How to Cast The Venus Love Spell


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Magic love spells can be used to attract true love, attract a new love, bless a new love relationship, maintain unconditional love, make love return, and to establish stability in a relationship.

Begin the spell on Friday, the day traditionally associated with Venus. Repeat the ritual for seven consecutive nights.

    • You will need:
    • 1 red cloth heart
    • 1 red candle
    • 1 mirror


    • 1 white cloth
    • 7 pins
    • 1 scent of venus incense stick
    • Ylang Ylang oil

This spell is cast skyclad (naked) in absolute privacy. After a cleansing and relaxing bath, perfume your body with the erotic oil Ylang Ylang. Choose a magick area in your bedroom, lay out the white cloth ans position yourself in front of the mirror. Cast a protective circle, light the red candle and incense, focus your sexual energy and chant:


    • I call to thee, beloved one,
    • To love me more than anyone,
    • Seven times I pierce thy heart,
    • Today the magick of Venus starts.
    • I bind thy heart and sole to me;
    • As I do will so mote it be.
    Repeat the chant seven times, placing pins in the heart one at a time after repeating Seven times i pierce thy heart. Blow out the ceremonial candle and incense, leaving the pins in the heart until the following night.



  1. The article outlines a ritualistic approach to love spells, rooted in pagan traditions. It emphasizes the importance of intent and focus, which aligns with basic principles of many mystical practices.

    • Indeed, the use of specific symbols and oils suggests a deep understanding of traditional ritualistic elements, which are often key in such practices.

  2. While the ritual’s efficacy is largely subjective, the psychological impact of performing such a structured and symbolic act might be significant for those who believe in its power.

  3. The incorporation of Venusian elements like the day of Friday and the scent of Venus incense underscores the importance of celestial influences in love magic. This attention to detail is crucial in many esoteric traditions.

  4. Performing the spell skyclad and in absolute privacy indicates the need for a pure and undistracted environment, which is a common theme in many magical practices.

    • Yes, the emphasis on privacy likely enhances the individual’s concentration and minimizes external disturbances, which can be essential for the success of such rituals.

  5. Given the detailed steps and specific materials required, this ritual appears to be quite methodical. This could help practitioners achieve a focused state conducive to the intended outcome.


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