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Is Black Magic Spells Really Black?

          Black magic is a unique and mysterious practice that spins around the conviction of mantras, ceremonies and hexes will be roll out some craved improvements in the physical world.

These sorts of magic, otherwise called dark magic, is said to affect situations where one tries to murder, take, harm or at the end of the day hurt someone else. Black magic is regularly utilized with relationship of affection and sentiment spells, known as black magic love spells.

While whether or not these magic have a realistic base or not is a matter of perception, there is another kind of paradox one might face while performing such a love and romance spell. The person often feels a kind of ethical dilemma whether or not to use dark magic love and romance spells.

Love is an important aspect of life. No matter whether a person is male or female, young or old, love always presents itself in its own way. People often feel that the person he or she loves does not love him or her back. Therefore there is a need for love spellcasting.

Most of the times when we say black magic, we also think of an image of white magic that is a constructive type of magic used with good interests. This makes dark magic a very bad branch of magic. But this can be decisive. Because although black magic always carries a negative aspect to itself, black magic and love spells together often makes a strong combinations.

Here are some protection suggestions and methods you can apply:

1. Know that a big part of any black spell is to create fear. It is the fear created by the victim that fuels much of the bad luck the poor victim suffers. Naturally the one who undergoes such a wicked experience has no idea what is happening to him. He is unaware of it in most cases. Psychic attack is real. Anyone who tries to manipulate or to control another can be considered the instigator of a psychic attack.

2. Carry a crystal of black tourmaline on you to aid your energy. This crystal stone is well known to psychics and deflects a lot of the negative energy directed towards the victim back to its source. It is a very good protection crystal.

3. Do prayer and meditation. Purification practices such as prayer are a big help. The fact is the more positive energy we create for ourselves the more the psychic attack will melt away and become ineffective.

The instances of taking a piece of clothing that belongs to someone, or a fingernail clipping, a lock of hair, and then casting a spell brings bad luck to the victim. The psychic energy is alive and well on the astral level and it reaches its intended target.

Black magic love spells, considered very powerful by many, sometime makes one face the ethical dilemma discussed above about whether or not to use these spells. Naturally, if you want someone to fall in love with you and use some form of black magic love spells to do the job for you, it might seem to you as if you are forcing him or her to be with you, which is certainly not a good situation.

Similar are the situations about other types. What should one do if s/he feels like that? Are there any risks for the person who is hexed? Should you choose dark magic love spells at all? Answers to these questions can be very hard to find sometimes.

Mirror Magic Will Make Him Fall For You

        Are you secretly wishing for that hot guy in the office to notice you? What about the childhood crush that you think of? Have you dying to that love of your life to focus and you? Are you craving for that someone who got away to go back and give you the attention that you desire? A simple spell has been proven effective, simple step and believing in the power will make your wish come true.

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 mirror
  • picture of him/ or her
  • picture of you
  • Belief in the power of Magic and the powers within yourself

Casting Instructions for ‘To make someone think of you

Take the mirror and on the side where you see your reflection place his/her picture facing the mirror, on the other side facing inward place your picture and tape both securely, on the back of your picture write these words and hold the mirror close to your heart and chant 3 times:

With these magic words I plea
Each time you see your reflection you will think of me
This is my will, so mode it be….

Keep the mirror in your purse or pocket but carry it with you wherever you go…for 30 days you will see the results long before this but it could take up to 30 days ….. Just believe.

Your Ultimate Protection Spells

      There is a lot of spells for bringing lost love, finding new love, attracting someone but finding protection spells isn’t as easy as finding a love spell. We listed few of the most tested protection spells that will help you protect what is important to you.

“By the dragons light, on this (month) night, 
I call to thee to give me your might, 
by the power of three, I conjure thee, 
to protect all that, surrounds me, so mote it be!


Here is a protection chant to protect you from evil, you should do this before and after doing spells.
Visualize your self sitting in the middle of the pentagram facing upwards with 3 circles of purple light
around you and say:
Protect me with all your might
Goddess gracious day and night
Say it three times and end with, So Mote It Be!


Trice around the circle’s bound
Sink all evil into the ground
Say it three times and end with, So Mote It Be!


Steep a teaspoon of basil in a cup of boiling water, and strain out the herb.
Add it to you bath water for a protective and cleansing influence.
It is particularly useful to clean off the feelings left by contact with those who are negative or controlling.


Needed: white candle, protection incense, photo of your loved ones
Light the incense. Place the candle on top of your photo(s) and light it.
Envision a protective white light surrounding your loved ones and say:
“O Goddess, protect my loved ones every day, as they sleep and as they play.
Help them to always smile bright, and keep them safe in Your loving light.
Protect them from harm and from all they fear.
For they are the ones that I hold dear.
I thank the Goddess for helping me.
I trust in Her aid So mote it be!”
Let the candle and incense burn down.


To make a charm to protect you as you drive, place the following items in a small box:
three holly leaves, one clove of garlic, one sprig of cedar, one piece of clear quartz, and one
piece of dragon’s blood resin. Hold the box shut, and imagine you are driving your car.
Envision yourself working in a clear, keen, and observant state.
You make decisions as necessary when you are behind the wheel;
you react with split-second timing, and you generally find joy in your role as a safe driver.
Put the box in the glove compartment of your car and follow through by always driving in
a safe and responsible manner.


The following are the ingredients for a Witch’s Protection Bottle and it works in two ways.
It not only protects you, but it will deflect the harm towards you back to the originator.

Get a glass jar such as a Mason jar, or even a baby food jar, anything that has a lid to it.
Fill the jar halfway with small sharp objects such as pins, metal scrapings, broken glass,
razor blades, etc. Be careful when you are filling the jar! Once the jar is half full with
these objects, fill the jar up with a holy water mixture of salt and water.
Put the top on the jar and be sure it’s secured.
This jar should be buried in the ground at least twelve inches deep.
As long as the bottle remains in the ground, you will be protected from harm that is
sent your way. If you bury the jar somewhere away from home, and you wont know
if it will still be there in a year (City Witches don’t always have backyards!), then
be sure to repeat this process each year.


Start by mixing water and salt, two elements of magic. Consecrate them.
Use garlic salt and add powdered rosemary if you need to clear out ghosts or spirits.
Begin at the main entrance of the house or apartment.
Sprinkle some of the consecrated water by dipping your fingers in it and making
the sign of the pentacle. Say:
Evil shall leave but not enter.
Use a firm voice. Make it accommandment, with all of your power behind it.
Proceed counterclockwise through the house, repeating the procedure in
every corner of each room, at all the windows, doors and mirrors.
Don’t forget telephones, computers with active modems, fax machines,
intercoms, and televisions that are connected to the Internet.
It doesn’t hurt to do the mailbox, too.
Make the downward pentacle, with your left hand, if this feels right to you.
Or the upward pentacle with your right hand. Either will work.
Repeat the spell annually, or whenever you feel in need of it.
It is important to perform a spell like this one on a new home before you move into it.


This spell can be used while consecrating the salt and water:
O Great Mother in your name we purify
with water and with salt cleanse this place of evil
and fill it with your Love O Great Mother
make this cave a safe space a warm and dry place
and shelter us from harm O great Mother
make this house our home


Tools: One red candle + one white candle
A small piece of white paper Oil Ink pen Red Ribbon
Set the white candle alight on the left to represent the Goddess and a red candle to the right to
represent the God. Place the materials for the spell between the two candles.
Using the oil, with your right index finger, draw a pentacle (star inside a circle) in the
middle of the white paper, while saying,
“With the seal of this pentagram I request that this charm be used for protection.”
Using a pen, in the center of the oil-drawn pentagram, draw your own special symbol for protection.
“With this rune, I request that this charm be used for protection.”
When you are ready, roll the paper up with the red ribbon tightly lengthwise.
Hold the charm over the red candle and say,
I consecrate myself in fire
so that I can defend myself
and protect myself with the power I have.
Continue doing this with the smoke of the white candle, but consecrate it in the name of air.
Hold the charm with both hands. Concentrate on the charm’s task.
Then seal the left end of the charm with white wax, the right with red wax.
The charm is now complete.


1 T base oil 4 drops primrose 4 drops lavender 2 drops sandalwood
Of course, you can always use whatever you feel will do the job.


Choose a significator and place in center of a cross with ten of pentacles or ten of cups
underneath, the four of wands forms the base, the chariot forms the top, the should
represent safety in traveling. Temperance and the star form the arms of the cross,
they invoke supernatural protection. Meditate on your needs. Here is the affirmation.
I call upon the power that is within me and the power that is around me!
I call upon the sentinels of the heavens!
I call upon all good spirits and all ministering angels!
I call for protection, defense, and safety! with white light, a force field is built around me.
I am shielded and protected at all times.
All negative disperse and dissolve at the touch of the radiant light that emanates from
the core of my being. All shadows flee.
All harm and danger is neutralized by the touch of my glowing aura.
By the power within me and the power around me, only peace, love and serenity
may exist within my protective barrier!
I am protected. My family is protected. My home is protected.
All modes of transportation and travel are protected/ so it is and so shall it be!


One part mustard seed, 1 part comfrey, 1 part Irish moss and one part kelp
Tied up in a white or yellow cloth carried with you.
Tuck one into each suitcase or garment bag.


You Need: 3 black candles black thread one black pen a piece of paper an empty glass jar
This spell will not hurt your bully, it will just make them leave you alone.
Do this spell at midnight on a Saturday of a waning moon
(a period of time between a full moon and a new moon, the light is decreasing.
The opposite is the waxing moon, when the moon is moving from a new moon to a full).
Set the candles in a big triangle shape, big enough so that you can sit in the middle.
Light the candles. Write the bully’s name on the paper, and draw an “X” over it.
Fold it three times. Say:
“I bind you (say their name)
so that you cannot hurt me anymore,
both physically, and emotionally.
Get out of my life, leave me alone.
I bind you (say name) I bind you.”
Then tie the thread around the folded paper, and pop it in the jar. Screw on the lid.
Snuff out the candles (never, NEVER blow out candles after a spell, it pushes the
magick away). The next day, bury the jar off you property, or you can hide it in a closet
where it will not be found. If the black candles you used are small enough, you can put
them in the jar (do this at the end of the spell, not after you have screwed the lid on).
If not, burn them later until there is nothing left of them.


Timing: During the waning moon. Use a brown candle (an image candle, if you can)
to represent the person who is harassing you.
Write the person’s name on the front and back of the candle.
On a small piece of parchment paper, write:
‘From now on, (name) will say nothing but sweet words about me and to me.
By the power of Aradia, so mote it be!’
Put a drop of honey in the middle of the paper and roll it into a ball.
Heat a knife, pin or your athame, make a gash in the candle (in its mouth, if it’s an image candle)
and stuff the paper ball into it.
Let the candle burn a little while every night for an odd number of nights, to a maximum
of nine nights. Throw the remnants into flowing water, but save some candle drippings
or ash to sprinkle in the path of your oppressor.


You need: A whole head of Garlic 3 large ‘iron’ nails 9 pieces of White Thread (7 in. long each)
6 pieces each of Black Thread and Red Thread (7 inches long each)
Wax One White Egg Water and Wine
Twist or braid 3 white, 2 red and 2 black threads together, melt a little wax and dip the threads
so that it forms a stiff twine/wick like feel. Do this two more times so you have 3 waxed braids.
Place the nails in a fire until they are red hot, while still hot (you can let them cool a little bit)
wrap each nail with a garlic leaf. Then wind one of the waxed threads around each leave covered nail.
In a dish or bowl make a triangle with the nails and place it in a safe place (or your altar).
Place the egg in the triangle so it stands up, sprinkle with wine and water everyday.


Sit or stand before any fire. Look into the flames (or flame if using a candle).
Visualize the fire bathing you with glowing, protective light.
The fire creates a flaming, shimmering sphere around you.
If you wish, say the following words:
“Craft the spell in the fire;
Craft it well; Weave it higher.
Weave it now of shining flame;
None shall come to hurt or maim.
None shall pass this fiery wall;
None shall pass No, none at all.” Repeat this every day if needed.


This is best used at the end of a spoken or written spell.
This adds a certain boost to the releasing of energy.
It also works best if you are wearing a Pentagram you have attuned to yourself.
Speak these word with all the fibers of your body while releasing the spell’s energy:
By the Pentagram I wear,
Water, Fire, Earth, and Air,
Ruled by Spirit as All should be
As I speak So Mote It Be!

Perfect Spell To bring Back Your Lost Love

Some are very negative to the idea of chanting spells but don’t worry about it as they haven’t tried how can spells change a life of someone who needs it. If you cast a candle spell to bring back lost love, you’re at least making your wishes known to the universe. However, it’s important to know that it must never interfere with the free will of the person, no matter how much you miss his quirks.

Candle Magic Basics

Candle magic is a very old and powerful form of sympathetic magic, but it is also one of the simplest types of magic to use for casting spells. Candle magic can be simple or complicated, just as relationships can. Casting the spell can involve a fancy ritual, but that’s not necessary to win back the affections of the one you love. Once you are familiar with the basics involved in candle magic, it’s simple to customize a spell to your needs.

Choosing and Charging a Candle for a Magic Spell

It is important to learn the basics before performing candle magic. First, learn the candle colors associated with the various types of spells; burning the wrong candle color could affect the outcome of your spell. An excellent chart for candle magic colors is posted at The Magickal Cat. In most Wiccan and pagan communities, you can substitute a white candle if the appropriate colored candle is not available. Natural beeswax or soy candles are preferred over petroleum-based candles, but you’re not destined to a long, lonely life if you can’t find that type. Any kind of candle will work–just make sure it’s never been burned.

Once you’ve found the best candle for your spell, charge it for your needs. This is also known as dressing, or preparing your candle. The process involves anointing it with oil, carving it with the letters or symbols that represent what you want, and giving it your energy. Hold the candle in your dominant hand and then hold your other hand out, palm up, as if receiving energy from the universe. Imagine what you want your end result to be once the spell has had time to have an effect. Imagine yourself pulling in energy from the universe so that it can mix with your intention and then be fed ino the candle in your dominant hand. Place the candle in its holder and set out to cast your spell.

Casting the Spell

Once you have chosen and charged your candle you are finally ready to cast the spell and hopefully reunite with your special someone.

  1. Prepare yourself for the spell by clearing your area and your mind. Relax and hold the candle while visualizing the desired outcome as you send your energy from your hands into the candle.
  2. Light the candle and continue to visualize the outcome as you think about the results you desire. Focus all your energy on the results as you watch the candle burn for a period of time.
  3. Allow your candle to burn out or extinguish it safely.

Simple Candle Spells to Bring Back Lost Love

Did you and your lover ever carve your names inside of a heart on a tree in the backyard? You can revisit that here. Using a virgin red candle, carve the first name of your lost love into it with the tip of a knife or a nail. Carve the name of your lost love lengthwise on the candle, stopping approximately one inch from the candle base. Anoint your candle using virgin olive oil and place it in its candle holder.

Take seven thorns from a red rose bush or use straight pins if you do not have rose thorns. Place the pins into the letters of the name you inscribed on the candle.

Light the candle and visualize your love coming back to you as you concentrate only on that thought.

Repeat the simple spell three times:

Powers of the universe

Bring (insert first name) back to me

This is my will

So mote it be.

As the candle burns down through each thorn, or straight pin, your love will have good thoughts of you and will want to be with you.

An Alternate Spell

Another spell you can recite as your candle burns down:

Bring back my love that I know,

With his return, our love shall grow.

Universe, bring him back to stay,

I’m sure he will come back someday.

Inspire Your Love to Return

Casting a candle spell to bring back lost love can bring someone special back to you as long as the spell is cast without harm to anyone. Relax, cast your spell, and think of the one you love running back into your arms.

Follow A Spell That Spells Love

     It’s been debated if spells are effective or we’re just wasting money on it. The quick love spells are the ready at hand solutions for love related issues. It is said that the quick love spells are safe and very effective, though their impacts are short lived. A well known psychic offers you a detailed account of quick love spells to cast on your lover.

Dream Come True
To make your dream come true we provide you with a very handy love spell which can be done in a short time. Take a chunk of any pink stone (supposedly rose quartz or pink marble will do) accompanied by pink candle and better if rose incense is used.

In the absence of rose incense you can meditate by looking at a rose picture and imagine about the rose scent. Once the materials are collected and gathered, light the candle and chant the spell, “I Am Open To Love”, “Love Will Come To Me, Bring My Love To My Life”. After you have said this, hold the pink stone in your power hand (the one with which you write) and see it glowing with pink light and feel the aura of love. Repeat this thrice and make sure you carry the pink stone with you always and you will feel the result within a month.

To Attract a Love
Play your romantic music and make sure that the music is purely associated with the person you want to attract and not with some one else. It is important to keep a few specific people out of your mind while you perform this love spell. Light a colored candle that represents you through your favorite color, on a sheet of cardboard, and light red or pink candle to identify the love of your life. Draw a heart with a red crayon or a magic marker around the red candle. Rekindle the candles in the evening and as soon as you light the candle move them closer to each other, so that on the last day the candles are closest to each other. Continue to do this for approximately a week or until you get the desired result.

Romance Magnet Oil

2 drops of ylang ylang oil, 2 drops of sandalwood oil, 2 drops of clary sage oil.

Rub Romance Magnet Oil on a pink candle and burn it for 3 hours a day to attract your lover towards you. Continue this process, until the person shows some interest or makes an advance. If this is used for an existing relationship, then it can be ended with the establishment of harmony and stability. If there’s no one special in mind then you can just burn the candle until a real relationship is established. Remember to snuff the candle instead of blowing it off as the spirit residing in the candle may get affected and blowing off the candle will also blow away your wishes and prayer at the same time.

You can follow the instructions that are mentioned below regarding the Instant Love Spells. This love spell is only meant for those people who want to win the love of the person whom they admire.


  1. 7 Rose petals
  2. 7 Drops of rose oil
  3. 7 Seed kernels
  4. A stone or dirt
  5. A metal/silver ring
  6. 7 of your hairs and the hairs must be plucked out
  7. Leaf (fresh/dried) of a tree or a plant and it should be 23/4 inches in height.
  8. A flowerpot
  9. Thin thread or rope
  10. Thin paper
  11. A picture of your lover
  12. Any object that has been or is still used by your lover or has been touched by your lover.
  13. Cloth bag (optional).


  1. Roll the seven hairs in the leaf.
  2. Wind the leaf with the thin thread and while winding be careful to leave a length of the thread in order to tie the ring with seven knots
  3. Place these items into the thin paper or cloth bag.
  4. Place the 7 rose petals on the top, then place the picture of your beloved and then place the object that is used or has been touched or used by your lover and then finally, place the dirt or the stone.
  5. Tie the bag, tightly.
  6. Place the bag into the flowerpot and cover it with dirt
  7. Plant the seed kernels in this dirt
  8. Put 7 drops of rose oil on the dirt.
  9. On the right side of your window keep the flowerpot and each and every week water it seven times.
  10. See instant results as soon as the seeds begin to grow.

A Spell For A Broken Heart And Bringing Your Ex Back

  You have tried calling, texting and emailing a million times yet you are being avoided, or worse given lame excuses.. Now it is time for desperate measures. Well, stop calling first. Do NOT TRY TO CONTACT THEM. It is not working. This will only make you look needy and you will be avoided more and for a longer time. The way to get back into a lovers heart is through their emotions.. That is right by putting a thought into their head reminding them of the good things you two had between you two.

How do you do that when you cannot contact them???By using the psychic connection you developed with them through your time together…YEP, I am talking about the old fashioned love spell. However, this is not the kind of love spell where you pay a psychic exorbitant amounts of money to do it for you.. This is often a scam. The “psychic” tells you that for a price they will do a spell for with “guaranteed results” only to have no results. Then they tell you there is some “bad energy” or an energy block or “someone else is putting a spell on you to block you from him” and you must then pay more money to remove these things. Also an old scam. They will often tell you that they need more money for “supplies” and if you do not pay them you “;will never see your ex again”;.OK, do not fall for this.. It is all a scam.

Here is what I do. I give you the spell free of charge to try on your own.If you would like, I charge $100. to do it with you over the phone. I teach you how to do it. However, I spend no more that 45 minutes for this price and that does NOT give you the right to call me to chat about it at any time. I charge for my phone time. If you have questions and do not want to be charged. Then you may email me.. I do answer emails when I have time.

This is what the spell does. It puts a thought of you into their mind. It reminds them of the good times you had together. It gives them sexual thoughts of you and often they have dreams of you . We are aiming for dreams as that puts thoughts of you into their subconscious so you are on their mind a lot. Often after doing this, many people ( most) have reported their ex showing up at their front door in the middle of the night. They have had emails and phone calls from their ex out of the blue. They have met their ex again for the first time since the worst part of the breakup.

This is what it won’t do. Fix whatever the problem was that caused you two to break up over in the first place. If you have not done some work to understand what went wrong and taken measures to at least change things on your end. Then the problems will still be there. It will not change the chemistry of their brains. You cannot control another person through a spell, you can only put a thought in their head. When they see you again, you must have changed something , whatever was the cause of your breakup, to make things different.

If they left you for another person, I cannot guarantee that they will breakup with that person for you. I cannot change the brain chemicals associated with lust towards another person. All I can do, working with you on this spell over the phone, is put you in their head in a positive way. If they are having trouble with whoever they are with at the time, they will think of you and the possibility is that they will miss you and want to see you.. That is what we are aiming for.

You will need your list, a bowl of water, a bowl of salt, a knife, a cup of red wine (if you indulge) and music that will put you in the mood for a trance,
Place any personal items you may have from the individual we will be focusing on in front of you.
Have both the bowl of water and salt with the knife laid ready. Behind the bowls have the red candles for love. (Preferably male and female candles)
We begin by drawing up the white light from your feet and feeling it flow through your body. use it to protect yourself and the area you are working in.

Now place the knife in the bowl of water and say, “I exorcise thee (We are speaking old English now as this is a very old ritual) O creature of water, that thou cast out from thee all impurities and uncleanness of the spirit world of phantasm.”
Put the knife in the bowl of salt and say, “Blessings be upon this creature of salt. Let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth hence from, and let all good enter herein. Wherefore do I bless thee, that thou mayest aid me in the names of the guardian angles who have chosen to protect me, Raphael,Michael,Gabriel,Ariel.

Pour the water into the salt and lay both bowls aside.

Now visualize the white light being projected from your hand and use it to form a protective circle around your area. Say ” I conjure up the circle of power, that this be only a place of love, joy and truth. A shield against all wickedness and evil. A boundary between the worlds of men and the realms of the mighty ones “(Meaning angels or whatever you may call them, we are about to invite them into the circle)”A rampart of protection, that shall preserve and contain the power that we shall raise within thee.
Now as you visualize the white light coming from the ground, through your feet, up through your head, over your body, and extending out through your hands. use your hands to direct the energy to protect your area in white light.

Now turn to the east and say “Ye lords of watchtowers of the East, lord of air, I call upon the angel Raphael. I call upon you to witness my rites and protect my circle. Then say “Yod He Vau He”
Now turn to the south and say “Ye lords of watchtowers of the South, Lord of fire, Angel Michael, I call upon you up to witness my rites and protect my circle.” Then say “Adoni”

Then face the West and say, “Ye lords of the watchtowers of the West, angel Gabriel, Lord of water, I call upon you up to witness my rites and protect my circle. and say “Eheieh”

Now turn to the North and say ” Ye lord of the watchtowers of the North, angel Auriel, angel of Earth, I call upon you to witness my rites and protect my circle. then say “Agla”

OK you have now called upon the angles of protection if you have visualized them strongly they will be there.
We now go into the Quabilistic cross.
Touch your forehead (third eye) and say “Ateh”
Touch your heart and say “Malkuth”
Touch your right shoulder and say “VE Geburah”
Touch your left shoulder and say “VE Gedulah”
Clasp both hands to your breast and say “LE Olhan Amen”

Now we go into the chant from the lost language. As you do this, visualize the energy swirling around you. As it does catch it in your hands and let it flow back and forth between your hands like a cyclone.
“Bagabi lacha bachabe
Lamac cahi achabae
Lammac lamac bachalys
Cabahgy sablyos
Lagoz atha cabyolas
Shamahac atha famlas”

Then lift your cup of wine and say “Hurrahyh”
Drink and giggle

Light the candle for what you are seeking.
Read out loud the things on your list that you wish for.
Now we do the Pendulum meditation. You will need a shiny object such as a pendant on a necklace and dangle it between your thumb and forefinger.
We will watch it as it swings back and forth or round in circles (wherever it chooses to go) to put ourselves in a trance. We will say a chant repeating and affirming what we have asked for.
As we are saying the next chant let the energy swirl in your hands like a small tornado (again) and say
“Eko , Eko, Azarak
Eko, Eko, Zamilak
Eko, Eko, Cerunnos,
Ekko, Eko, Aradia

Now chant the list of things that you have asked for as you release the tornado energy into the cosmos, giggling as you do. It is important you have humor at this point and a made up poem, the sillier, the better will help immensely.

Now you may close the circle. it is important that you release all the angels Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Auriel, and thank them for joining you or their energy will stick around and be a bit grumpy for keeping them there. Weird things happen if you forget to release the guardians of the watchtowers.

Good luck this is an ancient ritual, It works, be careful what you ask for.

A Spell To Increase Your Aura Of Attraction

We’ve all been there or we can say that most of us has been there in a situation where we like a someone so much but we cannot do anything about it as we don’t have the aura or charisma for them to notice us. Sometimes, you’ll wonder why a very good looking person seems so in-love with an average human. Wonder why? It’s all about the level of attraction and you might not have what it takes to attract someone and we can solve it by following the steps below. Good luck!


What you will need: your photograph (best picture of yourself you have, if you don’t have any, go to the professional to make one), a goblet, water, honey, a chilli powder, a green and dark blue candles, a lighter
Best time for the ritual: in the time of waxing half-moon, best on Friday or Sunday
Clear the ritual space. Cast a circle. Lit the green candle and say:”The powers of love, come, come come!” You can pray to some love deity, you feel connected with, fore example Maria Magdalena or Erzulie.
Lit the dark blue candle and say: “The powers within, the powers of attraction, awake!” Fill the goblet with water and say: “As the water in goblet rise, my power of attraction rise.” Put into the water honey and chilli powder, which represents sweetness and fire of being attractive.
Carefully watch your picture. Look on that face as if it is someone else. Observe, how attractive and nice that person is, try to find on that picture as many attractive things as possible, dream and add more thing, who you want to become. Visualise yourself entering the room. You can hear whispers, how others are speaking about you, how good you look today etc. The vision has to be very vivid, with images, sounds, smells and feelings. When you finish, write all attractive things about you on the photograph in following way: I am attractive, I am bright, I have beautiful smile etc. Very important thing is to define, what kind of partners would you like to attract. Being attractive for all means, that some men will disturb you, some could even try to get what they want by force!!! So be careful, what you desire. If you want to be attractive for one specific person, state it in your ritual!
Hold the goblet all the time in your hands. When is your visualization fixed in your mind, breathe it into the goblet. Be aware, how is the water full of energy of attraction. Drink it. Then, finish the ritual. Put your picture near your bed and watch it every evening before sleep and every morning. In the day of full moon, burn everything (in a safe way) and let the ashes go into the air, so that your wish can manifest.

A Free Love Spell That Works Wonder

    Free love spells online can actually be so hard to find since the Internet seems filled with people trying to sell their spell-casting services and you don’t know which one works and worse is that someone can sell you a spell that cost so much but will not work at all. There are some that works well but cost you a fortune. Now, as a real spell caster i want to share a spell that would work and you don’t need to pay as i believe that gift must be shared to those who needs it. 

That’s not much help for an independent-minded witch who’d prefer to cast her own magic. So you’ll be happy to see that there are some real (and free) love spells online for you to try for yourself.

Silver Ring Love Charm

One particularly powerful way to cast a love spell, is to bless an item as a charm and wear it near you after the spell is cast. For this spell, you will create a charm out of a ring, though it will take a month to complete. You’ll need the following items for this spell:

  • A silver ring that you have never worn before
  • A white cloth
  • A cup of white wine

You need to perform this spell under the light of a full moon, so hopefully the skies will be clear for you or you should wait for another night.

Wrap the ring in the cloth, and bury it under ground. Sit quietly and watch the moon as you concentrate on the qualities you are seeking in a new love relationship. Pour the wine over the spot where you burying the ring, and recite the spell:

Blessed Goddess, fair and true
This silver gift I offer you
Bless this ring and make it shine
Bring a lover to be mine

Leave the ring for a month, and dig it up on the next full moon. From that day on, wear it every day to attract your true love to you. If you live in an apartment with no access to any “ground”, you can try this spell using a large flowerpot filled with earth instead.

Key to Your Heart Spell

This is a very easy love spell that will take you very little time to perform though it will be 2 weeks before the charm is finished. You will need the following items:

• 3 candles (gold, silver and red)
• 2 red roses
• A horseshoe
• A key
• A red silk scarf

This is a spell for a Friday night (like most love spells). Light all three candles on your altar, and wrap the roses, horseshoe and key in the silk scarf. Pass the bundle through the heat of the candle flames, ideally without it all catching on fire. Put it in your underwear drawer for 2 weeks. Yes, your underwear drawer.

After the 2 weeks are up, bury the roses outside and keep the horseshoe and key someplace safe near your bed. They will draw a new love to you within a month.

Break The Spell Cast On You!

 There are a lot of desperate people who uses spell to get someone fall for them.. Now, what if you have this instinct that something isn’t right and you’re a victim of a spell caster, can you break it?

Many different people have different views on this subject but in general when it comes to breaking a spell cast on you most techniques involve mental and emotional strength.. Lets first look at some common spells, then we can learn about breaking them.

Common Spells or Enchantments

There are many common spells used every day some of which the wielder does not know they even do.. Any form of manipulation of thought or spirit is a form of magic so lets look at some common ones.. One being mind manipulation at work, another being a love, lust manipulation and another being an emotional form of manipulation.

Each of which changes or hurts another if used in the negative.. This is not to say real love is a form of manipulation, real love is amazing, but to some individuals manipulating the formations of love for greed or lust is a negative form of manipulation. One example is making a girl fall in love with you based on a lie or lust. This is a very evil or negative form of manipulation that happens to many..

And it can be either way, girl or boy.. We all know the feeling of losing one we love or being cheated on.. Because of the emotional attachment magic manipulation can be very susceptible to the victim.. Even to the point they will do anything for the one they love even if they did them wrong by there actions..

Another form of spell is mind manipulation, this is the controlling of perception to how one sees themselves.. This form of action is very negative and seeing anyone lower is a form of black magic. Any form of negative control whether for money or not, is only creating negative. This form of mind manipulation is common practice of many types of work forces.. To the victim it may seem normal, but in many elements they are being controlled. This form of control is a type of magic.

Another form of magic is magic formed on thought forms alone. This can be positive or negative. Everyday we create our world to some extent so negative thoughts only hurt us and positive thoughts can only benefit us.. This type of magic can also effect others around us, positive being positive and negative being negative on others to the point feelings can come across as a form of spell or enchantment..

Now to How to Break a Spell or Enchantment?

To break a spell or enchantment one must look at the elements that are causing the effects. A lot of the time people get effected by letting energy manipulation in, where as some may not.. One must be strong and confront the spells desire and belief creates a big part. Sit down and try to visualise the spell or energy and try to let it go.. If you are a victim of a spell you have to remember this is your world too, you have your own power and you are equal in relation to others.

1. ) Be Strong Mentally – Meditate or use Affirmations

2. ) Try to understand the cause and step away from the situation.

3. ) Confront the source if feeling very strong mentally and use words to break the spell. This is to give you your own power back.

4. ) Another option is to relocate away from the spell.

5. ) A powerful way of breaking a spell is leaving the country and travelling over water .. Water is a powerful spell breaker..

6. ) Contact a psychic and use there services to help break.

In the end it is your will against another, especially when it is a negative spell. Try to stay focused to who you are inside, remember we all can defend ourselves by taping into our inner defenses. Refuse to be controlled negatively mentally, refuse to be controlled negatively emotional and refuse to believe in its control and a spell will weaken.

Make Him Want You!

  A lot of people can relate when i said, sometimes who you want doesn’t like you in return. Well? What would you do? Give up? No! Cast a spell, We have a spell that is proven effective.

Go into a quiet room. It really doesn’t matter if someone else is there with you as long as they’re quiet and aren’t distracting you. Sit crossed legged on the floor and take your lipgloss ( or lipstick ) and apply it thoroughly to your lips.

Take the piece of paper (rip it into a rectangle-type shape), and press your lips to the center of the paper; essentially kissing the paper.

Then, take your means of writing ( Pen, pencil, marker, etc.) and write your crush’s full name above the lip print; example: Jamie (if you know his/her middle name then put it there but if you don’t it really doesn’t matter) Quinn Maslow.

Put the paper in front of you, as you sit cross legged, and hold your hands about a foot above. Close your eyes and really concentrate on it *think of your crush AND the spell*

You should feel a slight pull towards the paper but resist it.


Say “*Crush’s full name* needs to love me. Have him/her see the true qualities that consist in my soul, and I shall do the same. Spread our love eternally and forever until we both die. He is funny, smart, and witty, along like me and I promise to do nothing but saint-work for eternity.” JUST ONCE!

Open your eyes and fold the paper in a hamburger, kiss a side, fold it again until it’s like a square. Kiss that once more then use the clip to keep it shut.

Make sure to keep that safe until you want the spell broken.

It worked for me, and I hope it works for you. Message me if it does!