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Casting Herb and Intent Spells

Casting Herb

There are some magic spells that are used to make relationships stronger. These can help to give you more self-confidence or they can help you to have a stronger desire for your partner.

If you haven’t heard of a love spell before, there are spells that can be cast for many reasons such as bringing money to you or to help protect you, even for love.

Love Spells

Love spells are magic spells that can help you to find love. They don’t use positive or negative energy and the type of energy that you use in your spells is what makes it white or black magic.

Not everyone has love in their life and some people have recently gone through heartbreak. This is why many love spells were created in 2200 BC. This kind of spell casting happened in Greece, Germany, and more areas.

People now have apps and other things that they can look at in order to find magic that they can use. They can look and find almost anything about relationships and what they can do to make them better.

Casting Love Spells

Love spells should never be used to trick people into loving you because you should not take away free will. Here are some other things you need to consider:

  • You need to have trust when doing a love spell.
  • The expectations need to be realistic. Don’t expect a celebrity to fall in love with you.
  • Find out everything you can about the spell before you begin doing it.
  • Know that whatever you send out will come back to you so make sure you are being positive.
  • Be specific about what you want.
  • Take note of the kinds of love spells you want to cast.

Materials for Love Spells

There are some love spells that don’t use any ingredients and some that use different ingredients. Here are some of the most used ingredients for love spells:

  • Candles.
  • Pen.
  • Paper.
  • Rosemary.
  • Bay leaves.
  • Basil leaves.
  • Lemon.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Cloves.
  • Rose petals.

These ingredients depend on the spell you are casting.

Honey Jar Spell

This is a spell that can make your love stronger and sweeter. This should be used in a relationship that is already there.


  • Honey jar.
  • Pen or pencil.
  • Paper.

How to Cast a Honey Jar Spell

  • Write the name of your partner on paper 3 times.
  • Write down what intention you want with the wish.
  • Fold the paper 3 times so it can fit into the jar of honey.
  • Put it in the honey and take some honey out and put into your tea.
  • Close the lid and say, “As I drink this tea, be sweet towards me.”
  • Close the jar and hide it in a safe place, preferably close to a flowering plant.

Full Moon Love Spell

This is a love spell that can help you if you have been single for a long time and you want to find a partner. This spell can help you to meet a new partner and make a connection.


  • Full moon.
  • Rose petals.

How to Cast a Full Moon Love Spell

  • Write down all the things you want out of a partner.
  • On a full moon, fold the paper and put it close to your heart.
  • Leave the house and sprinkle rose petals around the house.
  • Say, “I am prepared to have you, come to me.”

Marriage Love Spells

Marriage love spells are for people that want to be proposed to or want to have their marriage stronger.


  • Stones.
  • Soil.
  • Planter or pot.
  • Sugar.
  • Tea.
  • Spathiphyllum plant that blooms white flowers.

How to Do a Marriage Love Spell

  • Get the plant and put it in a new pot.
  • Add stones to the pot and fresh soil.
  • Write down what you want on the paper and roll it into a cylinder.
  • Put thread around it.
  • Bury it under the stones and soil.
  • Put the plant in the area where your partner spends most of their time.
  • Take pictures of you and your partner and roll them in balls and fold foil around them. Put one on the left and one on the right.
  • Water the plant until a new flower blooms.
  • Cut the flower and let it dry.
  • Divide it into 3 equal parts and add 1/3 to a cup of unsweetened tea and add sugar to it.
  • Mix it clockwise and say, “Be my husband,” three times.
  • Give the tea to your partner and make them drink it all.
  • Do this for two days to make the spell longer.
  • If you don’t get proposed to or there is no change, try it again during a full moon.

Rekindle Spell

When you want to rekindle things with your ex, this is the spell to try to get them thinking about you.


  • Rose essential oil.
  • Red candle.
  • Envelope.
  • Resin.
  • Picture of you and your ex.

How to Cast This Spell

  • Put rose oil on the candle.
  • Put the picture of you and your ex beside each other.
  • Think of a memory you have together that made you happy.
  • Light the candle and let it burn all day.
  • Turn the candle up and let wax fall on the picture of your ex.
  • Put your picture on top of that.
  • Put the pictures in an envelop and keep them safe until your ex-contacts you.

Pink Candle Love Spell

Pink candles are often used in witchcraft to make magic stronger. This color candle is a symbol of love.


  • Pink candle.
  • Paper.
  • Pen or pencil.

How to Do Pink Candle Love Spell

  • Get a pink candle on Friday.
  • Write down your first name on one piece of paper and the last name of your crush on another paper.
  • Think of you and your crush being together and how happy it would make you.
  • Say, “We have been chosen to be one. This must be true. It is finished,” three times.
  • Let the candle burn out on its own.
  • Do this for seven nights.

No Ingredient Love Spells

If you want to cast a love spell without having to have any ingredients, this is a good one to try.

How to Cast a No Ingredient Love Spell

  • Find a place to sit that is quiet and non-distracting.
  • Choose a Friday or a full moon.
  • Think about who you want to be closer to.
  • Imagine yourself with that person.
  • Do this at least once a month.

Picture Love Spells

You can use a picture of you and your partner to rekindle the bonds between you and your partner. This can be a strong love spell. You can’t use this spell on someone that you don’t know, and you have to have a picture to make it work.

Casting a Picture Love Spell

  • Wait until midnight.
  • Put a red candle behind the picture of your partner or crush.
  • This should be the only light in the room.
  • Write down “The force of love, please visit me, my lover.”
  • Burn the paper in the candle. Don’t let smoke cover the pictures.
  • Say, “As blood is hot in the veins, let this love be flamed and eternal.”

FAQs of Love Spells

Here are some of the most popular questions about love spells:

  • Do love spells work? Yes. Love spells work and this is why they are so popular.
  • Is there a difference between white and black magic? Yes. White magic is something safe and has good intentions and black magic is dangerous and is to harm others.
  • Can you do a breakup spell? There are magic spells that can be done to break people up but remember that whatever you send out into the universe can come back to you.

Final Thoughts

Love spells are used to help to give you a desire and to bring love. This doesn’t always mean that true love will come to you. Some spell casters can cause there to be curses on other people and this can never bring real love into your life. True love between two people cannot be stopped or changed because this isn’t what the universe wants.

Casting Successful Love Spells

Love Spells

There are many things that people want in their life, to be successful, to have money, but what most people want the most is love. Love is something that can be a mystery to some, and it is also a desire. This is why love spells are so popular to witches and in books and fairytales.

Understanding Love Spells

Before you cast a spell, the best thing to know is how to understand what a love spell is and how it works. This will work by setting an intention by doing some kind of ritual or some kind of visualization.

Casting a Love Spell

Love spells use magic to work. You always will need to do some kind of action to make a spell work. If you want someone to fall in love with you, writing down their name or looking at their picture can be a symbolic action that you take.

If you want to make a love spell work where you recite words, even if you have never done this before, you can do it. Your intentions make spells work, and it can be the energy of your thoughts that give you what you want.

It Will Come Back to You

Whatever you send into the universe will come back to you. When you look at love, if you have positivity when you send out your intentions, positivity will come back to you. This is the way that your situation gets balanced. But when it is unbalanced, it can turn and become a curse instead of something good.

White Versus Black Magic

There is a difference between white and black magic. White magic is used selflessly, and it is there with pure intentions and thoughts. It is meant to make something better. Black magic on the other hand is done to hurt others, to break up relationships or to take away the free will of someone.

When you do black magic, it can backfire and come back to you in a negative way.

Making Someone Love You Spells

There are spells that are magic spells that can do certain things for you such as:

  • Help you to find new love.
  • Heal your heart after a breakup.
  • Let a friendship become a relationship.
  • Make you more attractive.
  • Help you to be less shy and more seductive.
  • Give more life into a relationship that is already formed.

What to Know

Always make sure that you know what you want and that you are careful what you are asking for. Casting a love spell is one thing but make sure that you are clear with what you are wanting.

You might have friends and other relationships, or you might be someone that loves one-night stands. These are not committed relationships. If you aren’t sure if you really want to be committed or not, make sure you know before you ever start spell casting.

Easy Love Spells

There are plenty of people that don’t believe in love spells, and they think that love spells are evil and should be left alone. If you are a witch or a spell caster, you will know that these spells work.

Love Spells that Work

Remember that love is about two people being together and sharing a common goal. A love spell should never be used to manipulate someone or make someone love you that doesn’t. Never try to make someone fall in love with you that doesn’t already love you.

Attraction Spell

Here is a spell that can cause there to be an attraction between you and someone that is in your life such as a crush or a friend.


  • Yellow or pink candle.
  • Rose oil or jasmine oil.

Casting the Attraction Spell

Carve your name into the candle and then put a heart and a + sign. Under the heart draw a? mark. Put oil on the candle and on a new moon, put the candle on the window sill.

Before you ever light the candle, take time to say, “With this spell, I need my lover to cherish me.” Let the candle burn down until it goes out on its own.

The next day, whenever you go out of the house, put the same oil on you that you put on the candle to keep the spell working strong.

Sachet Love Spell

When you want to bring romance into your life, try to use a sachet. This is a bag that works by sewing muslin together and putting herbs or dried flowers in it.


  • Pink, white or gold drawstring bag.
  • Rose petals.
  • Lavender oil.
  • Cinnamon stick.
  • Rose quartz.

Casting the Sachet Love Spell

On a Friday, put the ingredients in the bag and close it. Find a place where you can meditate and focus on the person and what you want that person to be in your life. Think of qualities that you would love to have in a partner.

Say, “On this Friday, send me love that will see in me love and me in them. This is what were both thinking of.”

Carry the bag with you and keep it under your pillow when you are home.

African Love Spell

This is a love spell that is an offering to the Yoruba goddess of love, Oshun. This was a woman that was independent and sexy and full of femininity. If you are looking for love or a committed relationship, this is the right spell for you. Make sure you are single when doing this spell.


  • 5 nickels.
  • 5 sunflowers.
  • Honey.
  • White or yellow ribbon.

Sit in a quiet place for a while and meditate on things that make you feel happy. If you want someone to come into your life that is going to commit to you and love you, use this spell.

Once you know what you want, go to the nearest stream or river, and talk to Oshun about the journey that you want to have and why you are doing the love spell. Tell her that you appreciate her helping you.

While you are at the stream, tie the flowers together with the ribbon and then put honey on the flowers. Taste the honey and then toss the flowers and the 5 nickels in the water. Ask Oshun to bless your spell.

Home Love Spells

When you want to cast a love spell at home, you can do this with your bathtub or with meditation. Here are some romantic love spells you can do at home.


  • Bathtub.
  • Milk.
  • Rose petals.
  • Vanilla extract.
  • 4 pink candles.
  • Rose quartz.

Running water in the bathtub and put vanilla, a cup of milk and the rose quartz in the bath. Put rose petals in the water. Put candles on each of the four corners of the tub and light them. After your bath, get out the rose petals and put them by your bed and let them dry.

Broken Heart Love Spell

When you get heartbroken, it can be painful. If you have a lover that left you and you need your heart to heal, here is a spell to try.


  • Sage.
  • Raw egg.
  • Black candle.

Light the smudge stick or the sage and let the smoke run throughout the room. This can cleanse your space and put positivity in your area.

Cut the black candle in half and put the top half in the candle holder and light it. Use a small candle so it can burn out before the ritual is over.

After the candle is lit, put the raw egg over your body and focus on your heart. Let this soak up any sad energy inside of you. Once the candle finishes burning, take the wax and the egg and throw them away. You can take them to a crossroad if you live in the city and put them in the garbage. If you are in the country, take them out and bury them.

The spell can make you feel tired, but this is because you are losing out on your painful energy, and it can be exhausting. You will have positive energy in the next few days.

White Candle Love Spell

This spell can help your partner to commit more to you and to think about marriage in the future.


  • White candle.
  • Orange oil.
  • Rose oil.
  • Sugar.
  • Rose petals.

Carve a key into the side of the candle and put your name and the name of your partner on the other side. Dress the candle with one of the oils by covering it all over with oil. Cover it then with white sugar.

Once the candle is covered in oil and sugar, put the rose petals around the candle. White are the best color for this spell. Light the candle and imagine getting married.

Lost Lover Spell

This is a love spell that you have to be very careful with. If you aren’t sure if you really love the person, don’t do this spell. Let time pass before you try to bring them back to your life.


• Bowl.
• Rose petals.
• Brown sugar.
• Basil.
• 4 pennies.
• Honey.
• Red wine.
• A letter of what you want in your relationship.
• Pink or red candle.

You are asking San Cipriano or Saint Cyprian of Antioch, pagan sorcerers of Iberian heritage to make a miracle happen for you. This can help to get your love back.

Write a letter with your name and the name of your former lover and why you want to get back with them. Fold the letter and put it in the bowl. Put your candle on the letter and put rose petals, basil, and brown sugar in the bowl.

Put the 4 pennies on the inside of the bowl and then taste the honey and put it in the bowl with red wine (4 drops). Put the glass of wine next to the bowl and give it to San Cipriano as an offering. Explain once more why you want to rekindle this relationship and light the candle. Let it burn until it finishes burning but never leave it unattended.

Attracting Love Spells

When you want to attract love spells, which is often done by psychics, here is a spell to use.


  • Tarot cards.
  • 2 pink candles.
  • Jasmine incense.
  • Plate.

Do this spell each Friday until you find new love. You can ask the Emperor, the Empress or the 6 of Cups to help you. If you want to have love with the same sex you need to use the High Priestess, the Magician, or the Empress.

The third card always needs to be the 6 of Cups. Put the cards in a row and put the 6 Cups in the middle. Put the candle on the plate and put it in front of the 6 of Cups card and put the jasmine close to it.

Light the incense and as it burns, decide what kind of lover you want and think it over. Light the candles. When the incense burns all the way out, leave it there until morning.

Using a Picture to Cast Spells

Pictures help you to feel connected to people that isn’t with you. You can use pictures to cast a spell on someone or you can use it as a link to cast a spell to make someone love you more.

When Love Spells Don’t Help…

When love spells don’t seem to work, here are some things to ask yourself:

  • How long has it been since you had a partner.
  • Do you have a past heartbreak?
  • Do you have the same kinds of patterns with partners you’ve had?

If any of these things work in your life, then you most likely don’t need a love spell, but you need a psychic reading. This is a matter of the heart, and you need to find a psychic that can give you a reading to help you.

Find a psychic that you can trust and one from a trusted website that has good customer reviews.

Making Your Spells Work

Magic is a creative thing and when you want to make a spell work you need to believe in it, imagine it and be patient. Magic isn’t the only way to make a spell work, but you have to believe this with your whole heart.

Here are other things to do:

  • Use the Golden Rule. Always treat others how you want to be treated.
  • Believe in the spell and believe that when you recite things that it is going to come true.
  • Never do a spell that is going to bring bad karma back to you.
  • Make sure you know what you are wanting and that you are willing to change, accept and compromise to have this love.
  • Look at the spells and make sure you know how to do them and what you need ahead of time.

Are Love Spells Real?

Yes. Love spells are real, and you can see them come true if you follow the right things. You can cast love spells and find people that are going to love you more and more.

How Long Do Love Spells Take?

Some love spells can happen right away, and some will take time. Don’t be impatient and let time be the essence to make your spell work.

Can a Spell Make Someone Love You Right Away?

Some believe in love at first sight, and some don’t. Maybe when you cast a spell you can find this, but no one is sure.

Can Love Spells Backfire?

Love spells can backfire, so you need to make sure that you are doing this with pure intentions.

Can You Do Love Spells at Home?

Yes. You can do your own love spells right at your home.

Wen, Should You Do a Spell?

The best time to do a love spell is on a Friday or during a full moon.

How Can You Find the Right Love Spell?

The best way to find love spells is to look online or to wait until you meet someone that you feel compatible with. If you are in a relationship that has gone sour, use a spell to try to bring sweetness back into your relationship.

If your heart has been broken, a love spell to heal your broken heart can be helpful. Don’t do spells that will take away the free will of someone.

Final Thoughts

Magic is like love because it is mysterious, and it is all around you. You need to always be strong in yourself and to be living your best life before you ever try to find love.

Love spells are there to help you keep your eyes on what you want. Make sure that you are being kind and compassionate to yourself and to others around you. Cast your love spells whenever you want to make your love better and when you are ready to meet someone new.

You can always talk to a professional spell caster before you start casting your own spells.

The Best Working Love Spells

Love Spells

Witchcraft has been around for years, and some believe that it is evil while others use it to help them through trials. In the past, witches were seen as satanic, and they were burned at the stake for their believes.

In the past few years though, witchcraft has become popular with new movies like “Harry Potter,” and other things that make it magical and fun. Wicca was a modern pagan religion and is one that has many belief systems. It links magic and nature together and it uses spell casting to help cast love spells and other spells to bring goodness.

Love spells are used to attract love, and this can come in potions, texts, rituals, and other things. Here are some of the best love spells that we thought you might want to know more about.

Honey Jar Spell

This is one of the most popular love spells because it is easy to use, and it brings sweetness to the relationship. If you are with someone and you need to have more love in your marriage or your commitment, this spell might be for you.

Honey represents something sweet, and it can be a love spell that brings sweetness, affection, and intimacy to your life.

Casting the Honey Jar Spell

  • Write the name of the person you are with three times.
  • Turn the paper over and write your name three times and let it overlap with the other name.
  • Focus on what you want the spell to do.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Think about the goal that you wish for and write it on paper.
  • Circle both the names in one circle.
  • Fold the paper and put it into the honey jar.
  • Dip your finger in the honey and say, “Just like this sweet honey, make my relationship sweet.”
  • Lick the honey off of your finger and close the jar.
  • Light a candle and put it on top of the jar, using the right color candle for what you need.


  • White: General needs.
  • Pink: Love.
  • Red: Passion.

Finishing the Spell

  • After the candle burns out, hide the jar.
  • Wait seven days and then light another candle.
  • Do this on the same day once a week until you get what you want.

This spell is a basic spell and works with your energy. Make sure that you get rid of any negative energy before you ever begin this spell.

Pink Candle Spell

Candles are used in many spells because they are a catalyst between love and the person. In love spells, a pink candle means love that is spiritual. This is a non-negative thing, and you need to use this during a love spell when you want it to be positive.

Pink is used to have pure intentions and to be dedicated. Make sure that you use this color when you want this kind of love.

Casting a Pink Love Spell

  • Light the candle.
  • Do this on a Friday.
  • Write your first name and your loves last name.
  • Draw a circle around the names together.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Think of you and your love together.
  • Say, “our fate is sealed. We will be one.”
  • Let the candle burn until it burns out completely.
  • Put the fire out if you leave the room. Pat it and don’t blow it out though or it will ruin the spell.
  • Repeat this for seven nights.

These pink candle spells are very strong, and they have been done for centuries.

Getting an Ex-Back Spell

You can use this spell if you have an ex that you have broken up with and you regret the decision. You might need a professional spell caster for this though so that they can help to get rid of the negative energies first.

This spell can give you confidence to live a better life. Never try to force love.

Casting the Getting an Ex-Back Spell

  • Light a red candle.
  • Stare at the flame for a couple of minutes.
  • Find a picture of your ex and imagine fixing the relationship.
  • Write your name on a piece of paper and your ex’s name.
  • Circle the names.
  • Put honey and say, “I want you to come back. I wish this spell to connect us forever.”
  • Meditate and stay calm.
  • Blow out the candle.
  • Tear the paper into small pieces and bury it in the garden.
  • Do this each night with the same candle but with new honey and new paper.
  • Do this for three nights.

It can be hard to get an ex back and depending on how the relationship ended and why, you might want to think this over before doing the spell.

Marriage Love Spells

Marriage love spells are there when people want to make their marriage stronger and better. They want to have a strong bond, and this can help.

Marriage spells are best for couples that are going through hard times. You can always talk to a professional spell caster to help you if you are about to separate. White magic never forces people to stay or fall in love so make sure you aren’t trying to do that.

Casting Marriage Love Spells

This is a spell that is good for beginners:

  • Get a spathiphyllum plant that has white flowers.
  • Put the plant in a new pot with new soil.
  • Put stones to make the magic stronger.
  • Write what you want on paper and roll it up and tie it with a string and put it at the bottom of the plant.
  • Put the plant where your partner sits a lot.
  • Put a picture of yourself and a picture of your partner and roll them up in foil separately.
  • Put your picture on the right and your partners on the left.
  • Keep the plant watered and when it grows a white bloom, cut it off and dry it out.
  • Divide it into 3 equal parts.
  • Put 1/3 in a cup and add tea, sugar, and the flower. Stir it clockwise.
  • Say, “Be my wife or be my husband,” three times.
  • Get your partner to drink the tea and do this for the next two days.
  • If you don’t hear marriage being talked about then do this again when the new moon comes.

This is an effective spell, and it won’t work though if you don’t see your partner each day.

No Ingredient Love Spells

Love spells without ingredients work on your energies. Make sure that you are being positive and that you are doing this to make your relationship stronger or more exciting.

Casting a No Ingredient Love Spell

These spells use manifestation, and they are very powerful. Here is how to make it work:

  • Find a quiet place that you won’t be disturbed. Do this during a full moon.
  • Have a clear mind and an open heart.
  • Be sincere about what you want to attract.
  • Think of the person you want to come to your life and how happy they make you.
  • Imagine the two of you together.
  • Believe in the power of your love energy.
  • Do this once a month to make the spell work.

You need to love yourself before you are looking to have a relationship in your life. Make sure you do self-care.

Poppet Love Spells

Poppets are dolls that represent someone that is casting the spell and the person you are casting the spell on. They are made of cloth or fabric, but you can make them of anything including wax, clay, or something else.

You can fill the poppit dolls with herbs or stones or other things that are strong energies. Once you make the poppet, you can connect it with the person by using their hair or a picture of that person.

Casting a Poppet Love Spell

  • Have two dolls, one of you and one of them.
  • Fill the dolls with rose petals or rose quartz.
  • Chant, “I have made you and you are mine.”
  • Chant something that shows the other doll is you.
  • Use a pink ribbon and tie the dolls together.
  • Imagine you and your crush together and happy.
  • Let your energy go to the universe.

Poppets are often used for love spells, and they can be powerful. Always have strong energy inside of you when casting this spell.

Picture Love Spells

Love spells can use pictures of yourself or your crush. This can bring people together and can strengthen the bond that you have with your partner or your spouse. If you are experiencing hard times, use this spell.

Using pictures can be a binding spell and it will only work if you have a connection with that person. It won’t work with someone that you have never met. You can try this one at home.

Casting a Picture Love Spell

  • At midnight, start.
  • Take a picture of your crush or spouse and put it in front of you.
  • Light a red candle behind the picture.
  • Turn out the lights.
  • Write down, “Sadness go to my lovers name so that all he can think of is me (say your name.”
  • Burn the paper with the flame. Don’t let smoke overcome the picture.
  • When it is burning say, “He is unable to keep still, what goes in his head comes in mine.”
  • After the paper is burned out, the spell is cast.

If you want the spell to work, you have to agree to this love. Love spells with pictures are strong because you can visualize them. If the universe wants it and the person is willing, you will have a successful spell.

Tips for Casting Spells

Here are some tips that you can use to help you cast the best love spells:

  • Believe in magic. Love spells are powerful, and you need to really focus and believe in them to make them work. Put all of your energy into your intention and be positive.
  • Set real expectations. You need to believe in the spell, but you also cannot want a celebrity or someone you have never met to fall in love with you.
  • Be open minded to new love. You might see that the spell that you cast brings new love into your life. This can be a phyiscal thing that happens between someone you just met or someone that you have known. Love spells are powerful, and they can help you to find love that you actually deserve.
  • Know the limits of love magic. There are limits to finding love and the spells should only be used in a positive way. You want to bless others and not to harm anyone.
  • Know the best times to cast spells. There are certain times like Fridays where casting spells are the best. Know these things.

FAQs about Love Spells

Here are some of the most asked questions about casting love spells:

Can You Do a Love Spell at Home?

Yes. Love spells can be done at home. You can also talk to a professional spell caster to help you.

Do Love Spells Work?

Yes. Most love spells will work if you focus clearly and if you use a spell that is right. You also need to use the right ingredient and follow the directions.

Some spelling will work right away, and some won’t. Be patient.

Can a Love Spell Backfire?

Yes. They can backfire if you are doing them in any negative way or if you are trying to cause harm to others. Neve ruse black magic.

Are There Breakup Love Spells?

Yes. These are black magic, and they are very dangerous. You never want to use these kinds of spells on other people. This will be negative and can come back to you as negative karma. You should never try to force people in or out of love.

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Understanding Spellcasting


If you think spellcasting is hard, it can be, but did you know that each time that you make a wish you are casting a spell? Have you ever wanted to make something happen and you set it in your mind? This is setting intentions. Have you ever wished on a shooting star or made a wish when you blew out the candles on your birthday cake? If you say yes, you have already cast spells.

A spell is really nothing more than setting an intention or making a desire. All you have to have been focus, energy and intention and you can make it happen. Here are some things to know before you begin casting spell:

Spells and Emotions

You should never want to do a spell if you are highly emotional at the time. You don’t want to say anything out of anger, and it is best to make sure that you are calm. You need to have the right kind of energy to cast a spell and when you’re upset, it’s the wrong kind.

Don’t Cast an Angry Spell

Don’t cast a spell when you are angry or when you want to hurt someone. This kind of spell can come back to you and can hurt you.

Don’t Cast a Spell without Expecting it to Work

You should only cast a spell if you want it to work. Spells are something that are set on high intentions. Spells can come with action and when action happens, the spell will have results.

How to Cast a Spell

Here is how to cast a spell:

  • Set your intentions: You need to know what you want in the spell and set your intentions. Before you begin, have a goal in your mind.
  • Choose a place and time: You can cast your spell in a quiet place and make sure that your area is cleansed and clear. Smudge it first and meditate. You should know that doorways and windows are considered magic portals.
  • Write it down: Write down the steps that you want to take to cast your spell. Do this and let it flow with your intentions. This can help you to focus better.
  • Get the ingredients: Get the ingredients that you need for your spells such as feathers, candles, and other things.
  • Be prepared: Prepare yourself and cleanse your space. You need to be mentally ready for this kind of spellcasting.
  • Cast your spell: Once you have everything that you need, you are ready to do it. Make sure you are in a place where you won’t be distracted.

Final Thoughts

You have cast your spell. Keep your intentions strong and be ready to see your spell work for you. You can always talk to a psychic if you need help with this.

Feelings and Emotions of Your Twin Flame

Emotions of Your Twin Flame

Twin flames have a strong connection with each other, and this connection comes from their energies. One way that this is shown is through their gifts of telepathy. This is a huge part of connecting with each other and when there is a mental connection, it can happen over and over again.

The chakras in your body are open and connected when you reach your twin flame connection, and this can be very strong. It can be so strong that nothing can get in the way of it. If you are in the chase stage of your twin flame, it is important right now not to be chasing anyone. When you do this, it leads to the twin running. Give them time to come back to you and let them be able to sort things out before they come back.

Feeling Your Twin Flame

You will be able to sense your twin flame. When this happens, chances are that they will call you. They have a soul connection with you, and this is part of the relationship.

Things You Might Ask Yourself

Here are some things you might ask yourself during this connection:

  • Am I crazy?
  • Am I obsessed?
  • Why do I always think about them?
  • Is this a fairy tale?

The answer to all of these questions is no. This is really happening to you, and you aren’t experiencing any kind of mental illness.

How Are Twin Flames Connected?

Twin flame are connected through the mind, body, and soul. They are people that are connected to the soul which was separated before incarnation.

Since the soul is from different dimensions, one twin can be in one dimension and one another and you can still be connected. This isn’t a physical connection of course but a mental or a soul connection.

Twin flames have the same chakra system, and this means that they often have the same emotions and feelings. This can be a feeling that is strong, and it can allow you to feel what the twin is feeling. Sometimes you know what is going on with your twin flame and sometimes you will even have the same thoughts.

Once you are with your twin flame in all levels, body, soul, spirit, mental and more, you will see that you can live together as a unified being.

Surrender Stage

The surrender stage is the hardest stage. It can cause intense emotions, separation, and other things. This is a time of awakening, and it can cause there to be a lack of peace.

When nothing seems to fix the relationship, surrendering is the only thing that is left to do. You can go to them and forgive them, but you will experience strong emotions that leave you feeling helpless and even crazy. It can be a hard time that is painful, and you might even feel that the universe is against you.

Logic and Works

No matter what you do during this time, nothing will work to make things easy. You have to have grace and mercy for your twin flame and release them.

What Does Letting Go Mean?

Once you let go of your twin flame, this is what happens:

  • You stop expecting things to happen at a certain time.
  • You don’t put conditions on the relationship.
  • You stop thinking.
  • You stop checking yourself for what is wrong.
  • You stop looking at their social media.
  • You get no resistance.
  • You bring healing to yourself.
  • You find your purpose.

Universal Law

Your twin flame will eventually come back to you, and it will activate the Dark Night of the Soul. This will be the time of surrender, and this will also activate your own Dark Night of the Soul.

Once you have healed from this, you will come back together with your twin, and you will be healed forever.

Letting Go of the Ego

Sometimes your twin flame will hold on to the ego forever. This will be a time of expectations and beliefs but sometimes the ego lasts through lifetimes. When your twin flame comes back to you, you will have power in the universe, and you will be able to manifest abundance in your life. You will see that you have your purpose and that you are successful as well as your twin flame.

Doing Love Magic

Love Magic

There are different ideas about magic and some of it has been around since ancient times. You can look at your own path and see if you are wanting to be a millennial witch.

As summer comes, you will want to have love. Do you want to get back with your ex or do you want to make your own relationship stronger? Some people use magic to help them get with a person that they love. It is important not to do magic to make someone love you without them allowing you. There are some witches that you can hire to do spells for you that help you get back with your ex, but these can be dangerous. If you want to add more love to your life, these spells are great.

You can use a honey jar spell to help you to get more romance in your relationship. You can use honey, flowers, and candles to make this energy work. In order to do this kind of spell, you need to make sure that you have self-love first. Do something like go for a swim or get in the hot tub so you can relax. Go with someone that makes you feel loved. Take a bath or go for a walk. Light a candle and meditate.

You can do this kind of spell on a full or new moon. You have to be able to focus on manifesting and you should do this on a Friday because Friday is ruled by Venus and focused on love.

What Do You Need?

• Small glass jar with lid.
• Honey.
• Red, pink, or white rose petals.
• Lavender.
• A small pink candle.
• Matches or lighter.
• Paper.
• Pen.
• Rose oil.
• Rose quartz.
• Amethyst.
• Sage.
• Palo santo.


The first thing that you need to do is to center and ground yourself. You can do this by meditating and burning the palo santo. Make sure that you are sitting in a comfortable spot. Use your imagination to envision a white light filling your life.


Know what your intention is when you do your spell. You can write yourself a letter or you can create a vision board. Make sure you are being positive. Describe how you want to feel and how good you want the relationship to be.

After you write this down, fold it up and thank the universe for helping you. Put rose oil on the paper.

Using Honey

After you folded the paper, manifest positive things. Think about how they make you feel and how much love you would feel if this person was with you. Put the paper in the jar and add honey and rose petals. Speak positive thoughts.

Imagine Golden Light

Imagine golden light coming to you and feel it in your palms. Imagine it filling the spell jar.

Light the Candle

Light the candle and pass it through smoke. Use rose oil on the candle and then increase your energy. Dance or chant or do whatever you need to so that you can have good energies. Use positive affirmations as you light the candle. Do not blow it out but pinch it to put it out.

Finishing the Spell

After you are grounded, you can imagine the gold light connecting you with the earth. Take deep breaths and imagine any negative energy leaving you.  Imagine any negative energy going into the earth.

Repeat It

This is a spell that you can repeat day after day. You can do this for 10 minutes each day and keep thinking about how strong you want your love to be. Make sure that you’re being kind to yourself and that you are living your best life.

After you are done with the spell, bury it at a crossroads and then make sure that you walk away without turning back around. This can bring you love yet.

Using Common Sense for Love Spells

Using Common Sense for Love Spells

Love spells are best when you cast them so that you can love yourself more and so that you can have better self-esteem. If you need to prove who you are to another person, then you are not helping yourself or anyone else. If you want to put a spell on someone to make them love, you then you are not helping yourself. If you are doing anything different than trying to open yourself up to love, then you aren’t helping anyone.

Casting a love spell can end with you being in an abusive relationship. What you want out of a relationship is something exciting, but you have to give it time and you need to find someone that cares and that give you security.

Once you decide that you deserve these things then you will start using your intuition to find love. You can try a love spell with candles, and you can follow all of the instructions to cast your spell. The universe knows what you need, and it knows that you are entitled to find love.

When you burn the relationships, you will see that you might feel desperate to be close to someone. You might see that your soul is crying for you to be happy and crying over things that you missed out on in your life. You need to make sure that you are getting rid of any baggage that you are carrying about your past and learn to love who you are.

It is important to be open to the energies around you and to let good energies come to you. You need to get rid of any bad feelings, memories that are negative or negativity that has to do with what your past held. You need to no longer let your past hold you back from something new.

This can be a time where you learn to allow yourself to be open to meeting new people and not just sitting at home being sad that you haven’t met anyone. You need to learn to go to social events and put yourself out there. You will never find someone if you are sitting at home.

Allow yourself to change and allow your energies of life to let you learn to let go of things that are stopping you from your happiness. Go out and meet people that you can have fun with. When you meet someone that isn’t right for you, don’t stay with them, let them go until you find someone that is who you want to be with.

Be determined to meet new people and to have fun. Allow the potential of others to build up inside of you and accept people for who they are. Don’t let your past determine what you want for your future or who you are.

Follow through with your dreams and allow your love spell to come true. If you do a candle love spell, embrace it and when it happens, make sure that the person that you met is someone that you want to be with.

When you see that person, you will know right away that they are the person for you. You will see that they are amazing. Will you have problems together? Absolutely because no relationship is without problems, but the great thing is that when you meet the right person then you can work through these problems and find happiness and peace.

What Do Witches Say About Hexes?

What Do Witches Say About Hexes?

Everyone has heard of things such as curses and hexes but there is a difference between the two of them. This is a kind of magic that is called dark or black magic and it is something that is not good or normal.

When casting this kind of magic, it comes from a personal belief that it is okay. The world is full of curses and when you are trying to curse someone, it can be something bad that you get into. Even though this kind of thing is normal in some customs, casting this kind of magic can cause you to die or be put to death.

Even though black magic isn’t that known in North America, it still happens. When someone puts a hex on someone, they are casting an evil spell and they are normally a witch or someone that has magic. When someone puts a curse on someone, they are trying to bring bad things or bad luck into someone’s life. This can be done by anyone, witch or no witch.

Black Magic

Black magic is something that can hurt someone and bring pain into their life. You can protect yourself from this kind of magic and make sure that you are safe from it.

Casting Black Magic

Most witches have never cast a black magic spell on someone, but many witches have used a banishing spell. Many people believe that whatever you put out into the universe will come back to you and this is the same with curses and hexes.

It takes a lot of time and energy for a witch to cast black magic on someone and if they are someone that needs to have good energy, doing this kind of magic can take that energy away. This kind of magic is offensive even to some witches.

Receiving a Curse

If you have ever had a curse, it can be a scary time. There might be times when you are in your home, and you feel heavy, or you feel bad energy around you. This can even come with supernatural things happening around you that bring you fear.

Have you ever had the lights flicker for no reason or had something fall over or break for no reason? If so, this can be a curse and you might not even know.

How to Know You Have a Curse

People often think that having a curse happens naturally. The best thing to do is to go to the doctor and make sure that you don’t have any health issues. You can have them to check you out and make sure that things are okay. Once you do that, talk to your guides and ask them to tell you what kind of energy you is around and what is affecting your life. Find out what you need to do to make sure that you are balanced and grounded.

Sometimes looking in the mirror can tell you if you are cursed or not. If you look in the mirror and you don’t know who you are or you don’t see yourself clearly, this can be a sign you are cursed.

How Do You Know if You Have a Curse?

Black magic can come to you and then bad things can happen out of nowhere. This can be a time where you don’t seem to be able to do anything right. Maybe you are having bad dreams, or you might have health issues that just seem to show up. You could be bit by a spider or a snake or have some kind of allergic reaction. All of these can be signs that you have a curse.

Protection from Black Magic

You can protect yourself from black magic. Take time to imagine that you are healthy and take time to meditate. Imagine that you are strong and that you are happy. Use black tourmaline in your crystal grid and cleanse it to help protect you from negative energy.

If you need to have protection from attacks, make sure that you have your energy protected and that you have protection from psychic attacks. You can even talk to a psychic if you need help with this.

Finding Love and Joy When You Don’t Expect It

Finding Love

There are different things that you can do in your life to find joy. Maybe you are someone that never liked sports before but going to a ball game can still bring you joy.

Go with It

As you go to the ballgame, you might find that you have business that you need to take care of, but you cannot get a signal to use your phone. Instead of letting it stress you, learn to just let things go.

Think about your spiritual guides and the teachers that have taught you along your life. As that happens, you will see that you can find and do what you need without being able to get a signal. Your guides will lead you to the right place and will help you to take care of things.

As you go to the game, look at how the kids look at the teams and how much information that they have to make the game more exciting for themselves.

You might become excited about the players and the stories that they each have. Remember that every story is different. You might find that you will look at them differently, not by how they play but by how they react to things.

You can look at the different food vendors, the players, the crowd and all of the people and activities that are happening around you and see how exciting the games might really be.

Even if the games seem slow to you and if they are longer than you would normally stay at a place, remember that this is something that can be very exciting for others that are there. Look at the game through the eyes of the kids or through the eyes of the sport fan.

Finding Happiness

Let your life be happy no matter what is going on. Let go of things that scare you and learn to use your own mind to make your life joyful. Embrace things that are around you and learn to live your best life yet.

Let go of things that you are afraid of and don’t let things hold you back. Open your life up to new things that you never thought that you would like. Let your happiness be your choice and go with it.

Joy in the Now

Spend time with people that you love to be with. No matter what you are doing from ball games to just sitting around playing games should be a fun time for you. Find things to do that bring you pleasure and remember the pleasure of other people as they come in and out of your life.

Invite people that you love to your home, invite your family and your friends, and open up your home to people that you enjoy being around.

Find the joy in small things and let your energy be happy. This can make others happy, and you can be an example to everyone you meet.

Children are the ones that help you to learn that life is great. Look at how they respond to things and learn from them. Try these things to let your inner child come out:

  • Find new things to do. Do activities that let you go outside such as go to a ballgame or go camping.
  • Do not be afraid to get dirty. Play in the dirt, go swimming, do whatever it takes and don’t worry about how you look.
  • Find things that are fun and that you can laugh at. People will laugh with you, and they will feel better.
  • Let go of things that stress you or worry you. Don’t worry about things that might not happen.
  • Find things that are exciting and wonder about them. Think about how the children look at things and try to see them from that point of view.


Spend time with children and let them teach you to be happy. Find the beauty in things around you and let joy fill your life. Whatever is going on, go with it and see how it can make you feel better about what is going on around you.