Casting Herb and Intent Spells

Casting Herb

There are some magic spells that are used to make relationships stronger. These can help to give you more self-confidence or they can help you to have a stronger desire for your partner.

If you haven’t heard of a love spell before, there are spells that can be cast for many reasons such as bringing money to you or to help protect you, even for love.

Love Spells

Love spells are magic spells that can help you to find love. They don’t use positive or negative energy and the type of energy that you use in your spells is what makes it white or black magic.

Not everyone has love in their life and some people have recently gone through heartbreak. This is why many love spells were created in 2200 BC. This kind of spell casting happened in Greece, Germany, and more areas.

People now have apps and other things that they can look at in order to find magic that they can use. They can look and find almost anything about relationships and what they can do to make them better.

Casting Love Spells

Love spells should never be used to trick people into loving you because you should not take away free will. Here are some other things you need to consider:

  • You need to have trust when doing a love spell.
  • The expectations need to be realistic. Don’t expect a celebrity to fall in love with you.
  • Find out everything you can about the spell before you begin doing it.
  • Know that whatever you send out will come back to you so make sure you are being positive.
  • Be specific about what you want.
  • Take note of the kinds of love spells you want to cast.

Materials for Love Spells

There are some love spells that don’t use any ingredients and some that use different ingredients. Here are some of the most used ingredients for love spells:

  • Candles.
  • Pen.
  • Paper.
  • Rosemary.
  • Bay leaves.
  • Basil leaves.
  • Lemon.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Cloves.
  • Rose petals.

These ingredients depend on the spell you are casting.

Honey Jar Spell

This is a spell that can make your love stronger and sweeter. This should be used in a relationship that is already there.


  • Honey jar.
  • Pen or pencil.
  • Paper.

How to Cast a Honey Jar Spell

  • Write the name of your partner on paper 3 times.
  • Write down what intention you want with the wish.
  • Fold the paper 3 times so it can fit into the jar of honey.
  • Put it in the honey and take some honey out and put into your tea.
  • Close the lid and say, “As I drink this tea, be sweet towards me.”
  • Close the jar and hide it in a safe place, preferably close to a flowering plant.

Full Moon Love Spell

This is a love spell that can help you if you have been single for a long time and you want to find a partner. This spell can help you to meet a new partner and make a connection.


  • Full moon.
  • Rose petals.

How to Cast a Full Moon Love Spell

  • Write down all the things you want out of a partner.
  • On a full moon, fold the paper and put it close to your heart.
  • Leave the house and sprinkle rose petals around the house.
  • Say, “I am prepared to have you, come to me.”

Marriage Love Spells

Marriage love spells are for people that want to be proposed to or want to have their marriage stronger.


  • Stones.
  • Soil.
  • Planter or pot.
  • Sugar.
  • Tea.
  • Spathiphyllum plant that blooms white flowers.

How to Do a Marriage Love Spell

  • Get the plant and put it in a new pot.
  • Add stones to the pot and fresh soil.
  • Write down what you want on the paper and roll it into a cylinder.
  • Put thread around it.
  • Bury it under the stones and soil.
  • Put the plant in the area where your partner spends most of their time.
  • Take pictures of you and your partner and roll them in balls and fold foil around them. Put one on the left and one on the right.
  • Water the plant until a new flower blooms.
  • Cut the flower and let it dry.
  • Divide it into 3 equal parts and add 1/3 to a cup of unsweetened tea and add sugar to it.
  • Mix it clockwise and say, “Be my husband,” three times.
  • Give the tea to your partner and make them drink it all.
  • Do this for two days to make the spell longer.
  • If you don’t get proposed to or there is no change, try it again during a full moon.

Rekindle Spell

When you want to rekindle things with your ex, this is the spell to try to get them thinking about you.


  • Rose essential oil.
  • Red candle.
  • Envelope.
  • Resin.
  • Picture of you and your ex.

How to Cast This Spell

  • Put rose oil on the candle.
  • Put the picture of you and your ex beside each other.
  • Think of a memory you have together that made you happy.
  • Light the candle and let it burn all day.
  • Turn the candle up and let wax fall on the picture of your ex.
  • Put your picture on top of that.
  • Put the pictures in an envelop and keep them safe until your ex-contacts you.

Pink Candle Love Spell

Pink candles are often used in witchcraft to make magic stronger. This color candle is a symbol of love.


  • Pink candle.
  • Paper.
  • Pen or pencil.

How to Do Pink Candle Love Spell

  • Get a pink candle on Friday.
  • Write down your first name on one piece of paper and the last name of your crush on another paper.
  • Think of you and your crush being together and how happy it would make you.
  • Say, “We have been chosen to be one. This must be true. It is finished,” three times.
  • Let the candle burn out on its own.
  • Do this for seven nights.

No Ingredient Love Spells

If you want to cast a love spell without having to have any ingredients, this is a good one to try.

How to Cast a No Ingredient Love Spell

  • Find a place to sit that is quiet and non-distracting.
  • Choose a Friday or a full moon.
  • Think about who you want to be closer to.
  • Imagine yourself with that person.
  • Do this at least once a month.

Picture Love Spells

You can use a picture of you and your partner to rekindle the bonds between you and your partner. This can be a strong love spell. You can’t use this spell on someone that you don’t know, and you have to have a picture to make it work.

Casting a Picture Love Spell

  • Wait until midnight.
  • Put a red candle behind the picture of your partner or crush.
  • This should be the only light in the room.
  • Write down “The force of love, please visit me, my lover.”
  • Burn the paper in the candle. Don’t let smoke cover the pictures.
  • Say, “As blood is hot in the veins, let this love be flamed and eternal.”

FAQs of Love Spells

Here are some of the most popular questions about love spells:

  • Do love spells work? Yes. Love spells work and this is why they are so popular.
  • Is there a difference between white and black magic? Yes. White magic is something safe and has good intentions and black magic is dangerous and is to harm others.
  • Can you do a breakup spell? There are magic spells that can be done to break people up but remember that whatever you send out into the universe can come back to you.

Final Thoughts

Love spells are used to help to give you a desire and to bring love. This doesn’t always mean that true love will come to you. Some spell casters can cause there to be curses on other people and this can never bring real love into your life. True love between two people cannot be stopped or changed because this isn’t what the universe wants.


  1. I’m curious about the psychological effects of engaging in such rituals. They might provide a sense of control or agency, which could be beneficial in their own right, irrespective of the supernatural claims.

  2. The detailed instructions provided for various spells indicate a significant cultural and historical background. Understanding this context can offer deeper insights into the reasons behind their creation.

    • Yes, the evolution of these practices reflects shifts in societal needs and beliefs, particularly around relationships and personal connections.

    • Indeed, the historical aspect is fascinating. It’s interesting to see how different societies have utilized these practices over millennia.

  3. It’s noteworthy that the spells described avoid the use of negative energy. This distinction between white and black magic can be an important factor in understanding the ethical considerations of spellcasting.

  4. The specificity of ingredients and rituals in these spells suggests that a great deal of tradition and symbolism is involved. It emphasizes the need for practitioners to be well-informed and respectful of these elements.

  5. While the concept of love spells may be intriguing to some, one must always be cautious about tampering with free will and ethical boundaries. It is crucial to consider the moral implications of such practices.


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