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How to Prepare for a Spell

Prepare for a Spell

You should always put a lot of effort into preparing yourself when you are going to do a spell. Doing the right prep work can keep you safe and it can protect you from negative energies.

Preparing also gives you strength to make sure that you are able to cast the spell. As you increase your energies, you can be more successful in making the magic happen. The best thing that you can do to prepare for a spell will vary depending on what you believe.

The goal to prepare though is the same and it is to make sure that your mental and spiritual energies match up. Spells can take days or weeks to prepare and how much you choose to prepare is completely up to you.

Early Prep

There should be early prep work that is done if you are going to do something that is going to change your life.

Know the Spell

The first thing that you need to do is to know the spell. Know it step by step and make sure that you know exactly what you are going to do. Pay attention to the direction, the items that you need and make sure that you have it all.

Be Confident

Be confident as you build yourself up to do the spell. You have to believe that it is going to work, or it won’t. Be confident in yourself.


Some spells have to work with certain moon phases, and some don’t. Make sure that when you do the spell that you know when the best time to do it is. Set your schedule so that you can prepare to do the spell when the time is right.

You should always concentrate on making sure that you are doing spelling right, especially if you are a beginning spell caster.

Making the Space Sacred

You need to take time to make a sacred space, even if you are new. This is a dedicated area where you have just to do your spells and your magic. This can be a temporary or a space that is permanent.

Cleansing Your Space

After you pick your space, make sure that you cleanse it. This should be a space that you protect. Sweep the area and get rid of dirt and dust. Get rid of anything you don’t need. Once you clean the area, cleanse the spiritual space by meditating, getting rid of unwanted energies, smudging, and doing things that can get rid of bad vibes. Sweep out any negative energy and do this beginning in the east and sweeping counter clockwise.

If you cleanse the space for the first time, make sure that you sprinkle salt around the space and ring a bell three times. Then imagine the area cleansed of anything negative.

Dedicating Your Space

After you cleanse your sacred space, dedicate it. This space should be something personal to you. There are ways that you can dedicate your space and you need to decide which is best for you. The most common is to tell the spirits that you are dedicating the space and then anointing the corners of the room with Frankincense or Myrrh oil.

Easy Dedication Ritual

You can do this even if your space is temporary.

Ingredients for Easy Dedication Ritual

  • 1 white candle.
  • Myrrh oil.
  • Frankincense oil.

Anoint the candles with the Myrrh oil and the Frankincense oil and then light the candle. Put it in your hand and start in the west and walk around the space in a clockwise way. Let the candle burn out.

Other Tips for Dedicating Your Area

There are other things that you can do to dedicate your area. This has to become your space and that is what is most important. Here are some things that you can use:

  • Oil: Anoint the corners of your space.
  • Crystals: Put your favorite crystals around the area.
  • Tools: If you don’t have an altar yet, you can put the tools around to represent the elements.
  • Gods and goddesses: Put pictures of statues and other deities to harness their energies.

Keeping Your Space Safe

Here are some things that can keep your space safe from negativity:

  • Mirrors: Will bring in positive energy and deflect negative energies.
  • Symbols: Put protection symbols such as the pentagram or the Algiz Rune.
  • Protective stones: Use Amethyst, Beryl, Blood Stone, Emerald, Flint, and other protective stones in your area.
  • Basil: Use dried basil in your area.
  • Sea salt: Sprinkle salt around your area.

Preparing for a Ritual

When you are about to do a ritual, you need to make sure that you get your space prepared:

Cleansing Yourself

You need to start by cleansing yourself spiritually before you ever do a spell. Here is what you will need:

  • Tub.
  • White candle.
  • Cedar essential oil.
  • Hyssop essential oil.
  • Sandalwood essential oil.
  • Sage oil.

Cleansing Yourself Spiritually

Anoint the candles with the hyssop oil and then light it with the incense. Get in the bath and then add cedar oil, hyssop oil and sandalwood oil in the bath. Get in the water and cleanse yourself. Focus on how to get rid of anything that is negative in your spiritual being.

After you do your bath, anoint yourself with the sandalwood and put some on your head, wrists, heart, above your genitals, feet, and knees.

If you don’t have a bath, put water in your sink or a bucket and add the oils and cleanse yourself with a cloth.

Preparing for the Spell Working

Some people will change the way that they eat before they do a spell. They want to make sure that they are in a positive mood. When you go to bed, think of the instructions of the spell again and imagine how the spell is going to work. If you have other people in your home, tell them not to bother you while you are sleeping or preparing.

Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep the night before. Not getting enough sleep can cause the energy to not be there that is needed to make the spell successful. After you wake up, don’t talk for at least 15 minutes, and don’t move around. Focus on the spell and you can even keep the instructions under your pillow so that you can read them and charge the energies of the spell.

Getting Tools and Supplies

Make sure that you have everything that you need to cast the spell. Get rid of any impurities on the spell and make sure that they have no negative energies tied to them from other spells. Do this with your crystals and anything you are going to use in your spell casting.

Cleanse and anoint your candles and get ready for you ritual. You don’t want to have any problems or miss any ingredients on the day of the spell because this can cause stress.

The Day of the Spell

Before you spell it, make sure that there is nothing negative in your mind. Clear your mind of all things besides the spell.


Take time to meditate and to make sure that you are calm. Create an area that is calm and that is exciting. Play some music, burn a candle, light some incense. Do whatever will make you feel full of power.

If the ritual has many people working together on the spell, make sure that you do something together that puts you in harmony with each other. This can be a game that you play, a song that you sing or putting on the same perfume.

Keep Safe

Mak ensure that you are safe in your physical being when you are doing a spell. If you live alone, lock the doors, and make sure that you turn off your cell phone and your land line. Don’t have any radios that are playing.

The only noise that you want to have been music that will make the spell work or silence. Most spells are done in silence but sometimes music makes the spell stronger.

Spiritual Safety

Look at spiritual safety. Take a bath or a shower and add essential oils to make the spell work better. Cleanse yourself and make sure that you get rid of any negative energies. Put on cloths that don’t have negative energy. You can wear a robe or something that you didn’t wear that day.

Anoint your head and the area over your heart with sandalwood. Sprinkle salt around the corners of the room where you will be doing the spell.

Staying Safe

Being safe is important and you can ask for white light to fill your room. Imagine the light filling the whole room and keeping you safe. Step in the white light and let the energy protect you from negative energies or spirits. You can also sprinkle salt or put sandalwood oil on you. If you are doing a dangerous spell, do all the things that you can to stay safe.

Let white light go into your area and make sure that it is a ball of light that is big and that is strong to keep you safe in your space. Visualize white light filling the circle around you. Let it come into your area. See light as a bubble and let it go completely over you.

Take all the steps that you can to stay safe when you are doing spell casting. You want to block out any negativity from coming to you that would block you from doing the spell. There is nothing worse than the spell not working because of being disturbed or being negative.

Tips for Preparing for Spells

The biggest thing is to prepare your mind and your body for the spell casting. Spells can be unpredictable sometimes and sometimes things from the outside can mess up the results. Don’t overdo the spell if the spell isn’t working for you that day. You need to give the spell a rest and then prepare again and try it at another time.

Using Pentagrams in Spells


Pentagrams are one of the most known symbols for witchcraft. It is something that has been around since 3500 BC and was seen in ancient Mesopotamia. It has five points and a star that is equilateral, and it has an inscribed single circle that is upright. It shows questions that aren’t answered in the universe and mysteries.

The Pentagram is something that symbolizes spiritual power and control of the elements. This is a five-pointed star that has a single point at the top and a circle that connects the points. Witchcraft uses the pentagram as a symbol that represents the mysteries of creation.

This is used with spells, rituals and can be etched into items that are magical. They are often made out of wood, gold, silver, clay, and other things. You can put this in a central place in the altar that is made and then you can call on the spirits to come to you while getting rid of negativity.

Using Pentacles

Pentacles can be plain and people that do witchcraft will often make their own pentacles. They will use different materials and glass or gems. Some runes can be put in the pentacle to make it more personal. Some will wear a ring or necklace with this shape so that people will know that they are a witch.

Some are charged to be talismans or amulets and they have their own magic behind them. You can get a pentacle made form silver and this can mean feminine energy and represent psychic energies. Gold pentacles represent male energies and are powerful.

The materials in a pentacle have a special place. Silver is part of the moon and means healing and femineity. Gold is part of the sun and is associated with wealth, fame, and male energy.

If you make your own pentacle, you should do it as a ritual. Some tools that are magical will have a connection to the spell caster. The materials that need to be used will be different and you need to make sure that the shape is right.

They don’t have to be fancy or decorated and they can be personalized if that is what you choose. The runes should have power connected to the one that is making it. Dagaz is shaped like a butterfly, and you can use this rune to connect with that kind of power.

Symbol of the Pentagram

Putting runes on the pentagram is significant to help you remember what the pentagram means to you. It can be at the point of the star and there are four elements and a fifth one that is the spirit element. The fifth one goes on the top of the pentagram.

When you go clockwise there is an upper right point of the star that means water or intuition, the lower right is the fire and represents getting rid of fear and courage, the lower left is earth and means stability and endurance and the upper left corner star is air and is one that shows intelligence, creativity, and communication.

Using the Pentagram

You can use the pentagram to do spells. These are used to influence the spirits and call on friendly spirits to help make the spell work. This can also be done to get rid of negative spirits. You can draw another pentagram when you create a circle.

The Power of the Pentagram

When you do a spell, pentagrams are drawn in the air with a sword or your hand. There are 4 of the points that represent water, air, earth, and fire and the fifth one means spirit. The circle means a sacred space with the spirit that controls the elements.

You can ask the pentagram to come to you and you can write this out on your forehead from the forehead to the left foot and from the left foot to the right shoulder, the right shoulder to the left shoulder, the left shoulder to the right foot and then right foot to the forehead. The circle is then made that circles the star.

Banishing Pentagrams

Banishing pentagrams are drawn in reverse. When you draw this, it protects you and has power. You can imagine the different points of the star as you draw them and think of the four elements and the power behind them. You can be successful in casting your spell with this ritual.

You can use this while you meditate, and you can see the spirit ruling over the elements in your life. Imagine the spirit coming to help you reach your higher self. You can see that you can explore the universe and the power inside of it by using the star points. You can focus on each of the elements and then move to the points while you focus on the energy and meditate.

Other Uses for the Pentagram

The pentagram can also be used without drawing or having a phyiscal pentagram. You can trace out the pentagram with chalk on a surface where you are casting the spell, or you can trace it with your finger.

Drawing a pentagram starts at the lower left corner, and then draw the line to the point and then to the lower right corner, the left corner, the right corner and then back to the lower left corner.

Inverted Pentagram

An inverted pentagram is known and is often confused with an upright one. The reversed pentagram can mean a connection with the devil instead of other spiritual beings. This is why pentagrams are often thought to be devil worship because they get confused within the way that the pentagram faces.

Pay attention to where the pentagram comes from and how it is made. Magic can be used for both positive and negative things and pentagrams prove that.

Using the Moon for Spells

Moon for Spells

There is all kinds of magic when it comes with the moon phases. Everything in the universe though can effect magic in a good way. The power of the lunar energies can make your spells stronger, and it can determine the outcome of the spells you cast.

There are different ways that you can use the moons energy with your spells. You can schedule your spells to be done at the different moon phases and you can see that this can work.

Moon Phases

One thing to remember is that the moon is very powerful. Casting a spell at a certain moon phase can help your spells to be strong. Even the Farmer’s Almanac will tell you when to plant and when to use the moon to your advantage. The moon can determine things such as the tides and so it can even influence your magic.

There are eight different moon phases that are very influential, and each phase will last around 3.5 days, and this is enough time to cast a spell.

Moon is waxing and increasing from the New Moon to the Full moon and the energy builds and gets stronger so when you are wanting to increase your power, remember this. Also, as it goes from the Full to the New to the waning, the power is getting smaller with the size of the moon.

Using the New Moon

The first phase is the New Moon phase, and it is when the moon is the smallest. This is a time to do magic that relates to doing something new such as a new job, a new relationship, new creativity and more. This is a time that you can imagine your intent and you can open up your mind to what you want to accomplish.

This moon will look like the letter D, or it can look like part of a parenthesis. It will go on for 3.5 days, and it works at new beginnings, birth, creativity, dreams and more. The moon at this time is from 0-45 degrees and it is right in front of the sun.


Here are some magic things it can work for:

• New job.
• New ventures.
• Gardening.
• Health.
• Careers.
• Romance.
• Improving yourself.

New or Dark Moon

Some don’t agree with this phase of the moon, and they interchange the terms. The Dark Moon is a time when the moon can’t be seen and usually happens between 21-26 hours before the New Moon can be seen.

Waxing Moon

If you want to see things happen in your life or if you want to grow a mature plant, the seed starts little but it gets bigger as time goes on. The moon will also grow from a New Moon to the Full Moon, and this is when spells have a lot of power.

As the moon gets bigger and bigger, the energy grows as well. This can bring power, success, love, money and more to your life. As you want to grow, you will see that the power of the moon can help you to focus on this growth.

The strength of your spells can change during this phase of the moon. This phase starts with the waxing Crescent which is 45-90 degrees in front of the sun and goes to the First Quarter which is 90-135 degrees from the sun to the Waxing Gibbous which is 135-180 degrees from the sun. This is divided into 3 different phases for this reason.

Waxing Crescent Moon

This is a time to be brave and to have faith to see your dreams and goals be meant. If you want to see something change and you need to face challenges and move forward, this is the time to do that. You can have new beginnings, self-improvement, strong emotions and more.

This moon looks like a sliver and happens 3.5-7 days after the New Moon comes. It works towards expanding yourself, having faith, courage and facing challenges. This is 45-90 degrees in front of the sun.

Magic of the Waxing Crescent Moon:

• Emotions.
• Changes in life.
• Strength.
• Love and romance.
• Career.
• Animals.

First Quarter Moon

This moon is a time that you need to face challenges and get rid of barriers. You should commit to things at this time and stop looking at your past. If there are things that you need to face, if you need friendship or motivation, do your spells at this time.

This moon looks like a half moon and appears 7-10.5 days after the New Moon. It works with separating yourself from your past, committing to things and being confident. It is 90-135 degrees in front of the sun.

First Quarter Moon Magic:

• Luck.
• Friends.
• Bravery.
• Intuition.
• Motivation.
• Elemental magic.

Waxing Gibbous Moon

Stay on track with this moon and if you have messed up then this is a time to start again. This is the last phase before the moon gets full and this is a time to bring luck and abundance to your life.

This moon looks 50.1% to 99.9% bright. It happens 10.5-14 days after the New Moon comes. It is a time to develop and to overcome problems. The position of this moon is between 135-180 degrees in front of the sun.

Magic of the Waxing Gibbous Moon:

• Peacefulness.
• Romance.
• Patience.
• Wealth.
• Harmony.
• Peace.
• Bravery.

Full Moon

Most spells will work powerfully during the Full Moon. This is a time to look at things such as your dreams, your relationships, creativity, fertility, money, health, beauty and more. This is a time that your gifts can get stronger, and you can mediate and increase your intuition.

This phase of the moon is a great time to cast spells and the spells will have the most power during this time.

This moon looks 100% bright. It will happen 14 to 17.5 days after the New Moon comes. It will help you with your fulfillment, vision and having results. The position of this moon is 180-225 degrees in front of the moon.

Magic of the Full Moon:

• Romance.
• Beauty.
• Changes.
• Dreaming.
• Goals.
• Protection.
• Relationships.
• Psychic gifts.
• Creativity.
• Motivation.
• Improvement.

Waning Moon

The Waning moon is a time when you can cast spells that stop evil influences. This is a time that you need to stop having bad habits and the times that you need encouragement. It can also be a time that you need there to be less energies around you.

The moon will go from a place that is Full to something smaller at this time and it is a time to get rid of bad habits such as smoking, to start losing weight and to get rid of bad habits.

This is a phase of the moon that starts with the Waning Gibbous and moves into the Third Quarter moon. The Waning Moon can be divided into different phases.

Waning Gibbous Moon

This is the moon that it is time to do something new. You need to look at what is going on in your life, correct anything that is wrong, settle problems, break bad habits and be a good influence.

This moon is ¾ full and it comes 17.5-21 days after the New Moon. It helps to get rid of destruction and to help you mature. It is found 225-270 degrees in front of the sun.

Magic of the Waning Gibbous Moon:

• Protection.
• Protection from breakups.
• Addiction.
• Stress and anxiety.
• Inner workings.
• Decisions.

Last Quarter Moon

When you need to make new things and you need to stop banishing things, this is a good phase for you. Get rid of any negativity in this phase of the moon such as addiction, relationship problems and problems with people. Cast protection, addiction, health, and banishing spells at this time.

This moon will be half full and it happens 21-24.5 days after the New Moon. This is a time for harvest, assimilation and to get rid of destruction. It is found 270-315 degrees ahead of the sun.

Magic of the Last Quarter Moon:

• Protection.
• Freedom from addiction.
• Health.
• Ending something.
• Stress and anxiety.
• Banishing.
• Ancestors.

Balsamic Moon

This is the Balsamic or the Dark Moon and it is a time to get rid of things that are harming your life. Use your spells to get rid of enemies, blockages and more.

This moon looks like a small crescent and is hard to see. It shows up 24.5-28 days after the New Moon and this is a time that you can get rid of death, release things and find your destiny. The moon is 315-360 degrees in front of the sun.

Magic of the Balsamic Moon

• Divorce.
• Removal.
• Stopping thievery.
• Getting rid of stalkers.
• Addiction.
• Justice.
• Changes.

Lunar Events

There are different moons such as the Blue and Black Moons, Eclipses, meteor showers and other things that can make your spells stronger.

Blue Moon Magic

This kind of moon happens after a second full moon in the same month. This doesn’t happen often and only every couple of years. This is a potent moon, and it is a great time to use the lunar energies.

The purpose of this moon is that it is a second Full Moon in one month. It is 180-225 degrees in front of the sun.

Magic of the Blue Moon

  • Anything that needs extra energy.

Next Blue Moon

  • August 19, 2024.
  • August 31, 2023.
  • May 31, 2026.

Black Moon Magic

The Black Moon comes when there are 2 New Moon’s in the same month or when there is a fourth New Moon in one season. This is an increase in power, and it has strong powers that can bring truth and mystery to your life. This is a time to cast spells for truth, future, and divination.

The second New Moon in the same month or the fourth New Moon in one season. The moon will be at 0-45 degrees in front of the sun.

Magic of the Black Moon

• Inner workings.
• Truth.
• Soul searching.
• Future.
• New things.
• Divination.


When a New or Full moon happens in a perigee, this makes a Supermoon. This is when the moon is closest to the Earth. It is the largest size of the lunar disk that you can see from Earth. To use the magic of this kind of moon, you need to do your spells.

The purpose of this moon is that it has more energies. It is 0-45 degrees or 180-225 degrees in front of the sun. It is a time to cast spells that need more strength.

Lunar Eclipses

A Lunar eclipse effects your magic in a good way. It is a time where male and female energies become balanced. This can happen about once a year. The light and dark concept can compare to the rebirth cycles, and it makes the magic work well. This kind of magic is strong and balanced.

Magic of the Lunar Eclipses:

• Money.
• Relationships.
• Career.
• Business.
• Romance.
• Health.


This is considered the Moons of the Year and it is usually one full moon but, in this time, there will be two full moons in one month. Each has their own energies and their own magic workings. The Esbat Lunar Cycle has unique energy.

Wolf Moon

This is a moon that can bring cleansing and can renew your life. It is a time to start over new and get rid of bad habits. It can help you to be protected and to have strength and prosperity.

This moon happens in January and is known as the Ice, Frost, Quiet, Cold, Snow or Winter moon.

Magic of the Moon Wolf:

• Family.
• Relationships.
• Newness.
• Beginnings.
• Getting rid of spells.
• Discovering.
• Strength.
• Getting rid of bad habits.

Ice Moon

This kind of moon is a time to use energies when you need to work on your finances or wealth.

This moon is also called the Snow, Ice, Starving, Wild or Hunger Moon. It works to bring fertility, healing, forgiveness, and prosperity.

Storm Moon

After winter is over and it is a time for renewal, it will be time for this moon. It can bring creativity and help to change and purify your life.

This moon is also called the Seed, Death, Worm, Chaste and Wind Moon and it happens in March. This moon can hep you to grow, increase your imagination, be honest, explore and balance your life.

Growing Moon

This is a moon where you should start sowing your seeds. It is also a time to have new opportunities to reach your goals and to have balance.

This moon happens in April and is also called the Grass, Pink, Water, Seed, and Awakening Moon. It is a time to open up your growth, love, strength, changes, opportunities and to be confident.

Hare Moon

This is a moon that promotes sexuality, fertility and being happy. This can be a time to do spells to make your relationships stronger.

This moon happens in May and is also called the Merry, Flower, Grass, Bright and Milk Moon. This moon can bring creativity, intuition, psychic gifts, faerie magic, and connections with the spiritual world.

Mead Moon

This moon can help you to have romance and marriage. If you want to attract love and have stronger inner power, use this moon.

This moon starts in June and is also called the Horse, Strawberry, Flower, Lovers, Merry, Dyad, Planting and Honey Moon. It works to help your relationships, love, communication, and personal issues.

Hay Moon

This is a moon where you mature, and you can fulfill things in your life. This is energy from the summer sun and is good for casting protection spells.

This moon comes in July and is also called the Blessing, Rose, Raspberry, Wort, and Hay moon. It is a time to reach your dreams and to do spells on strength, goals, protection, and growth.

Corn Moon

The Corn moon is a time to be thankful and to have abundance. It is a time to harvest, and it will work great to bring you health, friendships, marriage and to help you reach your goals.

This moon comes in August and is also called the Harvest, Gathering, Barley, Red and Dispute Moon. This moon helps with friendships, marriage, harvesting, being thankful, health, goals, and abundance.

Harvest Moon

The Harvest Moon can reward you for the hard work that you have done. This is a time to bring your dreams and goals to life, to start projects and to use your wisdom to get what you need.

This moon comes in September and is also called the Sturgeon, Wine, Singing and Spiderweb Moon. This moon can help you to find peace, to complete things and to cleanse your life and your spirit.

Blood Moon

This is a time to renew your life and to have peace inside of yourself. If something is in your way, get rid of it now.

This moon comes in October and is also called the Leaf-falling, Shedding, Hunter’s, and Harvest Moon. This moon can bring balance, renew you, help with death and rebirth, karma, reincarnation and more.

Snow Moon

This moon can help you to have abundance in your life and to connect with the spiritual world and your inner self.

This is a moon that comes in November and is also called the Fog, Beaver, Mourning and Dark Moon. It can help you with guidance and wisdom and to see the future and to start changing.

Cold Moon

When the nights are longer, this moon will come. It can help you to get rid of obstacles that are holding you back and can help you reach your spiritual life.

This moon comes in December and is also called the Oak, Wolf, Dark, Long Night Moon. This moon can bring balance. Can break bonds and stop silence.

Moon and Astrological Signs

There are 12 different zodiac signs, and you can use the energy from these signs to make your spells even more powerful. Here are some of the energies from the signs that you can use:


This is a time that you should use the Aries Moon in order to be independent, to start new ventures, to rely more on yourself and to do things without thinking about them. This can give you strength and courage during this time.

Magic of the Aries Moon

• Learning.
• Making plans.
• Starting new projects.
• Becoming confident.
• Getting rid of fear.
• Taking risks.
• Making new friends.
• Relationship strength.
• Social situations.
• Honor.
• Music.

Avoid doing rituals in a rush or doing them wrong and watch your temper during this time.


This is a moon to attract romance, sex, peace, and affection. You can cast this spell if you need to prosper or have financial security.

Magic of the Taurus Moon

• Peace.
• Harmony.
• Healing.
• Romance.
• Goals.
• Investing.
• Spells for love.
• Meditation.
• Investments.
• Finances.
• Success.

Avoid missing out on opportunities and make sure you are careful of being too stubborn.


This is a moon that helps you to communicate and to heal. It can also help to get rid of curses.

Magic of the Gemini Moon

• Clearing out old things.
• Finding new things.
• Balancing.
• Learning.
• Meditating.
• Divination.
• Family situations.
• New career choices.

Avoid casting spells that cover too many things at once. Don’t deny yourself.


This is a time that you can cast spells for fertility, pregnancy, children, finding a new home and motherhood. This energy is good to find your past life and your psychic gifts.

Magic of the Cancer Moon

• Pregnancy.
• Emotions.
• Protection.
• Feminine situations.
• Psychic gift development.
• Dreaming.

Avoid thinking that the spiritual world owes you anything. Don’t be too emotional during this time.


Leo Moon is a time to be a leader and to work towards prosperity. You can also do spells for the heart, for kindness, strength and more. This kind of energy should never be used for love spells or spells that have strong emotions because it can have a bad effect.

Magic of the Leo Moon

• Courage.
• Positive thoughts.
• Loyalty.
• Strength.
• Fun.
• Winning.
• Talents.
• Success.
• Goals.
• Humanitarian situations.

Avoid buying too many magical tools. Be careful of bragging about the spells and magic you do.


During this time, you should notice details. You can use spells for fitness, healing, and stability. Work to purify yourself and to have good results.

Magic of the Virgo Moon

• Inner workings.
• Problem solving.
• Mistakes.
• Research.
• Magic skills.
• Intuition.
• Divination.

Avoid focusing on the details of the spells and don’t be too critical of things.


Use magic to bring back marriages and partnerships, for true love and beauty. This energy that is great to bring peace, balance, friendships, contracts, and justice.

Magic of the Libra Moon

• Romance.
• Partnerships.
• Friendships.
• Communication help.
• Decisions.
• Justice.
• Social problems.

Avoid making enemies during this time and being indecisive.


This is a time to find out the mysteries in psychic tools. Look into rebirth, scrying, karma, and other things. Use this energy of the moon to help have a better libido and to have better sex and passion.

Magic of the Scorpio Moon

• Emotions.
• Power.
• Change.
• Karma.
• Wisdom.
• Endings.
• Rebirth.
• Past lives.
• Transformation.
• Power.
• Energy.

Avoid secrets and don’t be resentment.


This energy is about adventure and going on a journey. You can use this for hope and for religion and it can be a time to experiment with new things. Be honest and generous during this time.

Magic of the Sagittarius Moon

• Being aware.
• Having faith.
• Understanding.
• Hope.
• Talents.
• Generosity.
• Communication.
• Knowledge.

Avoid rushing through spells and missing details. Don’t hide from making commitments.


This is a time for stability, to discipline yourself, to reach your needs and to take care of spiritual situations.

Magic of the Capricorn Moon

• Magic.
• Home.
• Work.
• School.
• Saving money.
• Being responsible.
• Self-discipline.
• Science.
• Justice.
• Authority.

Avoid emotional spells and don’t be ruthless to get what you want.


This energy can help you to have stronger spiritual gifts. It can help you to reach your goals and your future without a lot of effort. You can also have intimacy and friends.

Magic of the Aquarius Moon

• Loyalty.
• Courage.
• Worth.
• Independence.
• New thoughts.
• Individual.
• Finding out about who you are.


The energy behind the Pisces is psychic energy. You can use this time to be creative, compassionate, and understanding. This is a time to be empathic.

Magic of the Pisces Moon

• Meditation.
• Dreaming.
• Divination.
• Peace.
• Compassion.
• Imaginations.
• Visualization techniques.
• Spell work.
• Ancestor work.
• Helping others.

Avoid doubting yourself and not being logical in your reasoning.

Using Crystals to Do Magic Spells

Crystals to Do Magic Spells

As time has passed, people have found value in different things such as rainbows, the moon and even crystals. Crystals have gotten the attention of many people across the globe. This is because of their different patterns and the different make up of the crystals and how they affect the spiritual world. Crystals are used for spell casting because they are full of energies, and they help to make spell casting more powerful.

Not only do they bring beauty to the world around them, but the stones also allow us to have the things that we need to live on and with. No matter what kind of shape the crystal is in or is fashioned into, it has its own vibration. The crystals are there to help people, animals, plants and more. The energy in the stones is more than someone could imagine.

Regardless of what the purpose is, each crystal has its own magic behind it. As you learn to understand the different stones, you can see that you can find them everywhere.

What is Crystal Magic?

Crystals pick up the energies around them. They are part of nature, and they are different with different makeups and different energies. They can be charged to have a stronger purpose and even if you aren’t experienced in crystals, you can use crystal magic. The size of the crystal isn’t what makes them special but the energies that they carry.

Using Crystals in Magic

You need to make sure that you charge and cleanse your crystals before you use them. Use your intuition to guide you on how to charge them. The crystals that are meant to be in your life will be there and you will have crystals that are looking for you. When you go into a store, use your intuition to see if the crystal is calling you. You don’t even have to have training, just listen to what your heart and mind tell you.

Explore each crystal and pay attention to what you feel when you hold it and what energy comes to you. Feel the different feelings that the crystals give you and learn to understand how each of them work. You can clean the crystals of negative energy and you can use the crystal magic to make you stronger.

Crystals and Their Powers

Here are some crystals and what their powers work best in:

Astral Projection:  Carnelian, Moss Agate, Quartz, Zircon.

Bringing balance:  Amethyst, Calcite, Obsidian, Moonstone, Quartz, Tiger’s Eye.

Make things beautiful: Chalcedony and Alabaster.

Binding: Agate, Black Obsidian, Bloodstone, Onyx.

Getting rid of blockages:  Jasper, Kunzite, Malachite, Quartz, Ruby.

Business help:  Amethyst, Garnet, Jade, Tourmaline and more.

Bring luck:  Citrine, Fluorite, Garnet, Lapis Lazuli, Topaz.

Cleansing:  Peridot, Quartz, Selenite.

Controlling:  Hawk’s Eye, Sapphire.

Courage:  Diamond, Jade, Ruby.

Getting rid of enemies:  Aquamarine.

Energies: Andalusite, Jasper, Rhodonite.

Problems in families: Carnelian.

Friends: Agate, Iolite, Ruby.

Fertility: Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz.

Grounding: Fluorite, Smoky Quartz, Zircon.

Happiness: Moss Agate, Ruby, Zircon.

Healing: Amazonite, Amber, Flint, Malachite, Moss, Tourmaline.

Job and career: Obsidian, Scapolite.

Justice: Serpentine, Jade.

Karma: Onyx, Topaz, Tiger’s Eye.

Using Love Magic

When you want to have love, some of the best stones include:

• Calcite.
• Agate.
• Alexandrite.
• Amethyst.
• Aventurine.
• Bloodstone.
• Pink diamond.
• Lepidolite.
• Lodestone.
• Malachite.
• Pink Sapphire.
• Sugilite.
• Tanzanite.
• Zoisite.

Attracting Love:

• Dioptase.
• Lapis Lazuli.
• Amber.
• Beryl.
• Clear Quartz.
• Rose Quartz.
• Topaz.


  • • Aquamarine.
    • Rhodonite.
    • Danburite.

Unconditional Love:

• Kunzite.
• Jade.

Being Open to Love:

• Apatite.
• Labradorite.
• Moonstone.
• Pink Clear Quartz.
• Rose Quartz.
• Ruby.
• Jade.

Increased Sexuality:

• Opal.
• Sodalite.
• Obsidian.
• Sunstone.


  • Aquamarine.


• Agate.
• Amber.
• Bloodstone.
• Lodestone.
• Obsidian.
• Spinel.
• Zircon.


• Agate.
• Cinnabar.
• Jasper.
• Opal.
• Quartz crystal.
• Ruby.


• Agate.
• Aquamarine.
• Bloodstone.
• Chalcedony.
• Emerald.
• Green Tourmaline.
• Jade.
• Opal.
• Sapphire.
• Turquoise.


• Agate.
• Amethyst.
• Beryl.
• Cat’s Eye.
• Epidote.
• Holey Stones.
• Jasper.
• Jet.
• Obsidian.
• Ruby.
• Sapphire.
• Sunstone.
• Tiger’s Eye.

Psychic Giftings:

• Agate.
• Beryl.
• Crocidolite.
• Fluorite.
• Jet.
• Mica.
• Obsidian.
• Tiger’s Eye.


• Quartz crystal.
• Tourmaline.

Stopping Black Magic:

• Amethyst.
• Onyx.
• Peridot.
• Topaz.

Speeding Up Spell Results:

• Crystal Quartz.
• Carnelian.


• Diamond.
• Sapphire.
• Amber.


• Andalusite.
• Obsidian.


• Hematite.
• Pyrite.

Cleansing Crystal Energy

Some crystals have strong vibrations right when you get them but as you use the stone, you might see that its power seems to change. This can mean that it doesn’t shine as much or that it feels drier than it did. Sometimes they even will feel dirty when you handle them.

These things show you that it might be time to cleanse your stone. There are other things that you might feel that can tell you that it is time to cleanse the stone, and this can repair its energies and bring its vibrations higher. You need to keep your crystals strong so that they can protect you and help you in weak areas.

There is no rule for cleansing a stone and this should just happen when you notice something different about it. You need to take time on the winter solstice to clean stones that you use for special projects and then let them rest until the spring equinox. You can use the moon or the sun to charge your stones and then put them away until you use them again.

Cleansing the energy of your stone is important and the best way to do this is to do a simple cleansing such as putting it to one of the four elements to get rid of negativity. This allows your crystal to be cleansed easily.

Using Salt and Earth to Cleanse

Make sure before you ever use salt water to cleanse your stone that you know that the stone won’t be ruined in water. Some stones such as calcites and Angelite can lose the luster that they have if put in saltwater. You need to prepare to make sea salt if you are going to use this method and make sure that it comes from the sea.

You will do better to cleanse your crystal by just running it in water and then drying it off and putting it in salt for 3 days. Then you can rinse them again and let them sit for 30 days before you use it. If you do it during the solstice, you can put the stone underground until the spring solstice starts.

Moon and Sun Charging

Don’t put stones that are purple, blue, or brightly colored stones in the sun because this can cause them to fade. It can also cause them to crack if it gets too much heat. You can put the stone in the sun early in the morning for about an hour and it can charge the sun. You can also do this by putting it out in nature like in the grass while it charges.

Using the moon to charge is safe for all stones. This is often used to charge the stones because it works well, and it has strong spiritual energy. To use the moon to give your crystals energy make sure that you put the stone in the window so that it can be in direct view of the moon. You can even put it outside in the garden at night to charge.

Air Cleansing

You can wash your crystal in the air by putting it outside. You can leave it for 3 days. You can also burn incense with your crystal to get rid of negativity. If you want to really cleanse your crystal, do smudging.

Smudging a crystal is when you take sage, and you burn it and let the smoke surround the crystal. This is a gentle cleansing process and is safe for stones that are delicate. The smoke can get rid of any negative energy or built-up energy that needs to be removed. You can use sage, sandalwood or even cedarwood.

  • Do this for 30-40 minutes at a time.
  • This will work for any stone.

Water Cleansing

You can clean it with water by taking the stone to a lake or stream and letting it be in the water up to 3 minutes. If you don’t live close to one though, you can put pure water in a clay bowl and you can let the stone soak for 24 hours. Water can get rid of negative energy in the stone.

Water sends negativity back into the earth and if you have a new crystal, you can add sea salt to the water to make the negative energy go faster. After you cleanse it, clean it with a cloth.

  • Do this for 1-3 minutes in a stream or 24 hours when soaking.
  • Great for stones such as Agate, Amethyst, Aventurine, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Jasper, Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Tiger’s Eye.
  • Don’t clean a stone that has metal or water such as the Opal or Pyrite. Don’t cleanse this way with brittle, porous or soft stones.
  • You can cleanse your crystal by leaving it outside and letting rain wash and cleanse your stone. This is often done in covens.

Fire Cleansing

You can cleanse your stone with fire by facing to the south and passing the crystal through the flame of a candle. The fire will get rid of negativity and impurities as it passes through. This should only be done with strong stones. It is recommended to do this form of cleansing if you have magical goals of passion or strength that you need to use.

  • Do this for 1-3 minutes.
  • Use for strong stones.
  • Be safe and use tongs so you don’t burn yourself.
  • You can leave the stone out in the sun after a fire cleansing. This is done by covens.

Earth Cleansing

To cleanse the earth, you can bury your stone in the sand or soil. You can take it to a space and bury it or you can fill a cauldron with soil and sand and bury it there. Do this for at least 24 hours. This gives it time to get rid of negative energies and puts the crystal close to its natural source.

  • Do this for 24 hours.
  • Use with strong stones.
  • Bury the crystals during the full moon and then get them out on the next new moon. This can benefit you if you need grounding or growth. Some covens do this.

Smudging and Cleaning Regularly

People that want to cleanse their stones can smudge them wish sage or can use different incense to make this happen. Some incense are made just to clear negativity. When the stone feels heavy or gross, you should smudge the stone.

Some people believe that the stones need to have more than just a run through the water to get rid of dust. When you use stones for strong purposes, you need to make sure that you are removing energy that is negative that the stone can pick up. If you feel that your stone needs to have a strong cleansing for no reason, you need to look at the magic that you are doing and see if you are doing it with the highest good in mind.

Charging the Crystals

Charging your crystals helps to reset the intentions that you use with the crystals. Make sure that you are thinking positively and that you are filling the stone with positive thoughts and energies. You can change and say positive things. Talk right to the crystal and tell it what you want to do.

Your crystal will be ready to use for your magic. You can even let the crystal sit in a sunny spot in your window to charge it with the sun or you can charge it with the full moon to use the power of the lunar energies.

Stones and Spells

Casting spells uses tools and your conscious mind to work. Using a stone can help you to get good results when casting spells. If you want to cast a spell to get money, you can wrap something around the stone and use it as a pendulum to give you answers.

If you are strong in your stone spirits, you can figure out if they want to work with you or not. This can be known by the temperature changes when you hold them, their sparkles, visuals, insights, or vibrations. Once you start asking questions about what the stone will do for you, you can find that you can work with them during a spell.

Energies in Stones

People use stones and herbs together when they do spells. Sometimes this is to form medicines and sometimes this is to do spells to get rid of problems. You need to understand how each of these things work with your magic.

You can use herbs and stones together to make potions and you can use this to treat different symptoms and problems that you might have. You can find that crystals have energy that can be stored, and you can send this energy out when you cast a spell. Problems usually start when things are unseen, and the stone can help you to know these things and know what you need to do next.

Stones and the Highest Good

We have strong advances in medicine, food, housing, and other things. The stones help to make these things happen. We would not exist if there weren’t stones and over time the stones have been changed due to erosion and other things.

As we continue to see things and see how the planet helps us, we can see that the stones can be used for the highest good. There are some people that need help, and they need to rely on things that are in the magical world such as crystals.

There are good ways that you can work with crystals in your life and in your magic and as you do this then you will see that you can be full of beautiful things and abundance. You will have your own thought and ideas and each person has their own unique experiences that they will go through.

Crystals and Science

Science has shown people that crystals are unique and important in life. There makeup works with the structures and different aspects in nature. These structures are used in different things, even devices such as watches and radios.

Quartz crystals even have six sides and if you break part of it, a pure crystal will break on the same lines that the prism is aligned. The patterns of the crystals are not always easy to explain and even though sciences has studied this, it doesn’t tell us why they are something that is so enchanting to people.

How to Charge a Talisman

Charge a Talisman

When you are doing magic, you need to make sure that you are focusing on the energies around you. You need to know how to bind them to the world and in order to do this, you can make charms and talismans that can channel energies.

These can help you to focus on the goals that you have, and you can use the energy when you are casting spells. If you want to work with magical energies, you can use these charms as good luck and they can send energies to those that need it. These things don’t manipulate energy.

Spells are helpful but you might want to have something that reminds you of what you want. The energy that you have can help you do this and when you charge a talisman, you can infuse it with energies and carry the energy with you.


A talisman is something like a piece of jewelry that you can use to keep you safe, bring you money, love, or other things. You can charge this with the power of the waxing moon. These are good for magic, and they can bring positive energies to you.

These are Greek and from the word teleo and the roots of the word is consecrate. This means to be charged. No matter what the purpose is for your talisman to be charged, you can use this energy when you do spells, rituals, or other things.

Picking a Symbol

You can find different pendants and rings that have magical symbols in almost any store. This can be a triskelion, cross, knot, eye motifs or other things. When you make your own good luck charm, you need to figure out what symbol that you want to use, and which one is closest to what you want to reach.


After you have your symbol, you need to find another version of it or make on yourself. Some people will just buy a pendant and others will even make them from beads, wood, paper, or other materials. You need to listen to what your intuition is telling you. If you aren’t able to create the shapes on your own, print them out and then make them into a wood talisman.

Calling Out to the Spiritual World

People get to a place where they will use objects to have power. These charms can help to give you power and they don’t even have to be fancy. They can be made out of paper or other things. Whatever carries the energy can help you to prepare for whatever you need.

Advanced Talismans

Whatever you are interested in, you might want to make charms that can be used for many different things. You might want to reach certain goals and you need to spend the right amount of time making your charm.

If you are going to do many different spells or rituals, you shouldn’t carry the charm until you do your magic first. It will help you to build up the energies that you need and help to get rid of negativity that can stop you from getting what you want.

Witchcraft should be something that you enjoy but you need to see that you can see a lot more things if you have a good luck charm with you. You can make these on your own or you can buy them. Whatever you choose, you can take the energies of the objects and you can see that you can try something new.

Try to place your skills and your ideas and create your own good luck charm to protect you.

Charging the Talisman

Charging your talisman is going to be a ritual that you need to do right. This will let it have the power to help you reach your goals. When you connect with the universe, you will see that your talisman can make your wishes come true.

How to Charge Your Talisman

You need to have the candle color that gives you what you desire. If you want to attract love, use ap ink candle. You can also use incense and this scent should be something attractive to you. You can use water, white cloth, and salt.

Doing the Charging

Put the candle in the middle of the table that you put the white cloth on. Light the candle and the incense. Put the glass of water, the salt, and the charm on the table. Close your eyes and as you meditate, tell the talisman that you want it to do for you. Make sure that you are being very specific.

If you want to attract love to your life, imagine your love coming to you and imagine how you would deal with a good relationship.

Sprinkle salt in the glass of water and imagine golden light surrounding the cup. Sprinkle the water on the talisman and say, “With this sacred water, I concentrate my talisman and charge it for my purpose.”

Put the talisman through the incense smoke and say, “With the incense burning, I am cleansing my talisman and charging it for my purpose.”

Pass it through the flame of the candle and say, “With this flame, I am purifying my talisman and charging it for my purpose.”


Hold the talisman in your right hand and think of a white light going in all directions. Focus on this light and imagine the light going all over your body. Let the light go around you and give you strength and go from your body to your talisman. Imagine the talisman being full of power and helping your wishes to come true.

Your talisman is ready to use and is charged.

Good Luck Talisman

Luck is something that people need when they do anything in their life. People have things that are good and bad happen to them and bad luck might be bad for someone and good for someone else. People often need to look at events in their lives to see that they make them stronger as people.

Having luck in your life can help you with your power and with the things that you need in your life. If you are someone that has bad health or someone that doesn’t have enough money, you might want to have this kind of good luck charm to change your situation around.

Ingredients for a Luck Charm

  • Red Jasper Stone.
  • Citrine Stone.
  • Meaningful bead.
  • 1 green candle.
  • 1 blue candle.
  • 1 orange candle.
  • Hemp string.

Charging the Lucky Charm

Do this at midnight and make sure that you are alone. Wash the object using natural water from a lack, river, or a bottle of spring water. Imagine washing out anything negative.

Cast your circle and put 3 candles in a triangle shape and put the stone in the middle of the candles. Put the string and the bead between the stone.

Focus on your energy and the circle and send out positive thoughts. Think of things that you had when you were lucky or think of something good happening to you. Imagine positive energies coming to you. See green light going into the circle and see it going into the bead. Let it glow and let it shine. Let the candle completely burn out.

Once the candle burns out, put the bead and the necklace in your hands and say, “I command the candle light and I make you my bead that is full of magic. Luck will come to me like a seed and lucky to mee will be free. As I say, so mote it be.”

Put the string through the bead and once more say, “So mote it be.” Put it around your neck and don’t take it off except when you sleep and then put it under your pillow while you sleep.

Luck and Success Talisman

You can use this talisman for good luck, success, and power. You can ask the spirits to come and charge the talisman during the waxing moon. If you need to have more success and luck in your life, you can charge your talisman with this ritual.

The energy that you have will become positive energies and you will be more successful. If you feel that you are not able to move forward in your life, luck might be blocked. You can use this luck charm to help you to get your luck working for your life.

Luck and success is something that most people want. They want to be healthy and to have wealth and a high social status. This talisman can bring luck to your life.

Ingredients for a Luck Talisman

  • 4×4 piece of green cloth.
  • Tourmaline stone.
  • 7-star anise seeds.
  • Purple string.

Charing the Talisman

Do this on a waxing moon and lay out the cloth on a flat table or a flat area. Put the tourmaline in the middle of the cloth and put the star anise seeds around it, one by one. Each time you put out a seed, say, “One for luck, two for money, three for having favor, and four for the honey. Five for something old, six for something new, seven brings success in everything that I do.”

Once you have the 7 seeds and the tourmaline in the cloth, pull the corners together and tie with the string. Make sure that nothing can fall out and the ingredients are tied up. Keep this with you at all times for more luck.

Money Talisman

Some people will use talismans to get more money in their life. They can use this to manifest things, and some will win the lottery or come into some kind of money. The charms are infused with different energies, and they can make good luck come to you fast.

The charms aren’t harmful or negative because they don’t cause negativity or hurt anyone. Money that is used right will give you good karma. This talisman can help you to have your energies right and help you to manifest money.

Ingredients for a Money Charm

  • An object that is meaningful.
  • 2 green candles.
  • 2 orange candles.
  • 2 violet candles.
  • Green cloth.
  • 3 silver coins.
  • Garnet stone.
  • Aventurine stone.
  • Jade.
  • Acacia herb.
  • Blackberry.
  • Cinquefoil herb.
  • Silver thread.
  • Dragon’s Blood incense.

Creating a Money Charm

Do this on the first day of the New Moon. Cast your circle and call on the four elements. Imagine a circle protecting you. Set up the candles around the circle and light them. Take the coins and focus on the wealth that you need. Deep breathe and say, “Spirits of air, bring me some money.”

Put the coins in the cloth with a meaningful object, the crystals, herbs and leave them sitting by the candles. Let the candles completely burn out.

Fold up the bag and tie knots in the ends. Take 2 pieces of thread and tie and braid them together and use one thread to tie the cloth made bag.

Take the bag and bury it for 8 days by a tree. Then dig it up and remove the object and keep it with you while you keep your bag in your room. At night, put the objects back in the bag.

Faithfulness Talisman

Sometimes people have relationship problems and sometimes when someone is with someone, they aren’t always faithful. When you want your partner to be faithful and devoted to you, you need to create a charm to keep them faithful.

You can change the commitment that you have to this person, and you can shift their energies to a long-term love. You will call the energy of commitment to come to you and this will help you to be committed to each other. You will see that your partner won’t leave you for someone else.

Ingredients for a Faithfulness Talisman

  • Dark colored drawstring pouch.
  • Licorice herb.
  • Dried and ground unicorn root.
  • Marigolds.
  • Fresh rosemary.
  • Dried cumin.
  • A personal item.

Preparing the Faithfulness Talisman

Put all the items into the drawstring pouch and then put the personal item in the pouch with it. This can be a picture of you or your partner or something else special to you.

Put the pouch under the pillow of your lover or under the mattress and they will stay faithful. This will work because it will protect your relationship from harm. This will make sure that your partner stays faithful to you and that they don’t cheat on you.

The energies of this faithfulness charm will help you to get closer to your partner. It will help you to be connected to them and it will help you to have more magic with who they are.

Charging Your Talisman

You can wear or hide your talisman in your bedroom. You can wear them or carry them in your pocket or keep them in a pouch. When you don’t want to use the talisman, keep it in a wooden box and put it on your altar. Many witches and spell casters will use these talisman charms to protect them. This can be a gift that you give someone that you love. The power of this talisman can help you in each day of your life.

Using Candles for Magic

Candles for Magic

There are flames that are important in the spiritual world and with fire, there comes candles and ceremonies. This is a very important part of the spiritual world. This is a time where you will use candles with your magic, and you will see strong power in it.

Candles in Spells

Candles are one of the most used things in spells. The color and the shape are important, and it is used by Wiccans, Voodoo casters and others when doing spells and rituals. The colors and taking care of the energies of the candle is very important.

Kinds of Candles

There are different kinds of candles that will be used in different spells. Each one will be assigned a different color or a different shape. The pillar candles are most commonly used, and you can use them each day. They also come in a variety of colors and so they will last a long time.

Each time you mention a candle, they are part of nature, and they are able to give you a full effect of their power. These are candles that can be used in spells and for other things.

Alter Candles

These kinds of candles are tall and thick, and they take a long time to burn out. You can use these when you are trying to reach the gods and goddesses or set up your altar. They can last as a 7-day candle in a glass container.

Table Candles

These are candles that you can buy in a store, and they are good quality. Don’t get the dipped ones.

Taper Candles

Taper candles are thin and tall, and you need to be careful when you cleanse and anoint them. They are best used when you need something to happen fast.

Astral and Zodiac Candles

These are candles that represent another person in a spell, and you should never throw them away. Let them burn out or store them.

Astral Chart

  • Aries: Red, Pink, or White.
  • Taurus: Red, Green, Yellow or Pink.
  • Gemini: Red, Yellow, Silver, or Blue.
  • Cancer: Green, White, or Brown.
  • Leo: Green, Gold, Orange, or Red.
  • Virgo: Black, Yellow, Gold, or Gray.
  • Libra: Blue, Brown, or Black.
  • Scorpio: Brown, Black or Red.
  • Sagittarius: Red, Blue, Purple or Gold.
  • Capricorn: Red, Brown, or Black.
  • Aquarius: Green or Blue.
  • Pisces: Blue, Green, or White.

Image Candles

Image candles can be put in for a certain condition or situation. They can even represent a person. They come in different shapes and colors. Some of the most famous ones include:

Adam and Eve Candles

These are nude male and female candles that come in different colors. Use them in attraction and love spells, return lost lover spells or get rid of an unwanted spell.

Cat Candles

The candles are the shape of a cat. Use a black cat to get rid of bad luck or break curses. A green cat can help you to heal and heal your pets. Use a red one to make your spells more powerful.

Mummy Candles

These are shaped like a mummy in a coffin. These are protective candles and can get rid of dangerous things in your life.

Knob Candles

These are made of seven knobs, and you burn one each day while you focus on what you want in your spells. They take seven days to burn, and they make the magic very strong. Here is the color chart behind these:

  • Black: Releasing spells and banishing.
  • Red: Love, getting rid of obstacles, moving energies.
  • Green: Money, court cases, manifesting spells.
  • Orange: success or getting rid of obstacles.
  • Brown: Justice.
  • Yellow: Getting rid of bad luck.
  • White: Purifying or getting wishes.
  • Purple: Ridding yourself of spiritual attacks or protection.
  • Blue: Stops fights, confusion, and depression.

Satan Candles

These candles can be used to remove spirits that have negative energies.

Cross Candles

Use this candle when you need protection or to do banishing spells.

Scented Candles

You can use scented candles such as:

  • Blueberry: Getting rid of negativity.
  • Carnations: Healing.
  • Cherry: Bringing in love.
  • Cinnamon: Wealth and fortune.
  • Coconut: Purification.
  • Frangipani: Positive energies.
  • Honeysuckle: Good luck, psychic abilities.
  • Jasmine: Love
  • Lotus: Peace and harmony.
  • Musk: Sexual strength, passion, courage.
  • Myrrh: Protection.
  • Patchouli: Manifesting money.
  • Pine: Getting rid of negativity.
  • Rose: Love.
  • Sandalwood: Protection and healing.
  • Strawberry: Luck, love, and friendship.
  • Tangerine: Prosperity.
  • Vanilla: Sexual passion.

Colored Candles

These candles can be used with your spells, and it is important to pay attention to what color you need and choose it according to the spell ingredients and instructions.


This color can mean unity and it has all colors in it. It works with spirituality and truth. It can be used to purify rituals or to be defending. Light this candle if you come in touch with someone that is negative or that is dark. This stands for innocence, power, and strength. You can use this to talk to spirits, get rid of evil and get rid of bad energies.


This candle has no colors, but it doesn’t mean it is bad. It is still good. Burn this to get rid of negativity and you can use this to do strong magic. It is beneficial for spells that are protective, reversing, getting rid of black magic, and banishing. It can remove negativity, blockages and create discord with your enemies.


This color means energy and passion. This can be used when you do love spells. Red is a color of health, and it can influence others and get rid of negativity. This color works with fire and if you light a red candle before you do something that requires courage, you will get this.


This color is powerful. This can increase your magical powers. Burn this when you want the spell to have more power. Use it when doing healing to cast a powerful healing spell.


This color candle means knowledge and discovering new things. This can improve your imagination and your visualization. It is associated with the air element, and you can use this when you study so that you can remember things better. You can use this also to attract things and to be happier or make your dreams come true. There are a variety of shades of yellow from yellow to gold.


A blue candle can mean peace and happiness. It helps you to have healing and strength. It is your link to the supernatural and it can help you if you have problems sleeping or if you need to sleep better. Light this up before you get into bed. This can also enhance your awareness of the spiritual world and it can uplift your life.

Light blue can mean tranquility and clear thinking while medium blue means peace. A dark blue candle can mean strong devotion to your spiritual being.


This color candle means fortune and growth. This is also a healing candle. This is associated with the earth element and when you need money or to do a money spell, use this kind of candle. This color stands for money and success and harvests. This can help you when you do a business spell.


Orange candles can represent attention and influence. Use this when you need to find a lost object. It can be used with other colors to make the spell more powerful. It can also bring happiness and clear thinking.


Pink is the color of love and connection. It is a communication color and can help you to love yourself and to have more self-confident. Use this candle when doing marriage ceremonies or love or romance spells.


Brown can mean a natural world around you. This is associated with the animal world and can help you do spells that are bound around nature.


Silver candles should be used when you need to have good beat evil. This can get rid of negativity out of your life. This can also develop your psychic gifts and get rid of negative situations.


Gold is different to your yellow candle because it is about finances and gaining things and business ventures. It also helps with divination and knowledge.

Cleansing a Candle

Cleansing a candle will get rid of energies that are negative or energies that are part of the candle. You can learn to cleanse your candle when you have a specific spell that you are going to do.

Ways to Cleanse Your Candle

  • Take a cotton ball and rubbing alcohol on it and cleanse the surface from the bottom to the top.
  • Burn sage or incense and let it smoke around the candle.
  • Make a bowl of sea salt and put the candle in it for 24 hours.
  • Put it in the window for the energy of the moon.

Consecrating a Candle

You can consecrate the candle with different methods, and this is how you bless the candle.

Anointing the Candle

Anoint the candle from the top to bottom so that something good can come to you. This also allows things to be expelled. You can dip your fingers in the oil and anoint the whole candle.

You can use the candle with oil when you do spells, or you can add herbs to it. This is a personal desire, and it can make love spells more powerful if you do it.

Note for Love Spells

If you aren’t able to find oils, you can make your own or you can use Rose or Lavender oil. Love spells should have the candle anointed from the top to the bottom and if you do a breakup spell you should go bottom to top.

Anointing Oils

  • Balance: Magnolia.
  • Cleansing: Cedar, Lotus, or Sandalwood.
  • Control: Bayberry.
  • Creativity: Peppermint and Clove.
  • Divination: Jasmine and Honeysuckle.
  • Dreams: Jasmine.
  • Energy: Peppermint and Rosemary.
  • Exorcism: Yarrow and Dragon’s Blood.
  • Fertility: Rose.
  • Happiness: Amber and Gardenia.
  • Harmony and Peace: Carnation, Clove, and Myrrh.
  • Removing curses: High John the Conqueror and Yarrow.

Love Spells

  • Attracting love: Amber, Gardenia, and Patchouli.
  • Breakup Spells: Columbine oil.
  • Commitment: Patchouli and Rose.
  • Faithfulness: Magnolia.
  • Make someone fall in love: Jasmine and Violet.
  • Remove problems from relationships: Melissa.
  • Return a lover: Lavender for your candle and Rose for your partners candle.
  • Sexual Lust: Orange, Musk, and Nutmeg.
  • Stopping a divorce: Lemon.
  • True Love: Ylang-Ylang and Rose.

Finance Spells

• Cinnamon.
• Bergamot.
• Heliotrope.


• Musk.
• Bayberry.


• Bayberry.
• Carnation.
• Dragon’s Blood.
• Juniper.
• Lilac.
• Lotus.
• Pine.
• Rosemary.
• Violet.


• Carnation.

Herbs and oiled Candles

You should use herbs and oiled candles when you want your spells to be more powerful. Crush the herbs and then anoint the candle and roll it on the herbs until it is covered as much as it will. It is hard to cover the entire candle, and this isn’t necessary.

Carving Candles

You can use different tools such as a knife, pin, nail, toothpick or whatever you need to carve into your candle. Do this when the spell says to engrave something like a symbol or a name. This can represent you or your lover or the wishes that you have.

When you engrave the candle, always raise your energy by thinking about what you want the spell to do for you. You might want to chant during this time.

Spraying the Candles with Holy Water

You can spray your candle with Holy Spell water to consecrate it.

Making Holy Water

To make Holy water you need 3 pinches of salt and then add it to 1 cup of water. Add a drop of oil that you are going to consecrate the candle with.

Fill the water in a plant miser and pray the whole candle with it. Focus on the wishes that you have and the goals and chant. If you don’t have a plant miser, you can sprinkle the candle with drops of water with your fingers.

Easy Candle Magic

Candle magic can be easy and is one of the spells for beginners. You can practice this without having much help. You can start casting candle magic and you need to follow the rules when doing this.

Make sure you know what kind of candle that you need to use and what color you should have. If you need to, you can replace a colored candle with white.

How to Start Candle Magic Spells

You need to write the motive for your reason to do candle magic. Light the candle and put it in front of you so you can look at the flame and meditate on what you want. Visualization is important in this kind of magic. You want your candle magic to be strong.

Take time to think through the energy so that you can get what you want. Remember, there is no set time for your spell to work for you. Be patient and know when to stop what you are doing.

Tips for Candle Magic

  • Make sure you are protected and don’t let the candle burn the house down.
  • Don’t blow out the flame.
  • Be respectful of the fire element.
  • Snuff out the candle by licking your finger and pinching the wick.
  • Choose the right color for the spell.
  • If you don’t have a candle, use white.
  • Build a psychic link with the candle.
  • If the flame goes out when casting a spell, this is a sign, and you need to listen.
  • You can use candles in your spells, but beeswax are the most powerful.
  • Use your own handmade candles to increase the power.
  • Clear your thoughts and focus on what you want when you start the ritual.
  • If you need to have more strength focus on the flame of the candle.

Becoming a Spell Caster

Spell Caster

Casting a spell uses thought as much as it uses different ingredients. If you aren’t grounded, then doing spell casting probably won’t work for you. Also, you will need different ingredients and many of them you can find right in your kitchen.

You can consider the area around you to help you cast your spell. Find a quiet place that you can go to that no one will bother you.

Casting Spells

Before you start casting spells, you need to make sure that you do these things:

  • Pick the kind of spell you want to cast.
  • Have your materials and ingredients before you start.
  • If anything needs cleansing or washing, do it before you start.
  • Center yourself and get rid of any distractions.
  • Follow the spell instructions.
  • Imagine the results that you are going to have.
  • Ground yourself and get rid of excessive energy.
  • Clean your area.
  • Get rid of any ingredients that you don’t need to use so that your environment isn’t cluttered.
  • Clean up your area after the spell and make sure you put things away.

Final Thoughts

Casting a spell can be something that is important in your life. If you are someone that believes in magic, you should know that white magic isn’t dangerous but black magic is. Here is the difference:

White Magic

  • Set positive intentions.
  • To bring love and goodness to life.
  • Brings peace.
  • Means you are helping someone.

Black Magic

  • Controlling.
  • Manipulative.
  • Brings negativity to life.

Don’t get stuck in a place where you are going to be casting spells that are negative or black magic. These spells will come back to you and will bring harm to your life.

Stopping a Divorce with a Love Spell

Stopping a Divorce

Are you and your partner unable to have peace in the house and you find that you are constantly fighting? Or did you or your spouse leave already or one of you file for divorce? If you feel that you have tried everything in your power to change the situation and it isn’t working? If so, you might want to try one of these spells and get help from the spiritual world. By doing a spell, you can get rid of issues, blockages and other negative things that may have caused the division.

Love spells for divorce can be used at any time that there is a separation, but it works the best when it is done earlier in the separation process. To get the spell to work, do it as soon as you have problems or as soon as your partner mentions the thought of divorce.

Casting a spell can help your partner to have positivity and can help them to become more attracted to you, just like things were in the beginning. The spell can take your relationship and get rid of any thing negative such as feelings or energies and let your partners heart and spirit open up in a positive way towards you.

Most of the time, divorce situations happen in situations that are complicated. That is why seeking out spiritual help can help you to get back on track and to be able to improve the relationship by getting rid of negativity. It can help you to start new and have a clean and clear foundation to enjoy a happy marriage.

Using a Stop, the Break-up Spell

You need to know what this kind of spell will do in the situation of separation or divorce. Here is how it can be most effective:

  • It can get you and your partner back together. If you have already separated, try a “return a lost lover,” spell instead.
  • Gets rid of problems that are causing negativity such as hostile forces.
  • Gets rid of negative energy all together since these can ruin any relationship.
  • Makes there be love between you and your partner that has been lost.
  • Can make a love connection of unconditional love between the two of you.

Love spells can help to stop a divorce in its tracks. It can help to heal the heart and if the heart is closed, they can help to open the heart back. This can help by moving emotions back that were there when you first got in the relationship.

This can make the relationship stronger than it was even before you ever committed to each other. This can make your relationship complete.

Making a Stop a Divorce Spell Work

In order to see any spell work, you have to believe that it will work, and you have to believe in magic. You have to have faith the at the magical process is powerful and real and then make sure that you do it the right way without leaving out any steps or any ingredients.

If you are new at casting spells, you might find this to be something hard to do, in that case, you can hire a spell caster that is a professional to do the spell for you. There are many different spells that you can cast and if you want to make love between you and your partner, find the one that fits that. There are other ones that can fit almost any situation.

There are also love binding spells that can create a bond between you and someone else that will last forever. You won’t have to worry about problems coming in the relationship because the bond will unite you together forever.

If you are going through other problems, find a spell that works with whatever relationship problem that you are having. Take time to read and understand spells before you ever decide that you are going to cast them so that you understand how they work more.

Anti-Separation Spell

When a relationship ends, it can be heartbreaking. It can change your life and it can be hard to heal and to deal with it. Do you feel that your relationship might be hindered by something? Do you want to help someone that is going through some kind of separation or divorce? There is moon magic that you can use that can help to stop a separation or a divorce.

A relationship that is full of negativity will cloud the mind of the people in the relationship. It will cause the romantic situation to have darkness instead of goodness and it can take the light out of what was once good. This can cause people to hide their true feelings. Moon magic is a spell that you can use to stop a separation or even a divorce.

When you are working with love spells and you want to use moon magic, you need to make sure that you understand and know the phases of the moon. In order to get positive energies to come towards your life, you need to do your spell during the waxing or the full moon. To get rid of darkness, you need to do your spell during a waning or dark moon.

Ingredients for an Anti-Separation Love Spell

• Red candle.
• Photograph of you and a photograph of your partner.
• Jasmine incense.
• Olive oil.
• Tbsp. of basil.
• Cinnamon.
• Tbsp. of Fennel seeds.
• 2 Tbsp. of Lavender.
• Cauldron or pot that is fireproof.
• Matches.
• Do this spell during the waxing or full moon phase.
• If you want to get rid of negativity, do the spell during the waning or dark moon phase.

Casting an Anti-Separation Spell

Begin the spell by anointing the red candle with the olive oil and casting a circle. Put both of the pictures, the one of you and the one of your partner in front of you. Light the incense and the red candle. Think about the fire and how it works in the spiritual world and how important it is. The fire has an affinity with the spiritual world. Put the red candle in your right hand and hold it in the air. Keep your mind and spirit open. Take seven deep breaths.

Drip wax onto both of the pictures. Build up your energy and focus on what kinds of problems that you are having with your partner that you want to get rid of. Focus on the love that you want to get from your partner and how much you want to love them. You will feel it in your spirit when you should stop. Then, stick the two pictures together, facing each other. This can mean that the relationship will stay together forever.

Put the pictures into the fireproof pot or the cauldron that you choose and add the basil, fennel seeds, cinnamon, lavender and sprinkle it with some olive oil. Hold the red candle in your right hand again and then hold it up, with your mind and spirit open.

Take seven deep breaths and focus on what you wish. Let your energy build up and then drip some wax into the cauldron on top of the mixture. Take another seven deep breaths and then put the candle down.

Setting it On Fire

Use the matches to set everything in the fireproof pot or cauldron on fire. This will let go of all of the relationship problems that you have and send them into the universe. If you are facing a divorce, breakup, or separation, this will stop it.

Don’t forget to thank the universe for helping you and then snuff out the candle, don’t blow it out. After the ashes have all cooled down, take them outside and throw them into the window. Find a spot to do this where you can see the moon. On the next full moon, light the candle and let it burn out completely and this will give the spell more power.

Stopping a Divorce Spell

If you love your partner, really love them, then no matter what they have done you don’t lose that love. When using a spell to stop a divorce, it will bring them back to your life where they are meant to be. You will be willing to fight harder to keep the relationship working and you will be more committed to the relationship.

The spell will work best if you do it before the divorce happens. If you cast it right when your partner talks about divorce, it can heal the problems before the separation happens and you can start love new.

Can This Spell Help?

Yes. This love spell can help to stop a divorce and help you to be able to get back with your partner. It can get rid of negativity in the relationship and the magic can bring your love back to you. It can even create a bond that is stronger, and it can keep your marriage together.

Both you and your partner has to work to make the relationship good though and you have to choose to be committed to each other so that the negativity doesn’t come back.

Ingredients for a Stop a Divorce Spell

  • A piece of parchment paper.
  • White candle.
  • Pink candle.
  • Pencil.
  • Sandalwood oil.
  • Matches.

Casting a Stop, a Divorce Spell

Cast your circle and anoint your candle with the Sandalwood oil before you begin. Then draw two hearts on the parchment paper that touch each other. Make sure that the hearts are big enough to put one candle in each heart.

Light the white candle and drip wax into the left heart saying, “Drip the wax, drip it, burn the flame, burn it. Light this love bright.” Say that 3 times.

Drip the wax into the right heart and say, “Drip the wax, drip it, burn the flame, burn it. Light this love bright.” Say that 3 times.

Do the same thing with the pink candle.

Take the white candle and put it on the left heart and the pink candle and put it on the right heart. Snuff the candles out as you say, “Transfer my will, my spell is heard, as I will, so mote it be.”

Give the parchment paper to nature the same day that you do the spell. Bury it, put it in the river or some other water, in the garden or just somewhere in nature.

Light ethe candles on the following full moon until the completely burn out.

Stop a Break-up Black Magic Spell

If you are the one going through a separation or you are doing this for someone you love that is going through an ending relationship, no matter what, know that using black magic can have negative side effects. It should only be used as a last resort situation.

When things get hard in your life, people just give up on their relationships. They might decide to walk away, or they might decide that they no longer care. When you care for the person and do all that you can to get them to not walk away then this might be what you want to do to try and get them back.

A black magic love spell can let you change your relationship and have them to reconnect with you no matter what has happened.

Ingredients for a Stop a Break-up Black Magic Spell

  • Chicken wing that is raw.
  • Pink candle.
  • Sterile needle.
  • Three drops of your own blood.
  • Thread or yarn.
  • Matches.
  • Large piece of parchment paper.

Casting a Stop, a Break-up Black Magic Spell

Before you ever start a black magic spell make sure that you are prepared for the spell first. You need to make sure that you know how to cast the spell and that you are taking all the precautions to make sure that you are safe.

Start by lighting the pink candle with the match. Draw your partners name on the parchment paper with the raw chicken. You won’t see the name, and this is okay. Then, on top of their name, write your name with the raw chicken.

Drop 13 drops of wax on the names with the candle. Use the sterile needle to prick the tip of your left index finger and drop 3 drops of blood on top of the names.

When you drip the blood, focus on what you want, and how you want to stop the divorce. Build up your energy. Then snuff out the candle saying, “Kasmati Beluto Kemati Bo.”

Use the paper to wrap the chicken wing up and then tie the yarn or thread around it. Then go out that same day and bury it.

On the following full moon, light the candle until it burns out completely.

Stop a Divorce White Magic Spell

You can cast this spell if you want to stop a divorce, but you don’t want to wait long. It will work best before the divorce proceedings even begin. Do it right after they say they want to separate.

White magic uses energies in a good way to heal and not to hurt. It can also heal the relationship. It is a successful kind of spell, and you can send out positive energies that will stop the divorce right away. It can also renew your love for your partner. When you cast this spell, you will see that it can reverse the breakup completely.

Ingredients for a White Magic Stop a Divorce Spell

• Two pieces of paper.
• Cinnamon incense.
• Pencil with no eraser.
• Candle.
• Cauldron.
• Matches.
• Old picture when you were happy with your partner.
• An item that reminds you of happy times.

Casting a Stop, a Divorce White Magic Spell

You have to use your memories to bring love back into this kind of relationship with this spell. You need to start by casting your circle and then lighting the candle and the incense.

Write down the problems that you are having on the paper. Write down everything that is hurting your relationship. Then tear the paper into small pieces and put it in the cauldron.

Sit down and look at the pictures and the item that you have that makes you feel happy. Meditate for about 30 minutes while you imagine being back with your love. Think good things only. Don’t allow negativity to come into your mind but focus only on good things.

You will know when to stop this. After, light a couple of matches and put into the cauldron. Burn the paper until it is completely gone. This will burn away the problems that you had, and it will be released into the universe.

Snuff out the candle and go and throw the ashes in nature.

Casting Spells to Stop a Divorce or a Separation

Here are some tips to casting a spell to stop a divorce or separation:

  • Cast the spell with love in your heart.
  • Never cast a spell when you are hurting.
  • If you don’t have parchment paper, a brown paper bag or baking paper will work.
  • Do the spells at a full or waxing moon for the best results.
  • If you want to get rid of negativity, do the spell during a dark or waning moon phase.

Making Love Secure Spells

Love Secure Spells

If you are having relationship problems and you think that your partner might be cheating or is being dishonest, you might wonder what you can do. Do you have zero trust in them, or do you feel that you are always jealous but there is a reason why?

You can use a magic spell that can make your love more secure. You can do this before you have a partner that cheats on you so that you can have a happy and more trusting relationship. This will help the future of your relationship be happy and it will also make you have a stronger bond with trust and love.

Trust is one of the most important things when it comes to relationships and so if you want your love to be stronger and more secure, you need a partner that is going to be dedicated to your love.

Ingredients for Making Love Secure Spells

  • 2 pink candles.
  • A picture of you and your lover together.
  • Flower vase.
  • Mirror.
  • White carnations.

Casting a Making Love Secure Spell

You can do this spell outside or you can do it inside of your home. If you want the spell to be effective when you do it outside, you need to make sure that you take all of the ingredients with you. You also will need to have an outside altar. If you do this outside, make sure that the altar that you set up faces the moon.

Make your space sacred and cast your circle. Then you need to invite the quarters.

Put the picture of the two of you in the center of the altar that you have created. If you didn’t have a picture with your partner and you then you can use two pictures. If you use two pictures, put them side by side on the altar.

Put one pink candle on one side and one pink candle on the other side of the picture or pictures. Light the candles and focus on what you want in the relationship. Take time with this part because this stirs up your energies and will make the spell stronger.

Put the carnations in the flower vase and put this behind the pictures on the altar. Hold the mirror in your hand so that you can see the picture in the reflection. Say three times, “I want to be bound to you. You need to be bound to me. Our love is true, I declare. The love is not obscure. Blessed by the goddess, please make our love secure. Snuff out the candles.”

Once you say this 3 times, thank the quarters and then let them go. Close the circle.

How Can a Make Love Secure Spell Help?

When you are in love, it can be one of the best things that ever happens in your life. Some people will spend much of their life looking for love and trying to find some kind of love that will bring them happiness. Many people don’t realize that falling in love is easy but that keeping a relationship good takes a lot of work.

If you are in a good relationship and you feel that it needs to be more secure, use this spell so that you can make that happen.

Are you afraid that your partner might cheat on you? Has your partner already cheated on you, and you are always feeling insecure?? Use this spell to make sure that your partner stays by your side. Make sure that you are willing to face the consequences that can come with this magic spell. If you feel that this is too much and if you feel that it will be hard to keep your partner faithful, you can use black magic. Remember though this can be a dangerous magic to use and can come back to you negatively.

Cast this spell when you have the right intentions in your heart. If you want to make a bond that creates trust between you and your partner, this is the right spell for you.

Fast Working Love Spells

Love Spells

Spell casting is when you use the Law of Attraction to have things work for you. When you cast a love spell, it can mean that you want to connect with someone and have love with them. Spell casting is both an art and it is a science that you have to learn so that you can do it even on your own.

Here are some spells that work fast:

1) Honey Jar Spell

This is a spell that can make your relationship better and sweeter.


  • Jar of honey.
  • Pen or pencil.
  • Paper.

Casting the Spell:

  • Write what you want on the paper and the name of your partner and yourself.
  • Fold the paper 3 times and then put it in the jar.
  • Seal the jar.
  • Put the jar in a place that no one will find it. Some think putting it by flowers will make it work faster.

This spell should work and help you to get rid of the tension that you have with your partner.

2) Pink Candle Spell

This spell can help you to connect with someone romantically.


  • Pink candle.
  • Piece of paper.
  • Pen or pencil.

Casting the Spell:

  • Light the candle on a Friday.
  • Write the name of your partner and your name on paper.
  • Put a circle around both names.
  • Imagine you being with your partner.
  • Say, “Let our fate become one and be of love.”
  • Burn the candle until the flame goes out on its own.

You should be able to imagine the person with you and feel that they are with you.

3) Love Spell with No Ingredients

This is an easy spell if you want to have someone that loves you get closer to you.


  • Words.
  • Energy.

Casting the Spell:

  • Find a place that is quiet.
  • Do this on a Friday.
  • Get rid of negative thoughts and imagine that you are holding the person you love.
  • Chant their name until you feel them close to you.
  • Do this each week for a month on Friday.

Mediation can help you to get what you want. This can attract things to you because of the power of your feelings.

4) Marriage Spell

Marriage spell can help to rekindle the relationship in your marriage if you have moved apart from each other, but you want to work out the relationship.


  • Pink candle.
  • White candle.
  • Rose essential oil.

Casting the Spell:

  • Put rose essential oil on the candle. Cut it in half.
  • Put the white candle in between the two halves and say, “Let go of harm and undo it and return to love that’s true.”
  • Once the white candle burns out, use wax to connect the candles back together.
  • Let the pink candle burn until it is melted.

Some spells need to have candles and when they are separated, they mean the two separate people in the relationship to come back together.

5) Herb Spell

You can make your sex life better by using an herb spell.


  • Saffron.
  • Red candle.
  • Pillow.
  • Sachet.

Casting the Spell:

  • Do this spell in the evening.
  • Turn out the lights and light the candle.
  • Meditate and think of a sexual encounter that makes you excited. Direct the energy to the saffron.
  • After you finish your thoughts, put the saffron in the sachet.
  • Put the sachet in your underwire drawer or under your pillow.

Sexual energy can help to make your relationship stronger. Manifest this love spell to make your sexual energy better.

6) Picture Love Spell

Love spells with pictures can be a binding spell and can make the energy between you and your partner stronger.


  • Red candle.
  • Picture of the one you love.
  • Paper.

Casting the Spell:

  • Light the red candle at midnight.
  • Write on the paper, “Visit this person and make them love me.”
  • Light the candle and burn the paper.
  • Say, “May a desire come into them from behind.”
  • Once the paper is burned the spell is cast.

The spell will work with people that know each other and can’t be done on those that don’t know each other.

7) Poppet Magic Spell

The poppet is a doll that represents a certain person that you are casting the spell on. This is something used in black and white magic.


  • Two poppet dolls. One of you and one of them.
  • Pink ribbon.
  • Hair, nail clippings or picture of the one you love.

Casting the Spell:

  • One poppet is meant to be you and one is meant to be them.
  • Put a rose petal inside each of the dolls.
  • Put ribbon and tie the two dolls together.
  • Imagine you living together happily.

The poppet is considered a magical identification to represent you and the one you love.

8) Full Moon Love Spell

This spell can work best on a full moon. It will help to make your emotions powerful and help you to stop being lonely.


  • A full moon.
  • Rose petals.

Casting the Spell:

  • When the moon is full, do the spell.
  • Make a list of the things you want in a partner.
  • Fold the list and put it with your heart.
  • Take the rose petals outside and sprinkle them around the house.
  • Put the list under your pillow until the morning.

You will likely see the results before the next full moon comes.

9) Ex Love Spell

This spell can help to get your ex to fall back in love with you.


  • Picture of you.
  • Picture of your ex.
  • Red candle.
  • Rose essential oil.

Casting the Spell:

  • Put rose essential oil on the candle.
  • Put the pictures together around the candle.
  • Think of happy memories with your ex.
  • Light the candle and let it burn the whole day.
  • When the day ends, drip wax from the candle on your ex’s picture and then seal it with your picture.
  • Put the pictures in the envelope and keep them there until they get in touch with you.

This is different than an obsession spell and it is never to force someone back to you.

10) Hair Love Spell

This spell can make someone want to be with you. You need to have strands of hair from the person that you want to love you.


  • 5 strands of hair from the person you love.
  • 5 strands of your hair.
  • Red candle.
  • Plate.

Casting the Spell:

  • At sunset, light the candle.
  • Braid the hairs and say, “Let our karmic paths cross.”
  • Put the braid on the plate and light it and let it burn.
  • After it burns, throw the ashes out the window.

Don’t do this spell if you feel that you are a bad person for sneaking and getting the hair.

How to Cast Good Love Spells

Here are some tips to cast love spells effectively:

  • Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. You need to have a clear mind.
  • Be respectful of the love spell and make sure that you have pure intentions.
  • Believe that the love spell is going to come true.
  • Know that there are consequences of doing black magic and make sure you stay away from this.
  • Keep practicing. If the spelling doesn’t work, try another one.

Can Love Spells Backfire?

Yes. Love spells can go wrong. Make sure that you have a good intention and that you are being positive and kind when casting a spell.

Do Love Spells Work?

Yes. Love spells have been around for years, and they work.

Where Can You Find an Effective Love Spell?

You can look at websites online that have psychics and that are authentic to help you to find love spells. You can also look for love spells online.

Do You Have to Use a Spell Caster?

No. You can do your own spells and they can work if you follow the directions correctly.

Are There Love Spells to Break People Up?

Yes. There are love spells that can break people up but remember, this is black magic, and it can come back negatively on you.

Can You Do Spells Without Ingredients?

Yes. You can do love spells that just use energy and words.

How Can You Know if a Love Spell Works?

You can tell if a love spell works if you get the things, you asked for. If your partner starts falling more in love with you, this can be a working love spell.

Final Thoughts

Love spells are there to help you to make your love stronger. You can use these spells if your relationship is falling apart or if you need to have more love in your life. You can also use love spells if you want to have your ex think of you again or if you need to love yourself.

Powerful love spells can help you to feel happy, more confident and can make you feel the love that you want and deserve.