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Magic to Make Someone Fall in Love

Fall in Love

Do you have a broken heart and you aren’t sure how to heal? Do you want someone to fall in love with you and you have a good heart? You can use white magic to do a love spell as long as you have good intentions. You can use these spells to attract someone that you have always wanted. These spells help to bring positive energies to your life. White magic can take away the negativity that is in your relationship and replace it with good things.

Using White Magic Love Spells

Everyone has energy that is strong but not everyone realizes that they have this energy. The powers of this can come when you cast spells. Using meditation and chanting can take the positive energies and can make your vibrations stronger. This can help to take your love that is lost or broken and make it happy again.

There are no hard spells or ceremonies that need to be done in order to cast a love spell to make someone love you. The beliefs that you have can help to make the spell work for you. It can bring positivity into your life. There are things that are often used in these spells such as candles, incense, pens, paper, oils, herbs and more. The tools can help to take the energies that you have and make them positive.

You need to always focus on what you want when you cast a magic spell, and this can help to make your energies powerful and positive.

Love is one of the most positive energies that anyone can have. This energy that was in your relationship when it started, and it will stay there long after the person leaves you or you leave them. The spells that are cast are meant to be positive and strong.

With white love spell, you can let your desires grow stronger and you will see that as you feel love, the spells will bring peace and happiness in your life that is currently missing.

Understanding White Magic

Some people think that any kind of magic can be dangerous but the thing about white magic is that it is simple, and it is a way to bring positivity into your life. Take time to think about what you want the spell to do and bring your wishes to the table. The universe can help you to heal and help you to get what you want as long as you are being reasonable and wanting to bring peace and positivity into life.

White magic is positive and can help you to have love in a way that is positive and can help you to have love without any hurt coming back to you.

Most people have heard of black magic which is evil and can be hurtful. This is magic that can bring bad things to your life. Black magic is not the same as white magic and the names are totally different to prove that.

White magic can help someone fall in love with you and it doesn’t bring harm, hexes, or curses to you. This kind of magic doesn’t bring negative energy and it is there to change your life for the good. You should remember that the powers that come to you are powers that are strong and pure magic needs your own intentions and energies to work.

What to Know

White magic doesn’t want you to have power over someone, it is something that wants peace and understanding. It seeks the supernatural beings, nature, and elemental powers to give you hope and what you want.

White magic never does human or animal sacrifices. It involves things that will not harm you or harm others. It is meant to reach the spiritual forces to help you to get strength and to be guided in love. It can take a broken heart and heal it and bring love back into your life.

Black magic works with white magic but it does evil things instead of good things. Black magic is meant to dominate someone and to take away their free will. White magic does not do this.

Finding Love with White Magic

There are people in the world that are there for you. Some believe that you have one real person that is meant to give you true love. Even if you don’t agree with this, some believe that there is true love that exists for you. White magic spells can help you to call this person into your life.

The spells that you do can help you to figure out what love is and to bring happiness into your life. You can use the elements of the world and nature to bring this love to you. A person that does this kind of spell can find the person that they want in their life even at the post office or the grocery store. This can open their life up to dating the right person.

Using White Magic in Your Relationship

Being in a relationship doesn’t mean that you cannot use white magic to make the relationship better. You can help to stop there from being fights and arguments. Also, there are times that relationships are hard, and people don’t get along. The spell can help you to have more love and to have a stronger bond.

With white magic, you can start to change the way that your relationship is going, if it is going bad. You can make your relationship feel better and stronger and it can make you and your partner excited to see and be with one another. You will see that you cannot get enough of each other with these spells.

Don’t Stop Looking for Love

No matter if you have love or not, if you are old or young, it is never too late to find love. White magic love spells can help you to find the right relationship with you. If you have been thinking about breaking up with your partner, and you want to make this love stronger and make it work, you can do this with a spell. You can see that you can get rid of your negativity in your life, and you can have peace and happiness.

Magic can help you to change and help you to have more love for the person that is in your life.

Using White Magic Love Spells

To cast a love spell and make someone love you, you have to be able to imagine what you want in your life and in your relationship. This is how you can make the relationship strong and healthy.

You can learn to open up and communicate with each other and you can make your inner being stronger. The energy that you have will not cause you harm and when love is what you want, it will win over negativity and evil.

Using a spell caster can rest assured that you are going to get the spell cast the right way. You can hire a spell caster if you aren’t sure how to cast a spell and if you aren’t sure if you have the right ingredients. A love spell might not what you always want it to be, and a professional spell caster can explain all of that to you.

Make Someone Fall in Love with You Spell

Do you have a desire to win the love of someone? Do you feel upset that you love someone, but they aren’t feeling the love back? You can’t make someone love you, but love can be full of material things. Spells can get rid of the material and false beliefs that love can have sometimes. The only way some people can see that they love you is through a spell.

Using this white magic love spell can help someone fall in love with you. You can cast it on anyone, even someone that you have just met recently. If you have liked someone for a long time, it makes a place that you can go and find unconditional love that you are looking for.

Whenever you are ready to use the spell, make sure that you have a pure desire and that you have an open heart for love. You need to have this love for someone you care a lot for.

Ingredients for a Make Someone Fall in Love with You Spell

  • 1 thick red candle.
  • 1 think pink candle.
  • Cinnamon oil.
  • Wooden matches.
  • Toothpicks.
  • Parchment paper.
  • Pencil.

Casting a Make Someone Fall in Love with You Spell

Start by casting your circle and anointing your candle with Cinnamon oil. With the toothpick, carve your name into the red and your lover’s name into the pink candle. Light the red candle with a match and then light the pink candle with the flame of the red candle.

For the next half an hour, imagine that you are with the person that you love. Take a pencil and draw 2 hearts on the parchment paper and put your name in one heart and your lover in the other heart. Drop wax from the red candle on the hearts while you think of the love that you want to give your lover.

Blow off the red candle and then take the pink candle and do the same thing while you imagine your lover falling for you. Blow out the pink candle. Do this for 7 days using the same paper but drawing different hearts. On the 7th day, let the candles burn out totally and then hide the parchment paper where no one can find it.

Easy Love White Magic Spell

When you want to feel love, it is there, even if you don’t feel it. You can make love that comes to you by using a spell to bring love into your life. You deserve to have love that stays, and you can use this spell to attract love to you.

Ingredients for an Easy Love White Magic Spell

  • Pink or red candle.
  • Matches.
  • Organic Olive Oil.

Casting an Easy Love White Magic Spell

Put the candle on the table and anoint it with olive oil. Think good things and how much love you want to give, and you want to come back to you. Use the needle to write on the candle, “I want to have a love that is pure, harm not the wind and its whisper.”

Light the candle and let it burn until it goes out completely and the spell will be activated.

Angel of Light Love Spell

Having love can make you feel that you can do anything. This is a spell that can help you to find someone that will support you in everything that you do from your goals to your dreams. This spell can help you to find the love that is best for you. Your partner will connect with you and will only think of you.

Ingredients of Angel of Light Love Spell

  • 4 red candles.
  • Lighter or matches.
  • 2 red velvet ribbons.
  • 2 ceramic angels.

Casting an Angel of Light Love Spell

Take the angels and face them towards you on the table. Put the 4 candles around them and tie ribbon around the angels feet. Use the matches to light the candles in a clockwise way. Say, “I call on the angels to heal my heart and to send me love that is great.”

Let the candles burn until they are gone and once, they are gone the spell will be activated.

Regain Lover’s Interest Spell

This spell is there to make someone that you like to notice you. They will want to be with you forever and they will grow their love for you. The spell is hard, and you will connect on a deep level with the person, make sure it’s what you want.

Ingredients to Regain Lover’s Interest Spell

  • Red yarn.
  • Rosemary.
  • Small coin.
  • Small envelope.
  • Compass.

Casting a Regain Lover’s Interest Spell

Write the name of the person that you want and put it in the envelope. Hold the coin and the rosemary tightly in your hand. Say the person’s name 4 times, facing the north, south, east, and west. Use a compass if you don’t know which way that is.

Start at the north, then the east, then the south and west and then go back to the beginning. Take the coin and put it in the envelope and seal it with a kiss. Use the red yarn to roll up the envelope and tying it closed. Take the envelope to a place you love and bury it.

Take the rosemary outside and let it blow into the wind. Say this 17 times, “Come back to me please.” The spell will be complete, and your lover can return to you.

How Powerful are White Magic Love Spells?

Love spells can help people to find the love that they need to bring them happiness. When you do this magic with love and a pure heart, you will be able to find real love, get a lost love back or get problems out of a relationship.

Love spells can help someone fall in love, but it isn’t a manipulative spell or one that takes away free will. This works by using the higher spirits and natural spirits to bring things together to let your lover remember what they want and what is right for them.

White magic is something that helps you to make good decisions. It can help you to be on the right path in love. The spirits are wise and can help you to see things that you don’t see. The spell can help you to see what is right for you and to see when you need to walk away.

Strong Intentions

White magic love spells can help people to fall in love. You might not always get what you want but if you are looking for love, the universe can send you the person that is perfect for you, even if you are asking for someone else.

The results will make you feel happy and will help you to win in love. It will help to increase the feelings that your partner has for you and the feelings that you have for them, increasing love and taking away negative feelings.

Love that you have for someone and love that someone has for you that is real, will be stronger. If the love isn’t real, the magic will not work. White magic will work in a way that doesn’t use evil or dark magic. Don’t think that since white magic is peaceful that it has no power because it is. You need to respect the power that magic can give you.

Lust Wiccan Spells to Cast

Lust Wiccan Spells to Cast

A relationship that is strong will be full of lust and passion. When this is no longer there, you can us this Wiccan Lust spell to help get your partner passionate for you. The thing with Wicca though is that it will never use spells in order to make someone that isn’t willing to do something. They never ruse manipulation or other things to get any results that they want.

Wiccan spells are used with meditation and with other things to get passion flowing. Some will use candles, herbs, or crystals to get rid of negative feelings and thoughts and let the outcome be something good.

You don’t have to worry about this spell enticing someone that you don’t love, this should be someone that already has these feelings for you, and they need to be present before you ever do this spell. Wiccan spells can increase your ideas and faith of the spells and of love.

Love that is strong but just needs to have more passion can benefit from this spell. It can make for a better sex life and if you want to do this with your partner, you can cast it together.

Ingredients for a Lust Wiccan Spell

  • 1 red candle.
  • Patchouli essential oil.
  • Red and white rose petals.
  • Sensual massage oil of your choice.
  • Sexy underwear.
  • Do this spell on a Friday or during a New Moon.
  • Call Aphrodite to help you.

Casting a Lust Wiccan Spell

Put on the sexy underwear that you have and cast your circle, inviting your quarters. Call upon the goddess Aphrodite to help make your spell strong. Put the rose petals on the altar and around the circle that you cast.

Anoint yourself with the massage oil and anoint the candle with the Patchouli oil from the ends and then towards the center of the candle. Put the candle on the altar and light it. When you light it, remember how powerful that fire is. Say this 3 times: “My body is a temple that is blessed by the goddess of Aphrodite. My heart has passion and is sweet and strong. Fill the days of my life with love and let me have playful fun. Let the moon find me naked and join our bodies as one. I want sex and sensual play, embracing my loves new measure. Together we will find our way and find new pleasure.”

After you chant this 3 times thank Aphrodite for helping you and close the circle. Let the candles completely burn out and hide the rose petals in your bedroom. Do something sexual to encourage your partner for passion.

Remember This

Never cast a love spell if someone doesn’t want it. You should never go against the free will of someone and if you have a partner that isn’t willing, don’t use this to try to manipulate them. This is totally against the Wiccan ways. Cast this spell only on a partner that is willing.

If you want to have lust and passion, this magic can spread energy of that to the universe and you need to believe in the spell and embrace that it can help you.

Spells to Get Rid of Marriage Problems

Marriage Problems

All relationships have problems and will never be completely perfect. You can use Voodoo magic spells to help you get the best out of the relationship that you are in. This can help you to get close and to have a bond with your partner that is strong and that is almost perfect.

Do you worry about Voodoo because you have heard bad things about it? Do you feel that you have been influenced by media such as movies and television that has made you feel that Voodoo magic is evil and wrong?

This is false and Voodoo magic is something that can help you. It has been around since ancient times, and it is a spiritual magic that has been used all around the world. Voodoo was first done in Africa and then it later went to New Orleans, Haiti, and Jamaica.

Some Voodoo spells have super long lists of ingredients that you have to have and sometimes they can be hard to cast. This can be items such as:

  • Mojo bags.
  • Human hair.
  • Human blood.
  • Voodoo Dolls.
  • Props.

None of these things are really needed to do these Voodoo love spells and these spells are easy and don’t have to have those things to be powerful. You never have to worry that this spell will bring harm back to you because this is a white magic spell that is not going to take away free will.

The results of this Voodoo spell are powerful, and you will focus on your own energies and that will help you to make the spell work just the way that you need it to.

Ingredients for a Spell to Get Rid of Marriage Problems

  • Red candle.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Red thread.
  • Lodestone.
  • Red pouch.
  • 2 needles.
  • Call upon Obatala for the spell.
  • Do this spell on a Thursday or a Sunday.

Casting a Spell to Get Rid of Marriage Problems

Take time to cleanse your candle and then light the candle and put the bay leaf in front of it. Put the needles facing opposite directions on top of the bay leaf and then wrap the red thread around the needles and the bay leaf.

Ask Obatala to come to you and to help you. Be honest with what you want and make sure that you are being peaceful with the universe. Make sure that you do this for at least 30 minutes for the spell to work.

After you get finished, take the object, and put it in the pouch and add the lodestone and tie it closed. Put it in front of the candle until the candle is completely burnt out. Hide the pouch in the bedroom so no one can find it.

Using White Magic to Find Real Love

Find Real Love

Many people are looking for their life partners or their soulmates. They do this because marriage seems like something that should be perfect. The thing is true love isn’t just about marriage and it is something that will last forever.

How do you even know what the words true love mean? True love should never be about trying this person and that person, but it should be something that works around your emotions and your heart.

The great thing is that you can use the power of the universe to bring true love into your life. This is a magic spell that uses white magic to help connect you with someone that is meant to be your true love. The elemental forces and nature work together to help bring your soulmate to you.

Ingredients for White Magic to Find Real Love

  • Pink candle.
  • Plate.
  • Rose petals.
  • Rose Quartz or Amethyst.
  • Scrying mirror or bowl that is dark colored and filled with water.

Casting a White Magic to Find Real Love Spell

Prepare yourself and try to look as good as you can. Take a nice bath, fix your makeup and hair, and put on your best outfit. Pretend that you are going to go on the hottest date of your life.

Take the ingredients outside and cast your circle and invite your quarters. Put the pink candles on the plate and put the rose petals around the candle. Hold the crystals in your hand and imagine what you want in your life. Close your eyes and focus on what you would feel like if you had the partner that you always dreamed of. Feel them hugging you.

Open your eyes and then light your candle and say, “Sometimes there are places that I cannot see, and this lives the one who is right for me. I have yearned for you, and I have waited a long time. As the seasons change and the hours move forward, this is time and, in this space, I ask to see the face of my lover. Send me this match that brings me true love. Or bring me where I will catch their view. Attract the love to me that is meant to be. This person is going to be heaven sent for good and with free will. My wish is for love, and I now fulfill it.

Use the bowl of water or the scrying mirror and try your best to see the face of the person that is meant to be your soulmate in the reflection.

Tips to Do This Spell

White magic is something that isn’t dangerous. It doesn’t take away the free will of people that it is cast on and it only works if there are already feelings. These spells use things like candles, herbs, crystals, and other things. They work with the universe to make a direction for a purpose. The purpose of this spell is to have real love come into your life.

Casting a love spell can be hard and if you want help, you can talk to a professional spell caster. Don’t cast this spell on a certain person because it can cause problems later but cast this spell and let the universe find your soulmate.

Some people think that they have a specific person in their mind that will be their true love, but the truth is that this might not be the person for you. It can be hard to break a love spell, so you need to make sure that you are careful when you cast this on someone specific. Let the universe bring someone in your life that is right for you so that you don’t interfere with free will.

Spells to Keep Your Partner Faithful

Keep Your Partner Faithful

Even if you aren’t jealous, there could be times in your life that you might worry about your partner cheating on you. If you have been together for a long time, you might worry that he is no longer attracted to you and that he will go somewhere else to find love and sexiness.

If you want to be sure that your partner is going to stay faithful and you both love each other, you can do this spell and they will never be tempted to be with anyone but you.

What Can Keep Your Partner Faithful Spells Do?

Love cannot be something that can be guaranteed and even if you are with someone for a long time, it doesn’t mean that they will always be with you or that they won’t cheat on you. With this Keep your Partner Faithful spell, you will see that your relationship can change the energies around you and can make your relationship stronger.

This spell can protect your relationship from people outside of your relationship from enticing your love and it can make sure that your love and commitment stays strong.

Relationships can be hard but by getting rid of challenges and obstacles in your life can make your love grow stronger and stronger. This spell can help you if you are fearful of your partner cheating. Even if you don’t believe that they would cheat, this will make sure that it never happens.

Is This Spell A Good Choice?

If you have tried other things and your partner still has a wondering eye, or if you need to rebuild your relationship with your partner, then this is an option that can help you. The universe and nature can bring magic into your life that can result in your relationship being stronger.

Even if you don’t worry about your partner cheating and even if they are very attracted to you, this love spell can make those feelings even stronger. These spells can also keep you safe from the feelings of love and attracting fading.

Faithfulness White Magic Spell

The great thing about white magic is that it isn’t meant to bring harm to anyone or to take away the free will of anyone. This magic is there to take anything negative and turn it into something positive. It can help your partner to stay committed in the relationship.

These kinds of spells are very effective, and they can work to sway the emotions of your partner and make their love and attraction for you stronger. IF your partner is cheating on you, this spell can stop that and make them back being faithful to you. There are different kinds of spells that you can find to manifest love for you.

Ingredients for a Stop Cheating White Magic Spell

  • Rose incense.
  • 1 white candle.
  • 1 red candle.
  • Matches.
  • Knife or toothpick.
  • Paper.
  • Pencil.

Casting a Stop Cheating White Magic Spell

Start by casting your circle and light the incense. Carve your first name into the white candle using the knife and then your partners name into the red candle. Use the match and light the white candle. Use the flame of the white candle to light the red candle.

Take time to focus on the flame, at least 15 minutes and imagine what you want this spell to do for you. Focus on how you want your partner to stay faithful to you.

Draw 2 hearts on a sheet of paper with the pencil and take the white candle and drip wax on the hearts while imagining what you are feeling and what you want from your partner. Admit the mistakes in the relationship that you have done and commit to changing to make the relationship better.

Cover both of the hearts with wax and then snuff out the white candle. Do the same thing with the red candle and focus on your wishes and how faithful you want your partner to be. Say that you don’t want your partner to have feelings for anyone else.

After you cover the hearts with the red wax, snuff out the candle. Do this starting with the lighting of the white candles steps and do it a total of 7 days. Use the same paper but draw different hearts on each day.

After the 7th day, let the candle burn out. Hide the paper in a place that is safe, and no one can find it and return it to nature after your partner is faithful to you.

Keep Your Partner from Cheating Voodoo Spell

This spell can help you to have more passion in your relationship and it can help you and your partner have a stronger relationship and bond. You can do this with your spouse, or your lover, and the spell can get rid of negative energies that can take cheating out of your relationship. It can make your partner only think about you.

Voodoo is an ancient magical and spiritual thing that has been around for years. It had started in Africa and moved to Haiti, New Orleans, and Jamaica. Even though people think that Voodoo is negative, it is actually a positive kind of spell casting.

Some Voodoo is done to cause harm to others but that doesn’t mean that Voodoo is an evil magic. This will depend on what you are trying to do, and you are the one that can keep it honest and not make it evil or hurtful to others. If you visualize and focus on wanting your partner to be faithful, then this spell can benefit your relationship and make your life better.

Ingredients for a Keep Your Partner from Cheating Voodoo Spell

  • Red candle.
  • Construction paper.
  • Scissors.
  • Bowl (small).
  • Bowl (large).
  • 2 cups of sugar.
  • 2 Tbsp. catnip.
  • 1 Tbsp. basil.
  • Call on the Erzulie to help you.

Casting a Keep Your Partner from Cheating Voodoo Spell

Start by taking the scissors and cutting out a Voodoo doll out of the construction paper. Cleanse the red candle and put basil, catnip and sugar into the small bowl and mix it. Light the red candle and then write all the wishes that you have for your partner being faithful on the cut-out Voodoo doll.

Call Erzulie and ask what you want this spell to do for your relationship. Always be honest and clear and have peace with the universe. Write your partners name on the other side of the cut-out Voodoo doll, 13 times. Then cross over all the names with your own name.

Put the Voodoo doll in the large bowl and bur it in the mixture that you made and put the candle in the middle of the bowl. Tell your wishes about what you want the spell to do for your relationship and let the candle burn for 13 minutes. After the 13 minutes are up, snuff out the candle.

Keep the bowl with the mixture and the Voodoo doll and the candle. Repeat the last steps starting with telling your wishes for 13 minutes until the last step. Do this for a total of 7 days.

On the last day, put the Voodoo doll in a safe place and keep it until you see your wishes come true. After they are true, always thank the universe and Erzulie for helping you and then burn the Voodoo doll and return it to nature by throwing the ashes in the wind.

Easy Faithful Witchcraft Spell

Are you worried that your partner might be tempted to cheat on you? This spell will make sure that your partner is faithful to you. The spell will help your partner know that they want to be faithful to you and if there is a temptation about being unfaithful, the spell will take it away.

This spell can take away any future temptations for your partner to be unfaithful and it can keep your partner faithful without manipulating them.

Witchcraft is not a manipulative spell casting. It allows people to express what they are feeling and to see what their real feelings are. It shows feelings that might have been hidden or those that are repressed. If you think that your partner is going to be faithful, you can still do this spell to make sure without interacting with their free will.

Witchcraft allows you to use the powers of the universe, nature, and elemental forces to help influence your life and the lives around you. This can help you to reach your higher self. Witchcraft is something that comes out of Wicca, and it shows the divinity of all things in nature.

There is no room for manipulation or taking away free will so when you want to keep your partner faithful, you can take your higher self and find your lover’s true intentions and bring peace for the future of your relationship.

Ingredients for an Easy Faithful Witchcraft Spell

  • Get a clean jar with a lid.
  • Red candle.
  • Picture of you and your partner doing something happy.
  • 1 Tbs. Coriander seeds crushed.
  • 2 Tbs. Myrrh.
  • 2 Tbs. Sandalwood.
  • ½ cup of Lavender buds.
  • ½ cup of rosebuds.
  • 7 drops of Patchouli oil.
  • 7 drops of Vanilla oil.

Casting an Easy Faithful Witchcraft Spell

Do this spell during the New Moon. Start by casting your circle and lighting the red candle. Put the picture of your partner and yourself in the jar and add the coriander seeds. Say, “The two of us are in love, from the powers above. Love rivals go away, starting right now, today.”

Add the sandalwood, lavender, myrrh, rosebuds, rose oil and patchouli oil and after you add each ingredient, say, “The two of us are in love, from the powers above. Love rivals go away, starting right now, today.”

Once you add the last ingredient, close the jar, and shake the jar 13 times. Put the jar next to the red candle and after it burns out, hide the jar somewhere that your partner wont find it. Keep it until you no longer fear your partner cheating. Then, you can release the jar into nature.

Obeah Faithful Spell

Do you worry that someone can come along and talk your partner into cheating on you? Do you have a lover that has already cheated on you, and you want to have your trust back and your partner?

Whatever is going on in your relationship, you can use this Obeah spell to keep your partner being faithful to you. This will plant seeds and will go into the heart and mind of your partner. This spell can help you to have trust and love for your partner and get them to commit to you.

This spell was first done in Africa and now is known in the Caribbean region. It started with the slave trade and has worked and been done since then.

Ingredients for Obeah Faithful Spell

  • ½ cup dried Woodruff.
  • ½ cup of Edelweiss flowers.
  • 1 cup rose petals, red.
  • Vanilla oil.
  • Red candle.
  • Knife.
  • Pouch.
  • Bowl.

Casting an Obeah Faithful Spell

This is a spell that is easy. Start by putting all of the ingredients that are dry in the bowl and mix them together. Put Vanilla oil over it and mix it. Carve your initials and your partners initials into the candle with a knife and light them.

Put your hands 2 feet over the flame and say, “Kalimasto basito (name of lover) Kabibuto bosita, keliti babiti (your name) Bambusaka Salika Te Te.” Do this 7 times.

Drip wax onto the flowers, add more oil and put the candle behind the bowl and let it burn all the way out.

Take half of the mixture and sprinkle it all around your home and the other half inside the pouch and hide it under the bed.

Faithfulness Easy Spell

Do you want to find a spell that is easy that will help to keep your partner faithful to you? How can you figure out if your partner is cheating on you or not? Your partner isn’t going to come and tell you, most likely.

You can use this spell to make sure that you keep your partner from cheating on you so that you can change the future and make it safe from cheaters getting into your home. You will never have to worry about your partner having love for anyone else.

Ingredients for a Faithfulness Easy Spell

  • Red candle.
  • Magnolia oil.
  • 3 hairs.
  • Your partner’s underwear.
  • Bag.
  • 2 nutmegs.
  • Red cord.
  • Pen.
  • Your name.
  • Your partner’s name.

Casting a Faithfulness Easy Spell

Start by casting your circle and cleansing your candle. Anoint the candle with the magnolia oil and put it on the altar with the underwear in front of it.

Light the candle and think about how important fire is in the spiritual world. Write your name on the nutmeg with the pen and your partner’s name on the other nutmeg with the pen. Take the hairs and wrap them around the nutmeg that has your partner’s name on it and then drip candle wax on it. Take the red cord and tie the two nutmegs together.

Take the underwear and wrap the nutmeg in it and put it in a bag. Keep it on the altar for at least an hour and during that time think of what you want from your partner and how you want your partner to be faithful to you.

After you get done, snuff out the candle and hide the underwear with the nutmeg under the bed so your partner doesn’t find it. On the following Full moon, light the candle and let it completely burn out on its own.

What Happens with Faithful Spells?

The energies from these spells can be strong because they come from the universe. Here are some things that you need to know:

  • Your partner will want and need you.
  • There will be no more unwanted 3rd party people interfering in your life.
  • You will know that they want to be with you.
  • They will be sure that you are the one that they want.
  • There will be increased sexual desires.
  • Complete ignorance between other men and woman.
  • Long term commitment to you.
  • Stronger attraction and love for you.
  • Increased trust.
  • Better communication.
  • Lusts or desire for someone else will be directed only at you.
  • Positive energy in the relationship.

How Do These Spells Work?

The spells work by giving your partner more desire and lust for you. The spells will get rid of any idea of cheating and will leave the desire only to you. You will have romance together that will be stronger, and it will be your chance to enjoy each other more. You will know from this spell that they won’t be attracted to anyone but you.

What Happens If You Aren’t with Your Partner?

If you aren’t with your partner, this spell will be broken, and you can find someone else to love and to want to be with.

This love spell will keep your partner desiring you and it will make them lust after you and not be drawn to anyone else.

Manifesting Money as a Witch

Money as a Witch

The power of attraction has to do with energy. When you hear something is “energy,” this is said because the way that you think and the mindset that you have can help to manifest things in your life. You can learn how to do this even if you have no magic background or if you don’t even understand manifesting.

One of the best ways to make money is to have excitement, adventure, and happiness in your everyday life. You can do this, and you can even add to the manifestation by getting a green or gold wallet to help attract this money energy. In your nice, new wallet, go ahead and put $300 dollars in $100 dollar bills. Keep it there and let your life feel secure.


Sex and your money can be linked. This doesn’t mean that you find a guy that has the most money to lay with, but when you have good sex, you will see that the money flows. Does that have to be with someone? No, enjoy sex on your own!

On top of that, having sex also shares your energy with someone that you might or might not spend the rest of your life with.

Be A Gem in This Hard World

Crystals can help to manifest money and to bring money to your life. Try to use ametrine, citrine or amethyst. You should always charge your crystals under the power of the full moon, write affirmations to them, and put them with your crystals to add some extra energy.

Find Your Goals and Dreams

We sometimes knock our dreams down because we don’t think we can afford to have dreams, but the truth is, you never know how much happiness can cost. Go out and travel, do things that you can do and reach your dreams.

You will see that if you want to have fun and if you want to dream big, you can do this and you can reach the dreams and goals that you have.

Create with Your Hands

Create things, help other people, and do things with your hands. Show respect and care for others and make sure that you keep your hands looking good. Paint your nails, keep your hands soft and be proud of how your nails look.

Want to manifest money faster? Paint your nails gold or green and add some orange oil to draw in more money. You can wear an amber ring that can help you to keep the cash with you that you have manifested.

Ask the Universe

Ask the universe to give you money. This isn’t just about money but about everything in your life. Do you want something? If you want it, say it. Ask for it. You will see that you can be more aware of how you use your money, and you will be able to afford more things.

Bank Account and Worth

Don’t hold your worth based on how much money that you have. Think of your bank account as a way to get whatever you have given to the world around you. Be positive about this and know that you are worth more than you ever imagined.

Money will flow when you see that money is good for you and when you change what you believe about it to be positive and good. Be positive and watch your money grow.

Love Spells for Love Issues

Love Spells

There are many problems that people face when looking at love. Love can be great, but it can also lead to disappointment. When you change things in your life and you love someone, you will see that you can look at your life differently.

You will have a partner that will impact your life and sometimes you need to talk to them when you make your own decisions. Having true love will hurt when something happens to you and your partner. Your partner will be upset if you feel bad or if something bad happens and you will feel the same.

Love is going to happen here or there but when it does, sometimes it can turn sour. You might have a love that starts to grow apart, and it can cause you to become stressed and upset. You might even start to look at love differently and doubt that it was ever a good thing.

You may stop trusting people and you might find that the things that happen to you leave you feeling horrible and make your emotions out of whack. The approach is to not let heartbreak happen to you. It might be hard to handle the heartbreak that you have had, especially if you really love someone.

Love is meant to be given and meant to be free and you should love your partner, but they should love you back the same. Love should be genuine and if you get heartbroken then it means they didn’t love you like you loved them.

We can all get our heart broken and we have the power inside of us to create love and to change the situation that we are going through. Some believe that you can cast a magic spell to get what you want in love. Magic in love is called white magic and this is good magic that can make your heart stronger and give you what you want.

White magic can make someone love you and you can manifest whatever you have in your heart. Depending on the things that you want for yourself and others, you can do a spell that can help. Don’t use a black magic spell because this can come back to you and cause you harm.

Having true magic means that you are reaching inside of you, and you are setting intentions in your heart. You are changing your love life and you are looking at what you want. You can be genuine and see things in a good way and this can allow you to attract new love and bring goodness in your life.

A love binding spell will help you to be happy and will help you to see the feelings and to increase the feelings that someone else has for you. Anyone can cast a white magic spell on their own because they are positive, and they are safe.

People often think that all magic is evil but that isn’t true. White magic isn’t like voodoo or hurtful magic that is black magic, but it is good magic that brings good results. There are love spells that are easy and safe, and anyone can do them.

How Does White Magic Work?

White magic can work to change your love life to something good. Most people will want to attract someone in their life, and this will often solve love related issues. Sometimes a person will try to manipulate things so that they can make someone love them.

They don’t know that you can’t force someone to fall in love with you, but love is something that is free and something that is giving. Love that is in you should never be manipulated in a negative way, but things should be a sincere desire that you have. Love is about white magic, and it focuses on being happy.

You have to find out first if you and your partner feel the same way so that you don’t try to control the person. The spells will not make someone love you that doesn’t. Even if you have a desire, you won’t get what you want if the person is against what you desire.

White magic is there to help you cast a spell that comes with a wish and the universe can hear it and can help to make it happen. People that want to heal their broken hearts and want to have stronger love, these kinds of hopes are genuine, and they are white magic that will attract good things.

White magic is ethical, and it can make your life better. You should never do a spell that is unethical or one that is made with evil. Magic should bring good things in your life without hurting someone or without trying to make someone do something they don’t want to do.

These spellings should be about real love, clear intentions, strong feelings, and a genuine and kind heart. This makes the wishes ethical. There should never be fear when using white magic. White magic is never a curse.

You need to look at your mind and make sure that you are using photos with your spelling. Have someone in mind that you love and that loves you. They will be the focal point of the spell that you are acting. They should feel positive about what you want. Consider casting white magic when you want someone to have a positive change in their life.

To make this stronger, you have to make sure that you have real desires. This is what will increase the love in your relationship. It will give you a good heart desire and it will never manipulate or hurt anyone.

White magic is about the relationship between your heart and the person that you love. No one really knows what your heart holds but you. You are the one that is making the wishes that you want to see come true. Always make sure that your wishes are positive and that they bring peace and happiness.

Using White Magic Love Spells

Once you understand that love spells are good, here are some different kinds of love spells that you can use to bring about your desires. Remember, you don’t want to hurt anyone, and you want to only attract positivity to your life and to the one you love.

People have different wishes, and some people wish to heal their broken hearts. They will want to no longer feel bad and so sometimes they will use black magic. This is a bad idea and will never end up positive.

Some people want to attract love, but they end up disappointed by the person that they thought loved them. They end up disappointed and hurt and so they will use magic spells to feel better and to try to get the person to love them more. This needs to be someone that really loves you though and not someone that doesn’t.

The good thing about white magic is that you can’t make someone love you. This is good because you don’t want to be with someone that doesn’t want you. Love spells will only make someone that loves you love you more. Express your intentions and what you love and don’t love and send it to the universe.

There is black magic that has binding spells, and these are powers that can end up hurting you. You never want to cast a black spell even in love.

Spells to Cast

Here are some love spells that are safe to cast:

Fall in Love Magic Spell

Do you want someone to love you and it hurts when you try to show love, but no one reciprocates these feelings? People should have free will and they should be able to love whoever they want. Love is freedom, and we have to choose this to be free for whoever wants it. You don’t want to make someone love you that doesn’t.

White magic can help you to find someone that loves you and to make their love stronger to you.


  • Red candle.
  • Pink candle.
  • Cinnamon essential oil.
  • Matches.
  • Toothpick.
  • Parchment paper.
  • Pencil.

Casting the Spell

Cleanse the candles and use the cinnamon essential oil to anoint them. Use the toothpick and put your name in the red candle and carve their name into the red candle, next. Light the red candle with the match. Use the red candle flame to light the pink candle.

Let the flame burn for 30 minutes and focus on what you want. Draw 2 ears on a piece of parchment paper, one being you, so you write your name in the middle and one being your crush, write their name in the heart.

Drop wax from the red candle on the hearts and focus on what kind of love that you want. Blow the red candle out.

Drop wax from the pink candle on the heart and then blow out the pink candle.

Repeat this for seven days and let the candles burn until they burn out after the seventh day. Put the paper in a safe place until the spell comes true.

Easy Love Spell

An easy love spell can help a person to want to be more in your life. You can also use this to help you to find the perfect partner for you. Use this spell to have more confidence in who you are and to make your emotions stronger.


  • Matches.
  • Pink or red candle.
  • Olive oil.

How to Cast the Spell

  • Put the candle on the table.
  • Rub olive oil on the candle.
  • Focus on the kind of love you want.
  • Use a needle and chant a spell on the candle.
  • Light the candle with a match and let it burn until it burns out.
  • Make sure your wishes are genuine.

Getting Love Back Spell

When you need to have someone love you again, you need to make sure that you really love this person and that they love you before doing the spell. Before the love grows deeper, you have to give it a little push and this spell can make their emotions stronger.


  • Red yarn.
  • Rosemary.
  • Coin.
  • Envelope.
  • Compass.

How to Cast the Spell

  • Have confidence in what you want.
  • Make sure that you are full of faith, and you believe in love.
  • Be patient.
  • Write the name of your crush on the inside of the envelope.
  • Hold the rosemary and the coin in your fist.
  • Say their name four times, in different directions.
  • Take out the coin from your fist and put it in an envelope.
  • Close and seal the envelope and kiss it.
  • Role up the envelope and tie it with yarn.
  • Keep this hidden.
  • Don’t throw away the rosemary but take it outside and let it go into the wind.
  • Say, “come back to me,” seventeen times.

Angel Love Spell

Sometimes you need to be motivated to get something better in your life. Use this spell to motivate yourself and to be connected to things around you. Set goals and feelings in a way that can make love come to you. This spell can help you to find the perfect love for your life. This will be someone that you can depend on, and they can depend on you.


  • Candles (4).
  • Matches or a lighter.
  • Red velvet ribbon.
  • Ceramic angels.

How to Cast the Spell

  • Put two angels on a table facing you.
  • Put the candles around the angels.
  • Light the candles in a clockwise way.
  • Say, “Angels please heal my heart and send me new love.”
  • Let the candles burn out.

Making Spells Stronger

You can see that white magic can happen fast as long as you set your wishes and you make sure that your energies are strong and positive. Most people are afraid of magic because they think it’s evil but white magic is good.

If you want to cast a spell, don’t do black magic, and make sure that you don’t get involved in this. Dark forces can come back to hurt you. Only think of white magic and good spells. You can use white magic to have a lover come back to you or to stop an argument between you and your love.

Some people think that white magic manipulates people, but this isn’t the truth. These are positive spells that only make love and intentions better and stronger. White magic doesn’t manipulate anyone’s free will or make someone fall in love with you. White magic helps you to make better decisions and to find someone that will bring you peace and happiness and someone that you will love back.

Here are some ways to make your love spells stronger:

  • Have strong intentions.
  • Use strong energy.
  • Follow the instructions to guide you.
  • Use chants.
  • Make sure that you have the right items like a picture or a candle.
  • Failure to have the right ingredients will make the spell not work.

Final Thoughts

White magic can be a confusing thing, but it can also be a good thing. Don’t be afraid of white magic and know that it can bring happiness and peace to your life.

Everyone has energies and when you cast magic love spells you will see that it can enhance your energy and it can manifest happiness and love in your life. Don’t try to make someone love you but use this to enhance the love in your life.

The best love casters are people that will understand that white magic doesn’t solve anything, but it just makes your positive intentions stronger and can make you to be more confident and more caring.

Making Love Potions for Spells

Love Potions for Spells

There are a lot of different things said about witchcraft and much of the talk references things like potions that are used. When you look at medicine, you can see that this was created with the same kinds of things that witches would use in order to make the medicine effective and strong.

Love potions are used in witchcraft, and you need to be careful about what kinds of potions you make and who you are giving them to. You need to make sure that you don’t drink the potion until you understand the chemical makeup and how it is going to affect your magic and your body. The different ingredients will work together, and you need to understand them.

Understanding Potions

Potions are just different ingredients that are put together to bring physical and mental changes when they are consumed. If you are anxious all the time, you might want to use a mixture of herbs that can make you feel calm. Before you ever use herbs or crystals though, you need to make sure that you try out the recipe and that you test it. 

Potions are usually boiled to make them more concentrated, and you need to make sure that it won’t affect the medication that you are taking and that you aren’t allergic to the ingredients.

Ethics of Potions

Love potions can be used in spells and can help to solve problems of love. You can feel that there are good potions that won’t make you cross any ethical issues when you make them. Sometimes though, if you are doing a lost lover or a make someone fall in love with you spell, it can be something that you need to consider the ethics on.

These different things can make you realize that using a love potion to change the relationship might not be good and you might want to let the relationship end for good. You need to look at this each time you make a potion. Do you want to keep yourself or others in a relationship that is unhappy instead of just trying to attract new love? Always consider ethics when doing a potion.

Ingredients for Love Potions

Ingredients for love potions should be able to be consumed through the skin. Make sure that you are using ingredients that are tested and that are effective. You will get more information if you talk to a coven about the potions.

Make sure that you are buying herbs and crystals that are powerful and that are good quality. You should make sure that you don’t use stones that have cracks that can make things impure.

After you start making your own potions, you will see that you can use these potions to bring love to yourself and other people. Getting these ready when you are going to do spells or rituals can give you insights that you might not have realized including a strong relationship with the gods and goddesses. 

Before you ever give a potion to someone or take one yourself, make sure that you know the laws of chemistry and the different compounds that you’re working with. Don’t ever forget the ethics behind working with love potions.

Easy to Make Love Potions

A love potion is a liquid that can be used with a spell to make it stronger and to increase love energies. The potions that you make can be used by eating or inhaling them. A love potion will increase the sexual desires that you have for your partner, and it can create more romance or spark where needed. These things can also attract love and make there be a desire. You can add the potion to your skin, to food or to your lovers drink or food.

Ingredients for an Easy to Make Love Potion

  • Strainer.
  • Cooking pot that is large.
  • Large pot.
  • Glass bottle. 
  • Lid to a stopper.
  • 9 roots of Ginseng.
  • 9 seeds of an apple.
  • 9 drops of apple juice.
  • 9 leaves of basil.
  • 9 drops of strawberry juice.
  • 9 drops of vanilla extract.
  • 9 cloves.
  • 9 rose petals.
  • 9 ounces of red wine.
  • 9 pink candles.
  • Jasmine incense.

How to Make a Love Potion

Start by casting your circle around the area you are cooking. Make salt and put the circle and the working area together. After you draw your circle, put the candles around the area and light them and the incense.

Put the pot on the heat source such as the stove or the oven. Put the wine in the pot and then add everything else, turning the stove on to medium or low heat. Stir the mixture together while you say, “Let the person who drinks this wine, give me love divine. Love potion number 9, let the love be forever mine.”


Let the mixture boil and then simmer. After you have done this, you need to let it cook for nine more minutes and then take it off the heat. Say the names of these goddesses while the potion cools:

  • Hator.
  • Freya.
  • Inanna.
  • Venus.
  • Arianrhod.
  • Nephthys.
  • Aphrodite.
  • Astarte.

Strain the mixture into the other pot and let the chunks be removed. Strain anything else that you have missed and then use a funnel to add the mixture to the glass bottle and put the lid on it. Seal it and put it into the fridge until you want to use it or serve it to your loved one.

When to Cast a Spell

When to Cast a Spell

Picking the right time to cast a spell is important but it doesn’t need to be involved and is a hard process to make happen. Magic never has a real guarantee, and you have to be forgiving of your own skills when casting a spell.

It is always important to try the spell your own way to see which works the best for you. When the planets shift and the stars align and the moon is there, your spells can use these energies to work.

Most of the time of doing a spell has to do with the energies of the planet. This is why casting a spell on a certain day can make the spell stronger. You might see that using the moon phases such as the waning or waxing days can be the best when it comes to the spells. You can also use different days of the week, solstices, equinoxes, the signs of the Zodiac and more.

Once you want to perform a magic spell and you choose a certain day, plan ahead. Know if this is going to work with you because using this kind of magic will give you more confidence in your spell casting. You sometimes will even have to plan further ahead such as if you need to do the spell on the winter solstice because this only happens once a year.

Timing and Moon Phases

When the moon is moving it takes 27.3 days to revolve around the earth. It goes through different phases, and this is a big part of the Wiccan religion. The different spells and rituals that you know will use the Maiden or the waxing moon, the full or the Mother moon, the waning, or the Crone moon. These moons work together, and they represent the different faces of the goddesses to bring about liberty, fertility, new beginnings, sensuality, intelligence, consideration, and respite.

New Moon Phase

This is the beginning of the cycle of the new moon. The moon is in line with the earth and the sun, and it can barely be seen at this time. This is a time of newness and new life. Spells that need something new to happen, beauty or health spells, new jobs, etc., will use this phase of the moon. It also represents youth.

Casting Spells in the New Moon

If you want to cast new beginning spells, this is the time to do it. Here is what the New Moon brings:

  • Color: Black.
  • Herbs or plants: Locust or Vervain.
  • Animals: Panther, hawk, tiger.
  • Runes: Inguz.
  • Chakras: Crown chakra and heart chakra.
  • Holidays: Samhain.

Waxing Moon Phase

This phase of the moon is when the moon starts getting bigger but isn’t a full moon. You can do spells that will work good at this time if you need courage, healing, elemental magic, or friendship. These are positive spells that work when the moon is getting bigger.

Powers of the Waxing Phase

No matter if you are looking to have a child or if you want to start a new love interest, you can do spells best by starting with a New Moon and letting it go into the Waxing moon phase. When the moon gets bigger, there are things that can bring increase and if you want to manifest something new in your life, do it during this phase.

Casting Spells in the Waxing Moon Phase

Cast spells to bring friendship, love, to help motivate someone or to increase their strength and their courage. It can also attract money, bring luck and more.

  • Chakras: Sacral chakra and Solar Plexus chakra.
  • Holidays: Imbolc.

The Full Moon Phase

This is one of the most powerful of all the moon phases. You can do your best spells in this moon, and this can be a time that you are most successful. You can get as much energy as you can when the moon is full. If you do the spells a couple days before or after the full moon, then you will still be able to use this energy.

During this cycle of the moon, doing psychic spells, fertility spells, love spells or decision makings spells will work best, and you can get guidance that you need.

Casting Spells with the Full Moon Phase

When you want to have love, romance, fertility, an increase in your psychic gifts, creativity, guidance, goals, beauty, money, divination, manifestation or more, do your spells during the full moon:

  • Color: Green or red.
  • Metals: Silver.
  • Animals: Cows, Tiger, Peacock, Goose.
  • Runes: Othala.
  • Chakras: Root chakra and heart chakra.
  • Holidays: Festival of Luna, Beltane.

The Waning Moon Phase

This is the phase of the moon that the moon is getting smaller. It will get smaller each day. There are times that you need to get rid of things that aren’t helping you in your life, and this is the time. Get rid of addictive behaviors, troubled relationships, and other things during the Waning moon.

Powers of the Waning Moon

This is a moon phase that you need to release and let go of things as much as possible. The light from this moon will be less and less and depending on what is going on, you can use this time to get insight into your life. You can search your shadow self and you can find out what problems that you have. If you have negative influences from others, block their influences from this time.

Casting Spells with the Waning Moon Phase

You can cast spells if you need to give up some kind of addictive behavior, or you need to get rid of your troubles, worries or your relationship is ending. You can also use this to get rid of things that are blocking your spiritual being such as emotions, feelings, or other negative things. You can use this time to break a curse, increase intuition, creativity, transformation, and wisdom.

  • Chakras: Throat chakra.
  • Holidays: Lughnasadh

Blue Moon Phase

This can be power that comes when a special blue moon is there. This is the second time that a moon goes into the full moon, and it happens in one month. This doesn’t happen often, and you can do powerful spells during this time.

Dark Moon Phase

A dark moon can happen 3 days before a new moon comes. Some witches don’t use the dark moon, but this is a very powerful time for healing and future.

Timing Your Spells During Waning

The sun and the moon play a huge role in how effective your spells will be. There are different energies that can increase and decrease according to what is going on and you need to use these as a tool.

Use the energies to help you to be able to cast your spells stronger and make your spells more powerful. You can do a ceremony or ritual that will work with your goals during dusk, night, sunrise, midday or whatever you feel drawn to.

Dawn and Sunrise

This is a time that people are awakened and renewed. This is a place of new beginnings. It is a good time to do spells for hope, life, purpose, youth, new love, vitality, romance, fertility and more. Dawn is a very strong time because it is when spring comes. It is a time that you can get rid of curses, find friends, success, business, forgiveness and ask for good weather.

A rising sun can mean strength and influence and it is a place of creating.

  • Element: Air.
  • Direction: East.
  • Animals: Rabbit, fox, or rooster.
  • Angels: Raphael.
  • Gods: Brigid, Helios.
  • Planets: Venus.
  • Tarot: Suit of Swords.
  • Runes: Thorn, Beorc or Hagal.
  • Holidays: Ostara.

Midday and Noon

When you see the sun at its highest place, you can use the power of the sun for your advantage. This is a strong energy. Midday and noon are times when there is a lot of strength and light of the sun. When the energy is high and most powerful, the energy can help you to do your magic.

You need to do this spell casting to get rid of problems, to bring money and success, to bring motivation and confidence and to bring power. 

  • Element: Fire.
  • Direction: South.
  • Animals: Dog.
  • Angels: Michael.
  • Gods: Belabor.
  • Planets: Sun.
  • Tarot: Suit of Wands.
  • Runes: Sigel, Rad and Dag.
  • Holidays: Litha.

Sunset, Dusk and Twight light

Dusk and twilight are times when the underworld comes out and it can bring endings. You should do magic spells to banish people and to stop problems and get rid of pain in your life during this time. Dusk is a great time to talk about the spiritual world, to the spirits and to increase your intuition.

When the sun sets, it is a time that you can get rid of obstacles out of your life and remove things and heal things. The waxing sun will give you strength in your body and the waning sun will get rid of bad influences and infections. It is also a time to get rid of addictions.

  • Element: Water.
  • Direction: West.
  • Animals: Doe and Beaver.
  • Angels: Gabriel.
  • Gods: Venus.
  • Planets: Venus.
  • Tarot: Suit of Cups.
  • Runes: Jera, Perth, Reoh.
  • Holidays: Mabon.

Midnight and Dark

Midnight is considered the witching hour and a time of changes, darkness, and endings. It is a good time to cast spells that can get rid of negative people and things out of your life. Midnight is a good time to cast spells for dreams.

When the dark night comes, it can increase your psychic gifts, bring healing, divination, and other things:

  • Element: Earth.
  • Direction: North.
  • Animals: Owl.
  • Angels: Auriel.
  • Planets: Earth and Venus.
  • Tarot: Suit of Pentacles.
  • Runes: Ur, Is and Tyr.
  • Holidays: Yule.

Seasons and Spells

The seasons can change the way that your magic works. Pay attention to the seasons and how they affect your spells


  • Element: Air.
  • Direction: East and Southeast.
  • Animals: Lion, Duck, Frog and Rabbit.
  • Stones: Emerald and Amethyst.
  • Zodiac: Taurus and Aries.
  • Tarot: Suit of Swords.
  • Gods: Hermes, Flora, and Ostara.
  • Holidays: Ostara and Beltane.


  • Element: Fire.
  • Direction: South.
  • Animals: Eagle, Bear and Lion.
  • Stones: Opal, Ruby, and Garnet.
  • Zodiac: Cancer, Leo, and Virgo.
  • Tarot: Suit of Wands.
  • Gods: Cicada and Apollo.
  • Holidays: Lughnasadh and Litha.


  • Element: Water.
  • Direction: West.
  • Animals: Deer, Moose and Turkey.
  • Stones: Red Zircon and Sapphire.
  • Zodiac: Sagittarius, Scorpio.
  • Tarot: Suit of Cups.
  • Gods: Dionysus.
  • Holidays: Samhain and Mabon.


  • Element: Earth.
  • Direction: North.
  • Animals: Swan, Panther, and Ox.
  • Stones: Diamond, Clear Quartz.
  • Zodiac: Capricorn and Pisces.
  • Tarot: Suit of Pentacles.
  • Gods: Hephaestus and Bertha.
  • Holidays: Ule and Imbolc.

Casting Spells By Day

Doing spells on a certain day can make the spell more potent. You will see that this can make it more successful. There are days that are magical and there are days that aren’t as magical.

Fridays, for example, are great days to cast love spells and then when you want to do a money spell, Thursday would be the best day.

Doing the wrong day won’t really hurt your spell but it can be more powerful if you do it on a certain day.


This day is emotional, and it is a time for casting love spells. If you want to have dreams, psychic giftings, astral traveling or more, this is a time for it.


  • Gender: Female.
  • Colors: Gray, Silver or Blue.
  • Numbers: 2 and 9.
  • Element: Water.
  • Planet: Moon.
  • Herbs: Catnip, Sage, Lily, Moonwort or Jasmine.
  • Metal: Silver.
  • Gods: Aegir, Luna, Diana, or Thoth.
  • Crystals: Moonstone, Emerald, Aquamarine, or Clear Quartz.
  • Incenses: Sandalwood, Honeysuckle, Wormwood.
  • Zodiac: Cancer.
  • Tarot: The Moon or The High Priestess.
  • Rune: Lago.
  • Basic Energy: Emotions.
  • Basic Magic: Protection.


This is a day that you need to take action and that you need to be strong. You need to face challenges and make sure that you are being a real leader and having justice and honor.

  • Gender: Male.
  • Colors: Red, Black, or Orange.
  • Numbers: 5.
  • Element: Fire.
  • Planet: Mars.
  • Herbs: Chili Pepper, Pine, Thistles, or Holly.
  • Metal: Iron.
  • Gods: The Morrigan, Tyr or Mars.
  • Crystals: Bloodstone, Garnet, or Emerald.
  • Incenses: Ginger, Black Pepper, or Dragon’s Blood.
  • Zodiac: Scorpio or Aries.
  • Tarot: Strength.
  • Rune: Tyr.
  • Basic Energy: Taking action.
  • Basic Magic: Change and War.


When you want to look deep inside and you want to have good business or good ventures, this is a great day to do your spells. This day is associated with criticism or discrimination.

  • Gender: Male.
  • Colors: Yellow, Gray or Purple.
  • Numbers: 3.
  • Element: Air.
  • Planet: Mercury.
  • Herbs: Lavender, Hazel, Jasmine, or Dill.
  • Metal: Mercury.
  • Gods: Hermes, Athena, Woden or Odin.
  • Crystals: Opal, Aventurine, Lapis Lazuli, or Ruby.
  • Incenses: Sweet pea, Lavender, Mercury Oil or Jasmine.
  • Zodiac: Gemini.
  • Tarot: Wheel of Fortune or the eight of Pentacles.
  • Rune: Odal.
  • Basic Energy: Speed.
  • Basic Magic: Communicating.


This is a day that you should honor others and that you should be a good leader. You should work towards good luck and desire. You should see that you are confident, generous and that you indulge in what you want.

  • Gender: Male.
  • Colors: Blue, Purple, or Green.
  • Numbers: 4 and 8.
  • Element: Earth.
  • Planet: Jupiter.
  • Herbs: Cinnamon, Sage, or Laurel.
  • Metal: Tin.
  • Gods: Zeus, Juno, or Thor.
  • Crystals: Amethyst, Turquoise, Peridot or Malachite.
  • Incenses: Cinnamon, Musk, Jupiter Oil or Oakmoss.
  • Zodiac: Pisces or Capricorn.
  • Tarot: Nine or Ten Pentacles.
  • Rune: Thorn.
  • Basic Energy: Expanding.
  • Basic Magic: Prosperity.


Friday is a day that you need to have strong emotions and be wise. You should have love, passion, sex, relationships, friendship, and happiness spells ready to cast. This is a day that is associated with art, peace, and feminine energies.

  • Gender: Female.
  • Colors: Green, Pink, and Blue.
  • Numbers: 6 and 9.
  • Element: Air.
  • Planet: Venus.
  • Herbs: Rose, Apple, and Birch.
  • Metal: Copper.
  • Gods: Eros, Frigg, or Lakshmi.
  • Crystals: Ruby, Amber, or Emerald.
  • Incenses: Roses or Sandalwood.
  • Zodiac: Taurus.
  • Tarot: Empress or The Lovers.
  • Rune: Peorth.
  • Basic Energy: Socializing.
  • Basic Magic: Friendship and Love.


This is a day that you will have freedom and peace in your life. When you want to cast spells, do business, justice, money, karma, banishing or binding spells. This is a day that deals with patience and authority.

  • Gender: Female.
  • Colors: Grey, Purple and Black.
  • Numbers: 7.
  • Element: Earth.
  • Planet: Saturn.
  • Herbs: Thyme and Myrrh.
  • Gods: Saturn, Fates, Loki.
  • Crystals: Amethyst, Obsidian or Jet.
  • Incenses: Cypress, Myrrh and Saturn Oil.
  • Zodiac: Aquarius.
  • Tarot: Knight of Swords, Two of Swords, and Temperance.
  • Rune: Dagaz.
  • Basic Energy: Restriction.
  • Basic Magic: Banishing.


Take action on this day and have hope. This is a time to cast spells for friendship, healing, prosperity, success, confidence, attraction, creativity, and growth.

  • Gender: Male.
  • Colors: Orange, yellow and gold.
  • Numbers: 1.
  • Element: Fire.
  • Planet: Sun.
  • Herbs: Ash, Sunflower.
  • Metal: Gold.
  • Gods: Brigid, Helios, Apollo.
  • Crystals: topaz, diamond.
  • Incenses: Lemon, Cedar, Frankincense, Cinnamon.
  • Zodiac: Leo.
  • Tarot: Sun and Chariot.
  • Rune: Sigel.
  • Basic Energy: Will.
  • Basic Magic: Success

Spells with Solstices and Equinoxes

These have strong power for the spells such as:

Vernal Equinox

This is also called the Spring Equinox and is a great time to cast spells for new things, for home, family, fertility, and love. Wiccans celebrate Ostara during this time.

Summer Solstice

This is a great time when you want to do spells for male fertility, male energies, marriages, contracts, or other things. Wiccans celebrate Litha during this time.

Autumnal Equinox

Go ahead and cast spells that are related to ending something, harvesting or contracts. Wiccans celebrate Mabon during this time.

Winter Solstice

Cast spells for family, home, new beginnings, and connections. Wiccans celebrate Yule during this time.

Signs of the Zodiac

The sun will come to the zodiac at certain times, and it will pass through each of the signs within 30 days. It will then start the signs of the zodiacs again. This is a 12-month rotation.


This is from March 21 to April 20th. This is when the Sun is in Aries and is a time of positivity, pleasure and is a time to cast spells for business, leadership, growth, and new things.

You should start new things during this time because it is related to being strong and to having strength. Get rid of bad habits during this time.

  • Element: Fire.
  • Mode: Cardinal.
  • House: 1.
  • Day: Tuesday.
  • Seasons: Spring.
  • Colors: White, Red, and Pink.
  • Plants: Holly and Juniper.
  • Incense: Dragon’s Blood.
  • Animals: Goat or Hawk.
  • Stones: Bloodstone, Jasper, or Topaz.
  • Metal: Steel or Gold.
  • Planet: Mars.
  • Tarot: The Magician or the Suit of Wands.
  • Runes: Berkano or Fehu.
  • Energy: Yang.
  • Chakras: Heart, Solar Plexus or Root chakra.
  • Holiday: Spring Equinox.
  • Angel: Michael.
  • Gods: Amun-Ra or Hecate.
  • Chinese Zodiac: Dragon.


This is between April 21 and May 22. This is when the sun is in Taurus. This is a time of pleasure and sensuality. This is a time to do spells that relate to life, patience, stability, and religion.

This is also a time of creativity and a time of bringing good habits into your life. Spells for lust and passion can make your life better.

  • Element: Earth.
  • Mode: Fixed.
  • House: 2.
  • Day: Friday.
  • Seasons: Spring.
  • Colors: Green and Orange.
  • Plants: Lilac or Cherry.
  • Incense: Storax.
  • Animals: Beaver or Ox.
  • Stones: Amber, Rose Quartz, or Garnet.
  • Metal: Brass or Copper.
  • Planet: Venus or Earth.
  • Tarot: Temperance or Suit of Pentacles.
  • Runes: Uruz.
  • Energy: Yin.
  • Chakras: Throat or Root chakra.
  • Holiday: Spring Equinox.
  • Angel: Auriel.
  • Gods: Flora, Bast or Isis.
  • Chinese Zodiac: Snake.


This is between May 20 and June 21st. This is when the Sun is in Gemini. You can have balance and community during this time. It is best to cast spells related to knowledge, truth, prosperity, and money.

  • Element: Air.
  • Mode: Mutable.
  • House: 3.
  • Day: Wednesday.
  • Seasons: Summer.
  • Colors: Blue or Silver.
  • Plants: Lily or Hazel.
  • Incense: Wormwood.
  • Animals: Eagle or Rooster.
  • Stones: Agate, Citrine, or Emerald.
  • Metal: Mercury.
  • Planet: Uranus or Mercury.
  • Tarot: The Magician or Suit of Swords.
  • Runes: Ehwaz.
  • Energy: Yang.
  • Chakras: Throat.
  • Angel: Raphael.
  • Gods: Hermes or Odin.
  • Chinese Zodiac: Horse.


This happens between June 22 and July 22. This is when the Sun is in Cancer. This is a time of emotions and beginnings. You can do spells that have to do with family, relationships, sympathy, and compassion.

This is a time to show your family respect and to stop boundaries that are hurtful to your life. This is a time to get rid of family problems and to do garden and kitchen witchcraft.

  • Element: Water.
  • Mode: Cardinal.
  • House: 4.
  • Day: Monday.
  • Seasons: Twilight and Dusk.
  • Colors: Summer.
  • Plants: Blue, Green, Gray and White.
  • Incense: Onycha.
  • Animals: Seagull and Crab.
  • Stones: Emerald and Peral.
  • Metal: Silver.
  • Planet: Pluto and Moon.
  • Tarot: High Priestess and Judgement.
  • Runes: Algiz.
  • Energy: Yin.
  • Chakras: Solar Plexus and Heart chakra.
  • Holiday: Midsummer’s Eve.
  • Angel: Gabriel.
  • Gods: Isis and Luna.
  • Chinese Zodiac: Sheep.


This is between July 23 and August 22nd. This is when the sun is in Leo. This is a time of energies, action, and enlightenment. Do spells that bring growth, communication, and willpower. 

This is a time for sex related spells and making your passions stronger. This is also a time that you can do spells to help your pets to feel better. Spells related to willpower, determination and strength are powerful during this time.

  • Element: Earth.
  • Mode: Fixed.
  • House: 5.
  • Day: Sunday.
  • Seasons: Midday or Noon.
  • Colors: Summer.
  • Plants: Gold, orange, or red.
  • Incense: Lavender and Sunflower.
  • Animals: Peacock and deer.
  • Stones: Clear Quartz and Amber.
  • Metal: Gold and iron.
  • Planet: Sun.
  • Tarot: The Sun and Suit of Wand’s
  • Runes: Wunjo.
  • Energy: Yang.
  • Chakras: Solar Plexus and Heart chakra.
  • Holiday: Midsummer’s Eve.
  • Angel: Michael.
  • Gods: Freya and Helio.
  • Chinese Zodiac: Monkey.


This happens from August 23 to September 22nd. This is when the sun is in Virgo. This is a time of cycles and new things. This is a time to do spells for money, abundance, love, and purification.

All the ritual altars and tools should be purified and consecrated during this time. Any health-related spells will be great during this time.

  • Element: Earth.
  • Mode: Mutable.
  • House: 6.
  • Day: Wednesday.
  • Seasons: Summer.
  • Colors: Brown and gold.
  • Plants: Aster and Walnut.
  • Incense: Narcissus.
  • Animals: Pig, Bear and Squirrel.
  • Stones: Moss Agate and Jade.
  • Metal: Mercury.
  • Planet: Earth.
  • Tarot: The Hermit and Wheel of Fortune.
  • Runes: Berkano.
  • Energy: Yin.
  • Chakras: Sacral, Heart, Throat and Solar Plexus chakra.
  • Angel: Auriel.
  • Gods: Iris and Vesta.
  • Chinese Zodiac: Rooster.


This happens between September 23 and October 22nd. This is when the sun is in Libra. This is a time of peace and harmony. This is a time to do spells that work for grace, love, and beauty.

Do rituals that are for weddings, marriage and relationships and make sure that you bless the relationships at this time.

  • Element: Air.
  • Mode: Cardinal.
  • House: 7.
  • Day: Friday.
  • Seasons: Autumn.
  • Colors: Blue, Pink, and Green.
  • Plants: Rose and Thyme.
  • Incense: Galbanum.
  • Animals: Snake, Elephant, and Hare.
  • Stones: Peridot and Jade.
  • Metal: Copper.
  • Planet: Venus and Saturn.
  • Tarot: Suit of Swords and The Empress.
  • Runes: Tiwaz.
  • Energy: Yang.
  • Chakras: Sacral.
  • Angel: Raphael.
  • Gods: Isis and Njord.
  • Chinese Zodiac: Dog.


This is between October 23 and November 22nd. This is when the sun is in Scorpio. This is a time of changes, darkness and looking deep inside of yourself. Do spells that are for creative gifts, psychic gifts, clairvoyance, renewal, and control.

Rituals that have to do with jealousy, sex, lust, and secrets are powerful doing this time. You can also do obsession spells during this period and protection or self-defense.

  • Element: Water.
  • Mode: Fixed.
  • House: 8.
  • Day: Tuesday.
  • Seasons: Autumn.
  • Colors: Red, black, and blue.
  • Plants: Ivy and Palm.
  • Incense: Opopanaz and Benzoin.
  • Animals: Eagle or Scorpion.
  • Stones: Carnelian, Topaz, or Ruby.
  • Metal: Iron or Steel.
  • Planet: Pluto or Mars.
  • Tarot: Suit of Cups or Death.
  • Runes: Eihwaz.
  • Energy: Yin.
  • Chakras: Root or Sacral chakra.
  • Angel: Gabriel.
  • Gods: Isis or Set.
  • Chinese Zodiac: Pig.


This is between November 23 and December 21st. This is when the Sun is in Sagittarius. This is a time of unity and freedom. You should do spells for making your magic better, beauty, improving yourself and enlightenement.

Rituals that have to do with honest, independence, freedom and spirituality are important at this time. This is also a time to get rid of danger or fear.

  • Element: Fire.
  • Mode: Mutable.
  • House: 9
  • Seasons: Autumn.
  • Colors: Orange, Purple and Blue.
  • Plants: Vervain or Anise.
  • Incense: Cinnamon.
  • Animals: Deer or Monkey.
  • Stones: Topaz and Sapphire.
  • Metal: Tin.
  • Planet: Jupiter.
  • Tarot: Temperance and Suit of Wands.
  • Runes: Raidho.
  • Energy: Yin.
  • Chakras: Root and Solar Plexus Chakra.
  • Holiday: Yule.
  • Angel: Michael.
  • Gods: Thor and Mars.
  • Chinese Zodiac: Rat.


This is between December 22 and January 20. This is when the Sun is in Capricorn. This is a time of stability, and you should do spells that are for success, willpower, determination, success and more.

This spell should relate to male fertility and its best done and related to your father. You can also use a banishing spell during this time. It is also a great time for lust, intuition, and love magic.

  • Element: Earth.
  • Mode: Cardinal.
  • House: 10.
  • Day: Thursday.
  • Seasons: Winter.
  • Colors: Green, brown, or black.
  • Plants: Poppy or Jasmine.
  • Incense: Civet and Musk.
  • Animals: Dog, Dolphin, Donkey or Elephant.
  • Stones: Lapis Lazuli, Obsidian or Carnelian.
  • Metal: Silver or Lead.
  • Planet: Saturn or Earth.
  • Tarot: The Devil and Suit of Pentacles.
  • Runes: Nauthiz.
  • Energy: Yang. 
  • Chakras: Root chakra.
  • Holiday: Yule.
  • Angel: Auriel.
  • Gods: Juno, Loki, or Thor.
  • Chinese Zodiac: Ox.


This is from January 21 to February 18. This is when the Sun is in Aquarius. This is a time to show compassion and hope to others. It is a time to cast spells for creativity, desire, healing, honesty, and hope.

When you work with people or in an organization, you can meet new friends and have more magic during this time. You can also have more wisdom with your magic.

  • Element: Air.
  • Mode: Fixed.
  • House: 11.
  • Day: Saturday.
  • Seasons: Winter.
  • Colors: Green, Blue, or Yellow.
  • Plants: Iris, Pine, or Anise.
  • Incense: Galbanum.
  • Animals: Dog, Eagle, or Sheep.
  • Stones: Agate, Opal or Sugilite.
  • Metal: Silver or Aluminum.
  • Planet: Saturn or Uranus.
  • Tarot: Suit of Sword or the Hermit.
  • Runes: Haglaz.
  • Energy: Yang.
  • Chakras: Throat, Third Eye or Crown chakra.
  • Holiday: Imbolc.
  • Angel: Raphael or Gabriel.
  • Gods: Nut and Ea.
  • Chinese Zodiac: Tiger.


This is from February 19 to March 20. This is when the sun is in Pisces and is a time to have clear thinking and spirituality. This is a time to perform spells for creativity, returning lost love, romance, or healing.

When you want to have psychic abilities and growth, this is a special time for this, open up your boundaries.

  • Element: Water.
  • Mode: Mutable.
  • House: 12.
  • Day: Thursday.
  • Seasons: Winter.
  • Colors: Green or Blue.
  • Plants: Lavender or Catnip.
  • Incense: Lavender or Nutmeg.
  • Animals: Dolphin or Fish.
  • Stones: Jade, Clear Quartz, or Ruby.
  • Metal: Tin or Silver.
  • Planet: Neptune or Jupiter.
  • Tarot: Suit of Cups or the Hanged Man.
  • Runes: Gebo.
  • Energy: Yin.
  • Chakras: Third Eye or Crown chakra’s
  • Holiday: Ostara.
  • Angel: Gabriel.
  • Gods: Neptune or Aphrodite.
  • Chinese Zodiac: Rabbit.

Full Moons with the Months


  • Old and Quiet Moon.
  • Use this for protection


  • Wild and Quickening Moon.
  • Use for planning.


  • Plow and Moon of Winds.
  • Use for fulfillment and goals.


  • Planting and Budding Moon.
  • Use for gardening and planting.


  • Willow and Bright Moon.
  • Use for jobs and success.


  • Honey and Mead Moon.
  • Use for balance and spirituality.


  • Blessing and Hay Moon.
  • Use for progress and future.


  • Sturgeon and Corn Moon.
  • Use for wellbeing and health.


  • Fruit and Harvest Moon.
  • Use for family, Thanksgiving, and herbs.


  • Hunter’s and Blood Moon.
  • Use for dreams and divination.


  • Beaver and Dark Moon.
  • Use to get rid of negativity.


  • Oak and Wolf Moon.
  • Use for strength and gemstone magic.

Understanding Magic Spells

Magic Spells

Magic spells can draw people in, and they have been around for years and years. Most people think of doing magic as an art but as they have gone through different centuries, it has been seen that magic is powerful. It has impacted the lives of people around and it is practiced by Wiccans, pagans, witches and more. Spells are a way to create change.

Some wonder if magic is real. This is going to depend on what you believe. Some believe that magic works and this is the energies inside of them that can make it work along with the elements needed. Believing in magic can bring positive results.

Magic can be a mystery. Some magic is too powerful for people, but magic spells aren’t done just by witches. Some people will do spells in their life just by making a wish. As you learn how spells work, you can see that you can help yourself and help others.

History of Magic

Magic beginnings are easy to see. There was technology and people, and they were connected to nature.  The energy of the nature is mysterious, and the energies can change lives. Magic isn’t something that people just created; it was something that was part of everyday life.

As things changed, people would look less at nature and connect less with the energies of nature. The rituals that come from magic and the idea of spells can make energy work be more effective.

Understanding Spells

Spells are something that can make something happen. This is a set of intentions, words and rituals that can make change. It works by reaching into the spiritual world and casting a spell into the universe. They start by setting a goal and then they reach out to a higher spiritual place to make things materialize. This is how they can manifest things.

Spells can take different forms and can be part of nature. They can be powerful or mild. The spell can change situations around them and can add energies to it. You can manipulate the energy that is there and see how it changes.

Energy is part of your own life. You can also create energy outside of yourself. You can use different ingredients such as candles, herbs, oils, crystals and more. You can keep adding more energy into the universe to make your goals reached. You can see that the gods and goddesses can help you.

There are different ways that you can create magic, spells, and other things to bring power to your life.

Casting a Spell

Casting a spell requires following different steps and having a practitioner or a spell caster.

  • Purifying

You should purify yourself by taking a cleansing bath and this can get rid of negative energy inside of yourself. You need to do this if you are casting a spell. You can take a bath and add hyssop, betony or more. After you purify yourself, wear something clean and use a long rope or a t-shirt. Choose the mood that is good for you and relax and meditate before casting the spell.

  • Cleansing Ritual

You need to make sure that the space that you are casting the spell is cleansed before you start. You can smudge your area by lighting sage or other herbs. Do this and walk counterclockwise around the room and make sure that the smoke fills the whole area.

After you do this, add some clear quartz around your area.

  • Altar

Collect the ingredients that you need to do the spell and make sure that all the items are cleansed. You can add soap or smudge the items if they need to be cleansed. Keep items close to your altar such as a cauldron, candles, incense, and other tools you need.

  • Being Grounded

You need to make sure that you are grounded and that you are reaching the earth energies. This can get rid of negativity before you do any spells. Always focus on y our feet and hands and being calm.

  • Grounding

You can ground yourself inside or outside. You can do this by going barefoot in the dirt and allowing the energy to go from your head to your feet and down to the earth. Let the energy go through your legs and all the way to your head.

  • Centering

Stand with your feet a couple feet apart. Bend the knees and focus on your center. Rock forward and backward and let the rocking get smaller until you feel balanced and then stop.

  • Casting a Circle

Cast a circle by making your space sacred. There are different ways to do this by putting a phyiscal mark as a circle using salt or chalk or imagining a circle with white light.

  • Calling Quarters

Here is how you call quarters. You start to the east and say, “I call on the powers of the east to protect this space.”

Turn to the south and say, “I call to the powers of the south to protect this space.”

Turn to the west and say, “I call to the powers of the west to protect this space.”

Turn to the north and say, “I call to the powers of the north to protect this space.”

Calling on the quarters will help to keep you present and engaged and it calls the spirits of the elements to make your magic stronger.

  • Invoking the Gods and Goddesses

If you want to call on the gods or goddesses this is the time to do this. You can ask your angels, spirit guides or others to come to you. Ask them out loud and do this through a chant, prayer, or dance.

  • Purpose

Figure out what you want to cast the spell for and state the purpose. This is a declaration that you say out loud.

  • Casting the Spell

Take time to change your thought process. Light the candles, and then do just what the spell says to do. Focus on the spiritual world and make sure that you aren’t being distracted. Keep your mood strong and good and keep your intent and purpose strong.

  • Energies

Make sure that your energies are as strong as you can get them. Imagine energy going through your whole body. Let it come from your head to your feet. Imagine the energies getting bigger and keep your mental state elevated.

  • Cake and Wine

Take time to eat and share the food with the gods and goddesses. This is a gift from the universe. Be thankful and thank the universe.

  • Giving Thanks

Give thanks to the universe and to your gods and goddesses for helping you.

  • Release the Quarters

Thank the quarters for helping you and release them.

  • Open the Circle

Open the circle and make sure that you let all the energies out that you raised when you did your spell.

  • Clean the Area

Clean up the area that you did the spell in. Burn or bury the ingredients and return them to nature. This gets rid of negative energy. Cleanse the tools that you used and store the items in a safe place.

  • Manifesting

This is a time that you manifest towards your goals.

After Casting the Spell

After you cast the spell, you need to remember that spells are energies and emotions. You will feel the power and you can add to your spells by being positive. Don’t worry about the spell coming to life and just keep a positive thought.

Your life can be better if you use the spells and if you are used to working towards your goals. Always be positive and when you cast a spell, don’t tell people about casting the spells. The spell has been cast and then you need to keep your emotions, energy, and behavior strong to reach your goal.

What Will a Spell Do?

magic can be done in all parts of your life. You can use them when you want to have prosperity or health or more. The spell can help you and it is per the individual as to what you are spell casting for. Spell casting is powerful, and it is an active thing.

Magic is infinite and it is influenced by people and things. There are different magic things around the world and in different cultures. A Voodoo spell is different than a Wiccan spell and all spells can be different.

You can use the spells to make your life better and you will see that you can improve your life and the lives of those around you. Magic of course can be used to hurt others, but this kind of magic can be negative, and it can come back to you. This is called black magic and it can cause negative consequences to come to your life.

Most people will do white magic and not black magic because this kind of magic brings the highest good when it is done.

Spells can bring healing, protection, love and more but they can also be used to hurt others. You need to figure out what you believe before you do a spell.

How Long Do Spells Work?

Spells can take time to work and some wonder if spells work at all. There are no real guarantees when it comes to magic, and you won’t always get what you want when doing a spell. Sometimes they work sometimes they don’t. You can use the magic to try and reach a goal.

Spells work differently in different people. Some will see the results in a few hours while others can take months or more. No one can tell how long a spell will take to work and this has to do with energies, intentions, the universe, your belief and more. Some people are affected differently by the spells.

Don’t think that the beliefs that you have don’t mean anything. If you believe in your magic, it is much more likely to happen. This is why the amount of time that it can take a spell to work can vary from person to person.

Can Spells Cause Danger?

Casting a spell with a good intention will not cause you harm or hurt anyone else. Some magic spells can be used to hurt others though and you should never do a spell just because you are curious about it.

Spells can be dangerous if you have the wrong intentions. You have likely heard of curses, and these are nothing more than a spell that is out to bring harm to someone. This is a black magic kind of spell, and you should not do these because of the Law of Threefold that says whatever you send out will come back to you in three-fold.

Advice for Beginner Spell Casters

If you have never done magic before, you need to become familiar with everything before you ever start casting spells. There are different types of magic that out can do that won’t be harmful and it is important still that you know about magic before you do them. Take time to get to know the spells and to learn about how spells work. You should be experienced in what you do. Someone that is experienced can work with you to help you.

You can talk to a Wiccan, but you don’t have to be one in order to do spells. Just make sure that you have the right intentions and that you have the right mindset when you are going to do a spell.

There are different aspects of magic, and it can take your whole life to understand how the different spells work and how powerful the spells are.

Do Spells Fail?

Some spells won’t work and when this happens, don’t give up. Just keep working and keep doing what you can to try to make your spells work. Make sure that you are being positive about the spells and that you are using the right intentions. Believe in yourself and use the power of nature and the universe to make your spell casting stronger.

If the spell hasn’t worked in 6 months, some believe that you should cast it again.