Understanding Spellcasting


If you think spellcasting is hard, it can be, but did you know that each time that you make a wish you are casting a spell? Have you ever wanted to make something happen and you set it in your mind? This is setting intentions. Have you ever wished on a shooting star or made a wish when you blew out the candles on your birthday cake? If you say yes, you have already cast spells.

A spell is really nothing more than setting an intention or making a desire. All you have to have been focus, energy and intention and you can make it happen. Here are some things to know before you begin casting spell:

Spells and Emotions

You should never want to do a spell if you are highly emotional at the time. You don’t want to say anything out of anger, and it is best to make sure that you are calm. You need to have the right kind of energy to cast a spell and when you’re upset, it’s the wrong kind.

Don’t Cast an Angry Spell

Don’t cast a spell when you are angry or when you want to hurt someone. This kind of spell can come back to you and can hurt you.

Don’t Cast a Spell without Expecting it to Work

You should only cast a spell if you want it to work. Spells are something that are set on high intentions. Spells can come with action and when action happens, the spell will have results.

How to Cast a Spell

Here is how to cast a spell:

  • Set your intentions: You need to know what you want in the spell and set your intentions. Before you begin, have a goal in your mind.
  • Choose a place and time: You can cast your spell in a quiet place and make sure that your area is cleansed and clear. Smudge it first and meditate. You should know that doorways and windows are considered magic portals.
  • Write it down: Write down the steps that you want to take to cast your spell. Do this and let it flow with your intentions. This can help you to focus better.
  • Get the ingredients: Get the ingredients that you need for your spells such as feathers, candles, and other things.
  • Be prepared: Prepare yourself and cleanse your space. You need to be mentally ready for this kind of spellcasting.
  • Cast your spell: Once you have everything that you need, you are ready to do it. Make sure you are in a place where you won’t be distracted.

Final Thoughts

You have cast your spell. Keep your intentions strong and be ready to see your spell work for you. You can always talk to a psychic if you need help with this.


  1. The emphasis on preparation and focus is noteworthy. It’s a reminder of the importance of mindfulness in any activity, magical or otherwise.

  2. The idea that setting intentions and making wishes is a form of spellcasting is intriguing. It aligns with psychological concepts of goal setting and visualization.

  3. The article recommends not casting spells when highly emotional. This seems like good advice for any decision-making process, not just for spellcasting.

  4. The guidance on not casting spells out of anger is important. It reflects a broader principle of ethical behavior and the potential consequences of our actions.


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