if you want this spell to work. It might something very important to him or something that he is directly connected to. Like, you can have a piece of his hair, since it links with him directly. Take a clay pot and make 40 small balls from the clay. After that, locate a place outside your ex-boyfriend’s house where he passes daily and bury a ball each day for the next forty days. Do not forget to say his name several times while burying the balls especially in the evening. You have to trust that this spell works for it to yield results.

The Lemon Spell

We all argue in relationships and these arguments are likely to lead to break-ups. Nevertheless, these break-ups always disturb several people. You might feel like you love your ex-boyfriend and would do anything to win him back. This spell will help you win your boyfriend back. For this lemon spell to work, you will need a fresh lemon, a pink piece of paper and a red thread. Once you have all of these, you can cast the spell. Write your name and that of your ex-boyfriend on the piece of paper, after that, cut the lemon into two halves. Fold the paper in such a way that your names touch. Then place the paper into two halves of the lemon and tie the two halves with the red thread. As you do all these, imagine your ex-boyfriend making you happy and trust that he will come back to you. Hide the lemon in the freezer after tying it. Put it where nobody can see it and wait for your ex to come back. You shouldn’t wait for more than one month.

The Candle Spell

This involves six candles. One should be green, two should be pink, one red, one yellow and one blue. Take the candles and put them in positions as advised. Then take the two pink candles and hold them in your hands. All you need to do is visualize your boyfriend coming back to you as you chant his name so that your wish be granted. For this spell to work, you should put all your focus and emotions on it.

Top 3 white magic spells- find a real spell caster

Top 3 white magic spells- find a real spell caster

Top 3 white magic spells- find a real spell casterWhat is white magic? These are spells cast for the benefit of others and not for one’s self. They use energy, love and they also respect the mother nature. Since Wicca and white magic are based on the same principles, they are almost interchangeable although Wicca is a religion while white magic is kind of magic-making. Not all Wiccans cast spells and not all witches who engage themselves in white magic consider themselves members of the Wiccan community. They, however, possess similar core beliefs.

What’s the reason white magic is linked with the color white? This is just because of history where white has always been associated with good and black with evil. So in the same way, we associated red with love or green with the environment. Quite a number of these colors just relates to nature.

White Magic vs Black Magic

White magic is known for the magic of good while black magic is regarded as the magic of evil these comprises of magic such as voodoo and Satanism. It is used to pursue selfish motives without caring about others. Individuals just use it to describe the magic that is morally unacceptable since the term is quite broad.

Black magic is destructive and takes energy away while white magic creates that positive energy that uplifts, grows and supports. However, these definitions are often disputed.

Is it a white magic spell?

The only way to determine if a spell is white is by looking at the Wiccan Rede. The central tenet of the Wiccan faith and Wiccan spells are outlined by this wisdom.

In short, this means that, as long as your actions don’t cause pain to other people or things, you can act the way you want. This, however, leaves a lot of room for interpretation.

Ways of keeping the white spell

Cast the spells on yourself

Cast spells on others only if they want

Add ‘An it harms none’

What you can rather do is send the past lover beams of your love and light. This is likely to make them remember you and feel the love again and make them look for you if they miss you. Nevertheless, they have control of this and do not force them if they don’t want.

You can still, however, be careful here. What if you’re the one who caused them pain and receiving your love and memories just causes them pain and hurt in the current relationship? This will not be seen as white magic because it doesn’t follow the rule of harming any.

The only way to know if a spell is white is when you cast it on yourself and it affects you only or if you cast it on someone else with their full permission and it affects that individual only.

Spells are generally safer if they are not particularly at one individual. You can bring prosperity into your life if you cast a spell to attract abundance. However, casting a spell at work to get a promotion may harm someone else who let’s say was to get that promotion. it means you meddled with the natural order of things to act in your favor.

White spells frequently specify in the spell itself ‘an’ it harms none’ at the end of the spell. You are safe within the realm of white magic if you specify no harm in your spell since you know your intentions are pure.

Can a psychic lead you to true love

Can a Psychic lead you to true love

Can a Psychic lead you to true loveFinding the love of your life is challenging for most of us. Some lucky few marry their high school sweetheart and have the perfect joy-filled life that we all want. Wouldn’t it be perfect if you could just click your heels together three times and your perfect partner would find you?

There is no magic spell that can make your love poof into being, there is a way that you can cut down some of that wait time.

A good psychic and advisor can help you out by helping you find your partner so that you may fall in love and live a great life.

A reading just for you

A good psychic will look at your energy and you aura and help you decide what kind of partner will be a good match for you.   Because everyone is different, each person needs and wants different things for them to live a fulfilled life.

A psychic can help you figure out the best match for you, be it the strong silent type or an independent thinker or a cuddly homebody  No matter who that match is for you, an advisor can help you decide and find your ideal match.

You can stop the cycle of toxic relationships.

If you seem to find yourself in a bad relationship time after time and wind up in relationships with people who will cheat on you and stress you out with their bad behavior? Can you break out of this pattern and attract the kind of relationship you deserve.

A psychic can help you figure out your negative patterns. Most people don’t even realize that they are stuck in a cycle.

Many people don’t think that a psychic can help them.  This is because there are some false prophets who will take advantage of the vulnerable. However, there are legitimate advisors that really want to help.  Once you have selected a psychic advisor, they can help you find your true love.  While they can’t pinpoint the exact day and time you will meet your life mate, they can help you figure out the kind of partner that is right for you. And as a side benefit, they can help you figure out the type of people to stay away from.

Can you get love with a spell?

Can you get love with a spell?

Can you get love with a spell?Wouldn’t it be terrific if you could simply burn a candle, recite an incantation whilst thinking of your intended and then, whoosh!, they fall in love with you?

Doesn’t it sound a bit too magical to be true? It does, but don’t despair, love spells do exist. In fact they have existed for thousands of years. There are tablets that were unearthed in present day Iraq that hold the details of love magic.

Natural history experts say that the main ingredient in any spell is usual a flower of some kind. This is because of the energy they release.

Flowers themselves are the sexual components of plants.  They bring in bees to pollinate and they have the energy that they create with photosynthesis. This energy can work for you to help bring the change you want in  your life.

Can this energy cause a person to fall in love?

The first thing you must remember is that you cannot make someone do something against their will. A love spell will work because it changes the energy around you and others.  The spell words by making your energy attractive for the love you need.

The love spell itself should be a pleasant experience. You can start by pampering yourself with a bath and concentrating on the love you want in your life.

If that is too simple for you, there are several love spells you can try. Here is one that will help draw new love to you.

First gather a lisanthus (also known as the poor person’s rose). Next, get a red rose, a red candle and a pink candle. Next get a map of the area where you are most likely to find a new love. (Near your home or your workplace.)

Then, you light both candles and put one on each side of the map.  Write the attributes you would like your new love to have on the map.   Remove the flower petals and let them fall slowly on the map. Repeat “Within the corners of this map, my love will be found. Next drop the petals in  a path to your front door. Say, “This path will bring you to me, as the steps of flowers, our love will be.”  When the candles have burned out, bury them outside with the map and the flowers.

The Best Ritual to Manifest Love

The Best Ritual to Manifest Love

The Best Ritual to Manifest LoveLove rituals rank among the oldest forms of energy work known to man. Love creates life. Without love, nothing makes sense. When love is absent our days are gray and dull. New things need love to grow.

Love has a strong hold over us. For as long as people have been alive, rituals, magic, and spells have been used to attract it. And love rituals work to manifest love. Whatever you’re seeking in love, there are rituals to help bring it to be! People have used love spells for centuries to appeal to the gods and goddesses of love like Eros, Venus, Hathor, and Aphrodite to mend broken hearts and even to manifest marriage.

If you’re considering performing a love ritual, you need to be aware of the guidelines and rules that go along with it. The most important regulation is that you should never target your ritual toward a particular person. You must always leave the intention for your rituals open-ended.

For example, instead of setting the intention of getting together with Chad from Accounting, focus instead on inviting the experience of love that would result in the most genuine good for everyone involved. With an intention like this, the Universe will most likely manifest what you most desire, even if you don’t know yet what that is. Each person has free will. No matter how much you want somebody or something, you don’t have the authority to break this Universal Law.

New Moon Love Rituals

Love rituals are commonly associated with moon phases. The New Moon is the most powerful time to conduct romantic rituals and to cast spells for love. Full Moons have a magnetizing and alluring quality, the New Moon phase is the ideal time to sow the seeds of magic intent for a love that will grow. Add the Libra zodiac sign into the mix and partnership, harmony, and love will certainly enter the cosmic equation. Libra offers the energies associated with attraction, beauty, and intimacy. So Libra’s energy will amplify any magic, rituals or spells.

The Best Ritual to Manifest LoveHere’s a simple love ritual that can serve as a basic template for any other rituals you may decide to cast in the future. The ritual will be most effective during a New Moon phase, but any phase is more effective than not performing the ritual at all!

This ritual will allow you to gain clarity on what you most desire when it comes to relationships and love. It will also identify your blocks, and then help you release them.

Things You’ll Need

  • A candle
  • Matches or a lighter
  • Incense (any type or scent will work, but sage smudge is especially powerful)
  • A heatproof bowl
  • A pen or pencil
  • A sheet of paper

How to Perform the Ritual

  1. Gather the items you need and find a comfortable place to sit. Light the incense and the candle to create a spiritual, sacred space and to cleanse its energy. If you’d like, you can call the elements, directions, Spirit guides, ancestors, totems, or light beings to inspire you and support you.
  2. Draw a line down the center of the piece of paper to divide it into two columns. Write “The Love I choose” across the top of the left column.3. Ask yourself what kind of love you actually want. In that first column, write a list of the things you want to experience in love. This can relate to a specific issue, or it could be an epic list of your heart’s most intimate desires. This may take some time, so be patient with yourself. Delve deeply into what you need, how you feel, what feeds and nourishes you, and how you best give best.
  3. At the top of the right column, write “Obstacles blocking me from love.” Across from each statement in the first column, write down the things that are stopping you from loving that way. This could also take some time. So as you process your thoughts, be patient and gracious with yourself. Think deeply about what’s holding you back and what you’re afraid of.
  4. When you’re finished, carefully tear the paper in half along the center line. Hold the second list, the list of blocks, and feel all of the disappointment, sadness, and fear it contains. Feel it as it surrounds you and fills your aura with heavy negative energy.
  5. Channel all of that energy you feel into the paper and hold it into the candle’s flame. As it burns, feel the fear-based emotions and energy held in your aura lift and vanish as your barriers and blocks go up in smoke. Discard any remains in the heatproof bowl.
  6. Read the remaining list, the list of your desires, out loud. Invite them all into your life. Feel the excitement, joy, and love as you allow your deepest, most heartfelt desires to be free. Invite their energy to enter into your auric field.
  7. Take a deep breath, and burn this list, too. This may feel counterintuitive, but burning this list symbolically offers it to the Universe as an act of a new beginning, with includes your request to return the love’s energy to you in whichever form it best serves you. You’re also symbolically surrendering your control, which will better allow you to embrace the love when it enters your life, rather than requiring it to manifest with a specific look.
  8. Finally, when you’re finished with your ritual, be sure to thank the Spirit guides, totems, ancestors or light beings present for their blessings, and extinguish the candle. Know that your ritual requests have been heard and acknowledged, so remain open-hearted and open-minded as you patiently wait for it to manifest.

At the next New Moon, are you planning to celebrate with this ritual? After you perform the ritual, let us know in the comments section how things are going!

Psychic Flame Readings

Psychic Flame Readings

People often ask me what flame psychic readings are, if they’re difficult, and how they differ from or are better than a more conventional psychic reading. The answers are far more simple than you may think!

Psychic Flame ReadingsWhen camping with friends or family, or after a solo hike in the woods, the first thing most people do is to light a campfire. It’s also comforting to quietly sit in front of a fireplace in your own home. The warmth of fire is soothing, and the light protects you from any unknowns that may be lurking just beyond your line of sight. The flames are mesmerizing, almost hypnotizing. You can look into the flames, gaze at the complicated, crackling ballet of heat and light and see shapes, places, and faces. Sensible solutions to your problems can even come to you while you watch a fire. You almost get a sense of self-hypnosis.

These things happen because when you meditate, you open yourself up to all of the elements. You’re reaching out to connect with things that are as old as the universe itself. And the fire, in turn, is reaching out to you. The shapes, the movement, the dancing flames, even the crackles are all enticing to us. They beckon to us for our attention. Without us, the fire would weaken and die. We can give life to the fire, manifest it to life. In return, fire is able to reach out to the universe and return amazing results to us.

Just like crystals, flames are amplifiers. They expose and enhance our psychic senses, they touch our soul, and they make us feel warmth both on our insides and our outsides. Flames make us feel safe. Flames come straight from the elements. They’ve existed since the beginning of time. Fire possesses more knowledge than we do. It subconsciously assures us how and why things will turn out okay.

Psychic Flame ReadingsFor many thousands of years, psychics have used flames to visualize the past, the present, and the future. Psychics have used information from flame readings to warn people of impending disease, war, famine, and disastrous weather. Great leaders through history have sent representatives over vast distances to connect with psychics and oracles who used fire to make predictions. Some of those predictions from ancient Greece, Egypt, China, North America, and other places all over the world are still discussed to this day.

Of course, psychics don’t set their homes or offices on fire every time a client requests a flame reading. When reading at my home, I like to light a comforting fire in my fireplace. When it’s too warm to do that, I’ll light candles instead. When the flames are burning, I meditate on them, reach out, and connect with elemental fire. I give life to my questions as well as to the fire. The flames dance and accurately begin showing me things.

I don’t recommend that you try flame readings or meditation with fire if you haven’t already done them before. You can fall too deeply into a trance with catastrophic results. You may knock your candle off the table, or topple into your fireplace!

I haven’t had formal training related to flame readings. However, I’ve consulted with mentors including a pharaoh, shamans, Native American elders, men and women of the cloth, and witches at various stages in the hierarchy. I’ve never met anybody who reads flames as often as I do. Then again, I’ve never done a reading with tea leaves, but I respect they can be quite accurate.

Flames are as old and as wise as the universe itself. Using flames in my readings connects me not with the just spiritual realm, but with the universe as a whole. Flame readings allow me to reach different depths of the people I read for. This allows us to know that we each learned about the universe and how it works. We both became a little smarter, a little wiser, and at least one step closer to our destiny that lies ahead.

Casting Love Spells: Do They Really Work?

Love Spell Chant

The concept of love spells may seem like something that only works in the movies. Surely, they don’t really exist in real life, right? Well, actually, love spells do exist and they can work if done properly through following the correct guidelines and utilizing the right kind of energy in putting the spells out there. Of course, you also need to know what type of love spell you need to cast. Are you looking to reunite with your lover? Are you looking for new love? Are you trying to repair a broken marriage? There are many types of love spells to consider. So, let’s take a look at a few that may help you improve and better your love life.

Basic Love Spell

This is a common, yet strong and effective love spell that only requires chanting. It’s a great spell to cast if you’re looking to get the attention of someone or want to attract someone to you. You’ll want to chant the following words 300 times, dividing the chants into groups of 100 throughout the day. First, state the name of the person you love or want to love you. After, chant the following words: MUJHE MILE ANHI JAADU CHALAYE.

Love Spell Chant

There’s another type of chant you can recite in order to cast a love spell. The more you chant this spell, the more positive energy you’ll send out into the universe, reaching the one you’re in love with. It’s also important to keep in mind that love spells must only be used for positive things. They should not be used to break someone up, for instance, so you can steal the one you’re in love with or want to love you back. With that in mind, you’ll want to chant the following spell every morning at 7: YAA MADAT YAA MUJHE MILE VO ABHI. You can then chant this spell however many times you’d like throughout the day.

Spell for Getting a Lost Love Back

If you’re looking to get back a lost love, then this is a powerful and effective love spell to consider. You’ll need to get a few personal belongings of the person you love such as clothing, hair, or nail clippings. Inside a bowl, add a few pieces of lobaan and add the belongings of your lover. Next, add ten strands of your own hair. Set the contents of the bowl on fire while chanting the words: NOOMA PURA KAAM JALD LOVE MILE 360 times. Remove the bowl from the fire when the chanting is complete. You’ll want to put the bowl into a corner of your house and place a very small stone into the bowl every day. As you keep adding the stones, your love will start contacting you and potentially come back to you.

Love Spell ChantLost Love Spell

This is another effective spell you can try if you’re looking to get your lost love back. For this spell, you can use a Sandal Spell to bring your love back to you. This spell will require quite a lot of positive energy and a green colored candle. With red ink, engrave your lover’s name and your name into the candle. After doing this, chant the words: HOLY PYAAR ANUMAN JALD AAJAAYE PITAR. Chant these words 40 times and then light the candle. Hold the candle up to the sky and concentrate on sending out as much positive energy as you can muster.

Beginners Love Spell

If you’re a beginner to the world of spell-casting, then this quick spell will be perfect for you. This one only requires chanting a small prayer that will help you fix a broken marriage, get back a lost love, rekindle a relationship, or bind your lover to you. For this spell, chant the words: AL MUGHNEE. Chant these words as much as possible while sending out your positive energy to get your love to come to you.

Reunited Lovers Spell

Are you hoping to reunite with your love after a breakup or broken marriage? This could be a good spell for you to try. It’s a powerful, strong reuniting spell that will pave the way for you to be reunited with your lover. This spell will also work in preventing another breakup between the two of you while binding your love back to you. First, you’ll want to get two wax candles. Engrave your name on one candle and your lover’s name on the other. Next, take a red string and chant the following words while holding the red string in your right hand: MILE VO MERA HOIE AJANTPURAM. Chant those words 100 times and tie both candles together with the red string. Keep the candles in your room and every day before sunrise, chant the following words 100 times: AAOUNGAA MAUKAA PYAR MILE.

With these love spells and plenty of positive energy, you’ll have the power to get what you want out of life when it comes to all things love.