Perfect Spell To bring Back Your Lost Love


Some are very negative to the idea of chanting spells but don’t worry about it as they haven’t tried how can spells change a life of someone who needs it. If you cast a candle spell to bring back lost love, you’re at least making your wishes known to the universe. However, it’s important to know that it must never interfere with the free will of the person, no matter how much you miss his quirks.

Candle Magic Basics

Candle magic is a very old and powerful form of sympathetic magic, but it is also one of the simplest types of magic to use for casting spells. Candle magic can be simple or complicated, just as relationships can. Casting the spell can involve a fancy ritual, but that’s not necessary to win back the affections of the one you love. Once you are familiar with the basics involved in candle magic, it’s simple to customize a spell to your needs.

Choosing and Charging a Candle for a Magic Spell

It is important to learn the basics before performing candle magic. First, learn the candle colors associated with the various types of spells; burning the wrong candle color could affect the outcome of your spell. An excellent chart for candle magic colors is posted at The Magickal Cat. In most Wiccan and pagan communities, you can substitute a white candle if the appropriate colored candle is not available. Natural beeswax or soy candles are preferred over petroleum-based candles, but you’re not destined to a long, lonely life if you can’t find that type. Any kind of candle will work–just make sure it’s never been burned.

Once you’ve found the best candle for your spell, charge it for your needs. This is also known as dressing, or preparing your candle. The process involves anointing it with oil, carving it with the letters or symbols that represent what you want, and giving it your energy. Hold the candle in your dominant hand and then hold your other hand out, palm up, as if receiving energy from the universe. Imagine what you want your end result to be once the spell has had time to have an effect. Imagine yourself pulling in energy from the universe so that it can mix with your intention and then be fed ino the candle in your dominant hand. Place the candle in its holder and set out to cast your spell.

Casting the Spell

Once you have chosen and charged your candle you are finally ready to cast the spell and hopefully reunite with your special someone.

  1. Prepare yourself for the spell by clearing your area and your mind. Relax and hold the candle while visualizing the desired outcome as you send your energy from your hands into the candle.
  2. Light the candle and continue to visualize the outcome as you think about the results you desire. Focus all your energy on the results as you watch the candle burn for a period of time.
  3. Allow your candle to burn out or extinguish it safely.

Simple Candle Spells to Bring Back Lost Love

Did you and your lover ever carve your names inside of a heart on a tree in the backyard? You can revisit that here. Using a virgin red candle, carve the first name of your lost love into it with the tip of a knife or a nail. Carve the name of your lost love lengthwise on the candle, stopping approximately one inch from the candle base. Anoint your candle using virgin olive oil and place it in its candle holder.

Take seven thorns from a red rose bush or use straight pins if you do not have rose thorns. Place the pins into the letters of the name you inscribed on the candle.

Light the candle and visualize your love coming back to you as you concentrate only on that thought.

Repeat the simple spell three times:

Powers of the universe

Bring (insert first name) back to me

This is my will

So mote it be.

As the candle burns down through each thorn, or straight pin, your love will have good thoughts of you and will want to be with you.

An Alternate Spell

Another spell you can recite as your candle burns down:

Bring back my love that I know,

With his return, our love shall grow.

Universe, bring him back to stay,

I’m sure he will come back someday.

Inspire Your Love to Return

Casting a candle spell to bring back lost love can bring someone special back to you as long as the spell is cast without harm to anyone. Relax, cast your spell, and think of the one you love running back into your arms.


  1. The detailed steps on how to cast a candle spell are quite informative. The emphasis on responsible spell casting is commendable, especially the part about respecting the free will of others.

  2. The explanation of the importance of candle color and the process of ‘charging’ the candle adds depth to the article. It caters well to beginners who are just starting to explore candle magic.

  3. While the efficacy of such practices is debatable, the article does a good job of outlining the steps involved in candle magic. It’s also good to see a note on using natural materials like beeswax or soy candles.

  4. From a psychological perspective, the process described here could serve as a form of ritualistic intent setting, which might help individuals focus on their desires. It’s intriguing how ancient practices find relevance in modern times.

  5. The article provides a structured approach to candle magic, emphasizing the importance of not interfering with another person’s free will. It’s an interesting read for those curious about esoteric practices.


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