People that are into witchcraft or casting spells are often looking for ways to find new spells that can be useful to them. Being able to find new spells is one of the happiest things that a witch can do.
When you do a spell, you need to make sure that you have good intentions and that you look deep inside of yourself to make sure things are right with you. Spells are very powerful, and you should make sure that you never take casting a spell lightly.
No matter what kind of witch you are or what kind of witchcraft you choose, you can find a spell that is right for you.
Strong Protection Spells
Being in harms way can mean that you have negative energy or spirits coming after you to fill your heart. This negative energy can also come into your home or your workplace. If someone has ill will against you, chances are that you need a protection spell to keep you safe.
There are many protection spells that you can do and many of them can be done right in your home and with little ingredients. Make sure that you thank your spirit guides for helping you and keeping you safe from negative energies.
Look at the different signs and symbols and find out what kind of protection spell is right for you.
Strong Protection Spells
When you need to protect yourself form negative energies and when you have people in your life that want to harm you, you need to make sure that you have a strong protection spell to keep you safe from the negativity.
- Sea salt.
- Tea lights (5 of them).
- Black candle.
- Taper candle holder.
Steps for the Strong Protection Spell:
- Make a salt pentagram to protect you because it has four directions in it. This means that you will have unity and you will use the energy of eternal life to help you.
- Charge your tea candles with strong intentions for the spell. Hold each of the candles in your hand and focus on what your intentions are. Once you finish with each candle, put them on the star points.
- Hold the black candle in your hand to charge it. Send your energy to the candle and make sure that you have strong intentions to protect yourself. Once you do this, you can send your will to the candle, and you will be protected form the negative energy. Once finished, put the black candle in the middle of the pentagram.
- Hold your hands and keep your intentions strong and make a dome of energy that will go into both the candle and the salt. This allows you to have a strong foundation for the candle and will help you to protect as much of the area around you as you need.
- Chant by saying this, “Get rid of anything that is negative and against me. Keep anger and sadness away from me. Angels and guides, guard my thoughts and keep me safe in my daily walk. Get rid of any hexes or curses that come around me and protect me.”
Protection Spells for Other People
One great thing about spells is that you can send them for other people. This is a way that you can send positive and protective energy to someone that needs it right at the moment. The spell can protect someone that is not close to you and someone that is even on the road traveling.
- Figurine candle.
- White candle.
- Black candle.
- Red candle.
- Sea salt.
- Garlic.
- Cloves.
- Clove oil.
- Protection oil.
Steps to do a Protection Spell for Other People
- Write the name of the person that needs to be protected on the candle. You can do this seven different times from the bottom and up.
- Put the sea salt out and make a cross with it. You can chant while you do this.
- Put the cloves around the candle and into the salt cross. Make sure that you have your emotions strong and that you are using strong intentions to keep them protected.
- Cover the garlic with the candle and make sure that it is completely hidden.
- Add your favorite oil such as the protection oil or the clove oil to the candle.
- Put oil on your candles and ask them for protection. Put your candles around the first candle and light them all as you ask them to protect your friend.
Protection Chant
If you don’t want to do a spell, you can always do a chant. There are protection chants that you can do to keep you safe.
Protection Chant to Say
“The arms of Mother Earth are always around me. The arms of Mother Earth are always there. I ask mother earth to have grace. I ask mother earth to have grace. The arms of Mother Earth are always around me. The arms of Mother Earth are always around me. I ask mother earth to have grace. I ask mother earth to have grace.”
Protection Spell Against People that are Negative
You can use this kind of spell to protect you from people that are negative. There are always negative people around so use this spell often:
- Bottle with a cork.
- Rosemary.
- Black candle.
- 7 different needles.
Steps to Do a Protection Spell Against Negative People:
- Take the rosemary and add it to the bottle. Imagine all of the negativity in your life leaving. Put the needles in the bottle as well.
- Once the needles and the rosemary are in the bottle, state what you want the spell to do.
- Close the bottle with the cork and light the black candle as you state your desires.
Easy Protection Spells
This is an easy protection spell that can help you to have both bodily and spiritual protection. This is easy and can protect you fast.
- Sage
- Star anise
- Oil
- Burner or cauldron
- Black salt
- Stones for protection
- Black candle
- Rosemary
- Pestle
- Mortar
Steps to Do an Easy Protection Spell:
- Make a casting circle. Smudge the space around you so that your area will be cleansed. Use the black salt to make a circle.
- Put the cauldron or the burner in the circle and use a tea light to make the oil warm.
- Grind the rosemary and the sage with the mortal and pestle and let your energies go to the herbs.
- Add the herbs and raise your intentions. Make sure that you are thinking of things that are important to you the whole time.
- Say this, “I ask you to protect my mind, body and spirit and keep me safe. Let my aura protect me and get out all negativities.”
Love Spells
Love spells are very powerful, and they involve emotions and strong feelings. There are different ingredients that are often used for love spells such as candles, oils, jars and more. Using your emotions to your advantage can help you to make your spell work faster.
The spells are meant to help you to find love and romance and you can use your intentions in a strong way to help you.
Self-Love Spell
Loving yourself is important and you can use this self-love spell to boost your confidence and to help you to appreciate yourself even more.
- Rose oil.
- Cinnamon.
- Charging items.
- Pink candle.
- Red candle.
- Carving tools.
Steps for a Self-Love Spell
- Think about something that you love and something that makes you feel important. Write your name into the candle with the carving tool or choose a symbol that shows how you love yourself.
- Charge the candle and do this by adding oil or other intentions. You can even add the cinnamon to the candle if that is what you want to do.
- Light the candle and keep the idea of self-love in your mind. Think of positive things about your life and let the candle burn out. These feelings will fill your heart and the heart will burn as the candle does.
Red Candle Love Spells
These are simple love spells that you can do by using red candles. You need to make sure that you have strong intentions when doing these love spells.
- Red candles (2 of them).
- Red ribbon.
- Tools for carving.
- Candle dressings.
Steps for a Red Candle Love Spell:
- Figure out what you want to dress the candle with and start by putting the names of each person on the candle by carving them. Dress your candle the way that you want so that you can have love in your spell.
- Take the red ribbon and tie the candle together with seven knots that are loose. Put intentions on each of the knots and bind them with love.
- Light the candles and let them keep burning together until they completely burn out. You can use tarot cards while the candles are burning and find out more about your future.
Fast Love Spells
There are some love spells that can work right away. This love spell is a way to find your passion and to get someone back into your life that you have been missing.
- Jar with lid.
- Red candle.
- Root of Jezebel.
- Raspberry leaf.
- Cinnamon.
- Rosemary.
- Dandelion leaf.
- Orange peel.
- Powder.
- Love oil.
- Pins.
- Strips of paper.
- Sugar.
Steps to Do a Fast Love Spell:
- Use the tool and make a hole in the candle that goes to the bottom. Put the herbs inside of this hole so make sure that the hole is big enough. After adding the herbs, add powder and oils that you choose.
- Add names to the jar candle so that you can know which two people are meant to be together. Put their dates of birth on the strips of paper and pin them together. Add the orange peel and the rosemary to the jar and add water to cover the paper.
- Burn the candle for nine days and after the days are up, make sure that the candle is completely used. Make sure that you are focusing on your intention for the whole nine days.
Binding Love Spells
Binding love spells are easy to seal lovers together.
- Scissors.
- Paper.
- Lighter.
- Tool for writing.
- Red candle.
- White candle.
Steps for a Binding Love Spell:
- Light the candles and know that the red means your lover and the white represents you. Feel the situation and connect with the energies.
- Use the paper and draw two hearts and write the name of the person you love and yourself in each heart and cut them out.
- Seal the hearts together with wax from both of the candles and make sure that you coat the whole heart to seal the spell together.
Love Spell Chant
There are love spell chants that you can do if you choose to not do a spell. These can set the intentions high and give you power to make yourself more focused to do your spell work.
Love Chant to Say:
“Star that I love, burn bright. Come to me and help me with my spell tonight. Bring my love to me. As I ask for it, bring it. Star that I love, burn bright. Come to me and help me with my spell tonight. Bring my love to me. As I ask for it, bring it. Star that I love, burn bright. Come to me and help me with my spell tonight. Bring my love to me. As I ask for it, bring it.”
Money Spells
People are often looking for ways to bring money to their life and one way that you can do this is to will the money to yourself. You can put your intentions on getting money and you can do spells to help that happen.
If you want to attract money to your life, here are some spells that you can do.
Green Candle Money Spell
Using a green candle can help to bring money to your life, especially if you are doing a spell to attract abundance. This can help you with your financial needs.
- Cinnamon.
- Chamomile.
- Green taper candle.
- Cinnamon incense.
- Paper.
- Pen.
- Champagne.
- Chamomile Tea.
Steps to Doing a Green Money Spell:
- Light the cinnamon incense and focus on what you want in your life. Think of the money that you have and how you would feel if you had more money coming to your life.
- Clean your hands by using the chamomile and the herbal tea. Put your hands in the tea and ask the chamomile to bless you.
- Take your green candle and put it in the chamomile and put the flowers into the candle. Set your intentions and put the incense close to the candle as you bless it.
- Write down what you want and what kind of money that you need on your paper. Figure out what you need to change your life and repeat how much you need, three times. Do this and put the paper under the green candle that will be burned.
- Put cinnamon over the candle and focus on what you need. Change your words around but say what is on the paper too.
- Light the candle and celebrate the fact that the money is coming to you. Let good feelings flow through you and drink your champagne.
Money Spells that Work Fast
Sometimes you need money now and if you are in that situation, do this money chant to get money to you fast.
- Green candle.
- Coin.
- Knife.
- Matches.
Steps to Doing Money Spells that Work Fast:
- Cut the green candle in half with the knife. Burn the knife in the flame so that it can get hot before cutting the candle.
- Put the coin in between the two halves of the candle and put the candle in a tray.
- Light the candle and say, “money surrounds me,” and blow out the candle as you say, “I need (this much) money now.”
Money Spell Chant
There are chants that you can do to attract money to your life. You can do this during the January moon to make the spell work faster.
Money Chant to Say:
“Money, I ask you to come to me. My cup is full from sea to sea. Money we are one, we are connected, and we have won the battles. Open up the abundance to me and give me millions of dollars. Money, I ask you to come to me. My cup is full from sea to sea. Money we are one, we are connected, and we have won the battles. Open up the abundance to me and give me millions of dollars.”
Healing Spells
People often need healing, and they need to have this healing in their mind, emotions, body, or spirit. There are spells that you can do to bring healing energy into your life.
Strong Healing Spell
This is a powerful spell that can help to heal your mind and body and it can take away any illness that you have.
- Epsom salt.
- Eucalyptus oil.
- Lavender.
- Lemongrass.
- Rose petals.
- Mortar.
- Pestel.
Steps to a Strong Healing Spell:
- Put all of the ingredients into the mortar and use the pestle to mix it. Get rid of any negative energies or any sickness as you stir the ingredients.
- When the moon is dark, put a hot bath in the tub and light the black candle. Add Epsom salt and the mixture to the bath.
- Soak in the tub and tell the negativity in your mind, body, and spirit to go away. As the candle is burning, let the negative energy flow out of you and down the drain.
Emotional Healing Spell
Sometimes your emotions need to be healed just like your body. Allow yourself to go deep and use this spell to heal wounds that have come to your life.
- Stone.
- A place that is quiet.
- Ornaments and other things.
Steps for Emotional Healing Spells:
- Let the stone mean you and think of the things that have happened in your life. Tell the stone to be quiet and let healing come to you.
- Decorate your stone and set your intentions to what you want to happen. Honor the stone and let it bring you healing and show you what you are lacking in your emotions.
Healing Candle Spell
Sometimes you can use candles as a healing spell if you have stress or anxiety. There are other mental health issues that can be healed using this kind of spell.
- Blue candle.
- Tool for carving.
- Pen.
- Paper.
- Incense or Selenite if wanted.
- Healing herbs if wanted.
Steps to Do a Healing Candle Spell:
- Carve what you need into the candle. Be very clear about what you need to have healed. Put oils and herbs on your candle in any way that you want and always make sure that you are setting your intentions.
- Write your needs on the piece of paper and put it face down on the altar and put the blue candle on top of it.
- Dress the altar with herbs and oils and crystals that mean something important to you.
- Light the candle and meditate what you are wanting and needing.
Healing Chants
This chant can be used as a healing chant. Always make sure that you know what you need and that you are focusing on that before you begin the chant.
Healing Chant to say:
“Lady come to me and heal my spirit and soul. Come to me and let me be whole. Beast of the light, get rid of the wounds and pain that I feel. Make me watery at night. Bring me peace. Lady come to me and heal my spirit and soul. Come to me and let me be whole. Beast of the light, get rid of the wounds and pain that I feel. Make me watery at night. Bring me peace.”
Banishing Spells
Some witches will use banishing spells to get rid of energies that are holding them back. This is a way to protect yourself from negativity.
Strong Banishing Spell
This is a spell that you can do to banish someone or to get rid of negativity out of your life.
- Pen.
- Paper.
- Salt.
- Oil.
- Nettle Herb.
- Devil’s shoestring.
- Jar.
- Black candle.
Steps to Do a Strong Banishing Spell:
- Use sage and cleanse your area of negative energies. Put a circle around your area with the black salt and light the black candle.
- Write down what you want on the paper and add your banishing oils. Focus on your target and what you need to banish. Put the stinging nettle and salt into the jar and mix it. Tear up the paper and put it in the jar and shake it.
- Charge the spell with the black candle as you light it and heat up the jar. Imagine things being banished in your life.
Banishing Spell for a Person
This spell is great if you need to get rid of negative energy in your life. You can burn cords this way.
- Bowl.
- Black candle.
- Black cord.
Steps to Do a Banishing Spell for a Person:
- Make a place in the center of your cord and imagine the negative energy leaving you. Tie a knot and banish things as you tie.
- Light the candle and say, “Knotting the cord I bind and cleanse my heart, mind and body. With this knot I will get rid of it, sight, and sound. I send it back where it came from.”
Banishing Spell with Black Salt
You can use black salt to do this spell and it can get rid of negative energy that is following you around. You can use lemons or limes if you choose.
- Plate.
- Knife.
- Salt.
- Limes.
- Water.
- Rum.
Steps to Do a Banishing Spell with Black Salt:
- Use the water and the rum and cleanse your hands. Put them into the water and rum and see the negativity leaving your body. Say, “I banish negativity out of my life. I am safe.”
- Cut limes so they open like a flower and put the salt on them. Imagine the salt taking in the negative energy from your body.
- Put the lime under your bed on the side you sleep on and do keep them there for nine days.
Banishing Spell for Others
This is a spell that can banish someone from your life. This is to get someone away from you fast.
- Black candle.
- Black spell candle.
- Black pepper.
- Crushed red pepper.
- Chili powder.
- Pencil no eraser.
- Tray.
- Brown bag.
- Gloves.
Steps to Do a Banishing Spell for Others:
- Write the name of the person that is your enemy that you want to get rid of. Use the paper bag and turn the paper sideways and write what you need nine times.
- Put the paper on the plate and add the first candle on top. Put black pepper on it and use other herbs that you wish.
- Light the candle and focus on what you need to happen.
Banishing Spell Chant
Use a banishing spell chant if you don’t have a chance to do a spell. This is a fast way to get rid of negativity in your life.
Banishing Spell Chant to Say:
“Goddesses and gods, get rid of the negative things in my life. Let them be gone from me. By the power of the three, let them be gone from me. Gods and goddesses, I have shown you the negative things. Let them be gone from me, let them be gone from me.”
Sex Spells
Sex is one of the strongest emotional things that you can do. You can use magic on this kind of situation so that you can make a positive impact in your life.
Good Luck Spells
Everyone needs to have good luck. Sometimes witches have the best luck, and they can have this because they do spells to bring them luck.
Using good luck spells can bring luck into your life and make you feel better about who you are.
Extreme Good Luck Spells
Use this good luck spell to turn bad luck into something good. You don’t even have to be experienced to do this.
- White candle.
- Purple candle.
- Salt.
- Knife.
Steps to Extreme Good Luck Spells:
- Carve “go away bad luck,” into the purple candle. The two candles will infuse together to get rid of bad luck.
- Light the candle and say, “Take way any pain of the dying moon.” Light the white candle and the purple candle and say, “Come good luck.”
- Add salt to the purple candle and the white candle while you say, “bring me good fortune.”
Good Luck Spells on You
You can do this spell on yourself so that you can have good luck. This doesn’t require special ingredients or you to be good at spellcasting.
Steps to Do a Good Luck Spell on You:
- Lay down and focus on what you need.
- Imagine that you are by a door and that you are going into an empty room.
- Focus on what is in the room and know them.
- Open your eyes and whatever object you saw is what will bring you good luck.
Good Luck Spell for Others
When you need to send good luck to others, use this spell.
- Cauldron.
- Mint.
- Powder.
- Green candle.
- Key.
- Oil.
- Ginger root.
- Ginseng root.
- High John root.
- Lightbulb.
- Paper.
- Pen.
Steps to Do Good Luck Spells for Others:
- Charge your cauldron and put on it what you want such as ginger root or oil. Make sure that you add the High John root and other oils. Mix the ingredients in the cauldron.
- Write down what you want and who you want to send the good luck to. Add ritual oil to it and mix the paper into the cauldron.
- Dress the candle with oils or herbs.
- Meditate on what you want and take the key and the lightbulb and add it to the cauldron. Be clear on your intentions and what you need.
- Light the candle and let it burn till it burns out.
Good Luck Spell Chant
This is a chant that you can do to bring luck to your life. You can do this while doing rituals or spells.
Good Luck Spell Chant to Say:
“Come good luck to me. Be drawn to me. Bring power to me and let good fortune favor me.”
Full Moon Spells
Using the full moon can be powerful and there are other moons that are equally as powerful such as blue moons, harvest moons and more. This is the time to do spells that can work and bring power into your life.
The full moon spells can help you to have more power and they should be done with the cycle of the moon.
Full Moon Money Spells
This is a spell that can help you to use the moon to get power to get money to your being.
Steps to Do Full Moon Money Spells:
- Put the water and salt into the jar and imagine what you need money for and how money can help you.
- Add money to the jar and mix it and leave the jar until the water evaporates.
Full Moon Power Spells
This spell can be done if you need power or if something is blocking you from getting what you need.
- Salt.
- Sage.
- Basil.
- Bay leaves.
- Coffee grounds.
- Things you want to get rid of.
- Water.
Steps to Do Full Moon Power Spells:
- Write down what you want to get rid of to give you more power in your life.
- Add different herbs to your cauldron and put in salt, sage or whatever you want. Say your affirmations.
- Burn the petition paper and imagine getting what you want as the paper burns up.
Full Moon Success Spells
If you need to find success in your life, here is a way to increase it.
- Seven knob candle.
- Alfalfa.
- Skull cap.
- Five finger grass.
- Fenugreek.
- Oils.
- Paper.
- Pen.
Steps to Do Full Moon Success Spells:
- Write down what you need and what you want to be successful at. Write this down seven times and put the paper on a tray or plate.
- Put your candles in order and infuse them with oil. Write words on your candle and put the colors around the candles.
- Add herbs to the candles and sprinkle them all around.
- Light the candles and be clear about what you want and need. Burn the paper and release the things that are holding you back and ask the universe to help you.
Full Moon Love Spells
This is a powerful spell for full moon love spells if you want to attract love from a certain person in your life.
- Jar with lid.
- Red apple.
- Cinnamon.
- Picture.
- Pen.
- Paper.
- Honey.
Steps to Do Full Moon Love Spells:
- Cut the apple from side to side and not top to bottom. See the star in the apple and cut it into thinner slices and put in the jar at the bottom.
- Add honey to the apple and cover it with cinnamon.
- Add a picture of the person that you love by rolling it up.
- Bury the jar in the ground until a new moon comes. This will give you time to let things pass and to wait for the spell to work. Leave it there for at least 6 days.
New Moon Spells
Doing spells during the New Moon is one of the best ways to achieve your desires. Here are some spells that you can start with, and you can use the energy of the moon to make them successful.
New Moon Prosperity Spells
This is a spell that you can use if you need to have success or money come to your life.
- Devotional candle.
- Green pen.
- Paper.
- Citrine crystal.
- Obsidian Crystal.
- Sage.
Steps to Do New Moon Prosperity Spells:
- Write on the paper what you want and what you need such as success or money.
- Light the candle and bless it by adding money and crystals to the paper.
New Moon New Beginning Spells
If you need a new beginning, do this during the new moon phase and see it work.
- Citrine.
- Sage.
- Incense.
- Journal.
- White candle.
Steps to Do New Moon New Beginning Spells:
- Make a space that is comfortable and quiet and light the candle and burn incense.
- Journal all of the things that you want in your life and what you hope will happen during the new moon.
- Write your desires on the white candle and say them outside under the moon.
- Meditate on what you want and let your emotions be strong. Imagine yourself getting what you desire.
Binding Spells
Binding spells are powerful because they get rid of negative energy. They can even remove people in your life that are negative and holding you back.
The spells are there to help you to get rid of negativity and to have a happy life.
Easy Binding Spell
This is an easy spell that can bind someone to you in a situation. This is quick and easy.
- Scissors
- Thread.
- Pen.
- Picture.
Steps to Do Easy Binding Spells:
- Write down what kind of emotions you are having and put the picture of the person that you want to do the spell on in front of you. Talk to the picture and tell it what you are feeling. Send your energy to the picture. Turn the picture over and write their name on it and date of birth. Write three times what you want to do and what you want to bind. Turn the picture 90 degrees and sign your name 3 times.
- Wrap the picture and the note with thread after you wrap it. Focus on what intentions you have and make sure you bind it as you wrap the picture and intentions.
Fast Working Binding Spells
This kind of spell can call on the goddess and get you what you need right away.
Steps to Do Fast Working Binding Spells:
- Write out what you need on the paper and use a red or colored pen. Choose the pen color depending on your energy level.
- Put the paper in the bag and seal it. Close your eyes and imagine what you need.
- Put the bag in the freezer and keep it until the spell works.