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Making Love Spells Work

Making Love Spells Work

Exactly how does a love spell work?

Imagine each person being surrounded by an energy field full of particles that are the energetic interpretation of the persons thoughts, emotions and inner desires.

These particles are responsible for forming the persons reality, their reactions and their external desires. When a person does not love you (or have the feelings you desire them to have for you), it simply means those energetic particles are not present in their external energy field – because they are not naturally internally present.

What love spell magic does is it energetically inserts those desired energetic particles into the targets energy field. In a sense, it works like a virus or radiation. By surrounding the target with the energy of the desired effect, the targets energy field becomes “contaminated” with new thoughts, desires and in turn: actions.

If and when the “contamination” is persistent and magically performed properly, the result will be a thorough seep into the physical and emotional mind of the target.
Until unconditional self-love is embraced, most love spells will be very short lived.

First thing you need to consider is your own state of well-being:

  • Are you anxious?
  • Depressed?
  • Have not fully dealt with childhood or young adult trauma?
  • Sexual guilt? Broken heart?

Don’t beat yourself up! We ALL have issues in one form or another – everyone experiences mental and emotional bruising at some point in their lives. The key is how we overcome those dis empowering issues!

How many dis empowering beliefs, emotions, illusions and judgmental misconceptions are still hindering your happiness today? Everyone experiences days or life patterns where we are feeling weighed down by negative thoughts, emotions or even possibly entities. Fear not! A simple banishing may be all you need to regain your balance and remove the unsightly influences.
Time to banish your negative beliefs and renew your life!

We want to see you magically succeed, therefore we will continue to be annoying by stressing the importance of the self-love concept.

Once self-love is achieved, you will be one lean, mean love spell machine! In fact, this newfound energy will positively translate to all areas of your witchcraft. Whether it’s for abundance, health or even hexes!

If you’re not sure where to start only our journey to self-love (and ultimate happiness), I highly recommend you get the book “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay, listed first on our recommended reading page.

While performing the spell work, stay focused in the moment. Envision the desired goal as already manifested in this very present moment and get very clear about exactly what you’d like to experience.

For example, envision making love with your desired partner. Get late-night, TV-MA graphic in your imagination! Now is not the time to play “proper lady”.

The more real this FEELS to you, the more energy will be radiated from you and into your targets energy field. The

This is intense work! You simply can’t let your mind wander about what’s for dinner.

If the love spell is on specific person, is the target currently in a relationship? Are there kids in the picture? Is (s)he a workaholic? Many different types of attachments or distractions exist!

In order to properly perform the spell work, you will need to orchestrate a plan to shatter their current reality in order to open their eyes to the wonders of you. Plain “Love Me” spells just won’t cut it, unless their current relationship is already rocky!

You must break down your desired goal into concrete spell work steps

For example:

You must magically influence the target to think about leaving their current relationship. This could be influenced by constant fighting with his/her current partner, mild depression, etc. The target will have to actually go through with leaving the relationship. You must give him/her courage and the strength to leave the relationship. An alternative path to this would be to magically influence his/her partner to leave your desired target. A very basic breakup spell usually gets this done in one fell swoop.
The target will have to form feelings for you. This is the actual love spell!
And finally, the target will have to actually be in a relationship with you, if that is your end-goal desire.

Important Note: If this is “too dark” for you, simply skip doing love spells on a specific person altogether. Unless you are comfortable with your spell work, you will only be wasting your time. Instead, do general love spells to welcome a new lover into your life.

At what time are performing your love spell rituals?

Love magic works best while your desired lover is in a receptive state while in deep sleep. Yes, this means you will either have to stay up very, very late or wake up extremely early in the morning.

Assuming the desired lover goes to bed at 10pm and is the same time zone as you are, the best time to perform a love spell is between midnight and 4am. If you know your target is a night owl or wakes up middle of the night for work, you will need to adjust these hours accordingly.

Love spells should be performed at least in 3 consecutive nights. You may repeat the same love spell for three nights in a row, or simply create a mini-altar for your desired outcome and daily add candles and meditative energy to your cause.

If this is “too dark” for you based on your personal spiritual beliefs, simply skip doing love spells on a specific person altogether. Unless you are comfortable with your spell work, you will only be wasting your time. Instead, do general love spells to welcome a new (unknown) lover into your life.

You must have a piece of the targets DNA! This can be a few hairs from a pillow, fingernail clippings, a used condom, a dirty piece of clothing, etc. Get creative!

Unless you are an extremely experienced or naturally talented witch, you must have a piece of the targets DNA. This is a direct link to their energy field and their physical experience.

Using only a birthrate and a name is not enough. You need a direct link!

The absolute most POWERFUL practice to add to your spell work is a self-induced orgasm and menstrual blood. Don’t be grossed out here! Sexual energy and physical substance is the most powerful thing in this world. If you want REAL results, you will need to get over it and not be grossed out.

This is the blood that can create a human. This blood can create ANYTHING. The proteins that go into menstrual blood are the purest proteins a body can create. Your body is not “dirty”, despite what society has taught you to believe. Embrace your sexuality and your changing time of the month. This is literally the most powerful substance in the universe.

Dress a candle with your menstrual blood and end the spell with a self-induced orgasm. If you have the targets personal concerns (or if your love spell was general), you should see results within 48 hours. Yes, it works that well!

Wishing you a joyful, romantic and fulfilling love life!

Psychic from PsychicOz.com

How Love Spells Work


Learn what real love spells are, how they are cast, and why they work. Spells to promote love are effective and do have a proper place in the magical community.  Love spells, if cast correctly, are not harmful for the caster, or the romantic direction, and attract true love.

lovespells1Some people, out of ignorance, claim that love spells manipulate the target, depriving them of their free will. This is true only of the crudest of spells – any experienced spell caster or witch knows to avoid spells of this nature. In fact, spells that deprive an individual of free will are actually more difficult, and less successful, than standard spells of attraction. Typically, romance spells only bring out a love that we all have within us. Spells that increase love may also increase the magnetic attraction between two individuals by creating an energetic or
spiritual link. While two people might realize they are suddenly more attracted to each other, this is not something that would change or alter their free will. Each person could, if they so chose, decide to avoid the other. However, when two people are attracted and in love they usually don’t choose to do this!

Countless people have been helped by spells that attract love, but I have never heard of anyone being harmed by one. Romance spells are safe and helpful, and can only bring positive things to people who really want true love. Spells can bring true love. They can even help you to make up with someone, steer a friendship into a more romantic direction, and attract love.

While it is not advisable to try and force someone to love you by using love spells, you can ask that your true love come to you. Or, that you are receptive to love and naturally attract the right love for you. There are love spells and sex spells for all kinds of romantic desires.

Ancient-Love-SpellUsing love spells to win over a person is not just unethical, but can have various negative effects on the person who casts the spells. These black magic love
spells may live up to their claims, but for a short time only. The negative energies built out of the attempt to control the natural course of energy affect the caster of the spell. It invalidates the fundamental rules of love that are built on mutual respect, admiration and the need for companionship. The most common spell offered on other sites that causes the most problems and negative reactions is the spell Return My Lover!

There are different kinds of love spells, from simple and innocent ones to those that require the use of elaborate rituals, charms and magical spells. There are
magical love spells to make up after a misunderstanding, become more than just friends, rejuvenate a stale love life, increase sexual magnetism, attract the person of one’s dreams, etc. Love spells can differ according to different cultures and traditions.

Magical love spells are energy that is directed through symbols or props to bring about the desired change or achieve a certain end. Spell casting experts believe
that everything in this world has dynamic energy. By using various magical tools they help to generate more energy, which is directed to change the natural course of a particular event. Spellcasting entails mental power and psychological tools of concentration, visualization, and projection that are developed through practice.

Magical love spells can direct energy either for subtle suggestion to the mind or by directly affecting the exterior world. A magical love spell’s energy is often bound for a particular cause and for a certain period, so that in doesn’t cause any harm.

The philosophy of casting spells is based on the law of attraction and the principle of universal energy. Magic is considered as a form of art that mixes old practices
and beliefs with divine forces or energies. When a person who practices white magic discovers his or her ability to control divine powers, this person then becomes capable of using magic to make changes in the world.

When will you see results? That is the big question pertaining to all Spell Castings and Spell Casters. The answer is actually not very simple. You see, every Spell Casting is meant for a different case or situation. Every case is different so every spell casting will produce different results at a different time frame.

Of course to hire a professional Spell Casters with proven results is your best bet. Experience and credibility are important factors in choosing a spell caster. You want someone who knows how to cast a spell for you that is safe, accurate, and really works.



lovespells1Love spell — a conscious energy influence on the aura of another person, in order to awaken in him reciprocal feelings. (Through the magic voodoo spells to love reading, and other traditional methods of modern witchcraft or psychic).
With the help of different tools can be called love magic light and love interest, Kindle animal passion fill suhotu. Depending on the methods and factors specific situation results of such magic can be quite different.In this article, you’ll find out what the love spell is, how it works, what its symptoms and consequences are. I will give you my advice and recommendations on how to put a love spell on your own.

1. What is a love spell? Facts and scientific studies.

The conception of “love spell” is closely connected with the term “telepathy,” which means the ability of the brain to communicate thoughts and feelings by means of other than the known senses. This phenomenon has been studied by scientists for many years. The first experiment to confirm the ability to communicate feelings and images was carried out in 1931 by an American journalist Upton Sinclair. The results of his study were presented in his Mental Radio. Later this ability was confirmed many times by different studies. Thus, in 1937, writer Harold Sherman and researcher Hubert Wilkins carried out an experiment that spanned five and a half months. Sherman was in New York, while Wilkins was in the Arctic. Every day, Sherman, who had been having “abilities” since he was a child, sent mental pictures to Wilkins. They both drew their visualizations on paper. As it turned out, 86% of the drawings were similar in their meaning. Since then, a bunch of laboratory and field researches of psychokinetic influence at a distance have been conducted, which proved the ability of the brain to communicate thoughts and feelings to another brain or organism.

Well, what is a love spell from the point of view of science?

A love spell is a powerful psychokinetic influence on a person and his thoughts in order to excite in him the feeling of attraction to another person, which is the subject of a love spell.

While casting a love spell, the object is communicated “pictures,” images and emotions, connected with strong feelings of love. Thus, he is slowly urged to have the right feelings. This is why the spell caster always needs pictures of both parties. Besides, the more photographs he has (preferably, recent ones), the better.

2. What makes a love spell powerful and last long? Can a regular person cast a love spell?

The power and duration of a love spell depends on the natural endowments of a spell caster, his skills (which he can keep developing) and the will of the object of the love spell. Every person is capable of casting a love spell, as we all are gifted in some way in this respect, but he will have to say certain words (spell) and perform certain actions (rituals) to help him focus the energy. However, the love spell will unlikely be very powerful. A trained spell caster with good natural endowments can cast a love spell by simply focusing his attention on the photograph without saying the words and performing the rituals.

Wicca-love-spell-for-singlesNevertheless, many spell casters still use rituals and words for better energy concentration. They also use different objects that belong to the object of the love spell (hair, nail clippings, articles of clothing, etc.) to make the influence more powerful. Or they can con the object into drinking or eating “part of himself/herself” (such as menstruation blood, water or an apple with the energy of the spell caster put into it by means of special rituals).

3. Do love spells always work?

No, not always. If the will of the object of the love spell is strong enough, while the natural endowments of the spell caster are poor, the love spell may fail to work, even if put properly. Also, it’s a waste of time putting a love spell on famous people as most of them have personal spell casters protecting them. It’s an absolutely necessary precaution for such people, since, as a rule, all of them have plenty of “fans” longing for their love.

4. Consequences of love spells. What is a “black” and “white” love spell?

Distinction between “black” and “white” love spells is very relative. Love spells differ in the power of their influence on the object. The more powerful a love spell is, the more powerful its consequences are. As Newton discovered, to every action there is an equal reaction. In magic, it’s called “payoff,” a sudden negative influence directed at the spell caster.

“White” love spells are put by using natural forces. These are spells that don’t do harm to people. It means families and relationships don’t get broken.

“Black” love spells are considered powerful love spells with serious negative consequences (cemetery love spells, menstruation or Gypsy love spells).

5. Symptoms of a love spell.

99238f5fffd4eb8f36ebb42311843978All people who have been put a love spell on behave in about the same way. They often feel the influence but can’t do anything about it. Read more about the symptoms of love spells and how to find out if you have been put a love spell on in other articles of mine.
6. How to put a love spell on a person.

Any person can put a love spell on another person. There are special rituals and spells which help a spell caster concentrate his energy. If the will of the object is poor, his feelings can be easily influenced even by an amateur. Yet, it presents danger to both the spell caster and the object. Before casting a love spell, make sure you’ve read the consequences of love spells part of the article. Types of love spells, rituals and recommendations can be found in the love magic section.

7. How to remove a love spell?

Just like a person can concentrate his energy using special spells and rituals to put a love spell on another person, so can he try to remove a love spell. Anyway, the ritual will work if the energy of the one removing the spell is stronger than that of the spell caster. If a love spell is put by a talented spell caster with a broad experience, even a stronger spell caster is required.

Is a happy ending after the love spell?

love-spellsOf course, otherwise this magic was not as popular, relevant and necessary for all human history. If people are compatible, even talking in a friendly way, and the action carries a professional (without the help of black magic, making the prediction of pre-forecast by confirming the need for this step), there is every chance that arose after the love spell — ie energy correction, feelings here to stay, and the family only more stronger, becoming a healthy cell of society. In fact, the only literate spell helps to adjust the subtle bodies of two people (their energy) for a harmonious perception of each other, both men and women (which probably would have happened even in the usual way, as applicable, and other conditions — for example, if left alone for a long time) when activated natural need of living beings in procreation.

Are Love Spells Really Effective?


love spell 1Can you really use love spells to reunite again with an ex-lover, or to make a new lover love you back? Is love spell the answer to all of your relationship conflicts and bring you love that will last forever with the wave of a wand? The answer is yes, and no.

Firstly let’s quickly answer the question of whether or not magic spells and love spells in particular are real.

In short, yes, they are. If you believe otherwise, you wouldn’t be here, right? Even if you don’t fully believe in the power of magic just yet, you obviously want to and are halfway there or you wouldn’t be reading this website. So, throw out any remaining skepticism you have, and allow yourself to slip into a calm and peaceful place where you just KNOW that magic is real and anyone that says otherwise is plain wrong.

OK, so, can love spells bring you everything you desire in a true, happy, loving, long lasting relationship? In short, yes. But there are catches…

You see, love magic is very powerful magic. It is also very knowledgeable and all-seeing magic. The spirits and powers of the universe know what is best for you, and they can see deep into your soul and they know what you really want even if what you express on the outside is something different.

Because of that, when you cast a love spell one of 3 things may happen:

1) You may get exactly what you asked for in the spell – great!love spell 3

2) You may not get what you asked for in the spell – not so great, right? Actually wrong. This may be one of the times where the spell itself has interpreted your request and intentions and determined that you don’t really wish for what you asked. In which case, it will not be delivered. Now this could be a case of a poorly focused casting so if you’re sure this is what you want, try again and really focus all your belief and energy this time.

3) You may get something different to what you asked for in the spell – this is actually a good outcome. Here, the magic of the universe has determined that the person you targeted in your spell is not actually good for you and so the spell has worked its magic to find someone else more suitable, and delivered them to you. Keep your eyes, mind and spirit open to this possibility for all of your spells.

So, to answer the question: “do love spells work?”, I hope I have shown you that yes, they really do.

Love Spells: How Reliable Is It?


love spells 2Love spells can help you convey the one you adore closer to you. Numerous individuals out there pick another person to do their affection spells for them however this requires cash. Love spells fundamentally includes doing magic on somebody by compelling them to love you, this is not the most ideal approach to things. This is the reason numerous psychics encourage individuals to enchant which brings the individual who is a good fit for them closer. Individuals out there ought to comprehend that connections can’t be constrained and if something is intended to happen it will in any case you doing magic.

Whenever you are casting a love spell go in with a positive attitude and try reaching for simple goals that are achievable. One of the most famous love spells involves creating your perfect match. This spell involves you picturing your perfect match and the way they look. It also involves you creating a perfect environment for him and yourself. Many people make list of all the things they want in their relationship. Love spell casters advise people to look at that list and read it every day till it starts becoming true.

Another famous love spell for drawing in a lover involves reading the spell every Friday night after the completion of the full moon and throwing salt in fire with your right hand and saying these words: “it is not salt that I turn to fire, but the heart of the man/woman I seek. Let him have no peace of mind until he comes to me”. This spell is cast three times on each occasion, but in the third time the wordings are altered a bit.

love spells 3There are lots of sites online that help in casting love spells so that you can get back with your lost love in order to heal your broken relationship. These spell casters are willing to listen to your story without passing any judgment. These spells help in bring healing, light and divinity into your love life and relationships. Psychic readings help in understanding and providing guidance in the toughest of times so that you can make the right choices. There are various types of love spells available each serving a different purpose. Some want to save their marriage, others want to heal a broken relationship, or bring back the love that is lost, these love spells will help you find the love you are looking for. If your purpose in finding a love spell is true and honest than these love spells are ethically good and will not cause any harm.

These love spells will help in healing and finding solution to the root cause of your problem. These spells bring close to you an honest chance of having a true and harmonious relationship which will last for centuries. They help in bringing divine love close and offer you the results that you are looking for.

The Right Way and Time To End Relationships


end relationship 2There’s no awesome approach to put it. You had a go at being as one, and it isn’t working out. It might be over, yet you owe it to your almost ex-accomplice and yourself to be chivalrous. Furious, detached, or ambivalent, there are sure sets of accepted rules that ought to apply to each separating of ways.

Don’t Wimp Out
If you’re on the aggressive side of a breakup, the very least you can do is show up. That means no emails, no voicemails, no letters, and absolutely, indisputably, and unequivocally, no text messages. Some purists like to extend this edict to rule out phone calls as well, but honestly, sometimes a simple call is easiest for both parties. Most of us don’t really need to stare into the eyes of our soon-to-be exes. Whichever execution you choose, breakups should at least have the potential to be a two-way conversation. And that’s really best for everyone because that single conversation may be the closest to closure either of you get.

Don’t Drag it Out
Once you know it’s over, don’t wait for the right moment. It will never happen. You might have saintly intentions in the short-term, but your procrastination will be twice as cruel once your partner realizes they were the only one manning the relationship in the end. Breakups are hard. Do it anyway. When there’s no turning back, a quick and decisive break is best for both of you.

Don’t Take Cheap Shots
end relationship 1You’ll leave them feeling lousy — not only for getting dumped, but for caring about such a jerk in the first place. It may seem like science fiction now, but some day you might appreciate a friendship with this person. At the very least, you don’t want any chance encounters to come to blows. But while humanity and compassion are perfectly viable reasons not to stoop so very low, the best reason is a selfish one. Whoever they are and whatever they’ve done, their flaws can’t excuse yours. You owe it to yourself to maintain your character. Regardless of the circumstances now, you cared about this person once. That’s yours, and one day you may want to remember that fondly.

Don’t Lie
Softening the blow with euphemisms may get you out of telling them about their halitosis, but laying blame where it doesn’t belong won’t cut it. For instance, don’t claim their thoughtlessness did them in, when it was really your steamy neighbor. They won’t understand why their most romantic overtures can’t win you back. While telling them their stories put you to sleep isn’t particularly helpful (someone else may find those snoozers fascinating), chalking up a split to their busy schedule won’t work either. Most of the reasons behind a breakup can be filed under information that doesn’t help anyone, but fiction is never the answer. Keep things vague if you must — just keep your sense of reality.

Don’t Condescend
end relationship 3Put your sensitivity to good use, but hold the pity. Do your S.O. the favor of letting them escape as a whole and undamaged person in your eyes. You very well may be the best thing that ever happened to them, but they don’t have to know that you know that. As with all breakup rules of conduct, the guiding principle here is that both parties are treated as independently loveble individuals who just aren’t going to work out together.

Don’t Rush a Friendship
Hopefully, the two of you part ways civilly and can put your knowledge of and respect for each other to use in a future friendship. Key word being future. Don’t confuse things by spending time together too soon. Even if you’re the exception — even if you’re really, truly, utterly certain you can handle it. The rebound friendship spells doom. You need at least three months apart before you can try building (or returning to) a platonic relationship. Give each other some space, then you can trust you’ve given your friendship a fair chance.

A One of a Kind Love Spell


love spell 1You might have abandoned the thought of putting an enchantment spell on your crush to make him go gaga for you. Be that as it may, imagine a scenario in which you utilized a love spell in reverse – and worked some magic on yourself.

Here are a couple of spells you can put on yourself to take control of your life and open your heart to cherish. 

“Live confidently, beyond anxiety”
The best things in life (and love) require that you take risks. Sometimes you’re so afraid to take chances that you miss out on beautiful opportunities.

Courage isn’t living without fear, but living despite fear. So don’t waste your time trying to live without fear – instead, put a spell on yourself to live in spite of fear.

When you feel yourself afraid to make a move, transform your fear into energy. Take one small, bold step after another and you’ll soon be living an adventurous life that is bound to bring love to your heart.

“See others through the eyes of my heart”
love spell 2
If you’re focused on looking for your perfect mate, you may not even realize what you’re overlooking. This spell reminds you that love does not always appear where we expect it to.

By seeing others with the eyes of your heart, you’ll be forced to let go of the way you usually judge others. Things that were once your focus — appearance, money, race, age, religion, occupation – will begin to drop away. You’ll notice people you once considered off-limits, and to your surprise, may even realize you’re attracted to them. Opening your eyes is one step closer to opening your heart.

“Love myself as I want others to love me”
In your search for love, you often overlook the one person who can provide you with a never-ending supply of it: yourself. You spend so much time trying to attract and keep a mate that you forget that love is a force that begins within yourself.

Love requires a great deal of understanding, so it’s impossible to allow someone else to love you if you don’t know how to love yourself. Be kinder to yourself. Care for your physical and emotional needs. Relax. Only after you’ve learned to love yourself can you teach someone else how to best love you.

“Let love enter as it exits”


At the end of the day, the best way to get love is to give love. If you want to open your heart to receiving love, put a spell on yourself to first open your heart to giving love. Let love flow, not just to your romantic crushes, but to everyone around you – family, friends and strangers.

Find ways to be more kind and giving in all aspects of life. If you have a difference of opinion, give the other person the benefit of the doubt. If someone hurts you, let them know and forgive them. Strive to bring more love to those around you and you’ll find that more love comes to you.

Advantage of Black Magic Love Spells



Black magic is a kind of mysterious practice, which spins around the conviction that mantras, ceremonies and hexes can roll out some craved improvements in the physical world. These sorts of magic, otherwise called dark magic, is said to affect situations where one tries to murder, take, harm or at the end of the day hurt someone else. Black magic is regularly utilized with relationship of affection and sentiment spells, known as black magic love spells.

While whether or not these magic have a realistic base or not is a matter of perception, there is another kind of paradox one might face while performing such a love and romance spell. The person often feels a kind of ethical dilemma whether or not to use dark magic love and romance spells.

Love is an important aspect of life. No matter whether a person is male or female, young or old, love always presents itself in its own way. People often feel that the person he or she loves does not love him or her back. Therefore there is a need for love spell casting.

Most of the times when we say black magic, we also think of an image of white magic that is a constructive type of magic used with good interests. This makes dark magic a very bad branch of magic. But this can be decisive. Because although black magic always carries a negative aspect to itself, black magic and love spells together often makes a strong combinations.

Here are some protection suggestions and methods you can apply:lovespells2

1. Know that a big part of any black spell is to create fear. It is the fear created by the victim that fuels much of the bad luck the poor victim suffers. Naturally the one who undergoes such a wicked experience has no idea what is happening to him. He is unaware of it in most cases. Psychic attack is real. Anyone who tries to manipulate or to control another can be considered the instigator of a psychic attack.

2. Carry a crystal of black tourmaline on you to aid your energy. This crystal stone is well known to psychics and deflects a lot of the negative energy directed towards the victim back to its source. It is a very good protection crystal.

3. Do prayer and meditation. Purification practices such as prayer are a big help. The fact is the more positive energy we create for ourselves the more the psychic attack will melt away and become ineffective.

The instances of taking a piece of clothing that belongs to someone, or a fingernail clipping, a lock of hair, and then casting a spell brings bad luck to the victim. The psychic energy is alive and well on the astral level and it reaches its intended target.

Black magic love spells, considered very powerful by many, sometime makes one face the ethical dilemma discussed above about whether or not to use these spells. Naturally, if you want someone to fall in love with you and use some form of black magic love spells to do the job for you, it might seem to you as if you are forcing him or her to be with you, which is certainly not a good situation.

Similar are the situations about other types. What should one do if s/he feels like that? Are there any risks for the person who is hexed? Should you choose dark magic love spells at all? Answers to these questions can be very hard to find sometimes.

Why Love Spells Are Not Good for You


love spellsAre you tired of dating and thinking of using a love spell? I know someone who did this. He did a thorough research and is used to doing spell work. However, he was intensely educated on the topic by the results of his work. He did a spell listing of seven qualities he wanted in his next girlfriend. He got them BUT they came in seven different women! So now what? He decided to let nature take its course after that.


So the most obvious question is, “What went wrong?” He was not specific, yet even if he was, and dotted every “i” and crossed every “t,” would there have been some sort of flaw? My opinion is yes! Love and relationships are tools that affect us more deeply than any other. Those two aspects of life are the very foundation of experience and our existence here. So, of course, the greatest tool for our enlightenment lies in them.

When we look through the eyes of a psychic, we’re looking to see the future, to understand what is coming, or what is happening in the now. That seeking of clarity is an attempt to understand “God’s Will” or the nature of the universe as it stands. We are seeking wisdom and guidance. We use this information to affect control over our own life, to exercise our own free will.

We get into trouble when we try to take over the controls for other people! I really don’t believe that any type of “spell” works as we desire it to when we attempt to take over another’s free will. The very concept of “stealing” that person’s choice goes against natural laws or lessons we see in almost all of the religions or belief systems that exist. There is a big difference between religion and spirituality, yet in both it’s clear that to force your will on another is wrong. That is why I believe that no love spell could ever be specific enough to get you clearly and exactly what you want.


Let’s compare a love spell to the tale of the “Monkey’s Paw.” The bereaved mother wishes for her dead son to come back to life. When he does, he is not her son. He is a dead thing without a soul. If you get love or sex without that person’s total and willful permission, will it satisfy? No.

Where would you be on your path to enlightenment if you were to accept the situation and move on, rather than proving that love stolen, not given, is empty? As many children will attest, getting what you want whenever you want it does not insure happiness. Acceptance that only mutual love is rewarding will save you years of pain and suffering, and this will bring you more quickly to mutual, natural love and relationship!

Stop Being Treated as a Doormat


doormatAre you a DOORMAT? Let’s hope not! I’ll admit, I used to have doormat-like tendencies before I started my healing and recovery journey. Today, I can say, I am learning how NOT to be a doormat in every area of my life.

A doormat is a tool; a rug that we use on the front door of our homes to keep dirty shoes from traipsing mud onto our floors. We don’t think about the doormat, we just walk on it, leaving our dirt all over it.

People are also called doormats. These are the folks that everyone takes advantage of. They can’t say no, and they do everything asked of them. It’s obvious to people who are not doormats that people who are doormats think they’re worthless.

Hungry for Love 

hungry_for_love_by_soniaallaham-d4ll539It is no fun to be so hungry for love that we are tempted to lower our standards so much and tolerate a very negative or emotionally unhealthy person. When you’re a doormat, that behavior actually competes with the wisdom of your higher self. I had a client who was a people-pleaser and giver to the point of being a royal doormat. She would frequently call up her friends (many rather self-absorbed) to make sure they were emotionally okay and that they weren’t mad at her. For some reason she chose to read anyone’s moodiness as a belief that they were mad at her. I worked with her to recognize her impulsive need to feel okay by over-giving to everyone else and neglecting her own needs.

So what happened to make her want to change? She got hurt. She got rejected. She got the message big time that she wasn’t important to her friends and the only time they had connection was when she was there for them, and not the other way around. She woke up one morning and heard a thought in her head: “I deserve better.”

Your Deserve Better

9c204340be683541849a7af6437f5456After acknowledging that she deserved better, she didn’t turn into an entitled princess. She came to realize her doormat impulses and found that the reason she was trying to make sure everyone was pleased and not mad at her was because that is how she was creating her sense of safety. It turned out that one of her parents exhibited a lot of rage and of course, it scared her, so my client developed the impulse to make sure everyone around her was happy because she needed to feel safe.

The next step to healing was to learn how to create safety in a different way. I worked with my client to connect with her higher self and learn the wisdom of how to feel safe, yet not be a doormat.

For instance, my client finally said no to helping a friend of hers move for a second time away from her cheating boyfriend after helping her the first time. The friend was so upset and at first my client felt guilty about saying no, but eventually she realized it was the right thing to do. When your responses come from your higher-self impulse rather than fear and insecurity, unique things can happen.