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How to Use Candles for Spell work

How to Use Candles for Spell work

One great thing about spell work is that you can use candles. People love candles and they love the idea of fire magic. This is a way that you can take your energy and you can focus on what you want, and you can send it to the universe. When you need to get rid of something, fire magic can also burn those things away for you.

Candles are something that you can use when you do spells on their own, but you can also do things to make the spell stronger.

Dressing a Candle

Dressing a candle when you want to do spells means that you put something on the candle. Many people will use herbs or oils and they will rub it on the candle while they focus on the intentions that they are sending to the universe. This makes the spell much more powerful.

How to Dress a Candle when Doing a Spell

Here are some tips to help you dress a candle when doing a spell:


You have to start by cleansing your candle. You can rub it with salt, do smudging or you can use a sound bowl. Do whatever your intuition tells you to cleanse your candle.


Rub oil on your candle while you are focusing on what you want in your life.


Once you put oil on your candle you can choose what you want to do next. If you want to add herbs, you can roll the candle in the herbs of your choices. Make sure that you continue to focus on your intentions.

Herbs and Oils for Candle Dressing

There are different oils you can use such as coconut or sunflower oil to dress your candle. This is a way that the herbs can stick to the candle.

If you want to use a different oil, you can use essential oils to help with your spell. You can buy small amounts of the oils that you want to use, and you can find them almost anywhere.

The same thing is for herbs, when you are wanting to dress a candle, you don’t need to buy a big amount of herbs but just stick with a small amount of the kind you want to use.

Pleasure Spells

You can use orange candles and these oils and herbs:

  • Sage
  • Lavender
  • Rose petals
  • Flower petals
  • Ginger
  • Sandalwood
  • Calendula

Abundance Spells

You can use a green, gold, or brown candle and these oils and herbs:

  • Ginger
  • Cinnamon
  • Basil
  • Frankincense

Creativity Spells

You can use orange, blue, purple, or yellow candles and these oils and herbs:

  • Tangerine
  • Angelica
  • Verbena
  • Bay Leaves
  • Peppermint

Intuition Spells

You can use a silver, blue or purple candle and these oils and herbs:

  • Sage
  • Myrrh
  • Rose petals
  • Mugwort
  • Chamomile

Protection Spells

You can use a blue, brown, or black candle and these oils and herbs:

  • Juniper
  • Comfrey
  • Mugwort
  • Cypress
  • Clove
  • Mullen

Releasing Spells

You can use a pink, orange or red candle and these oils and herbs:

  • Ylang-ylang
  • Cardamon
  • Fennel
  • Yarrow
  • Oregano
  • Jasmine

Discover Your Soul Note Today

Discover Your Soul Note Today

Soul notes serve to attract people and experiences to you, as well as purging feelings of anger or spite.  There are steps you can take immediately to help discover your note and amplify the amount of light you emanate.  You must begin by recognizing your physical body is worthy of love and respect.

Allow yourself to perform a cleanse.  By purifying your body, especially the intestinal and digestive tracts, you can rid yourself of many diseases and ailments.  Many parasitic disorder symptoms can mimic more common ailments and over 130 types of parasites can inhabit the human body.  Although, cleanses can be a tricky process, a successful outcome can help your gut and mind communicate back.  It’s important to remember “healthy body, healthy mind.”

A complete cleanse requires patience and discipline.  It is helpful to work with a trained naturopath who will advise on the ideal methods and herbs to incorporate.  You should purify your entire intestinal tract beyond simply the large intestine.  This will produce a healthy layer of mucous to line tract walls and allow us to eat a proper amount of food to receive optimal nutrition.  Your cleanse should last at least three months to see true results.  Pay attention to the quality and quantity of food as light emanate from the food we consume.  Envision this light to enter your body.

You may notice an array of old emotions or unresolved experiences being released during a cleanse.  This is because memories can be stored at the cellular level of our body and will surface as toxins become releases.  Addressing, and releasing these memories will help you feel lighter and brighter in spirit.  As these lingering thoughts surface, strip them from your astral body and picture yourself throwing them into the light.  You may also choose to write down these lingering issues and burn the piece of paper to release these concerns back to the Universe.

If you notice you are suffering from trauma, opt to work with a trained therapist.  Certain traumas can be stored so deep that you will need to work with various methods to fully purge this pain and heal.  Allow yourself to forgive, even a part of, yourself and those involved in these unresolve scenarios.  Let anything or anyone that no longer serves a benefit to you to be released from your life.  Keep in mind, toxic relationships are incredibly troublesome to release, but by staying committed to loving yourself and trusting the process you can no longer feel weighed down spiritually.  Allow each cell to become filled with light that vibrates throughout your body working to heal, cleanse, and rejuvenate from the inside out.

If you are unsatisfied with your life, act in a manner in accordance to your goals.  Essentially, walk your talk!  You will notice beneficial changes to occur and the cleansing will feel easier.  You should experience an increase in fun, joy, service to others, and spiritual exercises to become central to your life.  Love will flow freely within and around you, allow your spirit to ascend to new heights.  This ascension promotes freedom for your spirit to more readily interact between the physical and spiritual plane.  Love becomes a wellspring within you and your energetic field vibrates faster thus helping to uncover the lighter body that reside in every person.  One that is of perfect shape, health, beauty, and boundless energy.  A body that never ages, sickens, or dies. In this body we are most fully us, a Spark of Light and Love who has a rewarding relationship with the Divine and all of humanity.

The Psychic Way of Finding Love

The Psychic Way of Finding Love

In this uncertain world, finding love can be a real challenge. Would it not be wonderful if we could just call up a psychic and ask about our soulmate? Even though no psychic can find true love for you, they can play a highly important role as you walk through the dating minefield so that you may discover your path to true love. A psychic, by reading your aura and sensing your energies can help you determine your relationship needs. Your psychic can determine what is best suited for you in your current situation. Read on to see how a psychic can be helpful.


Perhaps your loveless life has something to do with karma. Your psychic can read your psychic records to help determine whether negative actions from your past lives is affecting your current love life. If this is the case with you, then your psychic can neutralize past karma through practical psychic advice. After this karma has been neutralized, you will see improvements in your love life and potentially your family and career as well. Using the support of spirit guides, this neutralization may help you to attract the right person. Your psychic should be able to channel the messages from your spirit guides. If you are in a relationship at the moment, your spirit guides can determine if the person is the right one to help alleviate potential future heartbreak.

Choosing the Right Psychic

In order for a psychic to be of help, you must choose the right one. DO not be afraid to open your heart to your psychic because a good psychic should be able to identify the habits that are hindering your love life or creating stress in the relationship. A good psychic will also be able to help you free yourself from past relationships, offer guidance on what has gone wrong in the past, and detailing how to avoid these errors in the future. By truly listening to the advice and guidance, you will be able to find the reality of the person of your dreams or help your current relationship bloom again. Some psychics may also be able to determine the appearance of a future love and outline their status and bad habits they may have when you meet.

Ask for Specifics

A good psychic may be able to determine where your next encounter with a loved one will occur. If you are in a current relationship, a psychic can suggest ways to keep the energy of love flowing.  This may help you better understand and solve any relationship issues to reignite things and continue to let them flourish. Today, it has become fashionable for couples to attend a psychic reading together to see if the psychic can share ways to improve what already exists. If you choose this direction, be open and discuss everything. The whole experience can be healing and uplifting.

Spells that Attract Women in Your Life

Spells that Attract Women in Your Life

There are many spells in the world that were written down on papyrus paper and then were later copied for reference. Some of the spells were written in order to win women over. In these spells, you will see that there are three parts.

The first part is to get the woman to love you and the second part is to bury different items at the door of the woman’s house.

Some will have to offer things like wild plants or a bat and when they are buried at the door of the woman you love, the spell will work fast.

With the wild plant, the spell is talking about the aspartos, which is a Greek plant. This is a plant that has sticky blackness and would fit in the black color when that color is needed.

Other ingredients can include foam that comes from a horse and a bat.

The last part of the spell is to do some repetitive incantations that will bring magic. Demons can be called on for their powers, but the problem is that they are evil.

You can call on the different names and offer them things such as amulets and let them build thrones around you.

These things can bring love and make you feel mad towards who you want to be with. Never let the lady drink or eat or sit until she becomes like the spell and is madly in love with you.

It is questioned who this spell might be made for, and which women were the target of the spell. When you see that it says, “heartfelt madness,” do you want someone to love you like that?

This spell is not written for a single person, but it can be used for almost anyone. The spell doesn’t put names in, but it leaves a space where you can add your own name.

You can submit the name of someone that you want to fall in love with you and the NN can be a place that the person is written within the spell.

Rather the spell was effective, no one is really sure, but it is used to attract attention of someone that you want to love you back.

The papyrus paper will have symbols on the paper and will have different lines. It is from Egypt and dated in the 6th or 7th century, but it is not really known exactly when.

The language that it is written in is Coptic and it is collected in the Yale University library.


Love spells have been written for centuries and they are still part of everyday magic spells. Always be careful what kind of love spell that you put on someone and what your intentions are.

Just like the past, love spells are there to help you to make someone fall in love with you, but you always need to make sure that it is positive so that nothing evil comes back to you.

If you are concerned about doing your own newer love spells, find someone that is good at spellcasting and call on them to help you to cast your spells.

Love spells can be exciting as long as they are done with a pure heart and good intentions.

Using Techniques to Change Your Mindset

Change Your Mindset

There are different techniques that you can use to change your mind and to help you to embrace your psychic giftings. These things can help you to meditate better and help you to be stronger in all that you do.

Some psychics will see that they have these special abilities even when they are a child. They can talk with the spirit world and see things around them that others cannot see.

Alpha Mind

The alpha mind is measured in the EEG where the mind will go 14 to 7 different cycles each second. This is how your brainwaves move and how the alpha brain will come. Most people lose their alpha brain past age 7 and this is a time when the brainwaves will get faster, and the thinking skills will become stronger.

Once you learn how to slow your mind down and to stay calm, you can figure out how to train your brain. Psychics are able to manage their brain through their alpha waves. They can do this without realizing that they are increasing their giftings.

The brain waves of the alpha will open up the mind and will help you to be more creative. It will help you to find life full of coincidences and synchronicities.

One of the best ways that you can increase your giftings is to learn how to keep your mind in the alpha state. You can train your mind to help you to increase your giftings and this can be done with hypnoses and other techniques.

Being in a semi-hypnotic state can help you to get information that can help you to build your subconscious mind. You can see that you can reach your alpha state and you can use mind techniques to help you to move forward in your life and your gifts.

Formulating different alpha techniques can help you if you have clairvoyance as a gift. This can help you to function better and to live a happier life.

Meditation Tips

If you want to reach your alpha state of mind, there are different things that you can do in order to be stronger in your giftings.

Meditation with Red

Imagine that you see red coming all through your body and from your body. Imagine that the color absorbs every part of your being.

Breathe deeply and let the color embrace you while you talk about reaching our alpha mind.


Imagine that you are seeing the color orange running through you. Imagine it filling your whole body.


As you breathe deeply, imagine the color yellow coming out of all parts of your body and filling your room.


Let the green color come from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head. Imagine the color going all over your body.


Let the blue color embrace you and flow through your body as you absorb it. Imagine a blue mist around you.


Imagine that a purple mist is covering you all over your body and is coming as you breathe in and out.


Let the color violet come up from your feet and out of your belly. Imagine a mist around you covering you.


Make sure as you are imagining the colors that you relax and that you keep your eyes gently focused on what your mind is imagining.

Alpha Meditation

When you use the alpha state of mind tips you can reach a place that helps you to meditate and have all the power that you need to be strong.

Alpha State

You can know that you are in an alpha state when you find that you can meditate and be calm. You can also get an EEG machine and use the band to tell you where your brainwaves are.

Muse Brain Sensing

You can find a Muse Brain sensing headband if you look online. These can come with different sounds like ocean sounds that allow you to wonder into a state of mind that is beyond where you are.

Pay attention to your progress and make sure that you are finding the right products to help you reach where you want to be.

No Need for Love Spells

No Need for Love Spells

When you find yourself unhappy with being single, it can be a problem. It is especially a problem when you are the one that does not want you. Some may turn to love spells to bring their desired one to them. Many bookstores have whole sections devoted to metaphysical practices to help make that special someone your own. It can be easy to believe that all it takes is the recitation of some words, a few crystals, incenses, oils, and herbs and someone you desire will be fully yours for all of eternity. Still, before you embrace this plan wholeheartedly and rush out to buy all the supplies, there are some things to keep in mind.

The first thing to consider is what has kept the two of you apart. If the intended is already taken, likes being single, or in a happy relationship or maybe just not interested, it can be tough to accept, but a future may just not be in the cards for the two of you. Things become more complicated because of what we have been taught about love through movies, novels, and shows that create dramatic and fictional themes about star crossed lovers who face a cruel world keeping them apart. While these are good for entertainment, they create an unrealistic expectation in the lonesome viewers mind and heart. At other times, we are taught love must be painful and we must be devoted to one person for a lifetime, regardless of whether they are reciprocating the feelings. We are taught love is to be selfless and we are only to give, expecting nothing in return. Some are taught love is forever, despite the nature of it and if we truly love someone, we must be with them as long as we are alive. All these myths do is create disappointment and pain, leaving us focused on all the wrong things.

We need to realize that is someone wants to be in a relationship, they will make it happen. There is no mystical force to keep lovers apart. This means there is no need for magic to unlock what is meant to be. True love is not a struggle to bring it to fruition and while devotion is admirable, if directed to the wrong person, it is pointless. So, while we should not give up on love in and of itself, we do need to stop seeking validation from those who are not interested in a relationship. You do not need to stop searching for love and you can use some magic, but no love spells needed.

If you have a deep love for someone who does not share the feeling and you are struggling to move on, your local metaphysical shop can be of help. A simple, and cost efficient, candle or oil known as “forget him” or “forget her” can help you let go of the feelings. No special work or words are necessary unless you just want to say something. The candle has a prayer written on it and is designed to be burned for a specific amount of time. If it is left to burn until it is gone, do so in a safe space. It still shows effectiveness if burned for a time, extinguished, and relit as needed. For the oil, add a dab to yourself as you would perfume and tell yourself to move on, heart intact, forgetting the individual. This can be done as needed to help change yourself, not someone else.

Visualization exercises can also break the heartstrings that bind you together. Close your eyes and visualize a single strand that connects your heart to the other person. Feel the strength of the connection and honor the love, then take a deep breath and snap the strand with your hand. Cast it away as you walk away, visualizing it dissolving into nothing. This can also be done by visualizing roots that you dig up and lay aside. This will leave you feeling whole. Some may prefer asking for divine help through a guide. One deity open to helping in this way is the Norse goddess Freyja. Gather some form of amber and offer it to her by casting it in a field, burying it, or burning it. Ask Freyja for help and signs to point you to true love, then have faith it will be done. One other form of magic is to reach out to those more lonely than yourself. Give your time to someone who is alone to open yourself up to love. Whether you become a Big Brother or Big Sister, adopt an animal, or join a group to support a cause this is magic in itself.

Above all, commit to love magic for yourself. Understand you are deserving of love and capable of finding it. If someone is not interested in you, it is their loss and there are others who will appreciate you. Get out and enjoy life and before long, love will find you.

Should I Use a Love Spell

Love Spell

Love spells are effective when you convert your sincere affection into magical power.  Love is a team sport that requires both parties’ freewill and hard work.  In order to produce a successful outcome, it is important that you ensure the following points below:

  • Have pure love for your significant other
  • Be grateful for their love
  • Be willing to spice up your relationship as need
  • Frequently show how much you care about them
  • Be thoughtful
  • Be respectful and supportive
  • Frequently help your partner with daily chores
  • Do you best in all facets of the relationship
  • Put effort into looking good for you both
  • Treasure your relationship and never forget how fragile it can be at times

You risk breaking a love spell if you act in any of the following ways:

  • Selfish and extremely stubborn
  • Act unfaithfully or jealous
  • Frequently blame them for your issues and missteps
  • Constantly criticize and/or humiliate them
  • Give up on working on your self-growth
  • Ghost them

When habitually act in toxic patterns, even the most powerful spell with come undone in under a month!  Your intended my still be attracted to you and respond favorably to your kind words or deeds, but this won’t be true love.  Even if you try to fix your wrongs, it will be too late and the relationship will continue to erode until one day you part for good.

Therefore, it is essential people only use love spells when they can accept full responsibility for their actions, their loved ones, and fight for a lasting love.  Sure, some greedy false psychic can claim they can help you fall in love with anyone without putting in hard work.  But this is similar to undertaking a spiritual kidnapping.  You may “have” this person in your life, but it is by force rather than true interest.  How long do you think this person would stay with you if giving back the power of freewill?  Inevitably if they don’t want to be a part of your life, they will find a way to leave it!  The Higher Powers in the spiritual realm are taking notice of your selfishness and will find a way to punish you accordingly, most likely resulting in you losing everything you hold dear and winding up alone and miserable.

It is important to always keep in mind that any black magic spell will fade much faster than any white magic ritual.  Moreover, white magic is considered safe, as supposed to black magic which can endanger both target and practitioner.  Also, those conducting black magic won’t warn their clients about the rituals’ risks for fear of losing money or power.  If you are ensuring your love spell involves white magic, it is helpful to renew your spell every few years and to use protective charms like amulets and talismans to ensure the health of the relationship for decades to come.  You can have love in your life with your true love as long as pure love resides in both your hearts, as this enduring love is the driving presence in any love spell.

Ways to Release Karma from a Past Life

Ways to Release Karma from a Past Life

Past life karma can be impeding your ability to enjoy this life.  Karma is the result of actions made in previous lifetimes.  Each action has a consequence, which can be carried over from one life to the next.  Much of our present reality has been shaped by our past lives.  Unfinished business is carried over until you learn vital lessons for your spiritual growth.  To begin releasing bad karma, here are three techniques you can use today for soul freedom.

Identify major hurdles

You may feel like you have stalled out in your career.  Perhaps you are struggling with poverty or illness.  Not matter what is impeding you in life, understanding how to identify your past life karma will help you tackle the challenge head on, and begin healing past live wounds.

Problems typically appears as stagnation, chaos, or toxic interpersonal relationships.  Use a past life karma calculator to gain insight on lingering energies stifling your present life.  You could opt for a past life regression to help pinpoint what is specifically blocking your from releasing your karmic burden.  Be honest with yourself as you explore, including accepting your weakness, shortcomings and shadow traits.  This is key to begin untangling the karmic knots.

Eliminate toxins

You must identify the root of your negative energy to seal off those portals and prevent the negative vibrations causing you pain or discomfort.  This can include remove negative activities or people which dull your energy field.  Don’t feel guilty for prioritizing yourself.

Forgive easily

Forgiveness is a freeing gift that you give to yourself and anyone with whom you’re making amends.  It means you are detaching yourself from any concept of ill-will.  This catharsis will bolster your positive vibrations that will make it near impossible to sustain and past life karma.

Not all karma is negative, nor does karma serve to teach you a lesson.  Rather, it’s an opportunity for self-growth and self-improvement.  Balance karma allows us to fulfill our soul’s journey and improve the lives of all living beings on a higher scale.

The Risks of Manifesting a Specific Person in Your Life

The Risks of Manifesting a Specific Person in Your Life

You may have been eying a particular person in your life for some time and you wish you could find a way of making them become enamored with you.  Although, it sounds like a movie, there are many risks involved with manifesting this person to be your next great love or dearest friend.  It doesn’t matter if you already know this person or have merely glimpsed them from across a café.  The risks will still be there; however, it may be a bit lower if you know them because you may already have an idea if they would be open to this manifestation of your dream.

Reasons to avoid manifestation

The biggest concern is that you can never truly know ahead of time if this person will be a good influence in your life.  Regardless if you know them personally, or if they are currently a stranger to you, you only know a portion of this person’s personality and motivators.  Someone can be incredibly polite socially, but could carry toxic baggage that would make having an intimate relationship with them near impossible.

  • People need free will: There are many people who subscribe to the Law of Attraction in spirituality that will say manifesting a person in your life is a direct violation of their free will. Other facets in the spiritual community may claim that manifestation will only attract the version of them that desires to be with you as well.  Therefore, you may want this person as your lover, and they don’t have romantic feelings towards you, in this case they will come into your life, but will only stay in the friend zone.
  • Lack of harmony: You can never be sure if a person you attract into your life will be a good fit for your lifestyle.  With manifestation you may get along fabulously, or you may endure an endless series of fighting.  In extreme cases you may end up with toxic relationship that you could struggle to end.


Manifestation a particular individual is risky, but it should stop you from pursuing your ideal relationship.  Instead of focus on “them,” manifest the “it.”

  • Identify desirable traits: Focus on what makes a person a good fit for you and your lifestyle rather than coveting a particular individual.  Write a list about what aspects you want in a friend or lover and then prioritize these traits.  When the “right” person enters your life, you will know they are healthy for you because they embody the skills, goals, and personalities that you are attracted to.
  • Love yourself: Maybe you are fixated on external love because you haven’t connected enough with what makes you so awesome.  Self-love is a complex, but worthy pursuit.  Only when you can love yourself can you fully love another person.  You will know what makes a person healthy or toxic to your life and will save you from heartache.  Only let people into your life that reflects the love you have towards yourself and the world.  Prioritize spending time with yourself and your self-care routine.  Whatever you are looking for in a lover or friend show that to yourself first.  When you embody this self-love, you’ll attract others into your life that can reciprocates this respect and affection.

Using Candles to Attract Love

Using Candles to Attract Love

People are always searching for love and for the gifts that they have in the psychic world. People want to understand how they can understand energy and how they can connect with other people and places.

There are different spiritual mentors that can help people to reach who they are, and they can figure out what they want in their life instead of feeling like they have to compete in order to live their best life.

Sometimes a spiritual counselor will give people what is called candle rituals to complete. These things can happen in person or on an online session.

There are different roles that people have and there is different spiritual work that is practices. Some people do this so that they can do healing traditions or so that they can work to meditate and to know what the universe wants.

There are different religions, and these are based on the decisions that you make in your life. There are some African magical traditions where people use the earth and materials from the earth, including items that you can find right in your home that will help you to connect to the spirit world.

These things can become part of your life and it is sometimes called Hoodoo. This is a practice that people used when they were slaves and where they had to figure out practices in order to make their life better.

This is something that is often passed down from generation to generation and is part of the “Blackfoot” ancestry. They used these practices to heal other and to reach their spiritual being.

When you look at things from a spiritual point of view, you want to be smarter in your body and you want to have stronger powers such as intuition. You need emotional support, and you need to learn new things so that you can be more accurate in what you want.

What is candle work? Candle work is a magical practice where you can light it and use the fire to get rid of things or to bring things into your life. The fire can help you to get rid of things that are negative. It is part of your moon and sun signs and the elements of fire and water are often easy to connect to.

The rituals can be done around the fire but if you use a candle, this can be personal for you. It can help you to reach your spiritual world and to do rituals that help you to know what you want to do and to be who you want to be.

Candle work and bath work can be intimate, and it can be a ritual that works for your own energy. This is not wild energy, and the candle will not work by itself, but it is about your energy. IT comes from whatever intentions that you have and what kind of relationship you have with yourself.

Using Candles to Attract Love

Here are some materials that you need to do a candle ritual for love:

  • Lighter
  • Seven-day candle that is white
  • Rose petals or Honey
  • Water in a bowl
  • Paper and pen or pencil

What to Do

  • Do what you have to do so that your body is happy and feeling good. You can dance, laugh, or do what makes you feel good.
  • Write down what you intend on asking for and what you want out of love. Trust yourself to write the right things down. Fold the paper into squares and put it under the candle. You can even kiss the paper so that you can feel your intentions.
  • Think about the intentions that you have and put the rose petals on top of the candle. Do not let it get burned.
  • Talk to the candle and tell the candle your intentions. You can even put oil on the candle and rub it.
  • Sit by the candle and put it in a place where you will not mess with it and where it can stay burning.

After the Ritual

Let the candle burn out on its own. If you have to blow it out during the day or when you are gone, it is okay, just light it back when you get home.

Get rid of the candle once it burns out on its own. You can throw it in the garbage but thank the candle before you do that.

Leave your intentions there and make sure that your home has good energy. Any energy changes that you have should be written down in your journal.